
標題: Victoria 26/5 出 result [打印本頁]

作者: wendychiu301    時間: 10-5-13 17:13     標題: Victoria 26/5 出 result

作者: babyakambm    時間: 10-5-13 17:18

Not positive for my boy !
作者: wendychiu301    時間: 10-5-13 17:19

原帖由 babyakambm 於 10-5-13 17:18 發表
Not positive for my boy !

作者: anteater    時間: 10-5-13 17:31

作者: babyakambm    時間: 10-5-13 17:34

I choose 2 days. I thought they will change to 5 days by the time they reach 2 yrs old ... but actually not. Anyway, see see la!
作者: bearbearsnake    時間: 10-5-13 22:51

Does anybody know what is the ratio of being selected? 1:10 or 1:5?? I like the school campus very much (HG).

作者: wendychiu301    時間: 10-5-14 01:21

Some sisters are talking about HMT, harbour height and harbour green 收生人數.. I brought my baby to playgroup yesterday and read the notice... try to remember as far as I can.

HMT: 36 for am, 36 for pm
Harbour Green: 48 for am, 48 for pm
Harbour Height: (total: 216)
48 for am, 48 for pm (trilingual)
48 for am, 48 for pm (bilingual, cantonese/english)
48 (or 24, more likely), can't remember, pm class only (bilingual, potunghua/english)
作者: sherisecheung    時間: 10-5-14 09:37

It won't change to 5 days when they turn two.  If it's 2 / 3 days, it will stay the same throughout the whole PN class ar.
My son got accepted at HG 3 days (big son).

原帖由 babyakambm 於 10-5-13 17:34 發表
I choose 2 days. I thought they will change to 5 days by the time they reach 2 yrs old ... but actually not. Anyway, see see la!

作者: wendycyp    時間: 10-5-14 10:32

Me too, my son got admitted to HG 3 days class.  

They said that there're too many applications this year and thus they offer 3 days and 2 days classes as well.
作者: eggmama    時間: 10-5-14 13:39

I girl will transfer to another K1, want to sell uniform:
Size 4 & 6
summer: 2 dresses, 2 PE uniform, 1 jacket
winter: 1 dress + shirt, 1 PE uniform, 1 jacket

All are lower than 50%, pls PM.
作者: raychan0202    時間: 10-5-19 15:37

good luck!!

原帖由 wendychiu301 於 10-5-13 17:13 發表

作者: tcbobo    時間: 10-5-19 15:43

delete xxx

[ 本帖最後由 tcbobo 於 10-5-19 15:45 編輯 ]
作者: teresa_timothy    時間: 10-5-19 16:57

我囡囡in HH. 不過太多人爭喇, 囡囡當日表現又唔太好, 所以都不存任何希望. 佢都已經o係另一間幼兒園註冊左lu.
作者: wendychiu301    時間: 10-5-19 17:51

作者: gizmo88    時間: 10-5-19 18:55

作者: gudbb    時間: 10-5-19 23:31

原帖由 wendychiu301 於 10-5-13 17:13 發表

乜唔係28/5先出result咩? 26/5??? 我都好想快d知。
作者: chowhui97    時間: 10-5-20 12:01

My BB interviewed HH and I don't have expectations cos she didn't do well...

Anyway, for your info, I've asked they interviewed 500 small B and will accept 60 at HH.
作者: 小克    時間: 10-5-20 13:31

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作者: gudbb    時間: 10-5-20 13:43

500/60=8.3, 再扣除D皇帝位, 我地呢D平民百姓真係無咩希望

chowhui97, 我個B都係in HH喎
作者: raychan0202    時間: 10-5-21 20:15

我見mid-kornhill ,仲有7日,不過睇完各位既資料,哈哈,睇嚟機會都幾微...
作者: kinder.bb    時間: 10-5-23 13:45

我個仔果日都無咩突出, 睇黎都係無咩希望...
作者: gigiwywong    時間: 10-5-25 09:46

My daughter attended the interview in HG. After reading the comments from all of you, the chance of admittance should be minimal.......Let's wait......For those mommies' children are in Victoria PN class, could you share how did your children perform in the interview?? Active? Quiet? Listening to teachers?....
作者: twinsmummy    時間: 10-5-25 10:16

原帖由 gigiwywong 於 10-5-25 09:46 發表
My daughter attended the interview in HG. After reading the comments from all of you, the chance of admittance should be minimal.......Let's wait......For those mommies' children are in Victoria PN cl ...

My kids will start PN at HH this Aug.  One of the kids didn't do particularly well I think.  She was actually stuck to my husband the whole time.  However, she did answer all the teacher's questions during storytime.  The other kid did alright.  Completed her task with the toys given to her, had eye contact with the teacher, sort of followed the teacher etc.  Honestly, she didn't do anything that stood out amongst other kids.  I think it's a bit of luck.  Good luck to you all.  
作者: MM1031    時間: 10-5-25 11:05

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作者: twinsmummy    時間: 10-5-25 12:58

原帖由 MM1031 於 10-5-25 11:05 發表

Hi twinsmymmy,

You're twins mum, two are grils right?  Your kids both accepted by Victoria....Congratulation.  I'm also twins mum & nice to meet you.  

My kids did nothing during interview.  They  ...

Hi MM1031, we have 2 girls.  They are big girls so this is why they can do more at the interview so I think expectation on their performance is also higher.  I hope the school will not expect small bbs to perform at the same level as big bbs only 2 months after the big bb interviews.  Good luck!
作者: tracyung    時間: 10-5-25 16:16

原帖由 twinsmummy 於 10-5-25 12:58 發表

Hi MM1031, we have 2 girls.  They are big girls so this is why they can do more at the interview so I think expectation on their performance is also higher.  I hope the school will not expect small  ...

twinsmummy, you're right. As long as I could remember, on small BB interview, the teacher did not ask any questions during the story telling session. So I think they are having different assessment criteria in assessing small BB. Let's relax and take it easy la!
作者: gizmo88    時間: 10-5-25 18:31

請問大家知否正式出信日期是5 月 26,28 or 29 號?
作者: yaulinda    時間: 10-5-25 21:26

作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 12:12

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作者: stevetso    時間: 10-5-26 12:13

作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 12:16

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作者: gudbb    時間: 10-5-26 12:36

希望聽日收到信啦, 真係等到頸都長..

原帖由 Joy33 於 10-5-26 12:12 發表
Dear all
I called and victoria said that they will send out the result letter on 26 or 27 May. So I think we can earliest receive the result on 27 May on HK Island side.

作者: gizmo88    時間: 10-5-26 13:20

好緊張 ...... 不過機會好微
作者: kiki.kiki    時間: 10-5-26 13:30

interview嗰日有張notice攞返, 話係28-31會有信通知, 我仔in HMT
作者: PRECIOUSGIRL08    時間: 10-5-26 13:39

no matter of success or fail, school will inform parent by mail???
作者: neb    時間: 10-5-26 14:01

作者: Jupiter    時間: 10-5-26 14:01

原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-5-25 21:26 發表

我都好緊張呀, 雖然明知唔會咁快收到(official係28-31號), 但係呢兩日開信箱都有d手震, hahaha!
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 14:25

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作者: gigiwywong    時間: 10-5-26 14:33

好心急呀,如果唔收,要幫女女報多兩堂playgroup...因為女女是細女,好多學校今年唔收佢N班 or 要插班(not certain).
作者: tracyung    時間: 10-5-26 14:55

They siad that they will post out the result on 28/5 for harbour height branch.
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 15:22

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作者: teresa_timothy    時間: 10-5-26 15:24

我已經打定輸數喇, 尤其係我覺得即使收都唔會收我囡囡番五日學架喇. 如果要我番兩日或者三日我唔會選擇呢.
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 15:42

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: MM1031    時間: 10-5-26 16:56

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作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-26 17:50

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作者: kiki.kiki    時間: 10-5-27 01:11


其實返2日/3日都好, 咁細個唔想佢太辛苦
作者: osim    時間: 10-5-27 10:13

作者: kinder.bb    時間: 10-5-27 10:15

原帖由 osim 於 10-5-27 10:13 發表

作者: gigiwywong    時間: 10-5-27 15:59

今日去check post box先.....
作者: chichibb    時間: 10-5-27 16:15

如果冇, 可唔可以電話問呢?因為啟思要星期六要註冊, 想知道個結果先.
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-27 16:30

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作者: chichibb    時間: 10-5-27 16:45

原帖由 Joy33 於 10-5-27 16:30 發表


我係上星期六先interview, 今個星期二打比我收左, 到星期六就註冊, 所以都好急架.

作者: gudbb    時間: 10-5-27 21:33

原帖由 tracyung 於 10-5-26 14:55 發表
They siad that they will post out the result on 28/5 for harbour height branch.


Tracyung, 請問係咪學校個邊話聽日會post個結果出黎架? 因為我個b係in HH, 但佢地校只係話等收信, 無同我地講話28/5會post個結果....如果係的話, 等我聽日去睇下先
作者: yaulinda    時間: 10-5-27 21:47

no letter received yet
作者: tracyung    時間: 10-5-27 21:57

gudbb, I just mean post the letters out.
sorry for the confusion.
作者: chowhui97    時間: 10-5-27 22:38

The letter from HH said they will send out letters to announce the results on 28th May onwards.  Today is just 27th May... Don't worry!!!
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-28 10:11

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作者: osim    時間: 10-5-28 10:40

作者: yaulinda    時間: 10-5-28 10:56

I've just made a phone call to the campus.
The staff replied that the letters are expected to be distributed from 28/5 to 31/5.
They cannot tell the status of my child over the phone, but can call them again if I have no letter received by next week.
作者: gigiwywong    時間: 10-5-28 11:27

Oh..so they will only send out the letter from 28/5....we need to keep an eye on the post box these few days.........
作者: osim    時間: 10-5-28 11:34

如果今日先send, 即係最快聽日先收到?
作者: Jupiter    時間: 10-5-28 13:02

我早兩日打過去問, 佢地淨係話28/5-31/5會收到, 唔肯講幾時寄出......
作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 15:08

作者: Sevendwarfs    時間: 10-5-28 15:14

What do you mean by "disappointed"?  Have you received the letter yet?  Don't be upset and cheer up!

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 15:08 發表

作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 15:37

原帖由 Sevendwarfs 於 10-5-28 15:14 發表
What do you mean by "disappointed"?  Have you received the letter yet?  Don't be upset and cheer up!

YES..........rec'd today , but “FAIL”
學校說報名人數太多, 未能安排學位給仔仔
其實我未收信前, 都知機會是1成左右
因為我仔係細仔, 學校當然會揀大仔優先取錄,
你是否已收到信呀??? 其他學校有冇OFFER??
作者: Sevendwarfs    時間: 10-5-28 15:48

我未番屋企睇信箱﹐不過都知唔得架啦。我個女係08年9月細B﹐根本無可能得﹗  我無報其他學校呀﹗如果Victoria唔得﹐出年先同佢報幼稚園/幼兒園啦﹗

Btw﹐請問你小朋友幾時出世﹖你報邊間Victoria呀﹖ (我報的是海峰園)。

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 15:37 發表

YES..........rec'd today , but “FAIL”
學校說報名人數太多, 未能安排學位給仔仔
其實我未收信前, 都知機會是1成左右
因為我仔係細仔, 學校當然會揀大仔優先取錄,
FORGET IT LA...:n ...

作者: tracyung    時間: 10-5-28 15:51

My girl is even smaller than yours, 10/08. Should have no hope la.
作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 15:58


interview那日全部d BB都在聼story, 唯獨她竟然起身丟野。。。。真係激死啦。。。。




作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 15:59

原帖由 Sevendwarfs 於 10-5-28 15:48 發表
我未番屋企睇信箱﹐不過都知唔得架啦。我個女係08年9月細B﹐根本無可能得﹗  我無報其他學校呀﹗如果Victoria唔得﹐出年先同佢報幼稚園/幼兒園啦﹗

Btw﹐請問你小朋友幾時出世﹖你報邊間Victoria呀﹖ (我報的是海峰園)。


我仔仔0808, 又係報海峰園, 應該今日收到信, 希望你成功啦...加油
作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 16:02

作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-28 16:05

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:05

原帖由 charlene媽媽 於 10-5-28 15:58 發表

interview那日全部d BB都在聼story, 唯獨她竟然起身丟野。。。。真係激死啦。。。。


好擔心啊。。。那麽多學校唯有vic是收細B,其他 ...

唉...我仔仔當日係STORY TIME唔肯坐定定, 仲要搶MISS本STORY BOOK...
MISS叫亞仔拎布偶, 佢唔肯拎, 仲要掉頭走唔采MISS
係呢, 除左VIC, 仲有邊間收細B?
作者: cann5    時間: 10-5-28 16:07

Is it a registered mail? My maid said that there is a registered mail for me today. I haven't come home yet. Mine is almost the smallest among small babies. The chance is really slim.

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 15:59 發表

我仔仔0808, 又係報海峰園, 應該今日收到信, 希望你成功啦...加油

作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-5-28 16:09

原帖由 charlene媽媽 於 10-5-28 15:58 發表

interview那日全部d BB都在聼story, 唯獨她竟然起身丟野。。。。真係激死啦。。。。


好擔心啊。。。那麽多學校唯有vic是收細B,其他 ...

作者: sherisecheung    時間: 10-5-28 16:10

It's just normal mail, not registered mail, good luck

原帖由 cann5 於 10-5-28 16:07 發表
Is it a registered mail? My maid said that there is a registered mail for me today. I haven't come home yet. Mine is almost the smallest among small babies. The chance is really slim.

作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:10

原帖由 charlene媽媽 於 10-5-28 16:02 發表

但C6不太贊成, 因為憺心仔仔太細, 唔想咁快俾佢上學
VIC INTERVIEW最令我滿意, 安排很好很細心
作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 16:11

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 16:05 發表

唉...我仔仔當日係STORY TIME唔肯坐定定, 仲要搶MISS本STORY BOOK...
MISS叫亞仔拎布偶, 佢唔肯拎, 仲要掉頭走唔采MISS
係呢, 除左VIC, 仲有邊間收細B?


作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:13

原帖由 Joy33 於 10-5-28 16:05 發表
你收到信!!!!Don't be upset, still have a lot of chances in next year (K1).我都想快啲返屋企收信。雖然知道希望越大、失望越大。

唔好太憺心, 希望你成功
作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 16:15

原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-5-28 16:09 發表


yes。。。i think i am the super fan of the victoria...

我得雖然是細b, 但是都叫作in做有的in的大部分名校,但是其它的安排真係麻麻。。。時間很短,不夠warm up。。。難道5分鐘就可以judge一個小朋友是否可以考到?唯獨這個學校比充足的時間,觀察。。。所以說30文interview都抵阿。。。。

作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:18

原帖由 charlene媽媽 於 10-5-28 16:11 發表


迦南阿。。。明天interview阿。。。不過機 ...

作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:22

原帖由 tracyung 於 10-5-28 15:51 發表
My girl is even smaller than yours, 10/08. Should have no hope la.

唔一定, 唔好太憺心LA...當日IN全部都係細B, 08年8-12月份
作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 16:27


作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-5-28 16:27

作者: osim    時間: 10-5-28 16:30

咁有冇harbour green嘅媽咪收咗信呀?
作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:34

原帖由 cann5 於 10-5-28 16:07 發表
Is it a registered mail? My maid said that there is a registered mail for me today. I haven't come home yet. Mine is almost the smallest among small babies. The chance is really slim.

我報是HH, 是否其他CAMPUS唔同時間收信O架?
作者: cann5    時間: 10-5-28 16:52

是當日同application form一起附上的回郵信封?

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 16:34 發表

我報是HH, 是否其他CAMPUS唔同時間收信O架?

作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 16:54

原帖由 cann5 於 10-5-28 16:52 發表
是當日同application form一起附上的回郵信封?

作者: twinsmummy    時間: 10-5-28 17:00

Good luck to you all.  I know too well how this feels.  
作者: kathymami    時間: 10-5-28 17:07

作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-5-28 17:10

原帖由 kathymami 於 10-5-28 17:07 發表
今年似乎好難搵學校咁mouth:" />

作者: charlene媽媽    時間: 10-5-28 17:11



大家good luck阿。。。
作者: chowhui97    時間: 10-5-28 17:35


不過佢地都唔會收我個女, 因為佢唔肯講嘢呀....

平時係屋企就支支查查, 一出校門仲唱歌tim...
作者: cann5    時間: 10-5-28 17:46

exactly the same!

interview 後不肯同老師講 or wave goodbye,但出classroom後就同門口登記parent's meeting的老師講 bye bye!之後不停講野!

原帖由 chowhui97 於 10-5-28 17:35 發表
平時係屋企就支支查查, 一出校門仲唱歌tim...  

作者: alvinmamami    時間: 10-5-28 18:02

HH 唔收!
作者: ranicanice    時間: 10-5-28 18:09

原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-5-28 16:09 發表


Hi brrbaby2007,

Wow, Vic has given you quite a good impression.

Are you a fan of Vic? Does your child study in this school? Could you kindly tell us more about the good aspects of this school?
作者: yaulinda    時間: 10-5-28 18:15

作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-5-28 18:48

原帖由 ranicanice 於 10-5-28 18:09 發表

Hi brrbaby2007,

Wow, Vic has given you quite a good impression.

Are you a fan of Vic? Does your child study in this school? Could you kindly tell us more about the good aspects of this school? ...

冇話fan唔fan呀!你上次既comment我都agree,另外你上次講free play呢樣嘢都令我有worry好唔好take佢offer,因為我B就係果d唔参加自己walk around既人,所以我好緊張問你有冇同老師講及老師有乜跟進,因為如果每日都walk around即冇嘢學到。

而我之前個post話佢留位俾細B係事實,因為今年好多pn如Learning Habit等細B in都冇得in。但亦因為o甘好多大B冇得上1-5班,包括我B....

[ 本帖最後由 brrbaby2007 於 10-5-28 20:18 編輯 ]
作者: Joy33    時間: 10-5-28 19:18

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: gizmo88    時間: 10-5-28 20:23

HH 唔收!
作者: catcc2000    時間: 10-5-28 20:39

我報HH, 仲係未有消息呢.............!!!

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