
標題: 救恩/聖類斯/高主教/蘇浙... [打印本頁]

作者: artroboy    時間: 10-11-15 11:32     標題: 救恩/聖類斯/高主教/蘇浙...


1) 救恩 - 男女校, 活動教學, 開心無壓力, 程度較淺, 無直屬中學, 可享 net 11 升中網, 參加大抽獎不留位(轉為 wl).

2) 聖類斯 - 男校, 校舍特大, 數理好, 文弱, 雖然是英小, 但英文不算強.近年老師有流動. 有直屬津中(中中, band 2). 可留位兼參加大抽獎...

3) 高主校 - 男女校, 英小, 功課較多, 將有資優會陪訓 . 大部份老師約己教了有8-10年. 英文強 (教深半年) , 派位好. 有直屬津中 (英中, Band 1 尾), 參加大抽獎不留位. (取消學位).

4) 蘇浙 - 男女校, 普教中, 普通話十分強.學術方面亦強, 功課多, 教深一年. 活動量少, 亦不太鼓勵課外活動. 傳統之中的表表者. 有直資中學 (中中, band 2 尾), 派位好. 可以留位兼參加大抽獎.

作者: jnwchan    時間: 10-11-15 18:58

聖類斯的直屬中學仍是全英中(佢自願減班,  所以變成 4 班全英文)
作者: Almond.    時間: 10-11-16 09:06

作者: mhddm    時間: 10-11-16 09:56

聖類斯中學 is a good school : 4 班全英文; Percentage of students with 14 points or more from the best 6 subjects in HKCEE :  around 50%
2008/2009: 55.1%
; 2009/10 (last year): 53.1%
作者: nicolemummy    時間: 10-11-16 10:20


感謝你的資料. 聖類斯小學在中西區, 多人由小學部到KC嗎?

原帖由 mhddm 於 10-11-16 09:56 發表
聖類斯中學 is a good school : 4 班全英文; Percentage of students with 14 points or more from the best 6 subjects in HKCEE :  around 50%
2008/2009: 55.1%
; 2009/10 (last year): 53.1%

作者: Gogojuly    時間: 10-11-16 10:30

原帖由 artroboy 於 10-11-15 11:32 發表

1) 救恩 - 男女校, 活動教學, 開心無壓力, 程度較淺, 無直屬中學, 可享 net 11 升中網, 參加大抽獎不留位(轉為 wl).

2) 聖類斯 - 男校, 校舍特大, 數理好, 文弱, 雖然是英小, 但英文不算強.近年老師有流 ...

作者: gobbys    時間: 10-11-16 14:17

I will choose "高主校" as it's a good secondary school.

蘇浙: not much area for primary school student to play/walk around.  Boy likes to run !

Compared 聖類斯 & 救恩 with 高主校, I believe the English program in "高主校" is better.
作者: artroboy    時間: 10-11-16 14:23

thanks for your advice, will think about it..

原帖由 gobbys 於 10-11-16 14:17 發表
I will choose "高主校" as it's a good secondary school.

蘇浙: not much area for primary school student to play/walk around.  Boy likes to run !

Compared 聖類斯 & 救恩 with 高主校, I believe the Eng ...

作者: alancwko    時間: 10-11-16 14:57

原帖由 gobbys 於 10-11-16 14:17 發表
I will choose "高主校" as it's a good secondary school.

蘇浙: not much area for primary school student to play/walk around.  Boy likes to run !

Compared 聖類斯 & 救恩 with 高主校, I believe the Eng ...

各路英雄, 我都有差唔多的問題, 請到小弟個博到發表一下高見


[ 本帖最後由 alancwko 於 10-11-16 14:59 編輯 ]
作者: nicolemummy    時間: 10-11-16 21:16

在SLS中學的網站, 看到會考成績並不弱. 語文成績很強.

Percentage of Grades Awarded E or above
SubjectSt. Louis SchoolHK Students
Religious Studies67.6%72.7%
Chinese Language93.7%75.2%
English Language99.4%68.2%
Principles of Accounts76.7%74.8%
Chinese History79.2%70.8%
Visual Arts93.3%81.2%

[ 本帖最後由 nicolemummy 於 10-11-16 21:17 編輯 ]
作者: alancwko    時間: 10-11-17 03:06

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 10-11-16 21:16 發表
在SLS中學的網站, 看到會考成績並不弱. 語文成績很強.

Percentage of Grades Awarded E or aboveSubjectSt. Louis SchoolHK StudentsReligious Studies67.6%72.7%Chinese Language93.7%75.2%English Language99.4%6 ...

It's better to know the percentage of grade C or above as well. It can be misleading if you just get those of grade E or above
作者: nicolemummy    時間: 10-11-17 06:53

I understand, but I don't have these information. I just copy and paste from school website.

原帖由 alancwko 於 10-11-17 03:06 發表

It's better to know the percentage of grade C or above as well. It can be misleading if you just get those of grade E or above

作者: alancwko    時間: 10-11-17 10:22

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 10-11-17 06:53 發表
I understand, but I don't have these information. I just copy and paste from school website.

Every act has its intention, so I think the school wants to hide something from the parents, maybe there is a wide different between the top and the bottom student. Say, 60% get C or above but 40% get D and E

If you can find the whole school average 6 subject score in HKCEE, we may answer this question. If the average mark is high, then everyone is smart. If the average mark lies at median, it suggest that there are a considerable portion of "bottom" students to offset the marks scored by "top" students.
作者: gobbys    時間: 10-11-17 11:22

We're now discussing the primary school section. Should you focus on the primary student result ?

like 兩文三語能力 ? "呈分試" result  ?

I suggest u go to these schools neigborhood to watch the behaviour of the students like the way they talk/act/play.   Then you should find out which school you like. ^-^

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 10-11-16 09:16 PM 發表
在SLS中學的網站, 看到會考成績並不弱. 語文成績很強.

作者: siumao    時間: 10-11-17 13:04


我自己就覺得, 高主教有直屬band1中學, 這一點已經足以令我放棄kcs

但老公就話, 高主教不能參加大抽獎, 無機會搏st joseph/華仁...而且kcs的升中派位還可以

any comments pls?
作者: loklik451    時間: 10-11-17 13:07

作者: siumao    時間: 10-11-17 13:34

當你站在十字路口的時候, 就會猶豫, 怕做錯決定, 而這個決定的後果卻不是由自己來承擔, 而是會影響寶貝兒女, 這不是貪心不貪心的問題吧~

當然, 我可以兩個offer都接受了, hold住再慢慢考慮, 但我更希望聽取大家的意見, 早早做決定, 一家便宜兩家著~

我自己一人可以做決定的話, 我一定選高主教, 但是現在要說服老公 ... @@
作者: mow-mow    時間: 10-11-17 13:46

There is only a small chance at the lucky draw.
If your son does well during the primary school years at 高主教, he can still try for st joseph/華仁  secondary school later as they are in the same school net.

原帖由 siumao 於 10-11-17 13:34 發表
當你站在十字路口的時候, 就會猶豫, 怕做錯決定, 而這個決定的後果卻不是由自己來承擔, 而是會影響寶貝兒女, 這不是貪心不貪心的問題吧~

當然, 我可以兩個offer都接受了, hold住再慢慢考慮, 但我更希望聽取大家的意 ...

作者: mhddm    時間: 10-11-17 13:54

st joseph and 華仁  secondary school are not in same net.
St. Joseph is Central West
華仁 is Wan Chai
作者: siumao    時間: 10-11-17 14:02


其實我不大懂升中派位, 升中是不是按就讀小學的校網派位? 自行分配時可報的兩間學校需要看校網嗎?

這樣我就可以同老公講到升中時還是有機會考st joseph/華仁, 甚至皇仁了~對嗎?

原帖由 mow-mow 於 10-11-17 13:46 發表
There is only a small chance at the lucky draw.
If your son does well during the primary school years at 高主教, he can still try for st joseph/華仁  secondary school later as they are in the same sch ...

作者: siumao    時間: 10-11-17 14:07

係喎~st joseph college 在堅尼地道的~謝謝你的補充

原帖由 mhddm 於 10-11-17 13:54 發表
st joseph and 華仁  secondary school are not in same net.
St. Joseph is Central West
華仁 is Wan Chai

作者: mozartmom    時間: 10-11-17 14:51

Try to ask your kid.

Regarding the teaching approach, Kau Yan is unique from the others. Also, just find that there are 4 classes in Kau Yan P1 and each class has less than 30 people. Their Chinese is PUTONGHUA Chinese and their English teaching emphasis on reading, doing projects and presentations like IB schools. They are great in Sports. Therefore, their interview requested kids to wear sports wear to attend. I think that they pick more sporty kids. Is your kid taller and being more active? Besides, they have two orchestra and have a lot of performance opportunities as they have a church also. The chance of getting an offer in Kau Yan this year is less than 10% if you are not their kindergarten student.

Other schools are more traditional schools.  

原帖由 artroboy 於 10-11-15 11:32 發表

1) 救恩 - 男女校, 活動教學, 開心無壓力, 程度較淺, 無直屬中學, 可享 net 11 升中網, 參加大抽獎不留位(轉為 wl).

2) 聖類斯 - 男校, 校舍特大, 數理好, 文弱, 雖然是英小, 但英文不算強.近年老師有流 ...

作者: alancwko    時間: 10-11-17 15:09

原帖由 siumao 於 10-11-17 14:02 發表

其實我不大懂升中派位, 升中是不是按就讀小學的校網派位? 自行分配時可報的兩間學校需要看校網嗎?

這樣我就可以同老公講到升中時還是有機會考st joseph/華仁, 甚至皇仁了~對嗎?


the answer is here
作者: siumao    時間: 10-11-17 16:34

小學都未入走去睇升中資料~頭先仲去埋"升中派位" 討論區研究左一輪...覺得自己傻左~人都癲! @@

原帖由 alancwko 於 10-11-17 15:09 發表

the answer is here

作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-17 16:38

唔癲, 我仔而家仲為考幼稚園作戰. 救恩幼係其中一間, 唔睇埋小學, 中學, 都唔知點落決定.

原帖由 siumao 於 10-11-17 16:34 發表
小學都未入走去睇升中資料~頭先仲去埋"升中派位" 討論區研究左一輪...覺得自己傻左~人都癲! @@

作者: carphoto    時間: 10-11-17 22:38

我仔讀緊救恩k3, 我亦都會比佢上小一.

我諗中文方面,好多學校宜家都係普通話教學, 高主教係, 蘇浙就直程係強項. 但教學方針, 我比較想小朋友可以開心學習多, 唔想小一就背背背,一日6,7樣功課果d學校.

我聽過有細路小一已經要睇心理醫生同失眠, 不過都唔係讀好出名的小學, 只係中西區一間普通津校.

但其實4間都係好學校, 各有所求law.
作者: alancwko    時間: 10-11-18 02:22

原帖由 siumao 於 10-11-17 13:04 發表

我自己就覺得, 高主教有直屬band1中學, 這一點已經足以令我放棄kcs

但老公就話, 高主教不能參加大抽獎, 無機會搏st joseph/華仁...而且kcs的升中派位還可以

any comments pls? ...

哈哈, 震驚嗎
我覺得唔出奇, 因為名校有些人真的很屎, 佢地俾學校利用來在學界比賽度獎, 唔合格都升到班, 有牌有班升, 所以拖低全校平均分數
高主教呢, 我想佢重視讀書多過牌, 所以整體會考平均分高, 排名就高
作者: YChan.Family    時間: 10-11-18 07:46

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: YChan.Family    時間: 10-11-18 07:48

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: YChan.Family    時間: 10-11-18 07:49     標題: 高主教

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-18 10:34

如此說, 是否救恩小會做好 d project 而比較少抄寫默測? 小六除左匯基 (太遠, 應該都唔會去讀), 出路如何?

原帖由 carphoto 於 10-11-17 22:38 發表
我仔讀緊救恩k3, 我亦都會比佢上小一.

我諗中文方面,好多學校宜家都係普通話教學, 高主教係, 蘇浙就直程係強項. 但教學方針, 我比較想小朋友可以開心學習多, 唔想小一就背背背,一日6,7樣功課果d學校.

我聽過有細路 ...

作者: meow~meow    時間: 10-11-18 10:39

it is a very happy school for kids without doubt.

原帖由 w_y 於 10-11-18 10:34 發表
如此說, 是否救恩小會做好 d project 而比較少抄寫默測? 小六除左匯基 (太遠, 應該都唔會去讀), 出路如何?

作者: loklik451    時間: 10-11-18 11:52


高主教, 重紀律,英文程度好,一條龍, 競爭力大,屬於學術性較強既學校.

救恩, 活動教學,鼓勵自我學習,同時鼓勵大量閱讀,校長以及老師都係有心之人,鼓吹全人教育,相信競爭無高記大.小朋友enjoy返學.

置於中學校綱,高主教及救恩都身處靓綱(net 12 & net 11) 無需擔憂.

作者: mozartmom    時間: 10-11-18 12:10

check the following for the secondary schools that Kau Yan students will enter:



I think that the result will be even better in the coming years owing to the improvements after Gloria joining the school since 2008.

Please check the curriculum under the link below. It is just like a good price IB school: (this kind of design is very demanding for the teachers / school but very effective for the students)

The changes have been made since the 2008.
原帖由 w_y 於 10-11-18 10:34 發表
如此說, 是否救恩小會做好 d project 而比較少抄寫默測? 小六除左匯基 (太遠, 應該都唔會去讀), 出路如何?

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-11-18 12:43


原帖由 siumao 於 10-11-17 16:34 發表
小學都未入走去睇升中資料~頭先仲去埋"升中派位" 討論區研究左一輪...覺得自己傻左~人都癲! @@

作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-18 13:28

謝謝你, 睇完心中有個打算了. 其實應該我自己睇左先發問, 次次上救恩都係睇幼稚園, 懶左少少添. 雖然幼園唔係必收, 不過都係要想清楚, 但要咁細個就決定大方向, 真不是我所想. 但唔係咁樣, 考小又會好困難. 我覺得假設呢幾間都收, 就要睇小朋友係邊種學習模式比較合適去決定.

原帖由 mozartmom 於 10-11-18 12:10 發表
check the following for the secondary schools that Kau Yan students will enter:


http://www.kauyan.edu.hk/primary/doc/0809sspa_result_chi ...

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