
標題: 請問讀CKY每月大約開支是多少? [打印本頁]

作者: sundae525    時間: 10-11-4 14:36     標題: 請問讀CKY每月大約開支是多少?

請問讀CKY, 學費加埋校車、午餐同課外活動等,一個月大約開支幾多?
作者: chantessa    時間: 10-11-4 16:03

學費 : $5,000/月
書簿及雜費 : 大約$1,500-1,800左右 (半學期計)
lunch : 大約$400/月
校車 : 視乎屋住地點計算, 我自己就$1,250/月
課外活動 : 視乎妳參加邊種活動, 我自己就大約$1,500學兩樣野(每個課外活動上10堂).
學習樂器 : 大約$3,900/年


原帖由 sundae525 於 10-11-4 14:36 發表
請問讀CKY, 學費加埋校車、午餐同課外活動等,一個月大約開支幾多?

作者: sundae525    時間: 10-11-4 18:01

即唔計書簿&學樂器, 大約 $8k 左右.
謝謝 chantessa.
想問下仲需唔需要補習? 是否學校唔鼓勵補習?
作者: penguin_chick    時間: 10-11-4 20:19

學費 : $5,000/月, 交11個月
書簿及雜費 : 大約$1,500-1,800左右 (半學期計),即$300/月
lunch : 大約$400/月


學校設有intensive classes and study clubs給程度較差的同學,但不鼓勵學生回家補習。然而,據我所知,補習是有的,但屬少數。也不是科科補。

[ 本帖最後由 penguin_chick 於 10-11-4 20:32 編輯 ]
作者: chantessa    時間: 10-11-4 23:13

其實學校方面已經講到明唔鼓勵補習, 其實我自己都覺得真係唔需要囉 !   我小朋友係學校學到嘅野, 佢會自己活學活用返係功課上, 而且我覺得佢到目前為止都係愉快而有效率地學習, 這間學校和其他學校一樣有默書測驗, 但都係無壓力下進行, 反而我小朋友會自己自動自覺去溫習和做功課.

原帖由 sundae525 於 10-11-4 18:01 發表
即唔計書簿&學樂器, 大約 $8k 左右.
謝謝 chantessa.
想問下仲需唔需要補習? 是否學校唔鼓勵補習?

作者: sundae525    時間: 10-11-5 10:09

Hi penguin_chick & chantessa, 多謝你地詳細的解答.
其實我都唔喜歡小朋友咁細就要補習, 我覺得佢地應要自發去學習. 所以我都幾喜歡CKY.
Thanks again.
作者: Antonymum    時間: 10-11-12 23:44

Oh, Very expensive !!

作者: angeemama    時間: 10-11-13 22:05

Thanks for your sharing....I believe with the facilities and teachers with students ratio, their charges are not that bad....I really like CKY.  I really wish my gal could get in to this school!!
作者: penguin_chick    時間: 10-11-13 23:41

For a private school with half number of native English speaking teachers, it really not costs much. Don't you know the government subsidizes every student $30000-40000 a year.
作者: bigbee    時間: 10-11-18 15:13


朋友的孩子在湾仔名校就讀.每天的工課補習、每星期在外的英語、国語課,不計成效,開支基本上沒有分別. C/P ratio 心裏有數.

作者: fc1668    時間: 11-1-22 00:43

唔知有無公務員家長可以話我知, 書簿,雜費 及樂器課費用可否計落政府的本地教育allowance 內呢,還是只有學費一項可得到allowance呢?
作者: nov03bb    時間: 11-1-22 00:53     標題: 回復 1# fc1668 的帖子

作者: fc1668    時間: 11-1-22 12:56

原帖由 nov03bb 於 11-1-22 00:53 發表
作者: joanthony    時間: 11-2-2 23:39

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cat_house    時間: 11-2-17 12:28

作者: penguin_chick    時間: 11-2-17 21:03

聽講剛剛得到 IBO 確認為 IB
WORLD SCHOOL(可否証實?),我以為讀IB的第11及12班學費會貴很多,現在6至11班同是7220,小學則加400,是拖下補上了。
作者: Jerrymamimami    時間: 11-2-19 09:02

請問到海外交流的話, 學校會有資助給有需要家庭嗎?

原帖由 joanthony 於 11-2-2 23:39 發表
primary school 29xxx/year, secondary 4xxxx/year, 每個月都要比2.5k學費左右, 再加school bus及其他, 你預5k差唔多, 另如果去交流1-2萬都走唔甩..

作者: joanthony    時間: 11-2-19 22:59

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: cat_house    時間: 11-2-21 09:22


原帖由 Jerrymamimami 於 11-2-19 09:02 發表
請問到海外交流的話, 學校會有資助給有需要家庭嗎?

作者: KiddyPrince    時間: 11-2-21 10:03

hi cat-house, can you tell me what is ths approximate cost we expect to pay for the overseas school trip?
i heard kids in grade four goes to bejing/shanghai, grade 5 to taiwan....and eventually to europe....
how many days are these trips? and are parents require to go along as well?

i am still working on the total cost required for the school, i heard they have adjusted tyhe school fee for grade 1-5...

another question if you do not mind me asking, do you know if a child completes grade 6, are they eligible to apply  other IB school? as i am not sure if the curriculm at CKY is compararable say to CSC (Creative Secondary School) or DBS?

many thanks for your reply.

原帖由 cat_house 於 11-2-21 09:22 發表

作者: KiddyPrince    時間: 11-2-21 10:08


i looked at the school site and they actually have tuition fee remission scheme, if your family incomes fall within a certain range (subject to # of family members being financed within the same household), you can get a certain % of tuition remitted. based on the current fee schedule (and pro-rata calculataio of grade 11/12 tuition), the total tuition (excluded instrument fee, book fee, trip fee, school bus, lunch fee), it cost around 800K to finish the 12 years education.

anyone please feel free to correct me if my math is wrong.

if the child is smart enough, they can also get scholarship and get free tuition for certain academic year (i heard it from someone, not sure if it is really genuine).

原帖由 Jerrymamimami 於 11-2-19 09:02 發表
請問到海外交流的話, 學校會有資助給有需要家庭嗎?

作者: cat_house    時間: 11-2-21 13:40

my kid is still too young to join the study tour, so, I can't answer that details.  I just know that parents are not required to join the tour, but most kids at year 4 will prefer their parents to go along.  When the kids grow up, they would not like their parents accompanying.

>>do you know if a child completes grade 6, are they eligible to apply  other IB school?

why not? any students (not only from CKY) can apply IB school anywhere (worldwide) as long as the school accepts them.  
Well, the curriculum of IB schools can be different, but the spirit of them are consistent.  If you are concern about the expenses, what I can say is that CKY is not expensive as compared to CSC already.

Scholarship/free school tuition?  I don't notice there is any of this in CKY.

[ 本帖最後由 cat_house 於 11-2-21 13:42 編輯 ]
作者: KiddyPrince    時間: 11-2-21 14:19

Thanks for your information cat_house.
looking at the tuition fee from grade 7 and onward, CSS is much lower than CKY, of course I did not count in any miscellaneous fee.

noted about the school tour and i cannot agree to you more that older kids absolutely do not want their parents to go along with them....
作者: kunggi201    時間: 11-2-25 18:44


Y7 Study Tour to Singapore
2-6 May 2011
Fee: Approximately $7,900-$8,400 per student
(I think it depends on the total number of participating students)

My experience:

Y4 Tour - The School "encouraged" parents to accompany their kids.

Y5 Tour - The School "welcomed" parents to accompany their kids

Y6 Tour - The School began to "discourage" parents to accompany their kids, and the kids began to feel shame at having accompanying parents

[ 本帖最後由 kunggi201 於 11-2-25 18:55 編輯 ]
作者: KiddyPrince    時間: 11-2-26 10:25

Hi kunggi, thanks for your information.

i like the way you expressed "encouraged-welcomed-discouraged"................

when you said the fee depends on the number of participants, can you tell me how many % of students (that you know in your kid's class) did not participate?

do you know anything about instrument classes? i heard kdis need to pay around 300-500 a month, do these lessons conducted during school hour?

原帖由 kunggi201 於 11-2-25 18:44 發表

Y7 Study Tour to Singapore
2-6 May 2011
Fee: Approximately $7,900-$8,400 per student
(I think it depends on the total number of participating students)

My experience:

Y4 Tour - The School "enc ...

作者: cat_house    時間: 11-2-28 14:07

instrument class ~$4000 per year.  Conducted once a week.

原帖由 KiddyPrince 於 11-2-26 10:25 發表
Hi kunggi, thanks for your information.

i like the way you expressed "encouraged-welcomed-discouraged"................

when you said the fee depends on the number of participants, can you tell me ho ...

作者: kunggi201    時間: 11-2-28 23:26

原帖由 KiddyPrince 於 11-2-26 10:25 發表
Hi kunggi, thanks for your information.

i like the way you expressed "encouraged-welcomed-discouraged"................

when you said the fee depends on the number of participants, can you tell me ho ...

The very majority of kids join the study tours every year.

In my kid's classes (Y4-Y6), only 1-2 students didn't join the tours in the past, so as other classes I believe.

Parents choosing CKY are of course in line with its vision and the way of academic development.  We appreciate the opportunities of participating in study tours by our kids, unless a few parents really cannot afford the fee or may have other reasons.
作者: KiddyPrince    時間: 11-3-1 09:57

many thanks to cat-house and kunggi201 feedback.

原帖由 kunggi201 於 11-2-28 23:26 發表

The very majority of kids join the study tours every year.

In my kid's classes (Y4-Y6), only 1-2 students didn't join the tours in the past, so as other classes I believe.

Parents choosing CKY are ...

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