
標題: IB & HKDSE 課程,點行法? [打印本頁]

作者: 70x7    時間: 10-10-13 23:20     標題: IB & HKDSE 課程,點行法?


知道真道學生會考IB & HKDSE 二個試,但實際是點行法?即時間表如何?

(1)讀到去MS4,即是外間的Form 5,對嗎?





作者: big-boy    時間: 10-10-15 19:06

在 - 最新消息 --> 學校新聞 --> 內的雜誌剪輯知道粗略情況,或出席學校舉行的簡介會。
作者: lkong2005    時間: 10-11-7 23:39

Here is the link for reference regarding HKDSE and IB in Logos :

作者: ANChan59    時間: 10-11-8 23:21

原帖由 big-boy 於 10-10-15 19:06 發表
在 - 最新消息 --> 學校新聞 --> 內的雜誌剪輯知道粗略情況,或出席學校舉行的簡介會。

Why no official circular or announcement from the school about IBDP and HKDSE? All from outside sources???? Should focus on parents and kids, not just marketing.

If Logos is a Candidate school, show parents the authroization letter from IBO.

Example as follow:
Required text for candidate schools
Required text for candidate schools to use in marketing materials [70KB, Word]
(INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL) is a candidate school* for the (insert name of programme). This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that (this school) believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB organization can offer any of its three academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme. Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org
The above link as follow:

From SingTao, the DrX claimed the first IBDP examination will be 2012, so I assume they should have IBDP authorization this year. Look at Creative and DBS, they got it April and May 2010 and prepare for 2012 IBDP examination.
作者: littlefaith    時間: 10-11-9 00:28

原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-11-8 23:21 發表

Why no official circular or announcement from the school about IBDP and HKDSE? All from outside sources???? Should focus on parents and kids, not just marketing.

If Logos is a Candidate school, sho ...



作者: ANChan59    時間: 10-11-9 00:58     標題: 回覆 5# littlefaith 的文章

以我理解,這些資料只會向現時家長發佈,無需向外界發表或交代。(If you are right, why the school talked to Sing Tao for promotion and not officially announce in the website).

個人敬你是一個花時間搜集資料的家長,(I prefer fact-base and balanced discussion ) 但希望你明白,不是所有學校都如你所想要「目標為本」,真道在教育上更著重過程,以及道德,這是現今很多香港家長所缺乏的。(I know what you mean, I am one of them. Eventually, I put moral and ethic education as top priority for my son. A DSS school also supported by tax-payer, basic transparency is necessary, I can't see any conflict between result-oriented and process-oriented. Just for your information, I searched Logos in IBO as authorised IB school for more than 8 years. I buy his vision and mission, the IB authorization is a milestone and track record of the school. I deeply wish Mr. Yau's dream come true, it's a good news for all parents.)

家長們再這樣下去,我們的下一代會是一群腦裡只有「業績」、「數據」、「分數」的機器,這樣的香港會很可悲。(You may under-estimate the critical thinking and judgement of parents and even kids.)
作者: PoPofamily    時間: 10-11-9 13:55     標題: 回覆 5# littlefaith 的文章



1.阿女入咗真道後都比以前喜歡睇書, 不過如你一樣, 因為阿女講/聽英文機會比較少, 而佢間幼稚園又著重品德培養多過趨谷英文, 所以搞到家陣真係好似要重新出發, 由基礎嚟過; 再加上被同組同學兜口兜面指住佢話佢英文渣害到佢哋組少分之後, 佢完全冇晒信心, 連BB時已識嘅簡單英文字都會話唔識...作為家長, 唯有盡力正面啲去輔助佢啦!
2.但我問呀仔有無分組搶分, 佢又話好少, 多數自己答, 呀仔仲話, 老師派assessment 時會說出來, Peter, 20 marks, David, 18marks, Rose, 8 marks......"我聽到都驚埋一份

3.但班主任一個電話都冇打黎問候一下, 連搭校車識既同學仔媽咪昨晚都打電話問囡囡咩事, 點解病咁多日都未好番有冇事; 如果班主任能夠打電話問候一句, 我會感覺到老師對小朋友既關心.

我只係想將我既感受表達出黎冇其他意思, 因之前校長及高年班家長一直以黎都表示老師有愛心, 但係呢件事上我唔覺得囉.

Pl. refer toFS1-返了一段日子, 最大問題/滿意是什麼? of this forum.

[ 本帖最後由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 15:07 編輯 ]
作者: littlefaith    時間: 10-11-9 14:21

原帖由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 13:55 發表

家長們再這樣下去,我們的下一代會是一群腦裡只有「業績」、「數據」、「分數」的機器,這樣的香港會很可 ...


你真厲害,用心良苦,至於你所講moral and ethic education係你top priority,大家都識講,但做又係另一回事。
作者: PoPofamily    時間: 10-11-9 14:35     標題: 回覆 8# littlefaith 的文章

I did not have any unhappy incidents that need to回來申訴, I just cannot stand the lies and excuses made so far.
I changed the school for my kid for better education and most important be A PERSON OF HIS WORDS.
Every school has its good and weak sides, why no one can raise any questions in this school even  if the plain facts are so obvious, there are people just blindly attack those who voiced it out.
Being parents we should work with the schools to build up our kids to their fullest potentials.  When the schools fail to do so, it is our job to point it out.  
I thank what Logos had done to my kid but the faults cannot be ignored. Good luck to you and your kid.

[ 本帖最後由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 14:58 編輯 ]
作者: littlefaith    時間: 10-11-9 14:56

原帖由 PoPofamily 於 10-11-9 14:35 發表
I did not have any unhappy incidents that need to回來申訴, I just cannot stand the lies and excuses made so far.
I changed the school for my kid for better education and most important be A PERSON OF  ...

謝謝你的意見,雖然你沒有具體說出學校有甚麼令你這樣不滿(即所謂lies and excuses),但也不要緊,大家各取所需。
作者: ANChan59    時間: 10-11-9 16:01


I have no intention to stir up any fight. It turn out emotional and no evidence or supporting to debate on IB and HKDSE in Logos.

I leave Logos sub-forum, enjoy your school.
作者: littlefaith    時間: 10-11-9 16:19

原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-11-9 16:01 發表

I have no intention to stir up any fight. It turn out emotional and no evidence or supporting to debate on IB and HKDSE in Logos.

I leave Logos sub-forum, enjoy your school.


作者: daisychan    時間: 10-11-9 22:20     標題: 回覆 5# littlefaith 的文章

作者: MrsLee0629    時間: 10-11-10 00:34

Total agree with Littlefaith.
作者: qq_dad    時間: 10-11-10 13:53


作者: deniset    時間: 10-11-10 15:12


原帖由 qq_dad 於 10-11-10 13:53 發表

作者: kukukoo    時間: 10-11-10 15:18

Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

原帖由 qq_dad 於 10-11-10 13:53 發表

作者: daisychan    時間: 10-11-10 23:04

原帖由 qq_dad 於 10-11-10 13:53 發表

It's a good news for all Logos parents and the supporters. Thanks to Principal Yau and all the teachers.

Dream comes true. No! It is not a dream right from the beginning!

很多人對Logos申辦IB存疑, 唔了解唔聽到,就以「八萬五」和「造夢」來比喻。


在本學期初的家長會已經報告IB application 的成果及老師受訓的安排。之前另一次家長會又介紹IB和HKDSE科目的組合。

所以,我再次呼籲真道家長應抽空出席家長會和上Logosparent Forum,不可衹在BK收料。

接下來,高年級的家長和同學要和學校緊密配合,把課程的優勢發揮出來。It is a joint effort!

[ 本帖最後由 daisychan 於 10-11-13 15:10 編輯 ]
作者: kukukoo    時間: 10-11-11 09:32

Yes, we should share more in "Logosparent Forum" as there are very few sharings as I found.

原帖由 daisychan 於 10-11-10 23:04 發表

It's a good news for all Logos parents and the supporters. Thanks to Principal Yau and all the teachers.

Dream comes true. No! It is not a dream right from the beginning!

很多人對Logos申辦IB存疑,  ...

作者: monkeydog    時間: 10-11-11 10:00

I agree the Principal's approach not to announce before thing is confirmed, especially this is an education industry...not commercial industry.

As Principal said the most difficult part is not to get IB cert., it is how to get good results in IB exam. because it is all about how the whole school can support this for 11 years continuously. I can see the learning mode has been designed for that even in the 1st two months of FS1 school life. School, parents and kids all need to put effort and to be united to acheive that....The future is certainly bright!  

原帖由 daisychan 於 10-11-10 23:04 發表

It's a good news for all Logos parents and the supporters. Thanks to Principal Yau and all the teachers.

Dream comes true. No! It is not a dream right from the beginning!

很多人對Logos申辦IB存疑,  ...

作者: victorf    時間: 10-11-11 13:40


好似我當年讀大學...頭幾年既大師兄師姐入學既時候個專業學會只係tentative承認個program...到佢地去到FINAL YR 就要全系上下攪一煲大show去攞Accreditation...之後仲要每幾年就再玩一次...

當然可以話要學生"上左船"再"摸住石頭過河"唔公道...但亦反映個公開既評審的碓係認真既, 要睇晒全套先至put你on-list...

我唔知IB係咪類似CASE, 不過各位大師兄師姐要努力啊!

[ 本帖最後由 victorf 於 10-11-11 13:48 編輯 ]

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