
標題: 繁體 vs 簡體 (中文) [打印本頁]

作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 10-3-26 09:48     標題: 繁體 vs 簡體 (中文)



PS : 我自己本人主張學繁體。
作者: WYmom    時間: 10-3-26 10:16

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-3-26 09:48 發表

但最近與一位來自國內的朋友傾談,她表示自己在國內學簡體,長大後認讀繁體亦完全 ...

My kids learn simplied Chinese at school, and learn standard Chinese at home.  I think it is necessary for the next generations to learn both.
作者: nintendo    時間: 10-3-26 12:15

Using typical Hong Kong or mainland people as a reference would NOT be suitable as a projection for international schools students.
Typical Hong Kong or mainland people use Chinese as a first langauge. Whether they have to switch from simplified to traditional chinese or vice versa would not be too difficult.
International schools students do not have first language level Chinese language skills. Having them know what they are expected to learn at school (ie either simplified or traditional chinese) is already not a simple task. It would be even harder to expect them to be able to switch or know the other format without having extra classes or putting lots of effort.
Personally, I have not problem with either format. I would be happy if my children can master either one.
作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 10-3-26 13:25

知道有部份家長會有咁既安排 (學校:簡體 ; 家中:繁體),不過小朋友較辛苦(同時學2種),亦會寫錯 (e.g. 在學校寫咗繁體,老師要求擦去寫番簡體)。

PS : 雖然學校學簡體,但唔明老師點解一定要小朋友寫簡體,我覺得無寫錯字就ok,正如預科/大學學生都會混合簡&繁考試。

原帖由 WYmom 於 10-3-26 10:16 發表

My kids learn simplied Chinese at school, and learn standard Chinese at home.  I think it is necessary for the next generations to learn both.

[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-3-26 13:27 編輯 ]
作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 10-3-26 13:29

"International schools students do not have first language level Chinese language skills. Having them know what they are expected to learn at school (ie either simplified or traditional chinese) is already not a simple task. It would be even harder to expect them to be able to switch or know the other format without having extra classes or putting lots of effort. " - agree.

原帖由 nintendo 於 10-3-26 12:15 發表
Using typical Hong Kong or mainland people as a reference would NOT be suitable as a projection for international schools students.
Typical Hong Kong or mainland people use Chinese as a first langauge ...

作者: soogee    時間: 10-3-26 13:54

我在新加玻唸書,學簡體中文, 看繁體課外書. 現在簡/繁體都沒問題.
作者: chanms    時間: 10-3-28 12:41


1. 錯別字
2. 寫字

基本上,閱讀 及 寫作完全無問題。

作者: ikerberg    時間: 10-4-25 06:27


why did you change school from SIS to local school for your son?
作者: chanms    時間: 10-5-11 09:30

main reason: financial plan. I chose SIS because we have a chance to change from Int'l to Local.
作者: yyyy    時間: 10-5-12 14:35

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-3-26 09:48 發表

但最近與一位來自國內的朋友傾談,她表示自己在國內學簡體,長大後認讀繁體亦完全 ...

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