
標題: 2010聖心私小小一新生 [打印本頁]

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-7-12 16:02     標題: 2010聖心私小小一新生

今日去完家長會,覺得校長同學校老師都好nice, 校長表示尤其著重品格培養及家校合作,9月再有另一次家長會詳細解釋各科要求及評估,我之前幾擔心間學校會唔會只睇重成績,好守舊同古板,但而家印象都幾好,可以放心放棄叩門的第一志願基灣,唔知點解囡囡亦話鍾意呢間多過基灣,希望囡囡讀得開心。其他新生家長,你地又覺得點呢?
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-7-14 23:05

作者: Melodyah    時間: 10-7-16 18:35

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-7-17 11:52

May I ask how many students from SHC kinder going up to the primary school? My friend wants to try this year and wants to estimate how many seats are available for outsiders. How many kids applied last year? Last year when I went there to attend the interview, seems not as many as what I saw at True Light and 蘇淅.
原帖由 Melodyah 於 10-7-16 18:35 發表

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-3 12:10

hi 大家好, 我囡都係今年小一, 我哋住九龍架, 唔係kg 上小學

我打算今日去買喇, 因為上個星期至下定決心, 放棄另一間小學個位, 終於可以買嘢開學喇

希望阿囡開學快快識多d 新朋友仔, 投入聖心小學生活啦
作者: hchlma    時間: 10-8-4 13:49     標題: 回覆 5# ymc2727 的文章


作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-6 20:14

The briefing lasted for 2 hours and it covered a lot of things. Below I recap some highlights for your ref, hope it helps.

- use cycles
- no of lessons per week for each subject
- assessment (40% ongoing assessment + 60% final assessment with 2 exams)
- ECA (11:00am - 12:00pm on Sats, self-paid ECA on weekdays, eg. swimming, Chinese dance,table tennis)
- lesson structure per day (5 lessons a day, each lesson is 50 min, 2 recess)
- need to pay 薄費、雜費 for each term, around 2,000 each term
- 1 dictation every two cycles
- will upload all homework to intranet in the 1st term, when the P.1 students get more familiar to write down their homework at their handbooks, they won't upload the record again in the 2nd term
- 1/9 & 1/9 (7:40am - 10:30am)
- 3/9 (have lessons on the 1st Sat, finish school at 12:00pm, P.1 parents need to attend another briefing)
- school will take picture 學生相 for them, so no need to prepare by ourselves
- can only use pink, light blue or black hair accessories
- check intranet to know which class your child is assigned to one week before

原帖由 hchlma 於 10-8-4 13:49 發表

另外,ymc2727,你小朋友是否要坐黃先生的媬姆車?她回程時需不需要轉車。我住沙田,要在九龍區轉車,不 ...

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-8-7 01:48

to tungmom,

As a newbie, i do not have any login/password for intranet, so how can i check the class assignment?
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-7 13:18

I wrote down we can check the intranet to know which class your child is assigned one week before 1/9 but I called the school and the lady answered the phone said the login and password will be given to us after the school starts. So, maybe it should be internet but not intranet. There is no summer assignment for them, just requiring us to enroll the reading programme of the Public Library and need to hand in their reading records to the teacher after the school starts.
原帖由 candietweety 於 10-8-7 01:48 發表
to tungmom,

As a newbie, i do not have any login/password for intranet, so how can i check the class assignment?

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-8-7 15:21

i went to the public library for enrollment, yet, the form needed to fill in the school contact person, i called the school and they told me to submit the form after the term starting, they said they will collect them, print in the school librarian's info and send them in bulk to the library with school official chop.  

Tungmom, did u send the application to the library successfully?  which library u did it?
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-7 20:56

They didn't explain this clearly in the briefing, so I've just joined the programme under the family category. My daughter has finished 18 books already and got chops from the public library. I'll call the school again on next Mon to see if this is acceptable. Thanks.
原帖由 candietweety 於 10-8-7 15:21 發表
i went to the public library for enrollment, yet, the form needed to fill in the school contact person, i called the school and they told me to submit the form after the term starting, they said they  ...

作者: hchlma    時間: 10-8-9 18:10     標題: 回復 11# tungmom 的帖子


Thanks for your detail info.  It really helps a lot.

Btw, have you contacted the school regarding the reading scheme issue?  What's the purpose of the practice?  Is it mainly for encouraging the kids to read more books during the summer, and have no requirement on the types of books they choose?
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-10 00:01     標題: 回復 2# tungmom 的帖子

係呀, 會坐黃生車, 佢話我屋企樓下有得停喎
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-10 00:03

個圖書館閱讀計劃我幫個囡join 咗3年喇
今日都係用同一個no. , 要under 學校名咩?
作者: hchlma    時間: 10-8-10 13:50     標題: 回覆 14# ymc2727 的文章

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-10 21:39

I called the school today but the lady (書記) said she is not clear. She asked me to call Miss Miu (苗老師) again after 20 Aug. Re the reading programme, there's no requirement on what types of books should be read. The purpose is definitely to encourage reading.


Thanks for your detail info.  It really helps a lot.

Btw, have you contacted the school regarding the reading scheme issue?  What's the purpose of the practice?  Is it mainly for encouragi ... [/quote]
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-11 19:56

原帖由 hchlma 於 10-8-10 13:50 發表

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-19 10:43

你哋買咗d 咩比小朋友開學呀?
must buy 係

書, 校服, 白外套, 底裙, 書包, 白運動鞋, 黑鞋

筆袋, 食物盒, 食物袋, a4 size 功課袋, folder (要嚟入工作紙, 通告), 姓名貼

仲有冇其他, 大家互相提點吓啦
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-8-19 12:58

i live in HK Eastern 2, will get on the school bus at 6:45am daily
原帖由 tungmom 於 10-8-11 19:56 發表

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-20 08:35

hello, tungmom, my girl will also study in P1 this year, we also live in eastern hk, and get on the school bus at 6:45.  are u taking route no.1?

原帖由 tungmom 於 10-8-11 19:56 發表

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-20 23:23

My daughter takes route 1A. I got updates from the school bus co that the time should be 6:33 am. A big headache to wake my daughter up. By the way, may I know is it necessary to wrap the textbooks nowadays? My friends told me that they don't wrap them now as the textbooks are usually for one term only. Also, can I use the pre-printed name labels with cartoon for the textbooks? Or better use the white simple one?
原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-20 08:35 發表
hello, tungmom, my girl will also study in P1 this year, we also live in eastern hk, and get on the school bus at 6:45.  are u taking route no.1?

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-22 22:50

oh I see.  we are in route 1.  so maybe my daughter is the only one I know taking route 1.

wrapping books are up to you.  when they are in kinders, teachers recommended them not to wrap books for environmental protection.  but I think exercise books with thin cover may need wrapping up.
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-8-24 20:59

does anyone know about the p.1 class assignment? I found nothing in their web
作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-24 23:32

can't find also.  the teacher I last phoned up said it will be posted in 最新消息

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-8-24 20:59 發表
does anyone know about the p.1 class assignment? I found nothing in their web

作者: kibb    時間: 10-8-26 11:00

分班表已有, 請查看學校網頁最新消息一欄....

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-24 23:32 發表
can't find also.  the teacher I last phoned up said it will be posted in 最新消息

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-26 17:32

我囡係1C 班, 有冇同班同學呀
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-8-26 19:40

my girl in 1C too, her name is jedi tam, what's yours' name?
原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-8-26 17:32 發表
我囡係1C 班, 有冇同班同學呀

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-26 21:29

my girl is also in 1C, her name is Lucia Cheung.
原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-8-26 17:32 發表
我囡係1C 班, 有冇同班同學呀

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-26 23:13

我囡係Andrean Cheng, 好易認, 全班得一個姓鄭
作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-27 23:24

are u from the same kindergarten? am or pm?
原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-8-26 23:13 發表
我囡係Andrean Cheng, 好易認, 全班得一個姓鄭

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-8-28 11:29

My sweetie is not from Sacred Heart kinder.  Her kinder is in Kln.

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-27 23:24 發表
are u from the same kindergarten? am or pm?

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-28 22:10

welcome to the family of Sacred Heart ah!

does anyone know about anything on the 1st day of school?  my girl asks me what she should do after she take off from her school bus, but I am blank.

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-8-28 11:29 發表
My sweetie is not from Sacred Heart kinder.  Her kinder is in Kln.

作者: kibb    時間: 10-8-30 16:42

Don't worry, I think teachers will take care of them.  The lady in the Office said they only need to bring the pencial box in the first 2 days.

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-28 22:10 發表
welcome to the family of Sacred Heart ah!

does anyone know about anything on the 1st day of school?  my girl asks me what she should do after she take off from her school bus, but I am blank.

作者: sisicat    時間: 10-8-30 16:59

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-8-30 20:15

and also snacks (simple) and water for a short recess.  they also have to bring their summer workbook if they are from kindergarten of the same school.

原帖由 kibb 於 10-8-30 16:42 發表
Don't worry, I think teachers will take care of them.  The lady in the Office said they only need to bring the pencial box in the first 2 days.

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-8-31 00:01

And also the 祈禱手冊, my daughter is in 1A and she is not from SHC kinder as well. Hope all our kids have a good start and happy school life thereafter!
原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-30 20:15 發表
and also snacks (simple) and water for a short recess.  they also have to bring their summer workbook if they are from kindergarten of the same school.

[ 本帖最後由 tungmom 於 10-8-31 00:02 編輯 ]
作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-1 16:03

same as your case, my girl is not from SHC kinder and also in 1A class.

原帖由 tungmom 於 10-8-31 00:01 發表
And also the 祈禱手冊, my daughter is in 1A and she is not from SHC kinder as well. Hope all our kids have a good start and happy school life thereafter!

作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-1 16:08

有各班家課post在學校網頁上...請查看"最新消息" -- "小一家課".....

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-1 16:03 發表
same as your case, my girl is not from SHC kinder and also in 1A class.

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-2 08:48

好在你提一提, B 班寫得好詳細噃
作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-2 09:42

哈哈, 係呀, 每班的老師都提不同的野, 睇晒三班都幾好, 應該係全部要做的事....

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 08:48 發表
好在你提一提, B 班寫得好詳細噃

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-2 18:43

救命! 咩叫欠書單? 咩叫早讀書呀?
我d 時間好似唔係好就到
只係報到中國舞, 不過我囡唔多鍾意跳舞

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-2 20:46

係啦,咩叫欠書單?囡囡同我講要帶圖書番學睇,我估就係早讀書。我囡囡都唔鍾意跳舞,但想報羽毛球,我住東區覺得番上環體育館有D遠,又要工人姐姐送飯又要接佢,唔知報唔報好。]原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 18:43 發表
救命! 咩叫欠書單? 咩叫早讀書呀?
我d 時間好似唔係好就到
只係報到中國舞, 不過我囡唔多鍾意跳舞
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-2 21:00

課外活動呢d, 都係自己出去學吧
我重要住九龍, 都係唔報喇
家長義工呢? 會報邊d 呀?
我會幫囡報埋朗誦, 玩咗幾年, 想keep 住玩

原帖由 tungmom 於 10-9-2 20:46 發表
係啦,咩叫欠書單?囡囡同我講要帶圖書番學睇,我估就係早讀書。我囡囡都唔鍾意跳舞,但想報羽毛球,我住東區覺得番上環體育館有D遠,又要工人姐姐送飯又要接佢,唔知報唔報好。]原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 18:43 發表 http://forum ...

[ 本帖最後由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 21:47 編輯 ]
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-2 21:36

我囡終於知你個囡係邊個, 佢話坐喺佢隔離再隔離, 都係第一行

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-8-26 21:29 發表
my girl is also in 1C, her name is Lucia Cheung.

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-2 21:37

我囡未認到你個囡, 佢坐邊行架?

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-8-26 19:40 發表
my girl in 1C too, her name is jedi tam, what's yours' name?

作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-3 10:16

欠書單應該係係中國書局買唔齊d書, 中國書局幫學生訂書, 到開學時憑欠書單係學校攞番d未齊的書.....至於早讀書....我都唔知, 問個囡佢又話唔知...如果大家知道, 請分享下?

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 21:37 發表
我囡未認到你個囡, 佢坐邊行架?

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-3 11:40

我囡就估早讀書係day 2 library 堂就可以帶一本書, 不過我話今日要帶噃, 佢無言, hahaha
so, 重係一個迷
多年後我哋識睇哂手冊d 摩斯密碼, 我哋有本錢可以去做特務

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-3 10:16 發表
欠書單應該係係中國書局買唔齊d書, 中國書局幫學生訂書, 到開學時憑欠書單係學校攞番d未齊的書.....至於早讀書....我都唔知, 問個囡佢又話唔知...如果大家知道, 請分享下?


作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-3 11:49

唔該晒, 真係大家都估估下...哈哈

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-3 11:40 發表
我囡就估早讀書係day 2 library 堂就可以帶一本書, 不過我話今日要帶噃, 佢無言, hahaha
so, 重係一個迷
多年後我哋識睇哂手冊d 摩斯密碼, 我哋有本錢可以去做特務


作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-3 13:36

我終於知道乜野係早讀書...據我打探親朋戚友所講....上課前老師未到, 會有一風紀姐姐入課室睇住佢地, 呢段時間佢地要攞自己帶的圖書出來睇(不能睇學校的課本), 或者堂與堂之間又要攞出來睇, 我諗係想養成佢地閱讀的習慣, 係近兩,三年先開始....所以tungmom, 妳個囡好叻, 應該知道老師講乜....我個囡就話老師好似無講過.....迷~已經解開....

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-3 11:49 發表
唔該晒, 真係大家都估估下...哈哈

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-3 16:25


原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-3 13:36 發表
我終於知道乜野係早讀書...據我打探親朋戚友所講....上課前老師未到, 會有一風紀姐姐入課室睇住佢地, 呢段時間佢地要攞自己帶的圖書出來睇(不能睇學校的課本), 或者堂與堂之間又要攞出來睇, 我諗係想養成佢地閱讀的 ...

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-3 18:45

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 21:37 發表
我囡未認到你個囡, 佢坐邊行架?

[ 本帖最後由 candietweety 於 10-9-3 18:54 編輯 ]
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-3 21:30

係呀,我囡囡今朝帶左圖書,仲話如果老師忙緊其他東西時,她們便可看圖書,她仲話今日同隔離位個同學交換睇。另外,大家有冇留意兵兵球通告上是沒有列明上堂地點,今日我問左老師,原來係太古上堂,要自己接送。我最後報左中國舞同家長義工。呀,Kibb,你囡囡叫咩名,我囡囡係Cherry Ip,坐係近門口數過去第三行第三個位。

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-3 13:36 發表
我終於知道乜野係早讀書...據我打探親朋戚友所講....上課前老師未到, 會有一風紀姐姐入課室睇住佢地, 呢段時間佢地要攞自己帶的圖書出來睇(不能睇學校的課本), 或者堂與堂之間又要攞出來睇, 我諗係想養成佢地閱讀的 ...

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-9-3 23:00


原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-2 21:36 發表
我囡終於知你個囡係邊個, 佢話坐喺佢隔離再隔離, 都係第一行

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-5 17:24

HAHAH, 噚日我問個囡, 佢話知jedi 係邊個喇

原來day 3 默英文, day 4 默中文, 好唔得閒oh
個Life education 喺hall or room 上堂, 係咪冇書要帶架?
個個cycle 聽一堂, 講d 咩呢?
英文科又分好多本書, 唔似中文同數咁單一, 咁 d grammer 書, listening 書, 同平時d 英文書又點分架?

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-9-3 23:00 發表

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-9-5 21:13


原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-5 17:24 發表
HAHAH, 噚日我問個囡, 佢話知jedi 係邊個喇

原來day 3 默英文, day 4 默中文, 好唔得閒oh
個Life education 喺hall or room 上堂, 係咪冇書要帶架?
個個cycle 聽 ...

作者: LingChiBaBa    時間: 10-9-6 09:34

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-5 17:24 發表
HAHAH, 噚日我問個囡, 佢話知jedi 係邊個喇

原來day 3 默英文, day 4 默中文, 好唔得閒oh
個Life education 喺hall or room 上堂, 係咪冇書要帶架?
個個cycle 聽 ...



作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-6 16:05

我個囡今日返屋企話英文老師話唔駛帶書住....我都有d懷疑, 見妳地咁講都應該係喇.

Tungmom我個囡係Margaret Fu (No. 9), 據佢剛剛升左中學的表姐講, 初初開學時好有可能跟學號坐, 因為老師唔知邊個打邊個, 但跟學號坐就一眼知佢地叫乜名, 所以我個囡坐第二行第四個位. 咁妳個囡應該係No.13.

我個囡都係話唔知d同學叫乜名, 加上佢唔係聖心幼稚園上來, 所以我尋晚以佢表姐的方法, 話比佢聽佢隔離,前前後後個個係邊個...等佢無咁驚....

原帖由 LingChiBaBa 於 10-9-6 09:34 發表




作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-6 16:08

依Tungmom, 妳個囡應該係坐係我個囡的隔離前面個個....(因為1-5號係坐單邊位).....等我今晚同佢講...

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-6 16:05 發表
我個囡今日返屋企話英文老師話唔駛帶書住....我都有d懷疑, 見妳地咁講都應該係喇.

Tungmom我個囡係Margaret Fu (No. 9), 據佢剛剛升左中學的表姐講, 初初開學時好有可能跟學號坐, 因為老師唔知邊個打邊個, 但跟學號 ...

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-7 13:26

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-8 08:48

個囡係第1-2日小息d 茶點食得哂咋
問佢係咪toilet 多人, 要排好耐, 佢話係
問佢係咪唔肚餓, 佢又話係
問佢係咪太多, 食唔哂, 佢又話係
總知就係唔夠時間, 唉, 真係擔心佢越嚟越瘦
今日叫如果人多喺toilet 排隊
食完等冇咁多人再去toilet 囉

真係唔同哂幼稚園, 以前我日日都可以入課室
又問吓嬸嬸點, 學校又點點點
宜家咩都唔知, 連我都要適應呀
作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-8 10:47

I am a mom of SHCK UK student.  I would like to know if there was any SHCSPS briefing session to UK students last year?  Any talk in September?
Did SHCSPS allow you to participate in the govn't allocation?  Thanks.
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-8 13:17

1. should be in Sept last yr.
2. used not to be allowed, but policy changed in 2009 and 2010 for 2 yrs.  Donno if such change will be continued this yr.  Need to wait for the briefing.
The primary school principal was not satisfied with the arrangement as there are drop-outs after academic yr starts these 2 yrs.
原帖由 BBBernie 於 10-9-8 10:47 發表
I am a mom of SHCK UK student.  I would like to know if there was any SHCSPS briefing session to UK students last year?  Any talk in September?
Did SHCSPS allow you to participate in the govn't alloca ...

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-8 13:56



佢尋日話每科都選左班長,又參觀左圖書館,重有數學老師好搞笑,用青蛙布偶同佢地玩,常識科又玩「老師話」遊戲,英文同普通話堂要出去做role play,聽起黎都幾有趣,佢亦話好開心,只係覺得音樂堂好淺,剩係得唱歌,佢以為好似平日上通利D course咁有得彈琴,所以有D悶喎。

原帖由 kibb 於 10-9-6 16:08 發表
依Tungmom, 妳個囡應該係坐係我個囡的隔離前面個個....(因為1-5號係坐單邊位).....等我今晚同佢講...

作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-8 14:52

妳個囡好叻, 講到咁多野比妳聽. 我個囡淨係話去左圖書館, 有人介紹, 不過圖書館好細.....跟住就係邊堂有教書, 邊堂無教書之類....

我個囡都話調左位, 好似都係坐第四個位, 但我就唔知邊行, 因為佢有時又話第一行, 有時又話左手邊同右手邊都有人..???

我今朝先見到妳尋日叫救命搵時間表的post, 唔好意思, 雖然同妳一班, 但係尋日我放左半日假去睇阿囡游校隊選拔, 所以直至今朝先返公司開電腦, 所以幫妳唔到, 不過好彩最後都有人幫到妳.

我個囡都好大頭蝦, 之前又唔記得帶通告返屋企, 跟住又唔記得帶筆盒, 今日又唔知有無新野發生, 希望佢地慢慢習慣.....

原帖由 tungmom 於 10-9-8 13:56 發表

囡囡前日唔記得帶零食袋回來,尋日唔記得帶手冊回來,問佢放左係邊又話唔記得,又做漏 ...

作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-8 15:26

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-9-8 13:17 發表
1. should be in Sept last yr.
2. used not to be allowed, but policy changed in 2009 and 2010 for 2 yrs.  Donno if such change will be continued this yr.  Need to wait for the briefing.
The primary sch ...

Thanks a lot, candietweety.
Were there 2 talks by AM and PM primary sections last year?  We have already attended talk organized by PM primary last night but there was none from the AM primary yet.
作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-8 15:29

Thanks candietweety.

Do you remember if there were 2 different talks by AM and PM primary last year?  We have attended talk organized by PM primary last night but none from AM primary yet.  We would like to get more info from AM before we can make a decision.

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-9-8 13:17 發表
1. should be in Sept last yr.
2. used not to be allowed, but policy changed in 2009 and 2010 for 2 yrs.  Donno if such change will be continued this yr.  Need to wait for the briefing.
The primary sch ...

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-8 17:17

yes, there will be 2 separated talks
原帖由 BBBernie 於 10-9-8 15:29 發表
Thanks candietweety.

Do you remember if there were 2 different talks by AM and PM primary last year?  We have attended talk organized by PM primary last night but none from AM primary yet.  We would  ...

作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-8 18:18

Thank you!

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-9-8 17:17 發表
yes, there will be 2 separated talks

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-9 17:35

好似以前返工做d appraisal

1c 班家長, 聽日visual art 係咪唔洗帶嘢架?
我見1a 班就係嘞
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-11 10:02

噚日終於上intranet reply 咗第一張通告
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-12 15:28


原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-11 10:02 發表
噚日終於上intranet reply 咗第一張通告

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-12 15:31

1A班手冊寫住有英文copy book功課,但搵唔到,你地有無派番黎?定係我囡囡漏左係學校?
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-12 21:06

C班有,果d野叫fun with handwriting,我去facebook 問下先
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-12 21:36

作者: kibb    時間: 10-9-13 10:05

無呀, 無cb呀, 我個囡都無喎, 1A班....

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-9-12 21:36 發表

作者: yanyan04    時間: 10-9-17 21:42

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-17 23:05

原帖由 yanyan04 於 10-9-17 21:42 發表

作者: tungmom    時間: 10-9-17 23:25

唉,我個囡囡次次英文名都唔記得寫個姓,英文日子唔係漏左字母就係漏左逗號,明明題題啱,但因為D字寫得唔靚又當錯,我頭一個禮拜見佢功課D答案啱就收貨,點知番黎比老師圈到七彩,今個禮拜仲慘,請左兩日病假,要趕番哂D功課,又要溫默書,寫字更加唔敢求其,要佢寫得好至得,擦完又擦,花了不少時間。唔知第二間學校對字體的要求有無咁嚴謹呢?我囡囡幼稚園唔係好著重練字個種,我上星期已立即買了一些copy book番黎要佢得閒寫,希望佢快D適應啦!

[ 本帖最後由 tungmom 於 10-9-17 23:28 編輯 ]
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-18 09:14

我個囡都係, 佢以前手字係全班數一數二叫見得人, 第一次收英文功課, 又係冇寫個姓, 因為以前kg 唔洗寫架嘛, 中文又係, 我見佢寫啱同整齊, 就收貨啦, 手冊話要改正, 我重大安諗住可以做少樣功課, 點知一打開, 又係比老師圈得七彩, 都有少少, 句句都錯一個字, 又係差d 分筆, 凸出少少嗰d, 眼都凸埋, 交咗2次功課, 已經知大致要點做, 我估大家d 小朋友好快會習慣, 家長都會知老師要求, 越做越好

我住九龍區, 我見個囡d 舊同學有兩間係唔care 呢d 架, 不過大部份都會捉呢d 小錯, 我就覺得宜家比佢地知咁係叫寫錯重好, 唔係遲d 重難改
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-18 10:46

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-18 09:14 發表
我個囡都係, 佢以前手字係全班數一數二叫見得人, 第一次收英文功課, 又係冇寫個姓, 因為以前kg 唔洗寫架嘛, 中文又係, 我見佢寫啱同整齊, 就收貨啦, 手冊話要改正, 我重大安諗住可以做少樣功課, 點知一打 ...

作者: momi2008    時間: 10-9-20 13:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: little_chloe    時間: 10-9-21 14:55

請問私小一面試形式及內容是怎樣的, 請成功已入讀小朋友的媽媽分享一下
作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-21 22:10

sorry,  can't help u, my daughter go straightly fr kinder to primary
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-23 22:17

同一d 簡單對答
成個過程大約5 分鐘

原帖由 little_chloe 於 10-9-21 14:55 發表
請問私小一面試形式及內容是怎樣的, 請成功已入讀小朋友的媽媽分享一下

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-9-23 22:18

中文默課文, 第一次只默一課
英文默worksheet 4張紙
都係教過嘅嘢, 冇unseen

原帖由 momi2008 於 10-9-20 13:00 發表
甘快默書, 內容係點呀, 可否告知

作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-24 10:59

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-7-14 23:05 發表

Hi candietweety,

I have PM you.  Please read, thanks

作者: candietweety    時間: 10-9-25 00:26

replied, pls chk
原帖由 BBBernie 於 10-9-24 10:59 發表

Hi candietweety,

I have PM you.  Please read, thanks


作者: BBBernie    時間: 10-9-25 07:55

原帖由 candietweety 於 10-9-25 00:26 發表
replied, pls chk

Thank you!
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-7 12:17

今日中文默書, 下個星期開始assessment 喇
你地有冇咩idea, 常識要點溫?
好似有d 無從入手
作者: LingChiBaBa    時間: 10-10-7 18:34

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-10-7 12:17 發表
今日中文默書, 下個星期開始assessment 喇
你地有冇咩idea, 常識要點溫?
好似有d 無從入手



時事e.g. 十月一日是甚麽日子,學校屬於那一區等
作者: tungmom    時間: 10-10-7 19:02

The scope of English assessment is quite large. Will they need to spell words for some questions?
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-7 22:18


咁時事呢part 都幾令人頭痛噃

原帖由 LingChiBaBa 於 10-10-7 18:34 發表



時事e.g. 十月一日是甚麽日子,學校屬於那一區等 ...

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-7 22:23

我諗都係串定穩陣, 不過都唔多, 串埋佢啦
數學最驚係佢會出埋作業入面d 挑戰題
幾難呀, 我都要睇幾次, 諗一諗至知佢問乜

原帖由 tungmom 於 10-10-7 19:02 發表
The scope of English assessment is quite large. Will they need to spell words for some questions?

作者: LingChiBaBa    時間: 10-10-8 00:49

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-10-7 22:23 發表
我諗都係串定穩陣, 不過都唔多, 串埋佢啦
數學最驚係佢會出埋作業入面d 挑戰題
幾難呀, 我都要睇幾次, 諗一諗至知佢問乜

如果無變的話,英文會有篇Essay做comprehension,用True or Flase答題。另外D題目多數係Fill in the blank,囡囡要温習D Quiz 及 Worksheet。Reading comprehension就靠平時睇readers喇。

數學無挑戰題咁深,小朋友錯嘅多數係careless mistakes。



作者: candietweety    時間: 10-10-9 09:18

原帖由 LingChiBaBa 於 10-10-8 00:49 發表

如果無變的話,英文會有篇Essay做comprehension,用True or Flase答題。另外D題目多數係Fill in the blank,囡囡要温習D Quiz 及 Worksheet。Reading comprehension就靠平時睇readers喇。

數學無挑戰題咁深,小朋友錯嘅 ...

作者: alancwko    時間: 10-10-11 17:36

各位媽媽, 請問有無保母車到九龍, 可否給我電話
作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-12 12:17


原帖由 candietweety 於 10-10-9 09:18 發表

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-12 12:21

九龍車搵黃生, mobile: 90802514
返學放學2程: $1600
only 放學: $1000

原帖由 alancwko 於 10-10-11 17:36 發表
各位媽媽, 請問有無保母車到九龍, 可否給我電話

作者: ymc2727    時間: 10-10-14 15:15

見到今日張通告, 萬紅d 校服減番價喇
d 運動衫領入面有積
作者: alancwko    時間: 10-10-18 15:31

原帖由 ymc2727 於 10-9-23 22:17 發表
同一d 簡單對答
成個過程大約5 分鐘


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