
標題: 紅色書包一問 [打印本頁]

作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-20 04:43     標題: 紅色書包一問


今日去 briefing 先知要 70-80%紅色,
請問各位用邊款書包 ?

上個月先係 doctor kong
宜家又要買過  ......

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-20 18:12

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-6-20 04:43 發表

今日去 briefing 先知要 70-80%紅色,
請問各位用邊款書包 ?

上個月先係 doctor kong
宜家又要買過  . ...

你呢款應該都唔得喎...仲有pink都唔得架。我小朋友用spi, 我係有朋友入讀津校, 所以有d書包商會去做promote, 我就搵佢幫我買, 如果係吉豬島要成400蚊既書包, 我朋友幫我買二百幾咋。

作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-20 23:41

我呀女而家都係用 spi, 真係唔錯o架
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-21 00:30

咁就頭暈喇, doctor kong  話換左一次無得再換.

咁係咪全校大部分都用呢隻 spi ?   any other suggestion ?
作者: Fatty    時間: 10-6-21 00:34



原帖由 bowling68 於 10-6-21 00:30 發表
咁就頭暈喇, doctor kong  話換左一次無得再換.

咁係咪全校大部分都用呢隻 spi ?   any other suggestion ?

作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-21 00:36

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-6-21 00:30 發表
咁就頭暈喇, doctor kong  話換左一次無得再換.

咁係咪全校大部分都用呢隻 spi ?   any other suggestion ?

好似都唔多牌子出全紅色嘅書包, 陳守仁樣樣都好, 係呢樣就真係..........
我以前都買過一 d 卡通牌子嘅紅色書包, 但真係唔耐用. 唔係話嚇你, 你見到有就拿拿聲買喇, 因為全紅色, 買唔到就買唔到, 我試過o架啦..............
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-21 00:44

but 男仔用全紅色, 有的怪怪地

仲有仔仔係大仔, 宜家已經 123 cm,
言念住用 M 碼 (not S 碼).

[ 本帖最後由 bowling68 於 10-6-21 01:11 編輯 ]
作者: moyan    時間: 10-6-21 02:00

紅色嘅書包都ok, 男仔著白色皮鞋 好麻煩

買唔到, only tailor made

[ 本帖最後由 moyan 於 10-6-21 02:01 編輯 ]
作者: 1429    時間: 10-6-21 08:55

多謝大家嘅提議, 我都正想上來問問大家, 點知已有家長問了, 真唔明點解一定要紅色, 學校自己又唔出, 乜冇家長反影過咩? 真的令我頭都大埋, 現打鑼打鼓四圍去撲過書包, 真的諗都未諗過!!~

原帖由 moyan 於 10-6-21 02:00 發表
紅色嘅書包都ok, 男仔著白色皮鞋 好麻煩

買唔到, only tailor made

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-21 09:28

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-21 09:32

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-6-21 00:44 發表
but 男仔用全紅色, 有的怪怪地

仲有仔仔係大仔, 宜家已經 123 cm,
言念住用 M 碼 (not S 碼).

我覺得男仔用幾sharp醒喎! 你買完校服, 比小朋友試一次, 連埋個書包...嘩...就會覺得好鬼襯, 而個仔又好大個仔! (想當年我都試左一次)
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-21 09:33

原帖由 moyan 於 10-6-21 02:00 發表
紅色嘅書包都ok, 男仔著白色皮鞋 好麻煩

買唔到, only tailor made

白色鞋, 永安同吉豬島都有, 山林道果間都有鞋賣。但話你知....冬季係著返黑鞋....死未....
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-21 09:35

原帖由 1429 於 10-6-21 08:55 發表
多謝大家嘅提議, 我都正想上來問問大家, 點知已有家長問了, 真唔明點解一定要紅色, 學校自己又唔出, 乜冇家長反影過咩? 真的令我頭都大埋, 現打鑼打鼓四圍去撲過書包, 真的諗都未諗過!!~ mouth:" />


學校主色係紅色, 冇計啦! 其實都幾多選擇既, 唔洗太擔心! 係呀daddy cool到last mins先去買, 咁佢至要四圍搵je...
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-21 09:35

Will your family consider accepting orders from other parents??

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-21 09:28 發表

作者: angelprincess    時間: 10-6-21 10:33

我個女用嘅係Dr. Kong, 一個書包用咗5年啦, 而家邁向第6年, 好抵用.  其實唔覺得太難買, 因為有70%紅色便可以.  到暑假嘅時候就會有好多promotion任你地選擇.  男仔白色皮鞋都時時見到有, 應該唔會太大問題.  我覺得白色校服加白色皮鞋再加埋紅色書包, 其實好sharp好醒目.

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 10-6-21 09:33 發表

白色鞋, 永安同吉豬島都有, 山林道果間都有鞋賣。但話你知....冬季係著返黑鞋....死未....

作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-21 11:04

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 10-6-21 09:33 發表

白色鞋, 永安同吉豬島都有, 山林道果間都有鞋賣。但話你知....冬季係著返黑鞋....死未....

seems not environmentally friendly. . . the shoe can no longer fit after a season, and even they still fits, the white shoes may turn yellow easily.
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-21 11:16

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-21 09:28 發表

嘩, 咁都得....................
係你至好講呀, 我地成班人開學去睇野o架.....
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-21 11:35

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 10-6-21 09:35 發表

學校主色係紅色, 冇計啦! 其實都幾多選擇既, 唔洗太擔心! 係呀daddy cool到last mins先去買, 咁佢至要四圍搵je...

事關當年成家人回港, 唔知全紅書包話冇就冇, 去咗兩間 Dr. Kong 都話冇貨, 最後去咗間屋村舖頭買咗個卡通牌子嘅紅色書包俾佢, 但就一年打柴............ 呢個就係前因後果, 唔好講到小弟好似懶懶閒咁............啍
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-21 11:36

原帖由 angelprincess 於 10-6-21 10:33 發表
我覺得白色校服加白色皮鞋再加埋紅色書包, 其實好sharp好醒目

作者: TINGMUM    時間: 10-6-21 12:15


DR. KONG 以前有出一款岩我地學校用, 家長話好用, 後來呢款冇左, 己反映上去, 希望今年奧海城DR.KONG會有返呢款貨比我地學生.

SPI 拉鍊好容易斷, 因男仔都比較粗魯, 雖然有保養, 但個人認為麻麻地好用.

最近買了 Samsonite 比個仔, 9成9 紅色, 個款幾好. 都好好用. 呢款原先用來裝手提電腦, 承托力不會太強, 初小書本不太多, 都好適合, 而且不貴, $300幾蚊倒.

另NORTHFACE都有幾款, 另有 SEVEN 等, 唔平, 有興趣都可以睇下!

[ 本帖最後由 TINGMUM 於 10-6-22 23:08 編輯 ]
作者: Sim    時間: 10-6-21 12:27

But I'm afraid my boy shoes will be grey shoes within a month.
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-21 12:46

thank you very much!!!!

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 21/6/2010 12:15 發表

DR. KONG 以前有出一款岩我地學校用, 家長話好用, 後來呢款冇左, 己反映上去, 希望今年奧海城DR.KONG會有返呢款貨比我地學生.

SPI 拉鍊好容易斷, 因男仔都比較粗魯, 雖然有保養, 但個人認為麻麻地好用.

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-21 12:48

真架!!! 個個小朋友唔係用dr k 就用spi....

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 21/6/2010 11:16 發表

嘩, 咁都得....................
係你至好講呀, 我地成班人開學去睇野o架.....

作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-21 13:23

小朋友咁大頸蝦, 有label 都唔會防止佢地攞錯, 只不過可以物歸原主.

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-21 13:31

團購!!! good idea wor!!!

原帖由 Laputa 於 21/6/2010 13:23 發表
小朋友咁大頸蝦, 有label 都唔會防止佢地攞錯, 只不過可以物歸原主.


作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-21 14:13

原帖由 Laputa 於 10-6-21 13:23 發表
小朋友咁大頸蝦, 有label 都唔會防止佢地攞錯, 只不過可以物歸原主.


團購可以考慮買埋人名label, 因為佢地d衫褲泳衣等都要寫名。
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-21 17:46

I called Dr. Kong Customer Hotline today and they said there will be a Size S red school bag out in mid July. Although the sale said he can offer us discount if we purchase 10+, but I would first see if there will be discount in the Bookfair and purchase there.
作者: 1429    時間: 10-6-21 18:49

Thanks Laputa and all other parents, you all are so helpful.

原帖由 Laputa 於 10-6-21 17:46 發表
I called Dr. Kong Customer Hotline today and they said there will be a Size S red school bag out in mid July. Although the sale said he can offer us discount if we purchase 10+, but I would first see  ...

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-21 19:04

SEVEN schoolbag is very durable, we've been using it for 2y and wash it every week, still very good condition.

The most impt thing is, it is vvvvvvv lightweight.

So if your kid is big / tall, should consider buying a SEVEN schoolbag.  Afterall you can use it for 4y ==> around $250 per year.
作者: luiling    時間: 10-6-22 10:42     標題: 回覆 1# Bluestar 的文章

Bluestar, where can I buy the seven or spi school bag?  How much of these 2 brands? Can u give me some information?  TKS!
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-22 11:25

wah.... $250 x 4yrs= $1000
more expensive than my leather camera bag ah.....

原帖由 Bluestar 於 21/6/2010 19:04 發表
SEVEN schoolbag is very durable, we've been using it for 2y and wash it every week, still very good condition.

The most impt thing is, it is vvvvvvv lightweight.

So if your kid is big / tall, should ...

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-22 12:26

原帖由 luiling 於 10-6-22 10:42 發表
Bluestar, where can I buy the seven or spi school bag?  How much of these 2 brands? Can u give me some information?  TKS!

SEVEN bag = can buy from Barocco (Lee Gardens 2, Ocean Terminal near TRUs, Elements).

But sells out vvv fast each year.
It is really the lightest bag which is also vvvv durable and both my kid and I have no regrets.

SPI = vvv heavy, but cheaper.  We used it for 2y, the "tongue" of the zipper was broken, but otherwise still usable.  But even without books it was v heavy.  Really not practical for older kids who have more books to carry.
作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-22 12:28

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-22 11:25 發表
wah.... $250 x 4yrs= $1000
more expensive than my leather camera bag ah.....

O come on, Flos.
Any designer bag = costs over $1000, so why not buy a schoolbag which can last for at least 4y (or even up to 6y) which can relieve your kid of some burden from heavy books + heavy bag !

In your case, you should consider asking friends to buy it for you in Europe, should be much cheaper than buying in HK.
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-22 14:19

d 評語真係好似幾好.



but i can't find their official web site...
where are they from? europe? which country?
do you have any picture to see how they look like? backpack or side bag?

e-doc!!! thanks in advance again!!

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-22 14:30

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-22 14:19 發表
d 評語真係好似幾好.



but i can't find their official web site...
where ...

Sample of bag (but too bad this one is for girls) :


Their website was seven.eu
but just then I tried and error code was 404 (???)

Anyway, should be an Italian company.
But very mysterious, cos sometimes can't find them on the internet.


(used Italian words to search !!)

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 10-6-22 14:36 編輯 ]
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-22 15:03

thanks a lot!!! i found it!!!

唔知我老婆點睇... 好似好花咁... :D

原帖由 Bluestar 於 22/6/2010 14:30 發表

Sample of bag (but too bad this one is for girls) :

http://cgi.ebay.it/zaino-scolast ... hash=item1c13638065

Their website was s ...

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-22 15:08 編輯 ]
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-22 18:02

$1000 is beyond the acceptance of my 價值觀 . . . I don't buy designer bags, coz I don't see the value.

Thanks Bluestar for your sharing.
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-22 18:12

有無的朋友或其他同學仔用緊日本書包 ?



[ 本帖最後由 bowling68 於 10-6-22 18:14 編輯 ]
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-22 19:11

市價: 60,000日圓  (約為HK$5,124.00*)
價格: 35,800日圓含稅 (約為HK$3,057.32*)

多謝分享!!! 簡直大開眼界!!!!

原帖由 bowling68 於 22/6/2010 18:12 發表
有無的朋友或其他同學仔用緊日本書包 ?

http://zh-tw.search.borderless.r ... rucksacks/backpacks

http://zh-tw.item.rakuten.com/randosel/ku-44-redd/ ...

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-22 19:13 編輯 ]
作者: principal    時間: 10-6-22 20:20


You have to think of it this way.

Compared to the average cost of HK$4,000,000.- to bring up a child properly in Hong Kong, the amount of HK$1,000.- is very trivial.  

Also, if this Sexxx school bag is so durable as described by Bluestar, your elder son can use it for 6 years and then your younger son may also be able to use the same school bag for 2 more years, it is a very worthwhile investment for you!! 

However, please make sure that the area of red colour is >70%!!
If it’s only 69%, please then don't buy it.  

Food for thought!!  

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-22 15:03 發表

thanks a lot!!! i found it!!!

唔知我老婆點睇... 好似好花咁... :D


作者: TINGMUM    時間: 10-6-22 23:29

搵到類似款啦!  我地係HK買的款是9成紅, 即呢個款前面黑色部份,都係紅色.而POCKET HK款是用黑色網. PRICE HK$320. 兩年保養 , 我個仔用完都打算留比佢個仔用. 5+6=11YEARS.  每年唔使$30 .... 如果好似我咁BUDGET有限, 可以考慮下呢款 .

[ 本帖最後由 TINGMUM 於 10-6-23 10:26 編輯 ]
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-22 23:30

其實書包使唔使咁緊張又或誇張要買到咁貴呀. 如果唔係學校咁嘅要求, 我會喺屋企事但搵個袋或背囊俾呀女返學.
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-22 23:38

Tingmum, this one quite good.  Where to buy? thanks.
作者: 1429    時間: 10-6-23 09:15


Look nice and reasonable, may I know where you buy this?  thanks,
原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-6-22 23:29 發表

搵到類似款啦!  我地係HK買的款是9成紅, 即呢個款前面黑色部份,都係紅色.而POCKET HK款是用黑色網. PRICE HK$320. 兩年保養 , 我個仔用完都打算留比佢個仔 ...

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-23 09:18

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-6-22 23:30 發表
其實書包使唔使咁緊張又或誇張要買到咁貴呀. 如果唔係學校咁嘅要求, 我會喺屋企事但搵個袋或背囊俾呀女返學.

We bought a red backpack for P2 or P3, but it was NOT durable, broke within 1 m, took it to a small shop to mend (use sewing machine to sew it back together) but broke again within 1 week.  The backpack could not stand the weight of the books.  After 2 / 3 times of sewing, I surrendered and bought the SEVEN bag, used it until now.

Forgot to mention - it is also waterproof.  And after weekly washing, it is still as good as 90% new.
作者: luiling    時間: 10-6-23 10:51     標題: 回覆 1# Bluestar 的文章

請問書包可以有公仔圖案嗎?  我家小姐想要 princess, 如果我搵到有 80% 紅色既, 可以嗎?  tks!
作者: TINGMUM    時間: 10-6-23 11:23

Bluestar 講的 seven 真係好好用架!  好多人都讚, 好岩高大形的學生, 又輕身, 見佢piglet  用幾年都咁新淨, 值回票價!

我個仔細粒, 用唔到seven, spi用了半年拉鍊扣己斷晒. 呢款 samsonites 用了半年仲係好新. 我係沙田新城市分店買, 見機場都有.  但記住是 laptop backpack, 所以只岩初小用.  如高年班書太重, 承托力方面, 怕會不足.

其他分店地點, 你可以致電hotline:24222611 查詢
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-23 11:30

"所以只岩初小用.  如高年班書太重, 承托力方面, 怕會不足."
真係咁多書.... 咁重.... 我都己經唔記得自己細過都做過苦力.... 真係書包都段帶,要年年買.... :(

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 23/6/2010 11:23 發表
Bluestar 講的 seven 真係好好用架!  好多人都讚, 好岩高大形的學生, 又輕身, 見佢piglet  用幾年都咁新淨, 值回票價!

我個仔細粒, 用唔到seven, spi用了半年拉鍊扣己斷晒. 呢款 samsonites 用了半年仲係好新. 我係 ...

作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-23 11:42

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-23 11:30 發表
"所以只岩初小用.  如高年班書太重, 承托力方面, 怕會不足."
真係咁多書.... 咁重.... 我都己經唔記得自己細過都做過苦力.... 真係書包都段帶,要年年買.... :(


是的, 高年班的書包真的非常重, 不知為何香港的學校不可以正視一下問題, 將每天的課堂簡化一下, 其實買幾靚嘅書包都係假, 事關太重對小朋友真係好大的負荷.
至於 spi, 呀女用咗一年, 應該可以支持到完成小六.
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-23 12:22

我老婆重問, 要準備d乜文具... 如color pencils? rules 30cm, 12cm? 三角尺? ball pens? water bottle? chinese calligraphy brush? ink? usb? ipad?

其實e-book 都真係一個幾好o既concept!!! 又輕, 又環保!!!
希望早日popular, 平d, 大眾化d, 個個得益!!
作者: TINGMUM    時間: 10-6-23 12:54

個仔之前有同我講過, 學校係有用e book上堂架!
作者: principal    時間: 10-6-23 12:57



Do you know what subjects?? 

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 10-6-23 12:54 發表

個仔之前有同我講過, 學校係有用e book上堂架!

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-23 13:20

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-23 12:22 發表
我老婆重問, 要準備d乜文具... 如color pencils? rules 30cm, 12cm? 三角尺? ball pens? water bottle? chinese calligraphy brush? ink? usb? ipad?

其實e-book 都真係一個幾好o既concept!!! 又輕, 又環保!!! :jo ...

1.  pencils (3-4) remember to use those without cartoon figures - the nicest ones are easily lost, even the plain ones diappear
2.  ruler = 6 or 8 inches (I still prefer inches )
3. colour pencils (wooden)
4. no need for ball pen yet, P1 only use pencils
5. water bottle - if your kid knows how to do refill in school, can use the 500ml ones, otherwise need to bring larger bottlse (eg 700 ml); my kid uses 1L bottle, filled up to 700 ml.

chinese calligraphy brush? ink? usb? ipad?
- not required for P1.

e-book :
I don't like e-books.  Prefer printed books.  e-books = bad eyesight in short time.

You will also need a lot of name labels (both sticky labels and cloth labels) on everything.  Incl shoes, socks, uniform, underwear, stationery, .....
And you will need to keep some stock of everything at home.  The speed at which things get used up / vanish / disappear / lost is really amazing !!! (disappearance includes uniform etc)

Also, bring some towel or handkerchief (like you do for KG), plus wet tissue, plus paper tissue.

And teach the kids to :
-  change from PE clothes into swimming gear, take a shower, and wearing PE clothes back, plus keep wet swimming gear in bag. (swimming gear = RED swim cap, swim suit or trunks, goggles, towel or old T-shirt)
-  wipe their petpet after going to the toilet, esp after poo.
- put their books / paper / circular / exercise books in schoolbag at the end of school each day, MUST remember to bring assignment book 手冊(altho you can check on parents account for P1, but the entries are sometimes not complete) workbooks
-  buy a table mat for lunch, snack box (cos there's v little choice from the tuck shop)

In short, quite a lot of preparation work for parents.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 10-6-23 13:31 編輯 ]
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-23 13:23

I have already to Connie we need to prepare a shopping list for P.1.  She seems excited and I think this will give her more sense of ownership to the stationery and books.
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-23 13:25

原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-6-23 13:20 發表

1.  pencils (3-4) remember to use those without cartoon figures, easily lost
2.  ruler = 6 or 8 inches (I still prefer inches )
3. colour pencils (wooden)
4. no need for ball pen yet, P1 on ...

I don't like e-book either.  But there is an e-book under Computer studies on the book list.  The purchase will be coordinated by school.
作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-23 13:36

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-6-23 11:42 發表

是的, 高年班的書包真的非常重, 不知為何香港的學校不可以正視一下問題, 將每天的課堂簡化一下, 其實買幾靚嘅書包都係假, 事關太重對小朋友真係好大的負荷.
至於 spi, 呀女用咗一年, 應該可以支持到完成小六. ...

That's why we prefer those days with lots of double-lessons.

But some kids who have concentration problem  have trouble with double lessons.

Weight of books for 4 double lessons = half the weight of books for 8 single lessons !!

And when there is PE, plus lunch thermos (cos piglet usually brings lunch to school cooked by maid), plus visual art material (eg apron, table mat - ah yes, P1 need to buy these as well), plus if you have music lessons or ECA, then = vvvvvvv heavy !!
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-23 13:50

i'm impressed.....
sounds like my wife preparing the luggage for vacations....
i wish there is no need for iron and hair dyer in the set up.....

原帖由 Bluestar 於 23/6/2010 13:36 發表

That's why we prefer those days with lots of double-lessons.

But some kids who have concentration problem  have trouble with double lessons.

Weight of books for 4 double lessons = half the weight  ...

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-23 13:51 編輯 ]
作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-23 13:55

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-23 13:50 發表
i'm impressed.....
sounds like my wife preparing the luggage for vacations....
i wish there is no need for iron and hair dyer in the set up.....

Yup, Exactly !

You and your wife = on vacation,
cos your kid is in school not at home.

作者: SueBeeCheung    時間: 10-6-23 14:09

Yes, I heard my son said that CS is using E-book

原帖由 Laputa 於 10-6-23 13:25 發表

I don't like e-book either.  But there is an e-book under Computer studies on the book list.  The purchase will be coordinated by school.

作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-23 14:39

Dear existing TSL parents,

Will the following stuff provided or centrally ordered by the school for the students?
1.        Swimming suit - any requirement on style (e.g. one piece/red/no Cartoon character/long sleeves)
2.        red Swimming Cap
3.        Goggle
4.        wooden colour pencils
5.        Table mat for Visual art
6.        Table mat for Lunch
7.        tableware for lunch (if order lunch via school)
8.        Plastic folers for circulars (A4 or F4 size??) /homework

Also, is there any restriction on girl's hair accessories?
In old days school allows no hair accessories but only rubber band in black or blue..

作者: 1429    時間: 10-6-23 14:48


Thanks for your tips, 我地好似要去打仗咁, 好恐怖呀... 佢邊樹零得+照顧得咁多野呀?  請問邊樹可做到clothes labels呀? 謝謝!

原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-6-23 13:20 發表

1.  pencils (3-4) remember to use those without cartoon figures - the nicest ones are easily lost, even the plain ones diappear
2.  ruler = 6 or 8 inches (I still prefer inches )
3. colour  ...

作者: principal    時間: 10-6-23 14:50


You were very impressed by the list typed by our honourable e-doctor.

Prior to the beginning of every  school year, Bluestar always types a list for the new P1 parents for their preparation and the list is very handy. 

If you will print the list out and prepare the stuff one by one, basically you don’t need to waste any more of your own brain cells!!  


There are pros and cons of using e-book.
One possible drawback not mentioned by you is that if every TSL pupil carries an e-book or a nice IPAD, will they become the target of some robbers??

wipe their petpet after going to the toilet, esp after poo.

This is really the most challenging task of all !!  

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-6-23 13:50 發表

i'm impressed.....
sounds like my wife preparing the luggage for vacations....
i wish there is no need for iron and hair dyer in the set up.....

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 10-6-24 10:30 編輯 ]
作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-23 15:26

原帖由 principal 於 10-6-23 14:50 發表

You were very impressed by the list typed by our honourable e-doctor.

Just prior to the beginning of every  school year, Bluestar always types a list for the new P1 parents for thei ...

P1 parents,

Please remember that ALL accessories (hair accessories for girls) must be in RED, i.e. the basic colour must be red, cartoon and frills are permitted.
(fortunately I don't have a daughter ==> extra headache !!)

RED swimming cap, but no designated colour for swimsuit and goggles. (SPEEDO, some other common brands, do have red caps)

NO co-ordinated purchase of anything, EXCEPT for e-book if there is to be one.
But I think the list of exercise books + art material includes some plastic folders with school logo ?


Agree - younger kids with e-books are prime targets for theft.

Another CON :  $$$$$$$ for the e-book.
(My Singapore cousin's kid need to buy an e-book for use in school in SING, school said it is co-ordinated purchase, but $ is SGD 1500 ,i.e. approx HKD8000 !! but we all know we can buy a vvv good notebook for that $.)
作者: TINGMUM    時間: 10-6-23 15:32

Yes, I heard that two kids share one e-book during CS lesson.

原帖由 SueBeeCheung 於 10-6-23 14:09 發表
Yes, I heard my son said that CS is using E-book

作者: angelprincess    時間: 10-6-23 16:33

哈哈!  我最抵 呀女個書包可以用足6年.

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-6-23 11:42 發表

是的, 高年班的書包真的非常重, 不知為何香港的學校不可以正視一下問題, 將每天的課堂簡化一下, 其實買幾靚嘅書包都係假, 事關太重對小朋友真係好大的負荷.
至於 spi, 呀女用咗一年, 應該可以支持到完成小六. ...

作者: bonbonzhu    時間: 10-6-23 23:46

Apartment from the shopping list, don't forget to label everything with a permanant marker. My child lost a couples of water bottles, cutleries, the red jacket,the grey colour vest and student ID in this school year. In the beginning, 我真係"接受唔倒囉", 而家变得係家常便飯.
作者: SueBeeCheung    時間: 10-6-24 08:56

Me too.  連書包都試過跟同學的調換, 只有無奈接受.....

原帖由 bonbonzhu 於 10-6-23 23:46 發表
Apartment from the shopping list, don't forget to label everything with a permanant marker. My child lost a couples of water bottles, cutleries, the red jacket,the grey colour vest and student ID in t ...

作者: bowling68    時間: 10-6-26 09:58

剛收到 SPI 將會到家姐既學校 (津校)做 promotion, 好多淨紅色書包, price ranges from 258 - $368.   

但係呢度有家長話一個月唔夠就有問題, 同埋幾重, 對嗎 ?  心大心細  @_@
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-26 11:20

HI Bowling68,

Seems most of the comment about SPI is that it's a little bit heavier than Dr Kong.  Why don't you go to Wing On or Jusco and have a physical inspection?  Remember to share your findings to us :>

I have not yet made up my mind. . . still thinking to purchase a in bookfair

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-6-26 11:20

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-6-26 09:58 發表
剛收到 SPI 將會到家姐既學校 (津校)做 promotion, 好多淨紅色書包, price ranges from 258 - $368.   

但係呢度有家長話一個月唔夠就有問題, 同埋幾重, 對嗎 ?  心大心細  @_@ ...

我買spi lite, 都唔係好重, 比我個破壞王用左成年都冇事, 你可以先去百貨公司試下先, 到時係家姐學校買。我上年都係朋友幫我係津校promote買架!

我買之前去哂compare, 不過seven果d我就冇睇, 唔想買太貴, 因為過兩三年都想轉下款冇咁悶。

[ 本帖最後由 silvia_ng 於 10-6-26 11:22 編輯 ]
作者: yypapa    時間: 10-6-26 21:42

Just took a look at the SPI at department store today.   It seems a bit heavy for my slim girl   Meanwhile I spotted a more light weight under Hello Kitty brand.  In terms of % of red, it does cover over 80%.  However, it has a big Hello Kitty character.   Does the school allow cartoon character on the school bag ?

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 10-6-26 11:20 發表

我買spi lite, 都唔係好重, 比我個破壞王用左成年都冇事, 你可以先去百貨公司試下先, 到時係家姐學校買。我上年都係朋友幫我係津校promote買架!

我買之前去哂compare, 不過seven果d我就冇睇, 唔想買太貴, 因為過 ...

作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-27 20:07

Nothing mentioned about cartoon character. . . and I remebered a parent said there is no restriction on that.
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-28 00:04

原帖由 yypapa 於 10-6-26 21:42 發表
Just took a look at the SPI at department store today.   It seems a bit heavy for my slim girl   Meanwhile I spotted a more light weight under Hello Kitty brand.  In terms of % of red, it does cover o ...

我呀女第一個書包都係有些少卡通圖案嘅, 冇問題. 但呢類書包多數唔耐用.
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-6-28 10:06

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-6-28 00:04 發表

我呀女第一個書包都係有些少卡通圖案嘅, 冇問題. 但呢類書包多數唔耐用.

其實1-2年換書包都幾好. . .有新鮮感, 6年都用同一個書包, 會好悶.
作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-6-28 12:15

原帖由 Laputa 於 10-6-28 10:06 發表

其實1-2年換書包都幾好. . .有新鮮感, 6年都用同一個書包, 會好悶.

同意 :D
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-30 13:22

recently i came across a outlet hiking material shop in sheung wan, and they have a hiking backpack about 250hkd! 30L, very low weight, waterproof nylon, aluminium alloy frame on the back, areo mesh layer between the back and the bag for better ventilation. with a nice red color!
however, i have to check the size if it's not too big for the back length of my boy.....
but then, i think i'm more into the idea of a real hiking backpack (or a cycling backpack which is shorter in length) for our son's school bag.
i find the structure of this kind of bags are better made for the back, and the low weight is a big plus!! and we can find some good quality low price backpack in mong kok or some champing outlet shops! (to be honest, me and my wife both prefer sharp color but no fancy cartoon figures on the bag as well, he he he.... our son may not agree however...).
my wife reminded me about the sizes of the school books as well since sometime this kind of backpack may round the book corners, he he he which is very right!!

原帖由 bowling68 於 26/6/2010 09:58 發表
剛收到 SPI 將會到家姐既學校 (津校)做 promotion, 好多淨紅色書包, price ranges from 258 - $368.   

但係呢度有家長話一個月唔夠就有問題, 同埋幾重, 對嗎 ?  心大心細  @_@ ...

作者: Bluestar    時間: 10-6-30 14:32

Size of books = usually A4
Size of school circulars = F4
So if you want to buy folder / schoolbag, consider buying F4 size.
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-6-30 14:38

F4 size....
i don't know why.... but i always hate this format.... maybe it remind me the school circulars when i was once young....

原帖由 Bluestar 於 30/6/2010 14:32 發表
Size of books = usually A4
Size of school circulars = F4
So if you want to buy folder / schoolbag, consider buying F4 size.

作者: bowling68    時間: 10-7-12 14:06

再買多個 SPI 紅書包,
promotion 都要三百幾

果個買落既 doctor kong 黑紅書包 擺度睇 -_-
作者: Laputa    時間: 10-7-12 15:49


Why?  and which SPI schoolbag your purchased?  I saw one that is small in size that fit my little girl, but the original price tag is 7XX!

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-7-12 14:06 發表
再買多個 SPI 紅書包,
promotion 都要三百幾

果個買落既 doctor kong 黑紅書包 擺度睇 -_-

作者: bowling68    時間: 10-7-12 15:54

因為今日家姐返小學買書 (not TSL),
SPI promotion,.
囝囝因個子較高買了大碼, 應該Nett 係$318

原帖由 Laputa 於 10-7-12 15:49 發表

Why?  and which SPI schoolbag your purchased?  I saw one that is small in size that fit my little girl, but the original price tag is 7XX!


作者: 030316    時間: 10-7-13 00:02


有同事介紹STORY BOX,佢個小朋友好鍾意,
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-7-13 00:24

A4 vs F4..  係咪講呢樣?   http://www.spi.com.hk/index.php?c=spi

個書包係 Target

Ooops,  舊年原來 $269, 買貴左添

原帖由 030316 於 10-7-13 00:02 發表

有同事介紹STORY BOX,佢個小朋友好 ...

[ 本帖最後由 bowling68 於 10-7-13 00:27 編輯 ]
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-7-13 11:02

he he he!!! dino mammy,

原帖由 bowling68 於 13/7/2010 00:24 發表
A4 vs F4..  係咪講呢樣?   http://www.spi.com.hk/index.php?c=spi

個書包係 Target
http://www.spi.com.hk/index.php? ... &product=Target

Ooops,  舊年原來 $269, 買貴左添
http://blog.uncl ...

作者: Laputa    時間: 10-7-13 14:02

原帖由 030316 於 10-7-13 00:02 發表

有同事介紹STORY BOX,佢個小朋友好 ...

Since my girl is of xs size, I would not care about size of circular, but would focus on finding a right school bag size for her.  

As to child magazine, I heard that story box is good too, but wonder if there are any group order discount offered to school for bulk purchase.  It is usually even cheaper than order in bookfair.  Can any existing TSL parents share this?
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-7-13 14:12

friend of my wife suggested her the south china morning post junior which is quite good for kids as well.
i remember tsl organize group order at the beginning of year.
right, principal?! (擺你上枱先... )

原帖由 Laputa 於 13/7/2010 14:02 發表

Since my girl is of xs size, I would not care about size of circular, but would focus on finding a right school bag size for her.  

As to child magazine, I heard that story box is good too, but won ...

作者: principal    時間: 10-7-13 16:56


Please don't "put me on the table"!! 
You may free feel to drop me a line, if required!! 

Yes, normally our children can order certain newspapers (including SCMP) at the beginning of September.

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-7-13 14:12 發表

friend of my wife suggested her the south china morning post junior which is quite good for kids as well.
i remember tsl organize group order at the beginning of year.
right, principal?! (擺你 ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 10-7-13 19:56 編輯 ]
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-7-13 20:02

thanks for the info!!!

原帖由 principal 於 13/7/2010 16:56 發表

Please don't "put me on the table"!! 
You may free feel to drop me a line, if required!! 

Yes, normally our children can order certain newspapers (including SCMP) at the  ...

作者: tpc68    時間: 10-7-16 12:38

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 10-7-13 20:02 發表
thanks for the info!!!

之前好似有媽咪提供過買書包資料及心得, 請問有無人可以POST 多次出黎, 謝謝!!!

另外, LEGO 好唔好?  有無人知可以係邊度買? 書展會唔會有呢?

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-7-16 17:53

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... p;extra=&page=1

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... p;extra=&page=1

原帖由 tpc68 於 16/7/2010 12:38 發表

之前好似有媽咪提供過買書包資料及心得, 請問有無人可以POST 多次出黎, 謝謝!!!

另外, LEGO 好唔好?  有無人知可以係邊度買? 書展會唔會有呢?

謝謝!!!! ...

作者: tpc68    時間: 10-7-16 21:58



[ 本帖最後由 tpc68 於 10-7-16 22:26 編輯 ]
作者: 030316    時間: 10-7-17 00:40

作者: bowling68    時間: 10-7-19 11:35

sorry, 我都唔知 SPI 的 detail, 妳打去 hotline 問問.

另上周頭條廣告有 吉之島 大埔分店特賣 紅色 COTIMA 背囊 $459 --> $159, you can check Jusco

原帖由 030316 於 10-7-17 00:40 發表

作者: 030316    時間: 10-7-20 14:27

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-7-19 11:35 發表
sorry, 我都唔知 SPI 的 detail, 妳打去 hotline 問問.

另上周頭條廣告有 吉之島 大埔分店特賣 紅色 COTIMA 背囊 $459 --> $159, you can check Jusco


作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-7-20 17:21

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-7-19 11:35 發表
sorry, 我都唔知 SPI 的 detail, 妳打去 hotline 問問.

另上周頭條廣告有 吉之島 大埔分店特賣 紅色 COTIMA 背囊 $459 --> $159, you can check Jusco


作者: angelprincess    時間: 10-7-20 17:47

Back to HK?

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-7-20 17:21 發表

Cotima.................千萬唔好呀,我買咗個新嘅去美國,用咗十日返到香港就掉咗喇,因為幾個位都爛咗.可能我呢次用得粗啦,但點都好過d小朋友卦... ...

作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-7-21 00:05

原帖由 angelprincess 於 10-7-20 17:47 發表
Back to HK?

是的, 剛回來, 非常的累, 其他的不覆, 但不想其他人買了一個沒用的東西, 所以忍不住還是想告知他人我自己的經驗.
btw, accept 咗喇, thank you.
作者: angelprincess    時間: 10-7-21 00:16

Take a rest.  Let's chat on tmr.

原帖由 DaddyCool 於 10-7-21 00:05 發表

是的, 剛回來, 非常的累, 其他的不覆, 但不想其他人買了一個沒用的東西, 所以忍不住還是想告知他人我自己的經驗.
btw, accept 咗喇, thank you.

作者: DaddyCool    時間: 10-7-22 13:03

原帖由 angelprincess 於 10-7-21 00:16 發表
Take a rest.  Let's chat on tmr.

都未 rest 完啦, 明天又早機北京.............
作者: bonbonzhu    時間: 10-7-23 00:08     標題: 回覆 8# 030316 的文章

SPI個人識為較重身,放唔倒太多喲嘢, 其他卡通公仔都用過,so far 最貴的係SPI $300+, 卡通的$200+, 在大陸買的$100+ , 最輕身又放得最多東西,課本的係$100+那個.當初買SPI都係諗住貴D,應該會好好,但真覺幾重.但以上係個人意見,

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