
標題: 朗思家長們, 可否分享一下? [打印本頁]

作者: ikyau    時間: 10-2-22 14:28     標題: 朗思家長們, 可否分享一下?

聽別人說朗思對小朋友的紀律較寬鬆, 係咪真的? 另外九龍塘與藍田在課程上有分別嗎?
作者: pollybell    時間: 10-2-22 21:34

作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-2-22 23:51

are u asking about K1?

To my experience, disipline is reasonable. Not too lose, not too strict. Students also have rules to follow and they do train students' manner too e.g. politeness etc.

I think they have the same teaching style. Content should be the same too cos they;re using the same sets of books and homework book. However, the "activities" / outings might be slightly different. Like the destination of visits might be different (but of the same themes). You can check with their websites. Go to "school notice" of different branches and then you can see the outings / activities that students have in different branches.

I'm not sure if the allocation of lesson time is the same in different branches.

My son is studying in K1 ENG/CAN class in LC. He has 2 class teachers, 1 native and a local Chi teacher. Time allocated between the 2 lang should be equal. The 2 class teachers also share the normal class duties e.g. snack time , out door play time etc. together. I bet the arrangement would be the same in ENG + PTH class. The only difference is that he would have a native PTH + a native Eng class teacher. Correct me if I'm wron g ThX :)

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-2-23 12:02 編輯 ]
作者: ikyau    時間: 10-2-23 10:02

都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?

原帖由 pollybell 於 10-2-22 21:34 發表
其實話就話係國際學校,但其實紀律同主流幼稚園無咩分別,絕對唔係一般國際學校咁活動式,都係以廣東話為主,班主任都係香港人,除非你讀國際班,麗港城英文堂都係半個鐘,九龍塘比較多些英文堂. ...

作者: ikyau    時間: 10-2-23 10:03

your info. is very useful, thanks!
原帖由 twinsstar 於 10-2-22 23:51 發表
are u asking about K1?

To my experience, disipline is reasonable. Not too lose, not too strict. Students also have rules to follow and they do train students' manner too e.g. politeness etc.

I thin ...

作者: happystar    時間: 10-2-23 10:26

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作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-2-23 10:42

原帖由 ikyau 於 10-2-23 10:02 發表
都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?

但有學卷個D, 因成本所限, 英文native teachers一定無咁多, 可能只係中國人教英文, 而且不一定日日有普通話 (朗思粵英班日日有普通話, 雖然時間唔長只有20分鐘左右).  

我覺得朗思雖然名義上係國際學校, 但紀律上同傳統的學校無分別, 會要求上堂坐定定唔俾周圍走, 亦著重禮貌和規矩.  我阿仔在家食小食, 我放好食物, 他居然自己會唸: 唔該嬸嬸, 1, 2, 3, 可以開始食.  

相比其他分校, 藍田分校係最多人派去津校 (當然考到好的直資亦唔少), 如果學校如你所講紀律寬鬆, 一定適應唔到傳統的津校.  但我在這裡睇左咁耐, 真係唔多覺有升小學的家長話規律上和課程上適應唔到, 所以, 你唔駛太擔心.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-2-23 11:55

I guess she;s talking about N1. It's true that the class teacher in N1 is local (unless you're opting for international stream) but then from K1 onwards, there should be 1 native and 1 local class teacher. However, they have Eng and PTH every day (taught by native teachers). Guess those "govt-voucher" school won't have that arrangement everyday.

But then there's no govt voucher for N1 no matter which schools  ..

原帖由 ikyau 於 10-2-23 10:02 發表
都係以廣東話為主, 如果係讀有學劵的咪仲化算?


[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-2-23 12:05 編輯 ]
作者: babytomhui    時間: 10-2-23 14:10

My son is studing N1 at Mei Foo Branch. I think the discipline training is very good e.g. little kids need to quenue up for using washing room and playing toys.

my son has a great improvement on both languages (PTH and Eng), he sings songs everyday after school, wash hands by himself before meals without my help........ .

So I think this is a very good school!!
作者: VIVIANSHUM    時間: 10-2-23 14:29

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作者: Pertra    時間: 10-2-23 18:07

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作者: applyp1    時間: 10-2-23 22:56

We switched from Cannan to Think in K2, the main difference is Think is very strong in developing language skill through their experienced native teacher. Small class size (12 ppl in K2), caring teacher, clearly structured and interesting teaching materials let my boy having great fun in learning without any pressure.
作者: beetle    時間: 10-2-25 13:35

My daughter is currently studying at Think K2 whole day class which I highly recommend.  

She have bilingual class (Eng/ Cantonese) for the morning session and international class (all Eng) in the afternoon.  She can now speak English quite fluently even we don't speak English at home!

Although she's not in PTH class. Everyday she has 20 min PTH class in the morning (teach pinyin ) and 20 min PTH in the afternoon (story , conversation) which I think it's very sufficient.

You can have different combination of classes depends on your needs.

e.g.  a.m.(Eng+PTH)    p.m.(Eng + Cantonese)

or    a.m (Eng + PTH) p.m (Eng only)
作者: happystar    時間: 10-2-25 17:33

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作者: zima    時間: 10-2-26 11:30

my son is studying at Kln Tong Think N1 currently, like every school, there are some good and bad things about the school:

- good native English teacher: my boy enjoys her class a lot as he always mentions her name and sings English songs
- good PTH teacher: again, he always mention her name and can count 1-10 in quite fluent PTH, that's to my surprise!

- his local class teacher is just so so, just formal, you don't feel that she is very caring, i suspect that's why my son doesn't really want to go to school..
- the supervisor teacher's attitude is not good (bad actually), even to parents, so i could imagine how she would be to children.  and her cantonese is the thing which worries me most (good that she is not my son's class teacher), she has gotten lots and lots of 懶音.. all the 懶音 that you could think of..as she took the lead to brief parents in the school opening day.

in general, i think THINK is good for English & PTH, but the cirriculum and some of the local teachers are just so so
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-2-26 23:26

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作者: zima    時間: 10-2-27 02:32

we are gonna switch to KV.  yes, 1hr English, re the English book.. actually all the books that my son took back are in Chinese, only those borrowed from the library are English.  i would double check..

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-2-26 23:26 發表
Thanks , Zima mami,

I heard that they only have 1 local teacher for N1. However, kid will communciate with the local teacher most of the time. Will your son stay at Think or switch to other kindergar ...

作者: happystar    時間: 10-2-27 10:35

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作者: zima    時間: 10-2-27 18:36

ours is pm class.  i did struggled.  i do treasure that THINK provides good English & PTH environment.  but i also like the way KV trains students to become independent and good in Chinese & Maths.  from all that i have heard so far, seems like KV gives a better foundation for P1.  unlike your daughter, he does not like going to school.  this is another reason why i want him to change.  having made up our mind, our focus now is to find some good English class for him to join.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-2-27 22:59

Similar here n same as your son, he enjoys his schooling in THINK a lot (always talks abt his teacher and school life) and he also says he wants to stay in THINK and doesn't want to change school. (SC)

I don't know why I'm not afraid of THINK's level of Chinese and Maths, cos I do think the level is very ok (To my standard). I'm just afraid that THINK is not famous enough, i.e. the school name will affect his chance of going to those so-called elite pri school (private / DSS).

Always struggling ... aiii .. v diff to choose

原帖由 happystar 於 10-2-27 10:35 發表

Hi zima,

我正是煩惱 THINK & KV 當中
我跟妳有一些不同是我小朋友的班主任十分好, 所以我個小朋友十分鍾意返學, 妳問佢去新學校返學好唔好, 佢會話唔好。

我只是擔心THINK 中文同數學是否會太淺。
妳KV 係 AM O ...

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-1 00:12

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作者: zima    時間: 10-3-1 02:18


cos' my son is only studying in N1 and does not really have homework, so it is hard for me to judge. could mami(s) of K2 or K3 students shred the light?  and twinsstar's point on "not famous enough" may also be a consideration.
作者: happystar    時間: 10-3-1 10:09

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作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-1 10:15

"School name" is always the thing that I'm struggling .... however my friend who's working in a vvvvvvvvvvvv famous DSS pri school told me that they look for bright students, mainly looking at the kids' ability and interview performance rather than their background (including which KG they come from). However, as a parent, just a bit "ng fong sum" .... Seems very silly

Another thing that I'm thinking is if i'm really aiming at those vvvvvvvvvvvvv top primary sch such as DGS, DBS etc., if not, then I don't have to worry about the "School name" factor anymore as THINK also has students going to those quite famous private / DSS pri school such as Ying Wah, SFA etc.

Guess like many of the THINK parents.. I do treasure her ENG n PTH lang environment. esp now he's doing whole-day. Even if I'm going to SC (ENG+CAN), his exposure won't be that much when compared to THINK and I'm sure I've to find extra Eng n PTH lessons for him

aiii.. just have few more mths to decide .. and struggle

原帖由 zima 於 10-3-1 02:18 發表

cos' my son is only studying in N1 and does not really have homework, so it is hard for me to judge. could mami(s) of K2 or K3 students shred the light?  and twinsstar's point on "not fam ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-1 10:45 編輯 ]
作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-1 10:35

My daughter is currently studying in Think N1 in Kowloon Tong, I think the school is offering a very good language
environment to my girl and the school is aiming at leading student with own thinking idea rather than robotic spoon feeding!  My girl is quite confident to deal with people she don't know, of course, it lays partly from her personality.  I do agree that name of kinder do give scores when applying P1 but the response from the applicants themselves play a more major part!  My girl is lucky enough to be accepted by few famous KG ....though!
作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-3-1 21:21

請問朗思和金巴倫, 大家會選哪一間呢?

兩間都好好, 所以1516, 唔知點揀好.
作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-2 10:46

原帖由 shootingstar 於 10-3-1 21:21 發表
請問朗思和金巴倫, 大家會選哪一間呢?

兩間都好好, 所以1516, 唔知點揀好.

To be frank, nobody can tell you which school is better since every schools have its own merits, just follow your heart after the site visit and decide from your heart, I am sure you must be able to find the best one for your kids!
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-2 10:51

If the two are similar in terms of reputation and don't differ much in curriculm / lang exposure, I would prefer to stay in the school which your kid is studying at the moment ..... no need to adapt to a new environment ma ...

原帖由 shootingstar 於 10-3-1 21:21 發表
請問朗思和金巴倫, 大家會選哪一間呢?

兩間都好好, 所以1516, 唔知點揀好.

作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-3-2 11:26

原帖由 twinsstar 於 10-3-2 10:51 發表
If the two are similar in terms of reputation and don't differ much in curriculm / lang exposure, I would prefer to stay in the school which your kid is studying at the moment ..... no need to adapt t ...

你講得好好呀, 我都覺得朗思和金巴倫在reputation and language exposure這兩方面好相近, 所以先令到我心大心細.  金巴倫要在今個星期六前交雜費及其他費用, 但佢地4月先有open day, 真係無機會俾我多了解這學校.  

而朗思, 我阿仔而家讀緊, 我都好鐘意, 如無意外, 都係留在朗思機會大.
作者: cpcog    時間: 10-3-2 11:33

Discipline in Think is good enough comparing to some other kindergartens. The children should be polite and follow instruction.

The level of Chinese in Think is average. My daughter needs to learn how to write some Chinese words since K1. She will learn simple addition in K2 2nd term.
作者: BH_2    時間: 10-3-2 17:01

my son studied in Think (LC) for N1, till now (he is in SC K1 now)  he is always mention about Think, his N1 teachers, school bus EE etc, (though he hv been crying over one month when start N1.. ha ha).   Think provide diff activities for kids, and provide good sharing chance with parents like give VCD which record kids' activities etc.   I think that is quite good and make the study more interesting.  And the size of the school is not so big is another advantage.

We change to SC due to its name like many parents here, to compare, Think  (N1) hv more activities than SC (K1),  (may be SC is a bit too big so diff to arrange a school wide activities for every kids. )

I am contacting with some Think K2/K3 kids, most of them are studying in Full Time Mode (morning Main Stream, Afternoon International Stream), that is quite a unique and good arrangement for kinder kids if parents plans to let them to study in full time mode, their explosure will be better than the normal kinder's full day student.  However, the cost is high too.

Academically, as my Kid only study in K1, I do think SC and Think are quite similar level in Chinese / Math so far.   Buy my son study in SC's PTH/ENG class, so is better in PTH ability.   Both SC / Think are not as pushing as other famous kinder like KV  / KM / HKPS,   specailly in writing and reading. So we hv to put extra effort if want to hv kids start to read/ write earlier.    SC and Think are both working more on presentation practice and language ability.   But other SC parents told me fm K2/K3, SC will be a bit difficult to match with primary's requirment.  For Think, that arrangement is not so obvious, and  some Think's kids who study in international stream, they might left for primary after K2.
作者: wcecilia926    時間: 10-3-2 17:13

my friend told me that there is only one native Eng teacher for all the the N1 class in Think kln tong campus, is it true?
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-2 22:28

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作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-3 09:11

I don't know wether there is only 1 native teacher for all N classes but my girl has a native Eng. teacher every day for 1 hour class. For books to bring home, they have books to bring home in early year and the 2nd half year.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-3 17:47

There's no homework for N class, just class work.
I think THINK focuses on Eng oral and listening more than reading and writing in N1, thus they don't have Eng books for kids to study. Just that they will tell the parents in the handbooks the Eng sentences / vocab they learn during lessons every week. Basically the themes of the Eng lesson is the same as that in Chinese.

THey do give us eng / chinese books for leisure reading with the kids. But then, these books are not related to the Themes taught during lessons. Guess it's just to develop kids' reading habits.

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-2 22:28 發表
我想請教為何N班有1小時英語,但不用帶書回家?因我發覺 booklist無英文書。有無習作簿?現在N有多少班、外籍老師、本地老師?

作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 10-3-3 18:04

原帖由 twinsstar 於 10-3-3 17:47 發表
There's no homework for N class, just class work.
I think THINK focuses on Eng oral and listening more than reading and writing in N1, thus they don't have Eng books for kids to study. Just that they ...


我仔讀緊美孚分校的n班, 今年1月才插班的 (他係細仔), 每星期三都有功課, 星期五交, 係填色或聯線.
作者: Yvonnehoney    時間: 10-3-3 21:04

hi those mami,  我個仔都係讀美孚n班, 他是有功課要做的, 他上學期會有一d貼圖寫感想的功課 (當然是我這個媽咪幫手做的), 至於現在下學期就是一些填色和畫線的功課!!!
作者: cpcog    時間: 10-3-3 22:33

Think doesn't offer English book because they arrange their own curriculum for English.
And the max. number of students for a class would be 24.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-3 23:30

He he ....  Sorry may be my previous message is a bit misleading. I was talking about N1 English homework.

Yes .. there's Chinese hw called 聽說樂. It is a kind of 親子 homework. For maths, there are exercises (circle sth, colouring etc) but it's not marked, we just revise it w/ the kids at home. But for English, if I remember it correctly,  there is no homework, just that I received a classwork book at the end of the term. I guess the kids do the Eng work at school.

That was the arrangment last year, I'm not sure if they have new arrangement this year or not. Correct me  if I'm wrong :)

原帖由 Yvonnehoney 於 10-3-3 21:04 發表
hi those mami,  我個仔都係讀美孚n班, 他是有功課要做的, 他上學期會有一d貼圖寫感想的功課 (當然是我這個媽咪幫手做的), 至於現在下學期就是一些填色和畫線的功課!!! ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-3 23:55 編輯 ]
作者: virginia_328    時間: 10-3-4 09:55     標題: 朗思國際幼稚園課程是否太淺?

小女在朗思國際幼稚園就讀K2, 請問課程是否太淺?考直資或BAND 1 小一成功率高嗎 ?
作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-3-4 11:15


4間分校的派位結果有不同table, 但你記得要加埋4校國際班個欄, 因為入國際學校共47人, 係4間分校share的數字.

朗思的收生唔算多, 我睇番教育局的網站, 美孚k3有3X人, ma on shan 有2X人, 麗港城有4X人.

如果睇番學生人數, 這校入到唔錯的直資/津校的比率算頗高.  

我明白入津校係計分/抽籤, 但亦可間接得知這校有唔少名津校的舊生父母, 我估唔會個個都係大抽獎抽番黎卦.
作者: virginia_328    時間: 10-3-4 11:55

我囡囡讀麗港城分校, 是K2英普班, 見囡囡D功課同朋友仔讀"劍鳴"的相比真的相差太遠了, 真的好擔心!
自己又不是教徒, 囡囡又無兄姐就讀小學, 真怕派不到好小學, 所以先報讀屋企附近嘅私校英普班, 點知K2發現課程唔O係我想像中深, 都唔知K3好唔好轉校?

原帖由 shootingstar 於 10-3-4 11:15 發表

4間分校的派位結果有不同table, 但你記得要加埋4校國際班個欄, 因為入國際學校共47人, 係4間分校share的數字.

朗思的收生唔算多, 我睇番教育局的網站 ...

作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-4 12:29

I think it all depends on which KG that u're comparing with ... 劍鳴 is famous for its "pushy" and "difficult" syllabus. It is in the other extreme end.

I personally think that syllabus of THINK is right in the middle.. not too difficult, not too simple. However, it depends very much on what type of KG you buy. For me, I don't prefer very pushy type.

原帖由 virginia_328 於 10-3-4 11:55 發表
我囡囡讀麗港城分校, 是K2英普班, 見囡囡D功課同朋友仔讀"劍鳴"的相比真的相差太遠了, 真的好擔心!
自己又不是教徒, 囡囡又無兄姐就讀小學, 真怕派不到好小學, 所以先報讀屋企附近嘅私校英普 ...

作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-3-4 13:37

原帖由 virginia_328 於 10-3-4 11:55 發表
我囡囡讀麗港城分校, 是K2英普班, 見囡囡D功課同朋友仔讀"劍鳴"的相比真的相差太遠了, 真的好擔心!
自己又不是教徒, 囡囡又無兄姐就讀小學, 真怕派不到好小學, 所以先報讀屋企附近嘅私校英普 ...

如果你同劍嗚比課程的深淺, 我估係無得比, 因為劍嗚出名課程深和教快少少.  我同意上面的媽咪所講, 朗思的課程係in the middle level, 總之兩校各有賣點, 各有自己的優勢.

至於小一派位, 我想講多句就係, 很多大規模的學校有學生幾百人, 但我唔信人人都派得好好, 你要考慮埋"中獎"的比例.
作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-4 13:59

Besides, you have to think not all primary school will test the acedemic ability of the child at the interview but the way they present and speak for themselves so 課程深 will play a small part of the scores
作者: virginia_328    時間: 10-3-4 14:36


我就o係無push囡囡先驚, 我眼見d家長又補中英數美勞拼音跳舞音樂, 聽到都驚呀 !
作者: virginia_328    時間: 10-3-4 17:18

我囡囡由K1開始讀麗港城英普班, 現在K2了!
我自己就鍾意佢學生唔多, 好似"小班教學", 小朋友發言機會都會多D, 老師又較容易TAKE CARE!
學校講英普之分配是50/50的, 分上下PART !
作者: lindajacky    時間: 10-3-4 17:41

my small boy will have interview in Ma On Shan Think on this Sat, is any parent give me idea of the arrangement of interview and their criteria on selection? My boy 1.5yr still can't be able to speak with easy words, any problem and make negative impression on interview?  Thx for all info you give.  
作者: ngmyan    時間: 10-3-7 17:39

Hi, beetle,

Your daughter is in which branch of Think nei? do you know if the class combination work the same in all branch?

My girl is admitted to Eng/PTH am class in Think (Kln Tong); can you tell more about the full day class? how do they arrange, any nap time? and if taking full day class does it mean that they will learn more or just have more nap time and play more with the guidance of the teacher only???
Do they arrange lunch and how much does it cost?

原帖由 beetle 於 10-2-25 13:35 發表
My daughter is currently studying at Think K2 whole day class which I highly recommend.  

She have bilingual class (Eng/ Cantonese) for the morning session and international class (all Eng) in the af ...

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-7 21:50

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作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-8 15:58

i want to know too.....
how about Ma On Shan THINK.  i heard that the english session is only 15 mins, is it true ?
作者: giftfromgod2008    時間: 10-3-8 16:05

想請問麗港城N班 interview 會考啲咩架呢?
作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-8 17:05

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-7 21:50 發表
Hope that Think (N1 class - Kolwoon Tong) mami
can tell me the following : -

1) I called to the campus once. One of the chinese
    head teacher told me that they will give parents
    the chance to  ...

The English teachers are from UK!
作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-8 17:51

seems like most of the parents choose kwun tong or kln tong THINK.   is it close to your home or the academic result is better than Ma On Shan THINK ?  thanks !
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-8 22:29

I chose Lam Tin branch cos it is nearer to home ..

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-8 17:51 發表
seems like most of the parents choose kwun tong or kln tong THINK.   is it close to your home or the academic result is better than Ma On Shan THINK ?  thanks !

作者: snowey    時間: 10-3-9 14:54

好似無咩mos think既家長...?
我係mos架!!我覺得佢好好既係佢地即使summer holiday/平日dat都開放比小朋友返去玩, 當初我個仔未正式返n1時我個個week返去, 等佢熟左個環境先, 到開學時就唔會太驚, 果然到開學一星期已經適應哂, 開開心心咁返學, 到今日仲成日講自己讀朗思, 好中意返學學...好中意xx老師咁~~~

中意返學學野都快d, 我覺得有興趣就係學習既首要條件呢~~~
作者: Yorkie    時間: 10-3-9 14:58

It is closer to my house!
作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-10 19:11

各位分校既家長, 你哋小朋友讀 k 幾呀? 上英文同普通話既時間有幾多呢 ?
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-10 21:58

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作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-14 22:27

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作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-16 10:09

Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現入唔到心儀既班別 ? 到時先揾學校就真係好頻撲.....
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-16 11:35

N1 only has ENG-CAN class or you can choose international section for N1. Different branches will have different time allocated for ENG n CAN. However, there must be ENG, CAN n PTH everyday. International stream really follows international sch curriculm w/ some PTH.

Yes.... K1 has 3 streams. ... you can choose which you like. Basically, if you;re opting ENG n PTH / ENG n CAN, there will be equal proportion of lesson time between ENG n PTH / CAN .

I remember at the end of the term, we are given a list of classes and combination to choose. Since my son didn't change the language composition in K1, I didn't encounter the problem you mentioned.
However, from my observation, it won't be too difficult to switch as there will be students going to other KGs after N1, the competition will be less keen. I guess unless your child is really not suitable to learn in his 2nd language, it won';t be too difficult. But you better check w/ the school about this.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-16 10:09 發表
Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現 ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-16 11:36 編輯 ]
作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 10-3-16 12:41

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-16 10:09 發表
Hi 各位朗思媽媽,

好似曾經見過有媽媽話幼稚主要都係廣東話教學, 但係網頁又話有3班, 分別係 (1) 英粵, (2) 英普, (3)國際班. 以你哋既觀察同經驗, 究竟係點既呢 ?   

因為佢 N1 係廣東話, 會唔會有人 K1 先發現 ...

其實選普英/粵英/國際班時, 老師會和家長有商有量 (我的經歷), 家長亦有選擇權, 所以你唔駛咁擔心.  

至於我自己, 就揀左粵英班, 因為我希望仔仔學好母語先, 而且我讀的美孚分校, k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除外), 所以有一年時間俾佢準備小學時以普通話教中文, 我估都夠時間的.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-16 13:06

k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除外)

same as other branches :)

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 10-3-16 12:41 發表

其實選普英/粵英/國際班時, 老師會和家長有商有量 (我的經歷), 家長亦有選擇權, 所以你唔駛咁擔心.  

至於我自己, 就揀左粵英班, 因為我希望仔仔學好母語先, 而且我讀的美孚分校, k3全級都一定要轉普英 (國際班除 ...

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-16 17:43

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作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-16 18:09

Not sure abt Kln Tong ...For LC, when i watched the video from the sch website, I notice that there's ENG n CAN class in K2 also but the class size is vvvvv small. May be no many choose that stream? I don't know.

As for international stream, from the video categories that I found in the sch intranet, I found out that they do have international stream for N1 (they call it DUCKS class), UN / K1 (THey call it BUNNIES) and LK / K2 (They call it Zebra and Deer). There is no internation stream in K3 which is identical to other international schools as kids will enter the Preparatory class (= International Primary school P.1) after K2.

honestly, for those who goes to international school, the ENglish level must be good enough. So apart from sending the kids to international section, parents also need to ensure that they have enough ENg exposure at home. You know, it is more competitive even for entering international schs now. Even students from EFS KG are not guaranteed a place in EFS pri. They really assess the kid's Eng level.

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-16 17:43 發表
九龍塘個主任說 K2 一定全是英普,不是嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-16 18:19 編輯 ]
作者: highfive    時間: 10-3-16 18:49

You can also choose half day International and half day Eng/Can or Eng/PTH, up to the K2 level, because that's as far as the International stream goes. This would be ideal for people targeting international schools, yet wanting to let their children learn a bit of Chinese.
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-16 19:07

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作者: shootingstar    時間: 10-3-16 19:08

原帖由 highfive 於 10-3-16 18:49 發表
You can also choose half day International and half day Eng/Can or Eng/PTH, up to the K2 level, because that's as far as the International stream goes. This would be ideal for people targeting interna ...

其實我亦多次聽過有家長讚咁樣的安排是最好, 即係半日讀國際班, 半日讀粵英/普英, 三語均兼顧得到, 小朋友的語文能力明顯較強.  但係, 全日班學費的付擔比較大, 而且無得訓晏覺, 我小朋友一定頂唔順, 所以揀左半日班就算.
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-19 21:40

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作者: ILBC    時間: 10-3-20 00:47

The staff of LC branch told me they do have int'l class (all Eng) for N1 but ONLY for the students whose first language is Eng.  If you insist (e.g. you'll let your kid study int'l school), you can discuss with the teacher/principal.
For LC branch, N1 (except int'l class) - Can+Eng (~20-30mins)+PTH (~15mins)
K1 and K2 (except int'l class) - Eng+Can (half-half)+PTH for AM session, Eng+PTH for PM session
K3 (except int'l class) - only Eng+PTH
I got this information from the staff and the briefing by the principal on interview day.  Pls correct me if anything's different.

[ 本帖最後由 ILBC 於 10-3-20 00:55 編輯 ]
作者: red888    時間: 10-3-20 01:10

Hi all,
My daughter (born in Dec) started her N1 last Dec as small girl in Kln Tong THINK.  She has 20-30 min PTH class & 1 hr ENG class every day.  In maths & chinese, it's a bit simple, 'coz maths juz teach 1-3, and chinese is some single word, like 冬.
Starting from 2nd semester, they are some homework like coloring, counting, etc.
Though it's not strong in academic, I believe my daughter do have fun in school, as she likes to mention teachers' name, school bus ee, sing a lot of school song, etc.
However, I have to switch to SC K1 for her this Sep as she got am class offer.  I also worried my sweetheart will still remember how happy the days she has been in THINK in the past year.
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-20 13:31

Your girl is a small girl but can still get into SC K1... really bright!!!

btw have u told your daughter that she's going to change school in the coming Sept? My son has a similar situation as yours but he is a big boy. He gets a place in SC K1 in the coming Sept too but he has to repeat K1 there. I'm still thinking if I should let him change to SC as whenever I told him that he is going to change school next year, he cries and says he wants to stay in THINK .... Don't know if I should consider this while making the final decision

原帖由 red888 於 10-3-20 01:10 發表
Hi all,
My daughter (born in Dec) started her N1 last Dec as small girl in Kln Tong THINK.  She has 20-30 min PTH class & 1 hr ENG class every day.  In maths & chinese, it's a bit simple, 'coz maths j ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-20 13:33 編輯 ]
作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-23 12:42

可以轉去st. catherine, 真係5個叻呀 !   

SC interview 用英文定係普通話 ? 其實朗思N1 廣東話為主, 語言上差咗啲, 請問係咪好多小朋友係 K1 都轉走咗?
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-23 13:21

Parents can choose Can / Eng for SC interview.I chose Cantonese for my kid ja ... Since I couldn't speak PTH, I didn't apply the PTH/ ENG section in SC, thus no need to have PTH interview too.

THough THINK N1 is mainly cantonese, but my kid's Eng did improved a lot last year, so I think it is ok ga.... It uses half of the class time to teach Eng from K1 onwards actually.  

I'm still struggling between SC and THINK.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-23 12:42 發表
可以轉去st. catherine, 真係5個叻呀 !   

SC interview 用英文定係普通話 ? 其實朗思N1 廣東話為主, 語言上差咗啲, 請問係咪好多小朋友係 K1 都轉走咗?

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-23 13:33 編輯 ]
作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-24 11:20

高手都要struggle ......選學校真係重要 !
其實除咗你個b喊晒話要係Think, 仲有冇其他原因呢 ?  因為我相信你一定有比較過名氣, 語言, 大班定細班啱你, 老師有冇愛心, 升小等等一連串的問題.....

睇返原來九龍塘 Think 英文同普通話時間都長啲......
馬鞍山既官方答案係 N1 英文同普通話分別佔拾幾分鐘, 其實唱吓歌都已經完咗 lu    如果廣東話流利, K1可以入英普班學第三種語言, 否則要讀英粵學好母語.  

我個仔以前由菲菲照顧, 姐姐淨係識英文, 所以我就一致啲都係講英文.... 睇嚟入英普真係唔樂觀......
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-24 16:02


don't say that la .... You're right, I'm still struggling the factors that you have mentioned, trying to  figure out which factors are more important to us / better to my son.

If I really choose SC, the think that I would miss most in THINK would be the language environment. My son's ENG has improved a lot this year in K1 (may be cos he is doing whole day) THis is amazing to me as we seldom speak Eng at home. I just sometimes use ENg to talk to him so as to "test" his level only. Another reasons that I like is THINK's small class size and the caring teachers. Even teachers who do not teach my son / the receptionist will know my son's name. (well...my son is not the "popular" type of kid, just an average one) May be that's why my son feels like being taken care of all the time. Last year, he even told me that he liked Miss xxx very much, who is the class teacher of another class.

For SC, I don;t have to explain la .. as everyone knows her good points. Her reputation does attract me most, hoping that this will help my son getting into a good Pri sch. However, the disadvantage is he will be in ENG / CAN stream in SC whereas I;ll shift my son to ENG / PTH later in THINK. Also SC only have 2 locals class teacher in K2 onwards....

Choosing a school is really "troublesome" Always afriad not choosing the "BEST" for my son ... And .. changing school means taking risks too ... never know if the new school fits my son. Esp when he;s doing very well in the old school.

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-3-24 11:20 發表
高手都要struggle ......選學校真係重要 !
其實除咗你個b喊晒話要係Think, 仲有冇其他原因呢 ?  因為我相信你一定有比較過名氣, 語言, 大班定細班啱你, 老師有冇愛心, 升小等等一連串的問題.....

睇返原來九龍塘 Th ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-24 16:31 編輯 ]
作者: highfive    時間: 10-3-24 17:58

I believe keeping the child happy and interested in learning is the most important thing at this early childhood stage. It's not worth taking the risk to upset him/her just to get into a "famous" school. There's no guarantee the child will enter a good primary school just because he/she studies at a certain kindergarten anyway.

FYI, my child used to study at Think (LC) too (international stream). He had a great time there. In fact, we still bring him back there every week now for the extra curricular activities just because he loves the school and teachers there so much!
作者: luiflora    時間: 10-3-24 20:06

原帖由 highfive 於 10-3-24 17:58 發表
I believe keeping the child happy and interested in learning is the most important thing at this early childhood stage. It's not worth taking the risk to upset him/her just to get into a "famous" scho ...

老師真的很好嗎??因為我都好擔心為仔仔選擇錯!!!仔仔考入9龍塘THINK AM班!語言我信此校一定好好,只擔心老師方面...
作者: highfive    時間: 10-3-25 01:15

LC = Laguna City 藍田麗港城

原帖由 luiflora 於 10-3-24 20:06 發表

老師真的很好嗎??因為我都好擔心為仔仔選擇錯!!!仔仔考入9龍塘THINK AM班!語言我信此校一定好好,只擔心老師方面... ...

作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-3-25 16:56

twinsstar,  又真係好煩......但係我覺得小朋友會好容易習慣新環境, 當佢鐘意老師時自然會努力學習.  換個角度睇, 佢會識多啲朋友仔 !

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-26 09:52

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作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-26 10:11

deleted ...

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-26 09:52 發表
I really cannot really understand how come Think needs to evaulate their Cantonese before admission in the Eng / PT class at K1.  I believed that kid will very easily to adapt the language evironment  ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-27 23:21 編輯 ]
作者: twinsstar    時間: 10-3-27 23:36

happened to meet the teachers today and asked about this que.

I think their rationale is that if the kids cannot master their mother-tongue (i.e. cantonese for most kids) well, they do not recommend them to use a "3rd-language" (i.e. using PTH) to learn.

However, my impression (well .. just my impression) from the teacher is that if you "insist" and if places are avaliable, they would simply follow your preference. Of cos, we have to bear the consequence of our choice la..

原帖由 Pertra 於 10-3-26 09:52 發表
I really cannot really understand how come Think needs to evaulate their Cantonese before admission in the Eng / PT class at K1.  I believed that kid will very easily to adapt the language evironment  ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-3-28 00:10 編輯 ]
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-3-27 23:58

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作者: huisylvia    時間: 10-3-30 23:18

全日班無得訓晏覺,唔係掛 我仔今年9月會入mos k1,我無為意呢樣野喎,事關我仔而家讀緊既n1同報咁多間學校,都未聽過全日班無得訓中午覺喎?!
原帖由 shootingstar 於 10-3-16 19:08 發表

其實我亦多次聽過有家長讚咁樣的安排是最好, 即係半日讀國際班, 半日讀粵英/普英, 三語均兼顧得到, 小朋友的語文能力明顯較強.  但係, 全日班學費的付擔比較大, 而且無得訓晏覺, 我小朋友一定頂唔順, 所以揀左半日 ...

作者: happystar    時間: 10-3-31 10:28

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作者: huisylvia    時間: 10-4-2 09:55


原帖由 happystar 於 10-3-31 10:28 發表

如果係 MA ON SHAN THINK K1 全日班係有得訓晏覺
請問妳地舊年IN K1難唔難?

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-4-4 17:33

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作者: ellen_l    時間: 10-4-8 15:21

請問你小朋友讀邊間 Think ?  
作者: huisylvia    時間: 10-4-9 00:33

原帖由 ellen_l 於 10-4-8 15:21 發表
請問你小朋友讀邊間 Think ?  

作者: jjh    時間: 10-4-11 19:28

Whether your kid study here happy or not? To me, I don't worry about their language standard, but I just worry about the teachers' attitude, I think the cantonese & pth teachers' attitude are not good. I really concern whether the Kid happy or not if they study here.

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 10-3-3 18:04 發表


我仔讀緊美孚分校的n班, 今年1月才插班的 (他係細仔), 每星期三都有功課, 星期五交, 係填色或聯線.

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-4-16 16:53

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作者: RUVSY    時間: 10-4-19 14:13

原帖由 jjh 於 10-4-11 19:28 發表
Whether your kid study here happy or not? To me, I don't worry about their language standard, but I just worry about the teachers' attitude, I think the cantonese & pth teachers' attitude are not good ...

你指那一區Think. 如果是指美孚, 點解你覺得她們不好呢? (因我也想知).

[ 本帖最後由 RUVSY 於 10-5-3 16:15 編輯 ]
作者: pogo    時間: 10-4-19 17:03

Hello, I am thinking to have my son enter Mei Foo THINK n1.  Can I register both am + pm class (so become full day)?  Thanks.

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