
標題: Awards important ?? [打印本頁]

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 06:53     標題: Awards important ??


Any parents can share with me that obtaining serevals awards like paintings , spelling cup - 1st prize, mathmatics cups ,  朗誦.  Trintiy certificates , cambridge are importants to applications. or do you think it will purly depends on the kids performance of the interview.
作者: dong-dong    時間: 10-11-5 07:54

相反一些新式活動學校例如cky puikiu 則更重視臨場表現。如果你的目標是一些如spcc dbs 等學校﹐盡量讓你的porfolio有份量些﹐機會則更大些。
yw校長在最後一關的時候都會看小朋友的porfolio,其實進入最後一關﹐小朋友的表現是差不多的﹐如果家長沒什么差錯﹐那么  證書就很重要了。
作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 08:59

Thanks for your sharing.

I want to let my girl to study in traditional school.  Preferrbly Good hope, KTS , Tak Nga. Dgs if we are so lucky.

(Chances are a little hard .  My daugther is active, but excellent in maths and spelling. )    But she is a little shy.   I would say her written / logic / maths is better than her oral . ( if you need to exam her) :)

原帖由 dong-dong 於 10-11-5 07:54 發表
相反一些新式活動學校例如cky puikiu 則更重視臨場表現。如果你的目標是一些如spcc dbs 等學校﹐盡量讓你的porfolio有份量些﹐機會則更大些。
yw校長在最後一關的時候都會看小 ...

作者: eeb    時間: 10-11-5 09:39

同事個仔,dbs 2nd in 之後唔收,再叩門re-assessment一樣唔收,之後攞咗個音樂獎(有份量既全港比賽)再叩多次門,收咗﹗
作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 11:49

This is for DBS primary ? tks

原帖由 eeb 於 10-11-5 09:39 發表
同事個仔,dbs 2nd in 之後唔收,再叩門re-assessment一樣唔收,之後攞咗個音樂獎(有份量既全港比賽)再叩多次門,收咗﹗

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 11:58

You can try KTS, SFS and ST Paul Co-ed if your girl is early bloomer...

They tend to pick up these kinds of kids...even not offered with formal admission, waiting list will having good chances...(not sure SPCC, but KTS and SFS, waiting list will have good chances..)

DG & DB like outstanding and outspoken and really smart kids....kids will be really happy there if they are fit into this kind of environment.

These are experiences when I went through my elder one's admission interview..and observe what kinds of schools that other kids been accepted by these schools..


原帖由 Ewongmum 於 10-11-5 08:59 發表
Thanks for your sharing.

I want to let my girl to study in traditional school.  Preferrbly Good hope, KTS , Tak Nga. Dgs if we are so lucky.

(Chances are a little hard .  My daugther is active, bu ...

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 12:00

From my friend's experience, award is not a matter for her son's admission to DBS..

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 11:58 發表
You can try KTS, SFS and ST Paul Co-ed if your girl is early bloomer...

They tend to pick up these kinds of kids...even not offered with formal admission, waiting list will having good chances...(not ...

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-11-5 12:25

有家底有獎 - 90%OK
有家底無獎 - 60%OK
無家底有獎 - 60%OK
無家底無獎 - 90% 唔OK

當然有好多人家庭收入OVER 100萬都話自己無家底; 月人十幾K都叫自己做中產
作者: dlmcdlcl    時間: 10-11-5 12:37


我仔學既興趣班都係kumon enopi, 冇比賽....冇獎....
作者: chan803    時間: 10-11-5 12:37

原帖由 dong-dong 於 10-11-5 07:54 發表
相反一些新式活動學校例如cky puikiu 則更重視臨場表現。如果你的目標是一些如spcc dbs 等學校﹐盡量讓你的porfolio有份量些﹐機會則更大些。
yw校長在最後一關的時候都會看小 ...

呀? 有幾真呀? 有朋友話佢幫個仔幫 dbs 小學, 只係交咗一封幾頁紙的 application letter, 都收 wor....
作者: eeb    時間: 10-11-5 12:39


原帖由 Ewongmum 於 10-11-5 11:49 發表
This is for DBS primary ? tks

作者: CHP    時間: 10-11-5 12:41

我都有朋友個仔好多cert, 都有d份量, in到最後round, 都無收到.

原帖由 chan803 於 10-11-5 12:37 發表

呀? 有幾真呀? 有朋友話佢幫個仔幫 dbs 小學, 只係交咗一封幾頁紙的 application letter, 都收 wor....

作者: eeb    時間: 10-11-5 12:42

如果個小朋友本身好smart,interview表現好好,唔出奇,但如果係我同事個仔,marginal case,有無獎狀就變成一個要訣。

原帖由 chan803 於 10-11-5 12:37 發表

呀? 有幾真呀? 有朋友話佢幫個仔幫 dbs 小學, 只係交咗一封幾頁紙的 application letter, 都收 wor....

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 12:51

noted. please share with me more .   My girl loves painting , she is artistic and we taught her early by Glenn Doman's method. she read early like 2 . she is able to read on her own both chinese and english books ( english is better). As for maths, she is very logical and I plan to let her to go for a competition in June and April.  she had obtain quite a few awards in her drawings ( Region ones ), english awards , reading awards etc.  But the only things are she is not outspoken, and a little shy .  oral type of exam ,she is not outstanding. but  she is very good in logical thinkings , calculations and reading.

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 11:58 發表
You can try KTS, SFS and ST Paul Co-ed if your girl is early bloomer...

They tend to pick up these kinds of kids...even not offered with formal admission, waiting list will having good chances...(not ...

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 13:02

www. hkmo.com.hk

原帖由 dlmcdlcl 於 10-11-5 12:37 發表

我仔學既興趣班都係kumon enopi, 冇比賽....冇獎....

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 13:06

My elder one had not participated in any intensive training...but just have him exposed to what he really like, such as music and painting..very good at readings, I can say crazy for readings and love maths. We do not pressed him for any music examinations or any kind of competitions..I know he loves music and he composed these little notes at his age of 5...but

But...he's not very expressive...but very observant...knew things around him

Waitlisted at many DSS schools....mostly those who have high acadmic requirements, but not DBS.. I knew he's not that type of student that DBS will pick up, so I am very ok with that...at the end, lots of these waiting lists were calling us for admissions..

Now- he still feels interested in music and join school team..he still feels interested in reading and passionate for that and he learned a lots from these readings, what we called informal kind of learnings...he still not very expressive, but can express well in Cantonese, Mandarin and English and learning another third language...going on well..

What I can say...he is not that "outstanding"...but he is progressing really well in his own pace and he enjoys the learning and with curiority in learning...

So... it's about your understanding of your kid's personality and development and see which school that best suit him..

原帖由 Ewongmum 於 10-11-5 12:51 發表
noted. please share with me more .   My girl loves painting , she is artistic and we taught her early by Glenn Doman's method. she read early like 2 . she is able to read on her own both chinese and e ...

作者: artroboy    時間: 10-11-5 13:14


我識果個小朋友 d Cert 多到...仲要係全勁料..劍僑 & 聖三一, 琴 ..等等...搞到我好似係有 d對唔住自己個仔仔.....but 最終都考唔到..

原帖由 CHP 於 10-11-5 12:41 發表
我都有朋友個仔好多cert, 都有d份量, in到最後round, 都無收到.

[ 本帖最後由 artroboy 於 10-11-5 13:21 編輯 ]
作者: dlmcdlcl    時間: 10-11-5 13:15

tks. 我都有諗過比個仔學奧數, 但係佢岩岩5歲咋, 會唔會岩呢? 我上去個網, 睇唔到幾多歲可以學.


原帖由 Ewongmum 於 5-11-2010 01:02 PM 發表
www. hkmo.com.hk

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-5 13:39

you may call nottingham children campus at kln for assessment.

原帖由 dlmcdlcl 於 10-11-5 13:15 發表
tks. 我都有諗過比個仔學奧數, 但係佢岩岩5歲咋, 會唔會岩呢? 我上去個網, 睇唔到幾多歲可以學.


作者: dong-dong    時間: 10-11-5 13:41

原帖由 chan803 於 10-11-5 12:37 發表

呀? 有幾真呀? 有朋友話佢幫個仔幫 dbs 小學, 只係交咗一封幾頁紙的 application letter, 都收 wor....

作者: Zhaiba    時間: 10-11-5 14:49

But what kind of cert/awards are considered "good"?

Are the below good?

15 shields (full shields) on Cambridge starter?
Distinction/Merit on Piano grade 2?

There are a lot of regional competitions do we know what kind of competitions are being more recognised?

作者: survivor    時間: 10-11-5 15:08

I don't think awards are very important. I can only see three really important factors with good effect (i.e. to be shortlisted for second interview):
[1] Latest school report in K2 (second semester)
[2] Family background
[3] Which kindergarten are you from?
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 10-11-5 16:00

剛剛在另外一個 topic 見到網友 greendotdot 講得好:

作為我孩子的[校長],我鼓勵他們多閱讀,勤思考,勇於發問,手足相愛,更重要的是要身教 - 樹立正確的道德觀。

awards or certs 在我家找不到。

[ 本帖最後由 Sumyeema1 於 10-11-5 16:02 編輯 ]
作者: goo_littlebb    時間: 10-11-5 16:23

我都聽過, 只係attach一封信, 結果ST. PAUL BOY同DBS都收. 但我諗佢爹哋一定好有才能, 封信一定寫得好好睇, 再加埋INTV表現, 先會收囉.
而DBS睇cert/award亦好正常,我果個年代已經有呢啲名校撬學生既事,因為佢地要人去嬴校際賽,你地睇世襲果套片DBS個女人幾proud of 佢啲申請人好多cert/award,所以真係有用架.

原帖由 chan803 於 10-11-5 12:37 發表

呀? 有幾真呀? 有朋友話佢幫個仔幫 dbs 小學, 只係交咗一封幾頁紙的 application letter, 都收 wor....

[ 本帖最後由 goo_littlebb 於 10-11-5 16:55 編輯 ]
作者: share123    時間: 10-11-5 16:45

作者: childrenfirst    時間: 10-11-5 17:56

幾多Award都唔夠識人、有connection有用用啦,真係聽到幾個real cases,係好無奈的現實。好彩阿仔間學校呢D文化無咁緊要,樣樣都開的。

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