
標題: St Paul's Convent School, Primary Section [打印本頁]

作者: W211    時間: 10-10-28 00:49     標題: St Paul's Convent School, Primary Section


作者: Chingding    時間: 10-10-28 09:22

I called the school and it said not open to public this year and if you are interested, you could send letter to the school:;pppp:
作者: fsforth    時間: 10-10-28 10:03

比起DGS和SPCC, 呢間更加難考
作者: hui3328    時間: 10-10-28 11:25

咁想入呢間學校, 應該一早入佢哋直屬幼稚園. 就可以直升小學. 而家只能等其幼稚園有offer個批有人放棄, 才有位放出來.

原帖由 fsforth 於 10-10-28 10:03 發表
比起DGS和SPCC, 呢間更加難考

作者: minggoo    時間: 10-10-28 11:39

SPCS一向都無公開招生,上年有考非自己幼兒園/幼稚園既街外人,至於點解就唔想講La, sorry!


原帖由 W211 於 10-10-28 00:49 發表


作者: goo_littlebb    時間: 10-10-28 12:32

It only worth to try if you are a big girl, save your paper if your girl born on or after August.
作者: Ipy    時間: 10-10-29 00:08

I think if you are not Catholic or have some relationship, really very difficult to enter!
作者: hui3328    時間: 10-10-29 10:07

唔可以咁比較喎, 因為呢間都唔對外招生. 如果你讀佢間幼稚園, 又係大女, 基本上接近100%可以直升小學.

原帖由 fsforth 於 10-10-28 10:03 發表
比起DGS和SPCC, 呢間更加難考

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-10-29 10:47

從去年開始有點不同,有些大女on waitlist,最後仲收唔返。但卻 in 了120個外來生,最後收了約5人。
作者: 能得利    時間: 10-10-29 10:52

Were those big girl rejected were wearing short hair or glasses?
I think the 眼緣of the principal is a matter.

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-29 10:47 發表
從去年開始有點不同,有些大女on waitlist,最後仲收唔返。但卻 in 了120個外來生,最後收了約5人。

作者: minggoo    時間: 10-10-29 11:10


原帖由 hui3328 於 10-10-29 10:07 發表
唔可以咁比較喎, 因為呢間都唔對外招生. 如果你讀佢間幼稚園, 又係大女, 基本上接近100%可以直升小學.

作者: maynjune    時間: 10-10-29 11:30

What kind of principle / logic is that?  
It is difficult to understand ....

You mean this apply to the outsiders ?  or the K3 waiting list students in St. Paul convent ?

原帖由 minggoo 於 10-10-29 11:10 發表

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-10-29 11:32

我覺得收唔晒都無咩問題, 始終KG 升上機會總比考入高好多, 而且SPN/SPK D 學生好乖巧, 好多DSS/私小都鍾意佢地
作者: minggoo    時間: 10-10-29 13:05


妳係大埔校,Right ? SPN/SPK的確係好,但只限於幼兒園角度,同d教高一年既比,唔會有太強優處,考DSS亦唔係甘容易,小心準備 !!!

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 10-10-29 11:32 發表
我覺得收唔晒都無咩問題, 始終KG 升上機會總比考入高好多, 而且SPN/SPK D 學生好乖巧, 好多DSS/私小都鍾意佢地

作者: chiulee    時間: 10-10-29 14:01

Dear CaCaDad,

去年in 了120個外來生?  May I know the source of this statistics?  Really shocking if they interview so many applicants.

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-29 10:47 發表
從去年開始有點不同,有些大女on waitlist,最後仲收唔返。但卻 in 了120個外來生,最後收了約5人。

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-10-29 15:06

原帖由 minggoo 於 10-10-29 13:05 發表

妳係大埔校,Right ? SPN/SPK的確係好,但只限於幼兒園角度,同d教高一年既比,唔會有太強優處,考DSS亦唔係甘容易,小心準備 !!!


其實經過時間轉變, kg 所扮演的角色亦有所不同, 我覺得kg 角色已經著重於提供比小朋友學習團體生活, 禮儀, 社交...多於學術.  試問依家有幾多父母唔會額外學英, 數?  又或者無煲dvd 學英文?  屋企用一星期所學到的, 好可能已經係學校一個月所教, 所以在kg 過程中深淺對我來說係無意義, 我只會睇小朋友識多少.  我朋友個仔同我個仔同年, 上年k1 上學期佢來我家玩, 見到阿仔學校d 字卡佢話d 字好易, 佢好自豪話自己小朋友已經學d 深字 eg 警察  咁我就隨意寫左2個我覺得易d字"乙"& "兩" 問佢, 唔識!  足以証明識深唔等於識淺.
作者: lobor    時間: 10-10-29 23:32

不過其實有無人可以講下st paul's convent primary係一間點樣的學校, 各方面也可, 响佢自己個forum個邊好少info
作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-10-30 17:56

Dear Chilee, 是去年BK報料的,並且有朋友去考,看到同group人數 X 批數得出來的。可能有點出入,但不遠。最終亦考不到。wait list朋友因而很擔心卻最後收返。
作者: bobo_wong2006    時間: 10-10-30 22:31

Cacadad, thanks for your sharing. wow...
BTW, for the five lucky kids including your friend's, they must be very smart?
From good kgs + excellent CV.
作者: KaHeiBaBa    時間: 10-10-30 22:46

原帖由 bobo_wong2006 於 10-10-30 22:31 發表
Cacadad, thanks for your sharing. wow...
BTW, for the five lucky kids including your friend's, they must be very smart?
From good kgs + excellent CV.

預祝妳囡囡 (大女) 都能夠成為最後嘅幸運兒,會唔會試吓 ??
作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-10-31 00:07

你誤會了! Wait list 個係 spk 學生黎,最後才收返!Knock door係SKH學生無收!最後Marymount Knock Door ok! 但最like 仍是SPC,可惜對手超強!據朋友話一月及六交portfolio 最好!
作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-10-31 02:00

請問你朋友個 Wait list 嘅 spk 學生係唔係大女呀?

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-31 00:07 發表
你誤會了! Wait list 個係 spk 學生黎,最後才收返!Knock door係SKH學生無收!最後Marymount Knock Door ok! 但最like 仍是SPC,可惜對手超強!據朋友話一月及六交portfolio 最好! ...

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-10-31 07:53

5月,但很靜及斯文,不似SPC學生type,外表斯文,但其實好active, 所以sister Joanna係好識睇人,但最近2年3間SPN/K被搶了很多最top的學生,DG及SPCC外,knock door 港九M記及天神都得。我同學3間SP都幫個女伸請但都不收。
作者: lin624    時間: 10-10-31 15:44

原帖由 fsforth 於 10-10-28 10:03 發表
比起DGS和SPCC, 呢間更加難考

作者: syschan    時間: 10-10-31 17:11

Which type of girls does Sister Joanna want ?

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-31 07:53 發表
5月,但很靜及斯文,不似SPC學生type,外表斯文,但其實好active, 所以sister Joanna係好識睇人,但最近2年3間SPN/K被搶了很多最top的學生,DG及SPCC外,knock door 港九M記及天神都得。我同學3間SP都幫個女伸請但都不收。 ...

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-10-31 22:03

作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-1 04:18

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-31 07:53 發表
5月,但很靜及斯文,不似SPC學生type,外表斯文,但其實好active, 所以sister Joanna係好識睇人,但最近2年3間SPN/K被搶了很多最top的學生,DG及SPCC外,knock door 港九M記及天神都得。我同學3間SP都幫個女伸請但都不收。 ...

Thanks for your info.  我女都是比較靜及被動type, 又係超大女....唉我想收番機會都唔大.    希望22/11有好消息.  我想個女直上SPCS是驚她去到第間小學追唔上, 因spk課程真是太淺了.
作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-11-1 08:35

作者: syschan    時間: 10-11-1 09:20

Do you mean that your daughter is currently in SPK/SPN last year but on waiting list?

原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-1 04:18 發表

Thanks for your info.  我女都是比較靜及被動type, 又係超大女....唉我想收番機會都唔大.    希望22/11有好消息.  我想個女直上SPCS是驚她去到第間小學追唔上, 因spk課程真是太淺了. ...

作者: syschan    時間: 10-11-1 09:21

'斯文有禮,遵守規矩,但又活潑好動'.....I think this is quite contradictorary in some sense....

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-31 22:03 發表

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-11-1 10:59

Active girl can also be 遵守規矩 & 有禮, no contradiction.
作者: KK07    時間: 10-11-1 11:08

原帖由 syschan 於 10-11-1 09:21 發表
'斯文有禮,遵守規矩,但又活潑好動'.....I think this is quite contradictorary in some sense....

Why contradictrary? 對同學老師校長斯文有禮,上課時遵守矩則, 專心聽書,下課後積極參與投入活動, 喜歡各種運動, 懂得work hard and play hard.....我估家長都希望自己既孩子係咁!
作者: chuppy    時間: 10-11-1 13:05

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: syschan    時間: 10-11-1 14:12

Oh... I see.   Of course this is every parents' wish if their kids can behave like this!!!

原帖由 KK07 於 10-11-1 11:08 發表

Why contradictrary? 對同學老師校長斯文有禮,上課時遵守矩則, 專心聽書,下課後積極參與投入活動, 喜歡各種運動, 懂得work hard and play hard.....我估家長都希望自己既孩子係咁! ...

作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-2 00:21

原帖由 syschan 於 10-11-1 09:20 發表
Do you mean that your daughter is currently in SPK/SPN last year but on waiting list?

My girl is in K3 now but she is on the waiting list for P1.  All I can do is write letter and wait......

作者: calcalcal    時間: 10-11-2 08:42

原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-2 00:21 發表 [url=http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=33315883&ptid=2248627]

My girl is in K3 now but she is on the waiting list for P1.  All I can do is write letter and wait......

Any idea how many girls are on the waiting list?
作者: maynjune    時間: 10-11-2 09:58

Add oil....  

Do you know what is the selection criteria of the Sister?

Any hint for your girl of being put on the waiting list?  Is your girl a small girl?

原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-2 00:21 發表

My girl is in K3 now but she is on the waiting list for P1.  All I can do is write letter and wait......

[ 本帖最後由 maynjune 於 10-11-2 10:01 編輯 ]
作者: chingchingfa    時間: 10-11-2 13:26

Hi ufo.mini,
Noted your daughter is in K3 in SPK, may I know how many SPK K3 girls are on waiting lists? Is your girl in AM or PM session? This year, you could:

- Arrange some activities w/ awards and certification for your girls,
- Write the letters (around bi-monthly) w/ these awards and certification copies attached.
- Try to encourage your girl to draw the pictures and design X’mas card to Sister Joanna.
- Send some family photos to show your closed family relationship between you and your girls.

SPCSPR is an excellent and quality school. Don’t give up! But you have to apply the others privates for back up.

Best regards,
原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-2 00:21 發表

My girl is in K3 now but she is on the waiting list for P1.  All I can do is write letter and wait......

作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-3 03:16

原帖由 chingchingfa 於 10-11-2 13:26 發表
Hi ufo.mini,
Noted your daughter is in K3 in SPK, may I know how many SPK K3 girls are on waiting lists? Is your girl in AM or PM session? This year, you could:

- Arrange some activities w/ awards  ...

Hi chingchingfa,
My girl is in AM session.  I rarely go to the school and I feel ashamed and I didn't talked much about this matter to other parents so I don't know how many are on waiting list this year.  According to my girl, the headmistress had asked those who got promoted to P1 to put up their hands, and my girl said most of the girls in her group put up their hands.  I'm planning to send a second letter to Sister Joanna in late November and probably another one in Jan or Feb.  Thanks very much for your detailed suggestions.  It's very helpful.
作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-3 03:36

原帖由 maynjune 於 10-11-2 09:58 發表
Add oil....  

Do you know what is the selection criteria of the Sister?

Any hint for your girl of being put on the waiting list?  Is your girl a small girl?

My girl is a big girl.  No one knows the selection criteria.  My friend whose girl had graduated from SPK last year told me that headmistress of K2 would probably have to give suggestions for whom should or shouldn't be promoted.  I think this is quite true, I mean how can sister Joanna judge by just meeting the girls for such a short period of time at the beginning of K3.
作者: chingchingfa    時間: 10-11-3 11:08

You thought is right. Sister Joanna is impossible to decide the acceptance or reject in just few minutes’ group meeting, not interview. Anyway, go forward positively your girl coming future…
My youngest kid’s class had 2 on the waiting list last year. One accepted finally and one is now studying at other private school. As I know, the accepted one’s parent had sent over 4 - 5 letters to Sister Joanna. The rejected one had sent just 1 only.

Are you Catholic? If yes, try to request a reference letter from the church.

Best regards,
原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-3 03:36 發表

My girl is a big girl.  No one knows the selection criteria.  My friend whose girl had graduated from SPK last year told me that headmistress of K2 would probably have to give suggestions for who ...

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-11-3 18:57

ufomini, Don't give up since they accepted most of the waitlist students  last year though they have interviewed so many outsiders. My friend sent letter every month and X'mas card too and accepted at the end.

As discussion between parents, we also believed that the teachers/headmisters has the list to primary section. Some full stars with all "A" are definately accepted.
作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-3 19:07

原帖由 chingchingfa 於 10-11-3 11:08 發表
You thought is right. Sister Joanna is impossible to decide the acceptance or reject in just few minutes’ group meeting, not interview. Anyway, go forward positively your girl coming future ...

Hi chingchingfa,

Thanks for your tip.  My girl and I are both catholic.  Do you know what kind of activities would be great for getting awards/certificates?  My girl is taking Chinese lessons, Kumon Math and English, and just starting to take art lessons.  

Best regards,

作者: calcalcal    時間: 10-11-3 19:10

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-11-3 18:57 發表
ufomini, Don't give up since they accepted most of the waitlist students  last year though they have interviewed so many outsiders. My friend sent letter every month and X'mas card too and accepted at ...

Sorry, do not understand the last para, would you please further explain?
作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-3 19:34

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-11-3 18:57 發表
ufomini, Don't give up since they accepted most of the waitlist students  last year though they have interviewed so many outsiders. My friend sent letter every month and X'mas card too and accepted at ...

When did your friend get the good news last year?  
作者: bobo_wong2006    時間: 10-11-3 22:00

Kaheipapa, it's like winning mark six. no hope.

作者: 麟媽媽    時間: 10-11-3 22:27


原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-10-31 22:03 發表

作者: BBCOW2009    時間: 10-11-3 22:43

想問如spn/spk的學生不被錄取的話, 會否被其他私小標籤架?
作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-11-4 02:35

My friend got the acceptance letter in Jun which was earlier than the outsider acceptance. He told me that about 10 SPK girls in waitlist were accepted in Jan and 5 in Jun.  SPN have better chance since less girl are there, especially tai po has accepted all at last.
作者: calcalcal    時間: 10-11-4 08:28

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-11-4 02:35 發表
My friend got the acceptance letter in Jun which was earlier than the outsider acceptance. He told me that about 10 SPK girls in waitlist were accepted in Jan and 5 in Jun.  SPN have better chance sin ...

Do you know how many spk students were in waiting listlast year?
作者: CaCaDad    時間: 10-11-4 11:26

about 20 SPK,  8 SPN & 3 SPCN.
作者: chingchingfa    時間: 10-11-4 11:58

Hi ufo.mini,
Actually, the reason(s) of reject is / are caused by girl herself (from study) or / and you parents (relationship between school and between your girl).
For parents: This year, you and your husband have to attend all Catholic meeting (first Sat every month), seminars and activities organized by SPK. In your further letters, you could write about these activities.
For girls: Noted your girl is taking Kumon, you could request your centre to write a reference letter to describe her levels, or you could send Kumon assessment report which is as an award to show your girl’s ability. You could also send the copy of drawing from your art lesson. If you expect some certs / awards, try to take Cambridge course of pre-starter or starter, for details, please the website of British Council, or you could contact your classmates’ parents, I think some of SPK students are taking ABC Pathways or Learning+. Even no award or cert in the courses you are taking, you could write the letter to describe her learning improvement or status.

Hope this opinion could help you. Pray every time and thanks every time!

Best regards,

原帖由 ufo.mini 於 10-11-3 19:07 發表

Hi chingchingfa,

Thanks for your tip.  My girl and I are both catholic.  Do you know what kind of activities would be great for getting awards/certificates?  My girl is taking Chinese lessons, Kum ...

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-11-4 15:13

原帖由 BBCOW2009 於 10-11-3 22:43 發表
想問如spn/spk的學生不被錄取的話, 會否被其他私小標籤架?

會否被其他私小標籤唔係自己可以control 的, 咁點解重要去諗呢d 無謂問題?  老實講, 有幸比spk/spn 家長睇得上眼去考果d 私小應該開心, 因為唔係咁多家長原意放棄spc even 有dgs/ spcc / 3m offer, spc 除左係一間好小學, 小朋友能夠完成15-17年st paul's 生活, 那份歸屬感不是可用$$ 來衡量
作者: ufo.mini    時間: 10-11-4 20:03

原帖由 chingchingfa 於 10-11-4 11:58 發表
Hi ufo.mini,
Actually, the reason(s) of reject is / are caused by girl herself (from study) or / and you parents (relationship between school and between your girl).
For parents: This year, you and  ...

Hi chingchingfa,

Thank you again for your opinion.  I will do my best and see how it goes.  

Best regards,

作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-13 16:50

唔知今年 waiting list 學生有無收到取錄電話呢?

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 10-11-4 02:35 發表
My friend got the acceptance letter in Jun which was earlier than the outsider acceptance. He told me that about 10 SPK girls in waitlist were accepted in Jan and 5 in Jun.  SPN have better chance sin ...

作者: jollyma    時間: 11-1-15 15:11

原帖由 KK07 於 10-11-1 11:08 發表

Why contradictrary? 對同學老師校長斯文有禮,上課時遵守矩則, 專心聽書,下課後積極參與投入活動, 喜歡各種運動, 懂得work hard and play hard.....我估家長都希望自己既孩子係咁! ...

作者: newbkmember    時間: 11-1-16 07:32

聽聞上星期已經有shortlisted 的小朋友interviewed, 但不知多小.  

另外去年有朋友分別在兩間SPN讀, 兩間到最後都有幾個唔收, 但也有朋友去年是outsider去考, 收咗.
作者: Nov    時間: 11-1-17 10:20

上星期確實有小朋友進行小一入學面試, 結果都已經出埋.
作者: maynjune    時間: 11-1-17 12:34


吓....!! 真的嗎???  快成咁???

原帖由 Nov 於 11-1-17 10:20 發表
上星期確實有小朋友進行小一入學面試, 結果都已經出埋.

作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-17 13:21

waiting list 的小朋友重有無機會?
作者: ricenoodle    時間: 11-1-17 14:09

作者: maynjune    時間: 11-1-17 14:15


原帖由 calcalcal 於 11-1-17 13:21 發表
waiting list 的小朋友重有無機會?

作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-17 14:19

小朋友係waiting list的家長,你地覺得重有冇機會?
作者: eggmama    時間: 11-1-17 14:23     標題: 回復 7# newbkmember 的帖子

outsider即係K3頭, (SEP)就要開始SEND Portfolio?
作者: YongXin    時間: 11-1-17 14:45

其實年年都有SPK/SPN/SPCN學生係waiting list入唔返SPCSPS,然後年年都會有interview外面學生;前者應該好少數,因此後者亦唔會多,雖然interview外面人個scale可以係過百計。有位剩既話就會收0的出面好outstanding既,呢個好自然既事。

作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-22 21:32     標題: 回復 55# calcalcal 的帖子

作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-22 21:35     標題: 回復 57# newbkmember 的帖子

聽聞都幾速戰速決,今日interview,後日就收到acceptance  letter了。
作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-22 22:50

作者: eggmama    時間: 11-1-23 10:08

係咪要K3頭send portfolio? 又係唔考慮年尾girl?
原帖由 hellomickey 於 11-1-22 21:35 發表
聽聞都幾速戰速決,今日interview,後日就收到acceptance  letter了。

作者: CaCaDad    時間: 11-1-23 10:40

作者: eggmama    時間: 11-1-23 13:28

係咪要K3頭send portfolio? 又係唔考慮年尾girl?
原帖由 hellomickey 於 11-1-22 21:35 發表
聽聞都幾速戰速決,今日interview,後日就收到acceptance  letter了。

作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-23 15:19

原帖由 CaCaDad 於 11-1-23 10:40 發表

作者: KK07    時間: 11-1-23 16:06

原帖由 hellomickey 於 11-1-22 21:35 發表
聽聞都幾速戰速決,今日interview,後日就收到acceptance  letter了。


請問這校外生是否都有一些relationship with the school? 如有姊姊在小學就讀, 或是天主教徒?  Tks
作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-23 17:22

原帖由 calcalcal 於 2011/1/22 22:50 發表



收電話的幾時收呢? [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 hellomickey 於 11-1-23 17:25 編輯 ]
作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-23 17:28

原帖由 eggmama 於 2011/1/23 10:08 發表
係咪要K3頭send portfolio? 又係唔考慮年尾girl?


[ 本帖最後由 hellomickey 於 11-1-23 18:34 編輯 ]
作者: newbkmember    時間: 11-1-24 07:53

我的朋友是沒有姊姊的, 也不是SPK/SPN的學生, 但是今年一月中interview.
作者: maynjune    時間: 11-1-24 15:20

May I know who is  古修女"?

In primary section or kindergarten side?
作者: newbkmember    時間: 11-1-24 23:01


原帖由 maynjune 於 11-1-24 15:20 發表
May I know who is  古修女"?

In primary section or kindergarten side?

作者: YongXin    時間: 11-1-24 23:14

作者: maynjune    時間: 11-1-25 10:04

仲有位都唔收自家waiting list 學生???
我相信...waiting list 學生家長都好心急

[ 本帖最後由 maynjune 於 11-1-25 10:06 編輯 ]
作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-25 17:54

原帖由 maynjune 於 11-1-25 10:04 發表
仲有位都唔收自家waiting list 學生???
我相信...waiting list 學生家長都好心急

Waiting list 的學生家長已由心急變心淡了!
作者: yantabo    時間: 11-1-28 02:10

how many seat for P1 ??
作者: newbkmember    時間: 11-1-28 07:45

About 200.
作者: calcalcal    時間: 11-1-28 08:30

原帖由 newbkmember 於 11-1-28 07:45 發表
About 200.

一直在想,其實校內生人數同P1人數差不多:SPN 69, SPK 180, SPCN 36, 減去男生,同P1人數差不多,但沒有實際比例。
作者: maynjune    時間: 11-1-28 09:46

SPN 69, SPK 180, SPCN 36, 減去男生,同P1人數差不多??

69+180+36 = 285

you mean 男生 有 85 人?? 邊有咁多呀??
作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-29 18:56

作者: hellomickey    時間: 11-1-29 19:12

DGS剛剛才註冊,相信她們(SPN SPK 的同学)會退番D学位出來,所以on waiting list 的同学不要灰心,更加要俾心機,有表現有成績,機會自然是你的。

SPN上年on waiting list 同学,最後也全數收回(除了1名考到其他心儀学校而唔返SPC),衷心希望今年也是一樣。

作為SPN的家長,見到on waiting list 的同学受到此種困擾,實在感到無奈。請大家加油吧!
作者: KaHeiBaBa    時間: 11-1-30 02:41

原帖由 hellomickey 於 11-1-29 19:12 發表
DGS剛剛才註冊,相信她們(SPN SPK 的同学)會退番D学位出來,所以on waiting list 的同学不要灰心,更加要俾心機,有表現有成績,機會自然是你的。

SPN上年on waiting list 同学,最後也全數收回(除了1名考到其他心儀学校 ...

你嘅消息都好靈通喎 !! 不過據我所知,應該係抽到,唔係考到,希望我冇收錯料啦 !!
作者: harrison    時間: 11-1-30 21:50

係呀! 我知道好多已被spc 取錄咗的spn/spk家長都話恨入 Marymount , 到時如果好彩入到去嘅就走人, 所以 6月後又有位放喇 !
作者: yantabo    時間: 11-2-1 01:31

nowadays MPS still ahead of SPP???
作者: yantabo    時間: 11-2-1 01:39

anybody knows the criteria of promoting to SPP??
if the kids that really not suitable studying in SPP,will the teachers in the SPN/SPK notice that and tell the parents.....or will they do something to help the kids and let the kids to improve....???
作者: harrison    時間: 11-2-1 01:48

係呀.....我都係近年聽聞番嚟,起初我都好 shock !! 佢哋話spc已經downgrade 哂......., 而且呢幾個月又真係有好多spn同spk媽咪話等抽 Marymount,抽到就放棄spc.
我仲索緊料, 希望spc家長唔好鬧我至好呀
作者: yantabo    時間: 11-2-1 02:09

sorry not SPP ,is SPCS!!
作者: KaHeiBaBa    時間: 11-2-1 03:21

原帖由 harrison 於 11-2-1 01:48 發表
係呀.....我都係近年聽聞番嚟,起初我都好 shock !! 佢哋話spc已經downgrade 哂......., 而且呢幾個月又真係有好多spn同spk媽咪話等抽 Marymount,抽到就放棄spc.
我仲索緊料, 希望spc家長唔好鬧我至好呀 ...

唔敢講唔認同,之不過囡囡舊年 (SPN:N4) 嘅同學當中,亦都有抽到 MPS,而最後都係放棄 MPS,原校升讀 SPCPS !! 都係嗰句:"家家有求",冇話邊個啱,邊個唔啱 !!
作者: KaHeiBaBa    時間: 11-2-1 03:26

原帖由 harrison 於 11-1-30 21:50 發表
係呀! 我知道好多已被spc 取錄咗的spn/spk家長都話恨入 Marymount , 到時如果好彩入到去嘅就走人, 所以 6月後又有位放喇 !

同意;不過我收到嘅訊息,舊年嗰1位小朋友,抽到嘅小學係喺九龍嗰邊 !!
作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 11-2-1 06:02

只要係同質素或者差唔多standard, 我唸好多家長都會prefer唔洗錢果間,我相信大部份家長選其他小學如mcs, marymount...並不一定覺得佢地ahead spc 而是有免費餐爲何不吃!?! 當然亦有一些lucky 家長會放棄mcs, marymount..... 唔係話spc ahead 佢地,只係覺得能於同一"品牌"讀15年書會令小朋友更proud of 自己,心理質素更好

[ 本帖最後由 仔仔錫錫你 於 11-2-1 06:06 編輯 ]
作者: babyqueendom    時間: 11-2-1 10:20

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: maynjune    時間: 11-2-22 17:31

any spk k3 waiting list receives phone calls from the primary section??
作者: pizzapan    時間: 11-2-26 21:03     標題: 回覆 1# maynjune 的文章

Students in SPCPS get much pressure! Especially their Chinese test. The girls have to remember 160 詞語 for one test in P1. Harder than DGJS.
作者: cheng2    時間: 11-2-27 00:29

I heard that most of st paul convent girls gave up marymount and stay in St paul though they got the seat through lucky draw.  For st paul girls, most of them give up st paul convent only when they got the place in DGS and St Paul Co-edu.

In return, I heard that marymount drop recently because they cannot choose students.  Besides, only 70% got into the secondary school and their pressure is not little.   Most  of the St Paul convent girl can get into the secondary school easily. Thus, they enjoy happy school life and they are pond of they are paul con girl.

Above is what I heard from my cousin who is studying in St Paul Convent.  The information is just for share.   

原帖由 harrison 於 11-2-1 01:48 發表
係呀.....我都係近年聽聞番嚟,起初我都好 shock !! 佢哋話spc已經downgrade 哂......., 而且呢幾個月又真係有好多spn同spk媽咪話等抽 Marymount,抽到就放棄spc.
我仲索緊料, 希望spc家長唔好鬧我至好呀 ...

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