
標題: 小兒申請宣道和陳守仁插班都成功, 請俾意見! [打印本頁]

作者: melodypoonwk    時間: 10-8-14 10:50     標題: 小兒申請宣道和陳守仁插班都成功, 請俾意見!

小兒申請宣道和陳守仁插班都成功, 請俾意見!

小兒6月時申請宣道和陳守仁小二插班, 陳守仁早在6月尾取錄小兒, 本人亦已替大仔買好一切開學用品及書, (大仔無乜參加咩課外活動, 只有靠聖若瑟英文小學全級頭3名和劍橋Flyer14個盾考到) 但今早宣道打嚟取錄小兒, 兩間都好鍾意, 點算呢?  (註, 本人第3個仔下年將入讀幼稚園, 請問哥哥在小學讀, 對細佬考幼稚園有幫助嗎? ) 請各位媽媽多多指教, 唔該晒!
作者: ssdiana    時間: 10-8-21 19:13

Congratulations!! Both are good schools for kids with good academic standings. Yet they are quite different as I observed from what I have experienced during my son's P1 admission process and interview process:

1) 宣道

a) Religious background and it depends if youwould like to have kids exposed to religions at this stage.

b) This is a Chinese school, strong with music and with very strong academic standing as observed from their secondary school allocations, yet very traditional ways of learning and some kids benefit very well from this kind of learning, some do not. It all depends on parents' expectations on child learning and your kid's learning style and see which is better.

c) During my son's interview sessions, I disliked the way the school presented itself and the manner of the teachers, very conservative, without much smiles on their faces!!

d) I have  tried to bring my son to go to their church during weekends to see how did he feel about the school and the church, he could not tuned in and he was very distant, yet no one engaged him as a new comer.

e) My son's two kindergarten classmates decided to go to 宣道 and they adjusted very well with good academic results and their parents have been very happy with the shcool though at the begining she felt extremely annoying on their heavy workloads...

2) 陳守仁

a) Comparatively speaking, their secondary school allocation results have not been that good as 宣道, yet if you kids are having good potentials in learning, they are very promising to go to top schools, yet with a very happy childhood and learning environment, less competitive atmosphere, more lay back and more relaxing

b) A good language environment, English as a teaching medium for all subjects except Chinese, Mandarin for Chinese subject. Extra French learning good for my son. He felt very interested and took initiative to participate in outside school French class. He's in level 6 now, I am very happy with that..Kids spoke French,, are really lovely!

c) Good music program for the children, my son pparticipates in music nights and other activiites and he enjoys it very much.

d) The workload is not heavy all along from P1 to P3 and he has plenty of time to read and explore things he likes.

e) He loves the school and I have no worries on following up or chasing him to do homework or this or that, I feel happy with the matching as well.

Hope this helps...
作者: melodypoonwk    時間: 10-8-22 00:06


好多謝你詳盡既解說, 對我來講是個很有用既參考, 其實我仔仔由細到大都是個自動自覺學習既小朋友, 從小佢就要看英語電視, 英語書, 在家大部份時間都是同工人和細佬說英語,  亦可能幼稚園階段佢讀既又係英文幼稚園, 所以我覺得佢學習中文比同齡小朋友困難, 原本佢讀一所英文小學, 雖然佢考全級第三, 但中文科就只有80幾, 每做一次中文工課就要我用英文翻譯一次, 加上當佢升上小學後我發覺佢越嚟越無心機學習, 就算考試都只溫習3,4分鐘, 揭揭本書就算, 甚至不肯接受其他小朋友教他其他一些事情, 好難接受別人意見, 這可能跟他從小就每年在學校取得全級英文突出獎, 成績獎等, 到現在佢已經孝獲劍橋Flyers 15個盾,  因此佢會認為自己好叻, 因此我希望籍著轉校, 想給他一些有難度既學習, 想佢知道呢個世界其實有好多其他小朋友响其他科目, 其他事物都會超越佢,
唔可以因為自己英文永遠贏人就沾沾自喜, 當其他小朋友教他其他事情佢就唔願意接受或者學乜都本半途
而廢, 亦唔係你鍾意乜嘢就只顧專注一樣, 其實我有d係因為想佢嘗試失敗, 學習面對, 唔知道咁樣係咪有dd變態呢?
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-8-23 11:19

呢間乜野道, 我對佢地嘅印象真係麻麻. 話說我呀女初初從外地回港, 要搵學校插班, 有幾間收, 有幾間唔收, 先講收嗰幾間, 陳守仁就唔使講啦, 校內教職員都好有禮貌, 令人感到好舒服; 另外玫瑰崗同聖三一都收, 呢兩間都非常好, 入學試前副校長先見面, 之後校長又再親自見面, 佢地都話我呀女中文方面有好大問題, 但認為只要小朋友努力嘅話係可以追到, 因為只係小三, 時間係夠嘅, 另外學校亦可以提供放學後的補課協助等. 最後我選咗陳守仁嘅原因相信大家都知道喇.

至於唔收我呀女嗰 d, 我唔係話佢地唔收就話佢地唔好, 只不過係佢地連面試或筆試嘅機會都唔俾, 特別係上面講緊嗰間乜春道, 首先職員嘅態度真係好差, 好似我地係入去乞食咁, 可能佢地認為搵個學位等同於乞兒啦. 一知呀女係從外國返o黎就話冇可能追得上, 連任何資料都完全唔肯提供, 就算讀低一級都唔會考慮............ 嘩...............使唔使咁 Q 吋呀!!!

我真係慶幸呀女冇機會入呢 d 咁巴閉嘅學校, 因為同我一直教呀女做人處事嘅價值觀完全相反, 再者我亦唔相信呀女在此等學校學習除咗成績可能谷得好好之外有乜野得益.
作者: HKKT    時間: 10-8-23 11:24


作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-8-23 13:37     標題: 回復 4# DaddyCool 的帖子

你真係形象好鬼鮮明!!! 直腸直肚!!!
作者: melodypoonwk    時間: 10-8-23 18:10

其實我好開心响這裡聽到你們大家既意見, 真係好多謝你們既經驗,  因為我現在1個湊住3個仔, 學校d嘢問親老公佢就只會話 : 你話事啦! 你覺得邊間好就揀啦! 有時真係好大壓 , 老公對大仔期望較高, 又要佢做個保障照住d細佬, 到時讀得唔好又驚佢... ...哎! 不過無論我最後決定大仔是否陳守仁, 我可以肯定2仔一定會選陳, 因為2仔所肩負既同大哥唔同, 我只要佢同你們所講一樣讀得開開心心, 就好似每當我帶仔仔去陳面試, 註冊, 買書時程况一樣, 每次都係笑住去享受, 况且, 响我自己心目中, 陳絕對係間好學校, 祝你們既寶貝同我3個寶貝都會有個美好將來!

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