
標題: 中華基金中學 [打印本頁]

作者: clw_jun    時間: 10-7-21 09:14     標題: 中華基金中學

Hi, 各位媽咪,

請問小西灣的中華基金中學是不是活動教學? 校風好唔好呢 ? 各位媽咪有沒有意見 ?
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-21 09:30

原帖由 clw_jun 於 10-7-21 09:14 發表
Hi, 各位媽咪,

請問小西灣的中華基金中學是不是活動教學? 校風好唔好呢 ? 各位媽咪有沒有意見 ?

[ 本帖最後由 fatymama 於 10-7-21 09:31 編輯 ]
作者: clw_jun    時間: 10-7-22 13:47

[謝謝你的回覆 , 請問你的小朋友, 在這間中學讀書嗎?
他們是不是好看成績呢 ? 我個女成績一般(中, 英,數 c grade, 其他活動都沒有. 是不是很難入此學校呢 ? 學費貴唔貴? 係唔係好多人爭呢?  此學校是不是活動式教學呢 ? 有沒有好介紹 ? 請指教! , ]原帖由 fatymama 於 10-7-21 09:30 發表
校風很好,s1-s3不准在外吃飯,老師負責,不過課程頗深,尤其是英文科。我相信應是半傳統半活動,因為在家長會上校長已強調即使理科在一些程度上也是要背誦的。不過外間老師都對中基有一定的評價。 ... [/quote]
作者: tunafish    時間: 10-7-22 13:53

中華基金屬band 1尾, 大部份學生屬band1的, 如果中,英,數 c grade, 應該唔大機會
作者: clw_jun    時間: 10-7-22 14:02

[ 有沒有其他活動教學好介紹呢?]原帖由 tunafish 於 10-7-22 13:53 發表
中華基金屬band 1尾, 大部份學生屬band1的, 如果中,英,數 c grade, 應該唔大機會 [/quote]
作者: paltiBB    時間: 10-7-22 15:40

我所知今年中華基金中學是band one 中, 升呢左 !!
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-22 18:04     標題: 回覆 4# clw_jun 的文章


[ 本帖最後由 fatymama 於 10-7-22 19:32 編輯 ]
作者: llmom    時間: 10-7-22 21:07

但係點解仔仔學校有兩位同學仔Band 2C 入了這校, 一個自行收, 一個派位收的!
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-22 21:44

Dear llmom
會不會有特異功能?又或者是有特別關系?anyway, 你的兒子已入了st. jo是不會明白叩門的辛苦。其實有很多band 2b st. jo仔都有叩這學校,但都不成功,本來有8個入讀中基,7個自行+派位,1個叩門,但現在只剩7個 (因我放棄),便可知叩門的difficulty。你知不知有沒有人成功叩回st.jo college ?
原帖由 llmom 於 10-7-22 21:07 發表
但係點解仔仔學校有兩位同學仔Band 2C 入了這校, 一個自行收, 一個派位收的!

[ 本帖最後由 fatymama 於 10-7-22 21:47 編輯 ]
作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-22 21:51     標題: 回覆 8# clw_jun 的文章







作者: llmom    時間: 10-7-22 23:03

原帖由 fatymama 於 10-7-22 21:44 發表
Dear llmom
會不會有特異功能?又或者是有特別關系?anyway, 你的兒子已入了st. jo是不會明白叩門的辛苦。其實有很多band 2b st. jo仔都有叩這學校,但都不成功,本來有8個入讀中基,7個自行+派位,1個叩門,但現在只剩7個 (因我放 ...

我都識好多同學仔補考St. Jo, 但是還未有消息. 我前幾天碰見一位同學仔, 他派入中基, 初時他媽媽很失望又擔心, 但我向她說中基是BAnd one 英中, 好多人都想入, 她便安心些, 這位同學仔也說都有很多St. Jo 同學在中基.
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-22 23:41

Thank you for your reply.  If you have heard of anyone successfully knocking the door of sjc, please inform me so that I know what is happening and go to buy books and uniform of the new school.  其實我真的覺得放棄中基很可惜,但要尊重son&husband 的決定,所以很不開心,怕後悔。
原帖由 llmom 於 10-7-22 23:03 發表

我都識好多同學仔補考St. Jo, 但是還未有消息. 我前幾天碰見一位同學仔, 他派入中基, 初時他媽媽很失望又擔心, 但我向她說中基是BAnd one 英中, 好多人都想入, 她便安心些, 這位同學仔也說都有很多St. Jo 同學在中 ...

[ 本帖最後由 fatymama 於 10-7-22 23:42 編輯 ]
作者: cch18    時間: 10-7-23 00:31     標題: 回覆 1# fatymama 的文章

作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-23 07:32

原帖由 cch18 於 10-7-23 00:31 發表

作者: clw_jun    時間: 10-7-23 09:18     標題: thank you Loyanmei 詳細的回覆

[hi, Loyanmei,

thank you very much !  很多謝你的回覆, 我個女, 成一般, 中, 英,數 C grade, 而操行有B, 唔知係唔係唔洗入此校嗎 ? 因為我女要活動教學才適合她? 此學校是不是活動教學呢 ? 幾時先開始叩門呢 ? 我個女現升小六. 學費貴唔貴? 請指教]
作者: MUMMYSIK    時間: 10-7-23 09:21     標題: 回覆 1# fatymama 的文章

Hi fatymama,

我都有留意中華基金, 請問與St. Paul College比, 校風與成績以那間較好?

他的手册字醜又有大意漏帶欠交功課, 如果機會不太,便浪費了自行表格,請幫忙告知。
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-23 10:05

一間是老牌名校,一間是後起之秀,中基一定是著重成績多於一切,因為要上位。而SPC 較為著重學生的all round education,很多對外活動(Sports and Music)和交流團,是你在中基可能enjoy不到。當然學費也有相差,
spc HK$3800 而中基HK$905. 所以你想你的兒子向那方面發展,真的要認真考慮,始終中基要付出很多的努力才能更進一步。你的學校在那一區,請告知,看我能否給你其它愚見。(因我的兒子前後叩了6間門,2間最好的成功,可說是歷盡辛苦)
原帖由 MUMMYSIK 於 10-7-23 09:2 發表
Hi fatymama,

我都有留意中華基金, 請問與St. Paul College比, 校風與成績以那間較好?

他的手册字醜又有大意漏帶欠交功課, 如果機會不太,便浪費了自行表格,請幫忙告知。 ...

作者: MUMMYSIK    時間: 10-7-23 13:22     標題: 回覆 17# fatymama 的文章

Hi fatymama,

小兒升小六中西區, 呈分BAAA, 個性活潑, 老師話band 2, 我知道比起band 1同學只輸很少。  除把握下次呈分試外, 更要非常謹慎地選2所中學作自行分配, 避開大抽獎, 既然知道入英中甚難, 請問選那2所中學作自行較大機會?  希望你能夠給我意見, 萬分感激!
作者: cch18    時間: 10-7-23 16:19     標題: 回覆 5# fatymama 的文章

作者: EDEL    時間: 10-7-23 17:12

Basically you are right... except one point:

CFSS can do quite well in Sports & Music too. You can check their website & they got a no. of prizes from different activities as well. In fact, this is also one of the key points they need the children who should develop in long term...

原帖由 fatymama 於 10-7-23 10:05 發表
一間是老牌名校,一間是後起之秀,中基一定是著重成績多於一切,因為要上位。而SPC 較為著重學生的all round education,很多對外活動(Sports and Music)和交流團,是你在中基可能enjoy不到。當然學費也有相差,
spc HK$3800 而 ...

作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-23 20:17     標題: 回覆 6# clw_jun 的文章

Hi clw_jun,







作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-23 21:38     標題: 回覆 3# cch18 的文章

Dear cch18,
sorry because I am a new memeber, I don't know how to open the pm.  I learn now and sorry for the misunderstanding.  please check your pm to know which school my son has gone.
作者: fatymama    時間: 10-7-23 21:43

Please check pm tomorrow.
原帖由 MUMMYSIK 於 10-7-23 13:22 發表
Hi fatymama,

小兒升小六中西區, 呈分BAAA, 個性活潑, 老師話band 2, 我知道比起band 1同學只輸很少。  除把握下次呈分試外, 更要非常謹慎地選2所中學作自行分配, 避開大抽獎, 既然知道入英中甚難, 請問選那2所中學 ...

[ 本帖最後由 fatymama 於 10-7-23 21:45 編輯 ]
作者: MUMMYSIK    時間: 10-7-26 08:54     標題: 回覆 19# cch18 的文章

Hi fatymama,

我唔識開pm, 但非常多謝你的熱心幫忙!
作者: goodwill    時間: 10-7-27 18:40

My son knocked CFSS and some other well known schools last year and he got the offers from two other schools.  Finally, we  took CFSS due to  the joint family decision.  We all like  CFSS.  As most of the parents, we would like to select the "right and best" one for our kids.  On the other hand, we all  might have some concerns to the school due to his relatively short history"10" years as compared with the others....
After one year's studies, my son enjoyed school life very much and found  it very interesting and motivating. I would say this school is much better than I expected, the principal and  teachers are professional and caring,  even the ex- principal Mr. Chow will visit and share his expertise to students and parents all the time... they are nourishing students  with hearts. The kindest persons expect no rewards and  deserve more, I would like to say thank you to the staffs  in coaching my son.  Besides, emphasizing on  academic studies, they also put great effort in moral education and sports training and gifted programs.... to develop one's potential in all aspects. Honestly, we are lucky that we selected the right school  for my son.  Cheers
作者: goodwill    時間: 10-7-27 19:26

The acamedic results of CFSS keeps improving  in the past years even with only 10 years' hsitory and she is as good as some other well established school.  You can view the topics of HKCEE discussion or you can view the website of CFSS.  We can say that the schools provides  positive  value  to students.
I am a new user  of this section and this is my first time to write this two articles for CFSS.  i hope that my sharing is useful for some other parents who are interested in CF:D SS......
作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-28 14:03     標題: 回覆 2# goodwill 的文章

Dear Goodview,

Your sharing is really very useful.  I believe both of us have selected the right school for our kids.  I hope that my daughter will enjoy the school life as well.  Thanks for your sharing!
作者: goodwill    時間: 10-7-28 16:52

Further to the question of loyanmei about 極想知中基是否很谷學生,是否令他們承受很大的學習壓力 ?
I would say that the pressure is  reasonable and acceptable and it will create some sort of "force" to uplift our kids.  They will learn to cope with reasonable pressure and study hard for better results. The school have lots of quiz or tests to ensure the students are studying on the right track. On the other hand,  our school is 有教無類 and 拔尖補底. They offer gifted programes ( such as Maths class conducted by ex-principal )for students with good Maths knowledge  and extra supp. classes  for students with special need.... All in all, a school provides sound education to kids with hearts. So don't worry! As long as our kids love their school and enjoyed the shool life and they will perform well! Hope that I can answer your question.... as your concern/worry is my concern/worry one year ago....cheers:)
作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-28 22:18

原帖由 goodwill 於 10-7-28 16:52 發表
Further to the question of loyanmei about 極想知中基是否很谷學生,是否令他們承受很大的學習壓力 ?
I would say that the pressure is  reasonable and acceptable and it will create some sort of "force" to up ...

Dear Goodwill,

Thanks for your information.  I agree with you that little bit pressure is good for our kids.  

I worry so much because my daughter did not come from an English primary school.  Her English is quite poor.  Anyway, after reading your message, I feel better now.  I will try my best to help her.  Thanks a lot!   

作者: EDEL    時間: 10-7-29 10:37

No worry, loyanmei. As noted, most kids are not from EMI primary school. They will adopt the new environment very soon.

e.g. My girl did not like to read the English books (of course, Chinese is the mother tongue!) but now she loves to read a lot of English books (the popular ones that we can easily find in the bookstore). So they will keep changing a lot in the new school environment :)

原帖由 loyanmei 於 10-7-28 22:18 發表

Dear Goodwill,

Thanks for your information.  I agree with you that little bit pressure is good for our kids.  

I worry so much because my daughter did not come from an English primary school.  He ...

作者: goodwill    時間: 10-7-29 16:21

My son is  not from EMI primary school and he adopted to his new school life very well, too. So don't worry!  I think that most  of the students are not from EMI primary school.....The teachers will help your kid as they are kind and devoted. BTW, the students are required to read lots of books and write book reports or do projects very often.....their standard of English will be improved gradually. Actually, the level of both English and Chinese of CFSS is quite high, so hard work is required. :)
作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-29 23:00

原帖由 EDEL 於 10-7-29 10:37 發表
No worry, loyanmei. As noted, most kids are not from EMI primary school. They will adopt the new environment very soon.

e.g. My girl did not like to read the English books (of course, Chinese is the ...

Dear Edel,

I always encourage my daughter to read English books in order to improve her English.
However, she only enjoys reading Chinese detective stories.
She spends much time in reading these kinds of books.
Of course, I want her to read more English books but I can’t control her.
Now I allow her to read any books as she likes because I think Chinese Language is also an important subject.
I only hope that she will change in future as your daughter.
Thanks for your sharing!

作者: loyanmei    時間: 10-7-29 23:05

原帖由 goodwill 於 10-7-29 16:21 發表
My son is  not from EMI primary school and he adopted to his new school life very well, too. So don't worry!  I think that most  of the students are not from EMI primary school.....The teachers will h ...

Dear Goodwill,

Thanks for your information.  I agree with you that CFSS's teachers will help my daughter.  I really expect that she will adapt the new environment very soon and improve gradually.  Thank you so much!
作者: siuchiu    時間: 10-8-1 22:15

原帖由 MUMMYSIK 於 10-7-23 13:22 發表
Hi fatymama,

小兒升小六中西區, 呈分BAAA, 個性活潑, 老師話band 2, 我知道比起band 1同學只輸很少。  除把握下次呈分試外, 更要非常謹慎地選2所中學作自行分配, 避開大抽獎, 既然知道入英中甚難, 請問選那2所中學 ...

作者: goodwill    時間: 10-8-3 08:54

You might ask your teachers of your primary school and they will tell your son's banding in your district and in total Hong Kong after three exam. Aftering knowing the band or rank of your kid in your school, in district or in total Hong Kong, you can find the right one for your kid. It is a matching process.....
作者: siuchiu    時間: 10-8-3 18:04

原帖由 goodwill 於 10-8-3 08:54 發表
You might ask your teachers of your primary school and they will tell your son's banding in your district and in total Hong Kong after three exam. Aftering knowing the band or rank of your kid in your ...

thank you!

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