
標題: 劍橋英文 [打印本頁]

作者: 小軒爸    時間: 10-5-10 20:23     標題: 劍橋英文

作者: brian61950    時間: 10-5-10 20:25


原帖由 小軒爸 於 10-5-10 20:23 發表

作者: ivory0915    時間: 10-5-11 00:50

原帖由 brian61950 於 10-5-10 20:25 發表

作者: dobbybabie    時間: 10-5-11 13:18

原帖由 brian61950 於 10-5-10 20:25 發表
作者: chaimum    時間: 10-5-12 11:13

原帖由 dobbybabie 於 10-5-11 13:18 發表

作者: brian61950    時間: 10-5-12 12:26


原帖由 chaimum 於 10-5-12 11:13 發表


作者: yamgie    時間: 10-5-12 19:42

作者: yamgie    時間: 10-5-12 19:46

因為應考的人越來越 "厲害", 有些 K3/P1 已經考 FLYER, 所以而家就算 KET / PET 都好似很 "一般" !
作者: dobbybabie    時間: 10-5-13 09:16

原帖由 yamgie 於 10-5-12 19:46 發表
因為應考的人越來越 "厲害", 有些 K3/P1 已經考 FLYER, 所以而家就算 KET / PET 都好似很 "一般" !
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-13 13:41     標題: 回覆 9# dobbybabie 的文章

I hope PET is useful for F1 place in comming year.
Some english primary school is using KET/PET/FCE for P3/4/5/6 standard.
It is over requirment for primary kids.
It is impossible for p. kids.
作者: dobbybabie    時間: 10-5-13 14:05

原帖由 sampapa 於 10-5-13 13:41 發表
I hope PET is useful for F1 place in comming year.
Some english primary school is using KET/PET/FCE for P3/4/5/6 standard.
It is over requirment for primary kids.
It is impossible for p. kids.
作者: minmin    時間: 10-5-13 21:43


作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-14 22:32     標題: 回覆 11# dobbybabie 的文章

My kids school is P1 Mover/Flyer.
It is not famous english school.

No use for P. kids, who is not change school.
Just estimate kids standard in English.
因學校都有英文教, but standard is not measured.
作者: agoodfox    時間: 10-5-16 13:31

原帖由 dobbybabie 於 10-5-11 13:18 發表

同意!當差不多成續的時候,這類公開試如果考得好應可以幫到手。我見已經多左人想考KET & PET,以下的網頁有D資料和練習,你地睇下適合與否啦!^^

作者: ++EE    時間: 10-5-17 09:15

My son got the Flyers result with 14 shields on March10. He is a P.1 student. Should I let him to join the KET course ?

我同佢都傾過繼吾繼續KET, 佢話驚好深, 不如遲d先讀喎.
我都有看過吓KET, 對小一系深DD, 不過都acceptable.

Any advise, please comments, thx ~
作者: ++EE    時間: 10-5-17 10:57

Thanks for your information.
我想my son 繼續在英文上學習, 所以想佢繼續KET, 我都同佢講未必要attend Exam, 因為學倒嘢已好好.
其實除了KET, my son 重可以上什麼course 呢 ?

原帖由 77777 於 10-5-17 09:59 發表
您個仔好叻仔....其實ket同flyers唔差得遠, 係要教下佢寫短信, 買本試題睇下d題目或上佢website睇, 絕對可以比佢試, 不過係pet(ket之后)有d題目係好似去見暑期工, 有時d野佢要諗好似對佢來講深左d, 因為小朋友真係未 ...

作者: eqqiqq    時間: 10-5-17 11:14

My daughter is studying "starter" now. Is it necessary to attend exam. if I don't need the cert. ??
Can she take the next level - "mover" continously
if she don't take the exam. of "starter" ??

Anyone knows ??  Pls advise.
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-17 13:03     標題: 回覆 15# ++EE 的文章

My P1 kid is passed flyer in Mar. He worked KET/PET sample paper.
KET is OK or easy for some P1/2 kid.
PET is not easy in composition part only.
KET/PET is no use for P.1/2 kid, just for fun only.
I think no need exam for kid.
作者: ++EE    時間: 10-5-17 14:10

OK, let me tell my son and let him has confident to attend the course. Thank you ~
How old is your son now ? Is he studying PET now ?

原帖由 sampapa 於 10-5-17 13:03 發表
My P1 kid is passed flyer in Mar. He worked KET/PET sample paper.
KET is OK or easy for some P1/2 kid.
PET is not easy in composition part only.
KET/PET is no use for P.1/2 kid, just for fun on ...

[ 本帖最後由 ++EE 於 10-5-17 19:53 編輯 ]
作者: leungchai    時間: 10-5-18 00:04     標題: 回覆 2# sampapa 的文章

so, is self-study for flyer exam Ok, or need to take course?
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-18 05:50     標題: 回覆 22# ++EE 的文章

He is P1 boy, now.
No any course or activty jointed from Mover to PET.
I will not take PET in P2, KET is final for him.
Next is other language exam.
All is worked with sample paper only.
1 book is used for 1 exam.
Each book purchased from China @rmb 23~26.
All english is learned on normal school session.
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-18 05:55     標題: 回覆 18# eqqiqq 的文章

You can take any level on exam, just pay exam fee. You can take KET or PET directly without any cert of YLE level, if kid has a standard or writing skill on it.
ONE requirement is aged 5 or up when seated on exam.

[ 本帖最後由 sampapa 於 10-5-18 05:57 編輯 ]
作者: ++EE    時間: 10-5-18 09:22


Your son really good arrr, no need to take any course to attend the YLE exam. I also want to do that but we have no time to teach him.

Yesterday, I let my son see our chatting, he said he will try to take the course of KET. Thanks a lot ~

原帖由 sampapa 於 10-5-18 05:50 發表
He is P1 boy, now.
No any course or activty jointed from Mover to PET.
I will not take PET in P2, KET is final for him.
Next is other language exam.
All is worked with sample paper only.
1 book is use ...

作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-18 11:18     標題: 回覆 27# ++EE 的文章

If you take KET/PET exam,
the hand writing is OK or not?
My kid can speak, listen & spelling well, but handwriting is not good.
I told him that his english standard is OK in school, no need to take KET/PET for personal record filing.
This cert is no use for P1/2 kid, just waste money.
My kid ask me what is the last level of English exam for him.
I told him, if you NOT take any english exam P2,
you can take FCE in P3/4, last exam for my kid.
I hope he has this standard before exam.
I prefer him take public exam in math, other language & music if he willing.
Now, he is learning math & other at home.
作者: ++EE    時間: 10-5-18 11:31

My kid can speak, listen and spelling ok, because he loves to see dictionary. I think writing need more practise. He also study Maths and Violin outside, just for fun and haven't attend any exams.
May be I will let him to attend exam on Maths at end of year. (珠算 level 6 or 5, it depends)

原帖由 sampapa 於 10-5-18 11:18 發表
If you take KET/PET exam,
the hand writing is OK or not?
My kid can speak, listen & spelling well, but handwriting is not good.
I told him that his english standard is OK in school, no need to take KE ...

作者: leungchai    時間: 10-5-18 19:28     標題: 回覆 6# sampapa 的文章

Hi, sampapa,
May I ask where you could buy the book for the exam with rmb?  You go to Shenzhen to buy or I could buy online?
作者: 一家的太陽    時間: 10-5-18 21:30

原帖由 leungchai 於 10-5-18 19:28 發表
Hi, sampapa,
May I ask where you could buy the book for the exam with rmb?  You go to Shenzhen to buy or I could buy online?

作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-18 22:23     標題: 回覆 30# leungchai 的文章

I purchased in Shenzhen.
It is cheaper than HK bookstore or BC.
Quality is OK and matched Sylb.
作者: leungchai    時間: 10-5-19 00:08     標題: 回覆 1# sampapa 的文章

Thanks for the answer.  May I ask whether the books share the same cover for those issued by british council, are they easy to find?
Thanks for your feedback once again!!
作者: 一家的太陽    時間: 10-5-19 10:22

原帖由 sampapa 於 10-5-18 22:23 發表
I purchased in Shenzhen.
It is cheaper than HK bookstore or BC.
Quality is OK and matched Sylb.

作者: winniecws    時間: 10-5-19 14:01

有無人可以自學考mover and flyer??
我英文普普通通only, 可唔可以教到我仔仔?
作者: access    時間: 10-5-19 14:55



反過來看,如果小朋友在學校的英文成績能在全級排在前列更實際,因為所有取錄先依成績表作準.舉一個較極端的例子,一間名校同級可能有50個學生能同時拿flyer 15個盾,但這間學校全級最好成績的還是祇得幾個,所以更彰顯校內成績的重要.校內成績好的話即使要找學校,根本不太需要這類證書,校內成績不好的話,這些證書幫助卻不大.




原帖由 winniecws 於 10-5-19 14:01 發表
有無人可以自學考mover and flyer??
我英文普普通通only, 可唔可以教到我仔仔?

[ 本帖最後由 access 於 10-5-19 15:18 編輯 ]
作者: access    時間: 10-5-19 15:09




原帖由 一家的太陽 於 10-5-19 10:22 發表

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-5-19 20:24

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-5-19 20:25

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-19 21:06     標題: 回覆 38# access 的文章

Yes, totally agreed.
All is cert from YLE/KET/PET is no use for Primary kid, just for fun.
Therefore, I told to my son. His standard is OK in school. no need to take any exam for it.
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-5-19 21:08     標題: 回覆 37# winniecws 的文章

Mover or Flyer is easy for most kids.

I think KET/PET is min standard for English in primary stage.
作者: VeryHappyMum    時間: 10-5-20 00:19

原帖由 winniecws 於 10-5-19 14:01 發表
有無人可以自學考mover and flyer??
我英文普普通通only, 可唔可以教到我仔仔?

哈,佢哋 d 內容都係 普普通通架咋,你有冇download d past paper 睇吓呀

不過話須如此,你都要有板有眼咁同佢練 speaking 個 part 喎。如果你應付到,呢個係唔錯既親子遊戲。
作者: kathy_k    時間: 10-5-24 19:40     標題: 回覆 7# access 的文章

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: access    時間: 10-5-25 00:08






原帖由 kathy_k 於 10-5-24 19:40 發表
咁姐係考哩D證書有無用呢?i mean for applying primary school

作者: access    時間: 10-5-25 01:28





作者: bb-bu-bu    時間: 10-5-25 09:04


我個小朋友都是小一, 我唸住趁暑假比佢讀吓d英文班, 想選劍橋, 你地覺得你們的小朋友讀左有冇明顯的進步呢?
作者: kooku2004    時間: 10-5-25 10:15

請問嚮邊樹download past paper呢? 請幫幫忙!

原帖由 VeryHappyMum 於 10-5-20 00:19 發表

哈,佢哋 d 內容都係 普普通通架咋,你有冇download d past paper 睇吓呀

不過話須如此,你都要有板有眼咁同佢練 speaking 個 part 喎。如果你應付到,呢個係唔錯既親子遊戲。 ...

作者: tramtram    時間: 10-5-25 11:59

我想問下坊間好多 CENTRE 都有開劍橋英語, 選擇邊間好呢? 會唔會係英國文化協會好D呢 ?

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-5-25 20:56

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: winniecws    時間: 10-5-26 16:12

VeryhappyMum, 請問邊到可以download past paper呀?可否比條link 我?


原帖由 VeryHappyMum 於 10-5-20 00:19 發表

哈,佢哋 d 內容都係 普普通通架咋,你有冇download d past paper 睇吓呀

不過話須如此,你都要有板有眼咁同佢練 speaking 個 part 喎。如果你應付到,呢個係唔錯既親子遊戲。 ...

作者: well_being    時間: 10-5-26 17:34

我小朋友比學校選了讀劍橋英文, 7月會考試, 請問我可以係邊度downland test paper 比我小朋友練習.
作者: 一家的太陽    時間: 10-5-26 18:03

http://www.britishcouncil.org/ho ... e-sample-papers.htm
原帖由 well_being 於 10-5-26 17:34 發表
我小朋友比學校選了讀劍橋英文, 7月會考試, 請問我可以係邊度downland test paper 比我小朋友練習.

作者: VeryHappyMum    時間: 10-5-26 23:04

原帖由 winniecws 於 10-5-26 16:12 發表
VeryhappyMum, 請問邊到可以download past paper呀?可否比條link 我?


作者: VeryHappyMum    時間: 10-5-26 23:07

呢 d 係 sample paper, past paper 要出去買,一本有三sets。
作者: bowling68    時間: 10-5-28 10:21     標題: 回覆 21# sampapa 的文章

I want flyer and ket and pet pass paper. Would you or anyone can pass them to me. Pls advise.  Pig Pig
作者: well_being    時間: 10-5-31 12:48

你好, 我想問淘寶我見到好多款, 但我唔知道要買那一款.(係未買預備級)
作者: 凍奶茶    時間: 10-5-31 14:20

原帖由 bowling68 於 10-5-28 10:21 發表
I want flyer and ket and pet pass paper. Would you or anyone can pass them to me. Pls advise.  Pig Pig

其實pass paper可視作用來練習下劍橋的考試模式,就算無做過pass paper都可以去考試,所以我個人只在網上download pass paper 給女兒做一次,讓她有些概念才去正式應考。
作者: lanczak    時間: 10-5-31 15:11

[quote]原帖由 well_being 於 10-5-31 12:48 發表
你好, 我想問淘寶我見到好多款, 但我唔知道要買那一款.(係未買預備級) [/quot

我有英國文化協會劍橋英語考試Cambridge Young Learners English Tests  past papers 'Starters' 試卷練習, 我是在英國文化協會購賣的,一本練習有3個tests,另有一本答案書和1隻CD,CD係for listerning 同 specking.有興趣可pm我。

[ 本帖最後由 lanczak 於 10-5-31 15:15 編輯 ]

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