
標題: Goodhope [打印本頁]

作者: lenmama    時間: 10-7-15 22:11     標題: Goodhope

Everybody get the call from goodhope for 2nd interview, I got the notice today for tomorrown interview with pinciple, pls adv if they can allow father & mother attend the interview together.  What the pinciple will ask? will we get the result upon finishing the interview?
作者: parentslove2    時間: 10-7-15 22:37

Dear Lenmama,

As I know last year, parents were go together for Sister Leung's interview after your girl has a little drawing test.
Sister likes a good character girl.
If you really like GH, please take it easy and be relax, enjoy the interview.

God be with you!
Wishing you have a successful interview.


原帖由 lenmama 於 10-7-15 22:11 發表
Everybody get the call from goodhope for 2nd interview, I got the notice today for tomorrown interview with pinciple, pls adv if they can allow father & mother attend the interview together.  What the ...

作者: vancpyiu    時間: 10-7-15 22:40

We've got an interview with principle last week. I suggest parents should go together. Because I saw one children and her father fail after an interview. Firstly, your children will draw a picture and hand to principle. She will ask some questions with your children and parents. You should perform honestly and politely. You will get the result after an interview.
作者: jackie_lau2000    時間: 10-7-16 09:17

原帖由 lenmama 於 10-7-15 22:11 發表
Everybody get the call from goodhope for 2nd interview, I got the notice today for tomorrown interview with pinciple, pls adv if they can allow father & mother attend the interview together.  What the ...

我相信不用太擔心.你們俾到誠意同信心校長便可了.我見好多2nd interview都成功的. 而且此校到8月31日都會call 人入學. (我有些朋友都係咁. 包括上中學部) 另外, 之前有個朋友一個人去interview, 校長都收了.

(註 : 我沒有去second interview因已選了津校)
作者: ANNAFRIEND    時間: 10-7-16 12:00

原帖由 jackie_lau2000 於 10-7-16 09:17 發表

我相信不用太擔心.你們俾到誠意同信心校長便可了.我見好多2nd interview都成功的. 而且此校到8月31日都會call 人入學. (我有些朋友都係咁. 包括上中學部) 另外, 之前有個朋友一個人去interview, 校長都收了.

(註 ...

我有一子一女, 細女今年Nursery. 我都有考慮過德望, 不過學費好貴. 每月剩係學費加車費至少5K, 仲未計雜費及膳食費用. 仲有就係興趣班等等. 計起黎一個月7-8K走唔甩.到幾年後學費可能仲貴都未定. 另一問題係怕佢好難考. 但係我見到你話學校到8月31日都仲會CALL人, 而且而家又不斷call waiting list. 好似基本上你肯去考都好大機會入. 其實我一向都有留意德望既forum, 過去都好似有類似現象. 原因係咪因為學費貴, 所以會有大部份正取生放棄學位, 所以好似比較容易入. 呢d係我感覺, 希望各位德望家長唔好介意. 德望絕對係我理想學校, 不過真係要考慮學費問題. 因我有兩件化骨龍.
作者: jackie_lau2000    時間: 10-7-16 12:32

德望確係一間好的學校, 好似你講7-8K, 有家長可能選擇對面海的. St.xx等.

只不過當派位後, 幸運的學生會選擇其他的. 如紅屋...等. 而德望係大班, 大約40人一班. 所以學位好似比一般學校多.

其實你放心, 此校真的不錯. 無論學業同品德. 我都有朋友會讀此校了.

原帖由 ANNAFRIEND 於 10-7-16 12:00 發表

我有一子一女, 細女今年Nursery. 我都有考慮過德望, 不過學費好貴. 每月剩係學費加車費至少5K, 仲未計雜費及膳食費用. 仲有就係興趣班等等. 計起黎一個月7-8K走唔甩.到幾年後學費可能仲貴都未定. 另一問題係怕佢好 ...

作者: karen55407    時間: 10-7-16 12:34

原帖由 ANNAFRIEND 於 10-7-16 12:00 發表

我有一子一女, 細女今年Nursery. 我都有考慮過德望, 不過學費好貴. 每月剩係學費加車費至少5K, 仲未計雜費及膳食費用. 仲有就係興趣班等等. 計起黎一個月7-8K走唔甩.到幾年後學費可能仲貴都未定. 另一問題係怕佢好 ...

作者: elmum    時間: 10-7-16 21:09

8月初應會再call interview, 因為7月31日為德望註冊日. 應再有位放出來.

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