

作者: shirleylmx    時間: 10-10-1 09:09     標題: YORK INTERVIEW

請問各位York KI Interview是in什麼及有什麼問題問的呢?
作者: calbee6    時間: 10-10-1 12:48

作者: Civic1500    時間: 10-10-1 13:50

If you can afford their school fee, don't worry. no matter your child can or cannot answer their questions. you will all get the admission and be reminded to spare time to attend their introduction talk lightly to be held before the interview. After attend the interview and the introduction talk, I'm sure that you won't send your child to this kg.
作者: anteater    時間: 10-10-1 14:21


原帖由 Civic1500 於 10-10-1 13:50 發表
If you can afford their school fee, don't worry. no matter your child can or cannot answer their questions. you will all get the admission and be reminded to spare time to attend their introduction ta ...

作者: maglam1985    時間: 10-10-1 14:36

原帖由 anteater 於 10-10-1 14:21 發表

掠水學校, 所以唔駛擔心考唔到, 況且啱啱爆咗一單掠水嘢, 有智慧嘅家長都唔會揀呢間個"大話連篇"嘅校長, 所以想入呢間學校就一定考到, 只要有錢就得!


作者: shirleylmx    時間: 10-10-1 22:22

不過好奇怪, 我上年in了學前班都沒有收我的10月BB.
謝謝各位的寶貴意見! 如果他們今年收了我的BB讀出年的KI的話, 我會好好考慮的.
作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-10-2 01:37

At York interview, my gal was not asked for many questions. A NET teacher tried to speak to my gal causually when she was playing toys....he did not lead my gal at all. And it was so bad that my gal did not respond anything though she should get used to understand and respond in English at home....

But I have not received the offer / reject letter from York yet.
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-10-4 17:28

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作者: fishballbaby    時間: 10-10-4 18:16


原帖由 Pertra 於 10-10-4 17:28 發表
Anyone received the letter ?

作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-10-5 00:06

The interviewer teacher said the letter would be sent by around 3 weeks after interview.

At such an early stage, we have got no offer on hand by now. Should it be wiser to pay money reserving the seat as if we are to be granted an offer ?

But I am quite concerned about when the debeneture amount has to be paid....
作者: 小克    時間: 10-10-5 09:05

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作者: peggyhklam    時間: 10-10-5 09:12

原帖由 小克 於 10-10-5 09:05 發表
No worry, the interview is just a formality.
Esay to get in as they have a lot of places.

如果唔多人考就好啦, 起碼我bb有機會入到pre-nursery
作者: yoyo-mother    時間: 10-10-5 09:38

The school said they only have less than 100 seats for the international KG .
They will offer Local Stream seats to you if the interview is OK .
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-10-5 09:48

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作者: fishballbaby    時間: 10-10-5 17:32


原帖由 yoyo-mother 於 10-10-5 09:38 發表
The school said they only have less than 100 seats for the international KG .
They will offer Local Stream seats to you if the interview is OK .

作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-10-5 22:06

Yes...me too. I've applied for both international class and also mainstream class. But I called the school and was informed tht the interview for maninstream class would only be held at around end of Dec.
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-10-5 22:24

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作者: charlotte2008    時間: 10-10-5 22:32

Dunno why we've got different answers from them. I just wondered if they wanna to fix all offers before interviewing the mainstream as most of the kinders in Kln won't hold interview so late.

Anyway, I prefer to have interview earlier too... as if we are lucky enough, we have to consider which kinder(s) we are going to pay deposit for reservation.
作者: melodypoonwk    時間: 10-10-10 15:19

老實說, 我兩個仔都係York畢業, 學校行政有人讚有人彈, 事實上學校有好多嘢都係可能要用錢, 我大仔N1時, 因為第一個都會參加好多嘢, 但都二仔入埋去, 基本上我都只係用d基本錢, 有時連雜費, 知道邊d唔係必要都無參加, 但總結他們3年幼稚園生涯, 他們確確實實好開心, 學到好多, 尤其英文科, 佢哋教學方法又真係無容致疑, 我小朋友6歲已經考到劍橋Flyer14個盾, 我兩公婆都要返工, 真係無乜時間去教佢地, 但總之佢哋返嚟會好自動自覺對英語圖書, 英語電視... ... 好有興趣, 有次帶佢返學校考公開試, 我只見一大班小朋友根本好似玩咁一d壓力都無, 我就欣賞這點, 教到d小朋友响好輕鬆環境裡自動自覺去學習, 當然媽媽有時間可能事半公倍, 或者參加多d嘢會好d, 參加了都是小朋友得到的, 唔參加又唔會差得去邊, 所以我諗好多嘢係可以選擇, 起碼我兩個仔仔宜家去到小學都係有好處既!
作者: k.kung    時間: 10-10-11 00:24

請問你覺得Cambridge test對報讀名校小一, 如SPCC, DBSPD和 YW的作用大嗎?

原帖由 melodypoonwk 於 10-10-10 15:19 發表
老實說, 我兩個仔都係York畢業, 學校行政有人讚有人彈, 事實上學校有好多嘢都係可能要用錢, 我大仔N1時, 因為第一個都會參加好多嘢, 但都二仔入埋去, 基本上我都只係用d基本錢, 有時連雜費, 知道邊d唔係必要都無參加 ...

[ 本帖最後由 k.kung 於 10-10-11 00:28 編輯 ]
作者: giant_japan    時間: 10-10-11 16:22

原帖由 calbee6 於 10-10-1 12:48 發表
我int國際班都問好多野.考小朋友時全英文,考小朋友聽唔聽指令,例如吹candle,分顏色,放野入雪櫃,問動物名等,都最小有5分鐘到,睇你小朋友答得快唔快啦,個老師會引導小朋友。 ...

is it you interview on Sept 2010? teacher will ask parent question by english? and the teacher is it foreigner no chinese? whole interview arount how long? group interview?
作者: calbee6    時間: 10-10-11 21:22


We attented the interview on 25/Sept.
There was 3 groups of family in the room. My son was the last one be asked by the NET, I think it is because he is the smallest one among groups. (I do not repeat the questions to my child here as I have mentioned before).
For parent, the Chinese teacher was very nice, she let me to show her the artistic works and asked me what we are doing in leisure time. Just some simple questions in Chinese.
Overall, it's around 30-45 mins for the whole interview we spent in the interview room.

原帖由 giant_japan 於 10-10-11 16:22 發表

is it you interview on Sept 2010? teacher will ask parent question by english? and the teacher is it foreigner no chinese? whole interview arount how long? group interview?

作者: giant_japan    時間: 10-10-11 22:45

many thanks for your information, because we will attent the interview on next week. u apply internation school or local school in york? and how many child per group? u mean net teacher ask your child question and chinese teacher ask parent question? so the interview have 2 teacher with 3 group everytime?
作者: calbee6    時間: 10-10-11 22:54

Hi giant_japan

I only applied international class for my son. 3 families, so 3 childrens in the interview room. They will let the children to play toys freely. Then, the NET will ask the children questions in english, and the Chinese teacher casual talk with parents.
作者: GAT    時間: 10-10-12 00:22

I applied only local stream & get the interview on 23 Oct. And they said the result will come in 2-3 weeks time.

So anxious as this is the first interview of all - then I will see how my boy behave in front of teachers/strangers!
作者: melodypoonwk    時間: 10-10-20 03:36

我個仔乜課外活動都無參加, 但就只係靠每年學校英文學科獎, 成績獎同Cambridge3張cert考小一, 你講個3間我都無考(因為都miss了報名><)但考了APS, SFA, ST. JO(彩石里), 陳守仁, 培僑, 聖若望同北角蘇浙都收, 我諗都有小小幫助瓜!

原帖由 k.kung 於 10-10-11 00:24 發表
請問你覺得Cambridge test對報讀名校小一, 如SPCC, DBSPD和 YW的作用大嗎?

作者: ck07hk    時間: 10-10-20 11:26


原帖由 melodypoonwk 於 10-10-20 03:36 發表
我個仔乜課外活動都無參加, 但就只係靠每年學校英文學科獎, 成績獎同Cambridge3張cert考小一, 你講個3間我都無考(因為都miss了報名>

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