
標題: 八下今年大家最想考入的幼稚園係邊一間呢??? [打印本頁]

作者: jcmchan    時間: 10-11-11 15:37     標題: 八下今年大家最想考入的幼稚園係邊一間呢???


我最想: SC   
原因   : 言語好及活動教學及三四十年歷史,對佢有信心!
作者: 小黑牛    時間: 10-11-11 15:41

作者: meimei223    時間: 10-11-11 15:48

我最想 1): SPK
原因   :有中小學支持

我最想 2): SC   
原因   : 言語好及活動教學--對

我最想 3): 聖瑪加利大   
原因   : 派位好
作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-11-11 16:10

原帖由 meimei223 於 10-11-11 15:48 發表
我最想 1): SPK
原因   :有中小學支持

我最想 2): SC   
原因   : 言語好及活動教學--對

我最想 3): 聖瑪加利大   
原因   : 派位好 ...

作者: iantsang    時間: 10-11-11 16:28

No direct relationships during stage 2 (Central allocation).

However, it is believed that some kindergartens may have maintain good relationships with certain primary schools and it will become favorable during the so-called stage 3 (door-knocking).

What need to be aware is it also depends on how many parents will give up on these primary schools after allocation.  It is because as EDB has changed policy last year, the extra spaces available has become very very limited unless someone give it up.  For small class primary schools, it is 2 extra spaces per class (note nowadays primary schools have very few classes due to low birth rate, many only have 1 to 2 classes a year).  Even for big classes ones, the limit is 3 per class.

原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-11-11 16:10 發表


作者: nataliepsc    時間: 10-11-11 16:47

There should be no direct relationship, but the results of St. Margaret's speaks for itself, 好到你唔信唔得!  Have a look at the link below. ALL of my friends at church whose daughters studied at St. Margaret's are now either in St. Paul's Primary or Marymount.

What a pity that we missed downloading the form on 30/10!!!!!I'm still blaming myself..

作者: mykate    時間: 10-11-11 16:51

原帖由 nataliepsc 於 10-11-11 16:47 發表
There should be no direct relationship, but the results of St. Margaret's speaks for itself, 好到你唔信唔得!  Have a look at the link below. ALL of my friends at church whose daughters studied at St.  ...

會唔會係因為讀SMM 的, 大多有20分?
作者: iantsang    時間: 10-11-11 17:06

Probably 20 points or even more.  If look carefully, the allocation result is highly skew towards Catholic primary schools (less than 5% attending Christian schools).  Moreover, having three Catholic girls' schools in net 12 would also be a reason, combine with the past few years of low number of P1 students.

I do think St. Margaret's is a very good kindergarten, but worth paying attention is they have changed to new principal this year.  Just for information.

原帖由 mykate 於 10-11-11 16:51 發表

會唔會係因為讀SMM 的, 大多有20分?

作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-11-11 17:21

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-11-11 16:28 發表
.......It is because as EDB has changed policy last year, the extra spaces available has become very very limited unless someone give it up.  For small class primary schools, it is 2 extra spaces per class ...


在小班教學的制度下, 官津校的叩門位真係少之有少, 就算某某幼稚園盛傳和乜乜小學友好, 但叩門位咁少, 剩係你自己間幼稚園都有幾十人同你爭, 更何況仲有其他跨區的精英呢?  

St Margaret 的派位真係好好, 估計好多教友申請, 佢地每人有20分, 一定比15分那班有更大機會入到心儀小學, that's the reason for the good allocation result.

[ 本帖最後由 shootingstar 於 10-11-11 17:23 編輯 ]
作者: jcmchan    時間: 10-11-11 17:22

作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-11 17:29

實在說, 我不知 st margaret 係咪收生時有天主教友優先呢樣野, 但相對, 住灣仔區教友唔少都來自呢個堂區, 選擇讀返呢間幼稚園好正常, 咁就已經第一輪20分, 次輪 12 網, 勝算自然高. 仲未計本身父母都係果幾間名校舊生的話, 簡直係sure win.

同樣地, 好多人認為九龍塘某些學校, 收生時仲會睇下你 "本錢" (有幾分, 住邊個網之類), 以確保將來派位結果有返咁上下. 信不信由你.
作者: elmolly    時間: 10-11-11 17:33

原帖由 iantsang 於 10-11-11 17:06 發表
Probably 20 points or even more.  If look carefully, the allocation result is highly skew towards Catholic primary schools (less than 5% attending Christian schools).  Moreover, having three Catholic  ...

I studied this kg carefully last year as we got the offer finally. another reason for the good allocation is probably because most students at SMM should be living in net 12, which not so hard to get the seat through lucky darw and if so, likely some of them have sisters studying at those "famous schools".
作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-11 17:47     標題: 派位好

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作者: GAT    時間: 10-11-11 17:48

Top choice is Sheng Kung Hui - but is seems to be a dream for me!
作者: luiflora    時間: 10-11-12 10:19

我上年第一志願是:沙田樂基,放棄了全部9龍塘學校.今年抱住八卦心態去in SC & KV , 只報兩間,回家後仔仔講到今早都仲講佢唔返樂基要返KV,問佢點解,佢又講得出,有大樹有天空有魚有鳥有沙有..........課室大好舒服.....好多字(仔仔係喜歡睇書).....佢話樂基悶成日都唱個D歌(不過我覺得學校又好好).......

作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-11-12 11:13

原帖由 luiflora 於 10-11-12 10:19 發表
我上年第一志願是:沙田樂基,放棄了全部9龍塘學校.今年抱住八卦心態去in SC & KV , 只報兩間,回家後仔仔講到今早都仲講佢唔返樂基要返KV,問佢點解,佢又講得出,有大樹有天空有魚有鳥有沙有..........課室大好舒服..... ...

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-11-12 11:20

信不信由你!!  讀天主教kg 好處係唔會好似york 咁要收$$ 先可以受浸.  如果小朋友讀天主教kg, 好多學校都會建議家長返暮道班跟手幫小朋友受浸取多5分, 所以好多讀天主教kg 的小朋友都會有20分去抽.  加上讀得聖瑪加利大都係住net 12居多, 所以抽到net 12 天主教小學為數最多.
作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-11-12 11:42

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 10-11-12 11:20 發表
信不信由你!!  讀天主教kg 好處係唔會好似york 咁要收$$ 先可以受浸.  如果小朋友讀天主教kg, 好多學校都會建議家長返暮道班跟手幫小朋友受浸取多5分, 所以好多讀天主教kg 的小朋友都會有20分去抽.  加上讀得聖瑪加 ...

所以要入Marymount呢d冇25分都冇得sure win,20分也只是入場分而已
作者: skhyear    時間: 10-11-12 11:49

s t  c a t
作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-11-12 12:02

原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-11-12 11:42 發表

所以要入Marymount呢d冇25分都冇得sure win,20分也只是入場分而已

25分其實都可以話sure win 架, 邊有咁多25分!! 20分抽marymount 都有機, 始終有唔小人不願冒險, 有st paul's/聖心/聖方濟各 offer 已經好滿足.  而且marymount 真係幾深, 讀唔上想轉返出 st paul's/聖心/聖方濟各 都未必有位, 到時真係兩個唔到岸.
作者: nataliepsc    時間: 10-11-12 14:24


hehe, 第一, 冒緊險...20分學人抽marymount, 知道機會渺茫都想試

第二, 我好多friend囡囡都係讀st margaret但唔係住o個區,  1個南區, 2個chai wan, 1個康怡, 其中仲有一個係細女添 (領左洗都係15分), 其他全部係大女所以無家姐係度讀, 而且媽媽亦無一個係old girls, 全部都派左st paul girls ...所以好後悔當初無take st margaret個pm offer..

第三, I don't really think good allocation result is from previous generation.  This "lucky draw" & DSS scheme has already come into effect for a couple of years, yet allocation results of SMK had continued to be good.  Have a look at the link and you will see the latest info.  The result does speak for itself.
作者: qqbabe    時間: 10-11-12 14:46

原帖由 nataliepsc 於 10-11-12 14:24 發表

第二, 我好多friend囡囡都係讀st margaret但唔係住o個區,  1個南區, 2個chai wan, 1個康怡, 其中仲有一個係細女添 (領左洗都係15分), 其他全部係大女所以無家姐係度讀, 而且媽媽亦無一個係old girls, 全部都派左st paul girls ...

net12頂頭大熱係marymount, 次選st francis', 可能因為半日班st paul才算第3位, 如果你朋友將st paul放第一, 咁勝算又會大d, 會唔會係咁原因?
作者: hilarylau    時間: 10-11-12 14:51     標題: 回復 17# 仔仔錫錫你 的帖子

信不信由你!!  讀天主教kg 好處係唔會好似york 咁要收$$ 先可以受浸.  如果小朋友讀天主教kg, 好多學校都會建議家長返暮道班跟手幫小朋友受浸取多5分, 所以好多讀天主教kg 的小朋友都會有20分去抽.  加上讀得聖瑪加利大都係住net 12居多, 所以抽到net 12 天主教小學為數最多.

但係入得 K1, 經巳無得跟DADDY MAMI受洗啦.  成人入天主教要慕道兩年, 領左洗, 先至可以幫係三歲以下的兒女領洗的.
作者: meloeskie2    時間: 10-11-12 15:31     標題: 回復 23# hilarylau 的帖子

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-11-12 16:29     標題: 回復 23# hilarylau 的帖子

所以我話信不信由你, 大部份天主教kg而佢地校舍又在教堂內的話, 只要你完成暮道班, 佢地都會幫你小朋友浸埋 even over 3 years old.
作者: mandy_ma    時間: 10-11-12 16:47     標題: 回復 21# nataliepsc 的帖子

i agree with u

SM is my first choice for their excellent p1 allocation!
作者: 嘻嘻    時間: 10-11-12 16:53

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作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-12 19:02     標題: 回復 7# nataliepsc 的帖子

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作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-12 19:48

有試過WY old boy 唔收, 20分非教友都無咩著數.
作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-12 21:41

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 10-11-12 16:29 發表
所以我話信不信由你, 大部份天主教kg而佢地校舍又在教堂內的話, 只要你完成暮道班, 佢地都會幫你小朋友浸埋 even over 3 years old.

may i ask u a private question??which school they are studying in??
作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-12 23:38     標題: 回復 2# w_y 的帖子

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作者: viandes    時間: 10-11-13 00:31

首選: 民生
次選: 培正
三選: 崇真
四選: 宣道

原帖由 嘻嘻 於 10-11-12 16:53 發表

作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-13 02:51

really 20 marks for marymount is very low chance,really no hope??? .......so i need to become a catholic .......but how can???

原帖由 nataliepsc 於 10-11-12 14:24 發表

hehe, 第一, 冒緊險...20分學人抽marymount, 知道機會渺茫都想試

第二, 我好多friend囡囡都係讀st margaret但唔係住o個區,  1個南區, 2個chai wan, 1個康怡, 其中仲有一個係細女添 (領左洗 ...

作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-13 02:56

is it mean that if you are not a catholic even your child's performance is good during interview,the chance of studying in st.margaret is very low????

原帖由 wootaitai 於 10-11-12 19:02 發表
this is totally irrelevant to St Margaret. In reality, if you have 20 pts (big girl + catholic) its really a blessing。 if you do not aim for  Marymount/ Maryknoll/ St Mary, you can choose from Sacred ...

作者: elmolly    時間: 10-11-13 03:43     標題: 回復 1# yantabo 的帖子

I don't think so, my girl didn't baptise yet when she had the interview at SMM, she got the offer finally.
作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-11-13 08:36

原帖由 elmolly 於 10-11-13 03:43 發表
I don't think so, my girl didn't baptise yet when she had the interview at SMM, she got the offer finally.

your girl didn't baptise before the SMM interview, but are you / your husband a catholic?
作者: rainrain613    時間: 10-11-13 09:38     標題: 回復 17# 仔仔錫錫你 的帖子

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 10-11-12 11:20 發表
信不信由你!!  讀天主教kg 好處係唔會好似york 咁要收$$ 先可以受浸.  如果小朋友讀天主教kg, 好多學校都會建議家長返暮道班跟手幫小朋友受浸取多5分, 所以好多讀天主教kg 的小朋友都會有20分去抽.  加上讀得聖瑪加 ...

好想知道這樣會好嗎? 因不信天主卻說:如果小朋友讀天主教kg, 好多學校都會建議家長返暮道班跟手幫小朋友受浸取多5分, 所以好多讀天主教kg 的小朋友都會有20分去抽.
小朋友有他們自己的兒童暮道班要上.為什麼說跟手? 除了一出世bb的父母是天主教徒,這樣bb便可出世接受領洗.

[ 本帖最後由 rainrain613 於 10-11-13 09:41 編輯 ]
作者: rainrain613    時間: 10-11-13 09:44     標題: 回復 24# meloeskie2 的帖子

原帖由 meloeskie2 於 10-11-12 15:31 發表


[ 本帖最後由 rainrain613 於 10-11-13 09:48 編輯 ]
作者: 3pigmama    時間: 10-11-13 13:45

請問民生,宣道同培正的Kindergarten  及小學是否以中文教學
作者: faitakb    時間: 10-11-13 14:05     標題: 回復 39# 3pigmama 的帖子

培正是中文教學(英文課除外) 民生同宣道應該是以英文為主.
作者: dlmcdlcl    時間: 10-11-13 14:16

我最想 1): 培正
原因   :有小學backup

我最想 2): 宣幼  
原因   : 有小學backup even 唔會100%收晒,但讀得唔太差都應該ok

我最想 3): KV
原因 : 其實哥哥讀緊KV, 因為煩哥哥考小一已經很心煩, 所以如果入到以上2間, 就唔會考慮KV.
作者: elmolly    時間: 10-11-13 14:42     標題: 回復 6# shootingstar 的帖子

no, we were not catholic that time, our whole family baptised together this Easter, but I didn't inform SMM for the baptism, that's why I don't think they only consider/have preference on Catholic.
作者: cutekiddy    時間: 10-11-13 18:14     標題: 回復 34# yantabo 的帖子

阿仔kindergarten係smm讀,我地唔係天主教,我同老公亦唔係名校校友,但係住net 12.仲記得interview時得老公同佢去,阿仔連自己個名都無講比老師聽.

阿仔上年抽小一得15分,1st round st. joseph's 當然唔得, 2nd round先抽到,依家讀緊.

[ 本帖最後由 cutekiddy 於 10-11-13 18:17 編輯 ]
作者: nataliepsc    時間: 10-11-13 23:24

2003年出生率低, 我朋友個大仔, baptised, 住杏花, 讀杏花村啟思, daddy唔係old boy, 所以20分, round 1 自行分配學位已經入左華仁
作者: nataliepsc    時間: 10-11-13 23:39

As far as I understand, St. Paul Girls is definitely a good and popular school, so I wonder if 15 / 20 points are safe at all to be admitted.  

Nevertheless, my "statistics" only came from my friends and is for reference.  I only know 7 couples who had children studying @ st. Margaret's, and none of them were in net 12 but so happen 100% of them (5 girls & 2 boys) got admitted by St Paul Girls, Marymount or Wan Yan.  3 of them were younger children of the family & their siblings were of the opposite gender so they got no extra marks.  1 of them was not admitted in round 1 but the kindergarten did help in the "knock door process".
作者: nataliepsc    時間: 10-11-13 23:44

Back to the original topic, our top choice would be SPK, but I'm afraid this would be "mission impossible" for our shy little one.
作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-14 01:14

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作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-14 01:15

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作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-11-14 01:15

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作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-14 15:33

really that's i have hope for SMM.....are your daughter still studying there???is it u mean that even u are not a catholic, SMM still accept your daughter and after she studied for a peroid of time,the school will suggest your daughter to baptise???also i think that your daughter's performance during interview was very good!!!

原帖由 elmolly 於 10-11-13 03:43 發表
I don't think so, my girl didn't baptise yet when she had the interview at SMM, she got the offer finally.

作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-14 15:42

wow that's very good luck.....maybe few years before the birth rate was not that high,but 2007 & 2008 were very high.....it's very competitive...that's make the parents headache!!!

原帖由 cutekiddy 於 10-11-13 18:14 發表
阿仔kindergarten係smm讀,我地唔係天主教,我同老公亦唔係名校校友,但係住net 12.仲記得interview時得老公同佢去,阿仔連自己個名都無講比老師聽.

阿仔上年抽小一得15分,1st round st. joseph's 當然唔得, 2nd round ...

作者: yantabo    時間: 10-11-14 15:53

back to the  topic...SMM is the first choice
作者: LUIGI    時間: 10-11-14 23:24

CCKG for sure.  Bigger chance for famous primary school.

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