標題: 唔知亞仔係唔係過度活躍 [打印本頁]
作者: hohob0314 時間: 10-9-22 14:01 標題: 唔知亞仔係唔係過度活躍
亞仔現在3歲半, 之前2歲9個月CAC評自閉症,但現在反而越來越覺得佢似過度活躍+專注力不足, 當佢去到超級市場, 商場, 公園, 診所等等, 佢都會走來走去, 好似足馬騮咁, 而上音樂堂就比較專心好多, 但上單對單ST都係唔專心不過唔會離開坐位, 我想知咁細係唔係唔可以確定佢係過度活躍呢? 但又話要早D幫佢解決D個問題, 咁可以點做? 我已經同佢TRAIN好多野,又ST,OT同社交, 而現在又有S位, 但問過班主任又只話佢好多時唔專心, 但學嘢又好快跟得到, 所以都唔知點..有冇同路人可以幫吓我呀
作者: midcocc 時間: 10-9-24 23:41
作者: Capricorn2521 時間: 10-9-25 10:27
我個仔都係3歲半,我覺得佢似專注力不足,但未到過度活躍。在家好d,有玩具/拚圖/圖書/cd就可以坐底,有時都鐘意行來行去。出街就痳煩d,好好奇,周圍攪,要成日提佢。吾比佢攪就發脾氣,所以可以的話我會比佢掂吓,就要叫佢不好再攪啦,佢都ok聽話,仲要語氣平和,如果我大聲罵佢,佢又會大聲不服地回應及發脾氣。所以同佢出街,一係有工人睇住佢,否則,要shopping由daddy負責,我負責睇住佢。至於診所有玩具玩都好d。公園就由佢跑。因為我地已經訓練咗佢(嚇咗佢吾見咗媽咪的後果,只有daddy,而daddy又走得好快)要等賣媽咪/拖著媽咪了,所以佢玩玩吓都會望吓我,make sure我在場。不過我真係好少帶佢去朋友gathering,因為佢去到新地方一定係留意環境,不是人物,當人透明。如痳痳家,都要去多過5次熟悉環境後先撩吓我玩。
我覺得要比多d機會小朋友活動,好動小朋友更加要,否則更加坐吾定,可以去游水/嬉水池,沙灘,足球場跑圈,去公園,戶外地方比佢自由去玩。我知道捉馬騮好辛苦 (我上年都係),但都要做,鬼叫我地係亞媽咩。就算我小朋友依家在家,我都晚晚同佢玩捉e因,同佢一齊上下跳,一齊跳舞,唱歌做動作,玩倒立,打關斗....。我目的係要佢發洩精力,同教佢將精力用在適當的活動上。努力吧!
[ 本帖最後由 Capricorn2521 於 10-9-25 10:32 編輯 ]
作者: donutbaby 時間: 10-9-25 11:02
my son is now 2.5 years old. he just started attending N1 and the teacher said he is always running around and needs to be reminded to sit down all the time. i have the same situation - he is better at home with books and puzzles...he can be very focused on these activities. But once we go out, he can be very out of control. Also he likes to touch everything which makes me very frustrated all the time.
i brought him to a specialist doctor once and the doctor said he is not ADHD, but rather he is 'impulsive' (note however: impulsive is in fact a factor of ADHD), that means whenever he feels like doing something, he will do it, without thinking whether he should do it or not. even though the doctor said he is not ADHD, i am still very worried because i don't know if he can learn anything in the classroom if he cannot sit still. i really wonder if this situation will improve in the long run?
作者: Capricorn2521 時間: 10-9-25 11:26
That's why i insist to put my son into S seat, even though he has improved a lot, and his ex-teachers said he should go into I seat instead of S seat.
I believe the S school can train him well. He is a easier case when comparing with his classmates. He learns better in a highly visualised small class environment.
After school, we need a lot of attention and patience to him.....as i mentioned before.
原帖由 donutbaby 於 10-9-25 11:02 發表
my son is now 2.5 years old. he just started attending N1 and the teacher said he is always running around and needs to be reminded to sit down all the time. i have the same situation - he is better ...
[ 本帖最後由 Capricorn2521 於 10-10-11 14:56 編輯 ]
作者: Chris852 時間: 10-9-28 18:12
我個仔都係3歲多D,佢專注力尚算OK,但除在訓覺, 基本上唔停. 出街一落地就跑(不會慢慢行),
出街食飯, 永遠企系張chair到. 叫佢sit down, 佢就駁咀話 stand up on the chair...(仲自創文法, 教佢好多次無"up", 唔理 )
仲有, 把口唔停 (第1日座校巴, 校巴司機就同我說, 小朋友好多嘢講~)
如有須要, 請問有沒有介紹?
[ 本帖最後由 Chris852 於 10-9-28 18:19 編輯 ]
作者: BiBi100 時間: 10-10-11 11:46
My son is also like that. He can't sit properly at school, always walk around. And he not follow the instruction and may distrub the other children. I am looking for hte specialist to check whether he is ADHD. Can you please your specialist contact for me. Thanks.
原帖由 donutbaby 於 10-9-25 11:02 發表
my son is now 2.5 years old. he just started attending N1 and the teacher said he is always running around and needs to be reminded to sit down all the time. i have the same situation - he is better ...
作者: BOBO6 時間: 10-10-13 00:40
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作者: hohob0314 時間: 10-10-19 14:51
原帖由 BOBO6 於 10-10-13 00:40 發表
作者: gor_gor 時間: 10-12-20 22:40 標題: 專注力不足課程
其實我啱啱報讀咗'領思 Links Child Development Centre'既聖誕專注力課程,唔知得唔得,有冇家長知道呢間中心點樣架,地點係灣仔.
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