
標題: K2 2010-2011 [打印本頁]

作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-13 13:21     標題: K2 2010-2011

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作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-13 13:42

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作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-14 16:33

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-18 20:54


My Daughter is also the morning K2 class. But I forgot which class she belongs to??
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-18 23:01

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-18 23:12


My daughter's registered letter is "上愛" , is it same as yours??
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-19 16:57

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 18:04

Nice to meet you!

You are very close to the school la.
I am living in Sai Kung area (Not Close To GH).
In my home, I can't see any GH school bus at all.
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-19 20:53

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 21:14

This is very strange to take so long time for such a short distances?!

Right now, our maid is taking her to the kinder by taxi . In case for GH, this is really unaffortable, I guest it will be more than HKD100 per single journey.
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-19 21:58

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 22:00

Do you have any idea about the school bus arrangement??
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-19 22:16

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 22:19

We had some dialogue  with the school before, they were a little bit worry our home address and how we can come to school on time.
She gave me a feeling that no school bus will be offered ??
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 22:21

Yes, my daughter is studying in a IS but quite localize now... she did have Mandarin lesson ..
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-19 22:46

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-19 23:10

I just gone through the GH website, they are now invite for bidding the shuttle bus service, it might be a good news for all the new parant here.

As you mentioned that you need to re-design/tailormade for your daughter in GH. Any idea can share?
It is also my concern for her to face new learning system.
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-20 18:57

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-20 23:46

I have no idea for the new GH Kinder too.
The presentation on the interview day was bad and I couldn't hear anything so my brain is really empty ...
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-21 10:06

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-21 23:19

I think GH is quite firm for the "One Dragon through Train" policy.
For K3 student, they only have one year in GH Kinder, school may take more serious for GH P1,
For our K2 or K1, they will have more time to handle their acedamic and personality..it should be more save for both parties.  I guess only!
作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-22 03:46


Nice to meet u all !

My daughter also was accepted by GH K2 Love a.m. Class, now we live in Kln Bay. I'm working for a part-time job so I /hepler send and pick up her to school by taxi everyday.

At the GH term begins period ,we will send and pick up her ourself as usual, may be let her take the sch bus while everything is settle down.

So surprise to the GoodHoper take the sch bus at 6:30am that located at Kln Bay!!!
I read the GH Primary forum and found some mummies said that it was 6:45 to 7:15am for the route of Tokwawan/Hunghom.

Would u mind telling me when were your girls born?
Mine is on Oct 2005, is her a super big gl?

Let's keep contact untill and after the term begins!

[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 10-2-22 03:54 編輯 ]
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-22 11:59

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作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-22 16:47

Hi Ipcjoe!

We live in TaiPo and my husband drive and send her to sch, but she got the motion sickness,thus we extra rented and just moved Tak Po Gdn for 2 months.
We stay at Tak Po while the sch day but Tai Po at weekends and holidays.

I found that the taxi/driving route at Tak Po is the nearst way to GH coz the new development of Jordan Valley and Choi Ying Est. If overall was settle down, we may move again coz the flat is really small for us.

As a small girl, I think yours is very smart and done the best in GH interview. Yours look seem like a big girl, so mature.

If the sch bus taking time for the Gh Pri gl is 6:30, deduce it's 8:30 for the Kg gl?
I belive that the time at 6:30 is credibility coz the sch bus serve the  Seconday and Primary gl at same time.

I'm so worried about the sch bus arrangment after read the related forum.

[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 10-2-22 16:52 編輯 ]
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-22 22:00

Hi all,

What a coincidnece . My daughter is also 0611. Hope to meet you sometime in nearest future.
When compare with Taipo, I am not that far at all.

作者: Valenie918    時間: 10-2-22 22:52

作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-23 11:14

Valenie 918,
It really a big headache...
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-23 16:39

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作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-23 16:52

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-23 18:11

作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-23 19:38


你講得啱呀! 西貢真係比大埔好啦! 我堂妹住匡湖居以前返德望,佢話好快到.

其實我地由大埔揸車去九龍只係大約半個鐘,不過我個女都唔得,會嘔/作悶.佢今年都係响九龍讀K1,所以咪唯有租間屋比佢FOR返學,D租真係好貴! 仲要學其他興趣班,真係唔容易呀!

Valenie 918,
你住元朗,咁你會比佢搭街車定係搬近D呀? 如果搭街車真要成個鐘一程,小朋友好辛苦.


[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 10-2-23 19:45 編輯 ]
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-23 20:05

I have the same feeling with Ipcjoe, our small girl is just a "techniques plus  luck" to get in K2. However, when there is a real fight , I never dream she can pass..
DGS... no way..
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-23 20:10

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作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-23 20:17

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作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-23 21:08


I wanted to apply CCKG but I can't coz the sch accepted the applicants who were born in 2006 only, mine was born in 2005.

We surely felt an immense gratitude to the GH accepted my girl. We don't doubt GH is our dream school. In the other hands, I will try to apply the DGJS for my girl due to made an attempt in her life.

Isn't there a futher more notices will be announced from GH KG on March/April?

[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 10-2-23 21:17 編輯 ]
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-24 22:14

It seems we have to buy the school uniform on April, isn't it?
作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-25 00:32

Looking forward to hearing about this.
I extremely want to see and buy the uniform, I always have a dream of the uniform's style and colour, and also the school bag.

原帖由 DearDaniel 於 10-2-24 22:14 發表
It seems we have to buy the school uniform on April, isn't it?

作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-25 09:35

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-25 18:51

I am still worry about my little one morning travelling time to the school. My little one is taking the taxi on 8:45-50AM now..
but in future..
作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-26 00:09

I think so, it's chaste, will the school bag also is green?
The texture and the style are my concerns.
I don't like the old style coz the uniform all the time reflects image in advanced or low grade of the school and students.

原帖由 lpcjoe 於 10-2-25 09:35 發表
Maybe it will be similar to the primary ones, white dress with green bow.

作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-2-26 00:18

I read the forum about the GH sch bus,a mum showed the time and route located at Sai Kung.

One of the stops is 井欄樹巴士站, aboard time is 7:13am, I think it's perfect while the sch time is 7:30.

原帖由 DearDaniel 於 10-2-25 18:51 發表
I am still worry about my little one morning travelling time to the school. My little one is taking the taxi on 8:45-50AM now..
but in future..

作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-26 09:25

Good Morning.
Thanks for your info.
I have about 10KM to 井欄樹巴士站 ah.
作者: kl1234    時間: 10-2-26 11:15

testing testing
作者: kl1234    時間: 10-2-26 11:17

I guess the school time for the kinder is 9:00, so 7:30 is for primary school, isn't it???
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-27 09:47

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作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-2-27 09:52

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-2-27 22:51     標題: 回覆 46# lpcjoe 的文章


You are very clever !! How come you know I have two children?? Do I met you before???
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-1 08:21

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作者: Valenie918    時間: 10-3-1 10:03


原先都有諗住搬出沙田就佢返學近d....但我睇過GH小學D FORUM, 其實好多地方都係要6:30-6:45上校車GA喇....
但我自己又好鬼LIKE GH,
初頭勁驚佢未必考到GH小學(我囡0609), 細囡始終輸蝕d....依家安樂哂....希望佢LIKE GH啦....到時唔洗我再搵學校....我諗起大抽獎都想 得15分都唔知抽咩~


我都想套校服係綠色呀~~~我囡囡好like GREEN...好期待GH再寄信叫我地去買校服....



原帖由 fcatherinehk 於 10-2-23 19:38 發表

你講得啱呀! 西貢真係比大埔好啦! 我堂妹住匡湖居以前返德望,佢話好快到.

其實我地由大埔揸車去九龍只係大約半個鐘,不過我個女都唔得,會嘔/作悶.佢今年都係响九龍讀K1,所以咪唯有租間屋比佢FOR返學,D租 ...

作者: Bert    時間: 10-3-1 15:07

原帖由 lpcjoe 於 10-2-27 09:47 發表
I think so.

I think so.  As the school hour of kindergarten is different from primary school, so I think the school bus schedule may also be different.     Hope that the school bus is not so early like the primary school !
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-1 17:01

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作者: fcatherinehk    時間: 10-3-1 22:59


我都明白搬屋要考慮好多事項. 我見到有個小學部嘅媽咪話沙田線尾站响翠湖花園 7:13上車,(回程尾站為碧濤花園) 如果咁啱住嗰度又幾好喎~ 簡直係坐的士嘅時間.

我以前有個學生讀GH小學,佢媽媽話功課比某D名津小學少.但如果考試其中一科唔合格(唔知係咪全年計)就要留班.  不過我地女女點都要响GH讀3年(K2,K3,P1)先知道所謂適合予否,小朋友的學習能力和應變能力超乎我地想像嫁!!

[ 本帖最後由 fcatherinehk 於 10-3-1 23:11 編輯 ]
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-4 01:03

Hi Ipcjoe,

We also applied for MS K2 class, however they put them on waitinglist. I don't think we will consider MS at all. It doesn't mean the school no good, indeed, they provide a very attractive outdoor playground and the interview day was very impressed. The teachers standing outside the classroom were very friendly , the interviewers incl the NET were very freindly as well and shown concern to the children too.  

For GH, I just worry about attending a girl shool starting from Kinder, primary and secondary...
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-4 09:06

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-4 18:24

As I knew that my daughter's classmate was accepted by MS. I don't know if it true or not?
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-4 19:14

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-5 22:29


In case MS accept your angel, what would be your final decision??
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-6 09:58

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作者: mum0724    時間: 10-3-6 13:34

我也是住在九龍灣,但我小女兒是K1的,  大女兒小學部,平時校車會在早上06:25,因為係頭站的關係(尾站是寶達秀茂坪),所以咁近都早成個鐘頭上車,家長們也試過跟校車方面溝通,但最終也是維持原判.........我大女兒的同學仔住深井也是06:30的上車時間....
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-6 18:08

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作者: Mqchris    時間: 10-3-6 19:31

大家好... 我女兒都會係10-11的k2同學... 好期待可以返新學... 但又好擔心,因她而家係讀緊全國際學校讀緊,無功課,好自由...唔知佢可否適應.....
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-6 20:44

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-7 18:20


I understand your concern now.
I don't have any info about the MS. I read through the BK forum , other parant think GH is better...

It seems GH interviewers likes the IS Kinder kids. Don't you think so??
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-7 18:37

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-7 23:13

I just gather the parants discussion here... you, Mqchris and my daughter's background are quite close (IS Kinder). So, I wonder if this is ONE of the reason for getting the entrance ticket to GH.. Just my personnal sense only.

作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-8 13:52

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作者: Bert    時間: 10-3-9 17:12

原帖由 lpcjoe 於 10-3-1 17:01 發表
What class will your daughter be in?

Sorry for so late reply as I seldom come to visit this forum recently.   My daughter will be in the Faith class (am).
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-10 10:24

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作者: Mqchris    時間: 10-3-10 18:46

i hope both our daughter can get used to the new life....

my daughter should in the Hope class.... cannot be with u all...
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-10 20:38

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-10 20:51

We are so happy to know many classmates here and we can meet someday in a very near future!!!
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-10 20:56

Do anybody know the update information from the kinder, we are so excited to wait for the news...
作者: LittleRoxie    時間: 10-3-11 09:51

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作者: Mqchris    時間: 10-3-11 18:46

想問下大家,我有D朋友講K2面試好像無人FAIL, 好像個個都得,唔知大家有無聽聞過呢?
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-11 19:56

I know somebody is putting on waitlist, I have no idea if they are accepted or not.
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-11 20:38

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作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-3-26 07:50

Hi Ipjoe,

I was away with my kids for a week and having a good holiday. How are you? I notice that you change your icon with a very cute baby face? Can I congragulation to you?!
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-27 13:22

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作者: share123    時間: 10-3-29 14:58

原帖由 Mqchris 於 10-3-6 19:31 發表
大家好... 我女兒都會係10-11的k2同學... 好期待可以返新學... 但又好擔心,因她而家係讀緊全國際學校讀緊,無功課,好自由...唔知佢可否適應.....

好開心,問左德望幼稚園,已確定有德望小學offer的學生仍然可以參加大抽獎!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
作者: lpcjoe    時間: 10-3-30 18:42

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作者: icbb1230    時間: 10-4-10 17:57

Hi all,

My daughter is also accepted am K2 , she is now studying at SC, I'm still struggling to switch her to GH or not.  My concern is I still know nothing about its kidergarten section, I was trying to focus during its seminar on the interview day, but really can't hear anything because of too many kids there, we couldn't concentrate.  So, I hope I can get some help here before I make final decision:

- Do you know any English/PTH NET teacher?

- Read all the posts here, it seems that all of you think GH kinder will be a very traditional one: kids must be very discipline, heavy homework loads, creative thinking might not be encourage or accepted, etc.

- However, everybody is looking forward to entering GH primary, so GH kinder is a 1st successful step of it, isn't it?

- I definitely will let my daughter try DGJS, but I am afraid studying in GH kinder is not competitive than other famous kinder, such as SC, CCKG, KV, etc.

- 1 more thing is I have a super small baby who born in 1208, will it have better chance for acceptance if sister is also studying in GH kinder?

Please help and give me some advices, many thanks.

[ 本帖最後由 icbb1230 於 10-4-10 18:01 編輯 ]
作者: Bert    時間: 10-4-12 15:07

Hi Parents,

We are asked by the existing kindergarten to pay the K2 reservation fees and miscellaneous fees.   Will you pay for such fees of your existing KG ?

作者: share123    時間: 10-4-12 17:05

dear icbb1230 ,


- Do you know any English/PTH NET teacher?
  有,他們說是專科專教,有PTH和NET, 但沒有說出具體安排

- GH kinder will be a very traditional one: kids must be very discipline, heavy homework loads, creative thinking might not be encourage or accepted, etc

- GH kinder is a 1st successful step of it, isn't it?
  應該系. 我打電話問過,K3一樣要面試,但比街外人早,而且
  高. 況且,收了180個幼稚園生,小學學位只有225個的情況

- I definitely will let my daughter try DGJS, but I am afraid studying in GH kinder is not competitive than other famous kinder, such as SC, CCKG, KV, etc.
  我都系甘計畫,但KV,SC round1沒有offer的小朋友大有

- 1 more thing is I have a super small baby who born in 1208, will it have better chance for acceptance if sister is also studying in GH kinder?



作者: icbb1230    時間: 10-4-16 18:23

Hi share123,

Thanks for your info, I'll call to GH for final checking.  

For P1 available placement, 225-180= 45.  Assume 80 kids will giev up GH P1, available placement will be 125, but the competition is still very keen, close to DGJS which also only accepts 108 new comer each year!  

It seems change to GH kinder is a very "safe" decision.


原帖由 share123 於 10-4-12 17:05 發表
dear icbb1230 ,


- Do you know any English/PTH NET teacher?
  有,他們說是專科專教,有PTH和NET, 但沒有說出具體安排


作者: share123    時間: 10-4-26 15:45

原帖由 icbb1230 於 10-4-16 18:23 發表
Hi share123,

Thanks for your info, I'll call to GH for final checking.  

For P1 available placement, 225-180= 45.  Assume 80 kids will giev up GH P1, available placement will be 125, but the compet ...

Yep. FYI, 明年DGJS新校舍落成,會增加一班,即三十多個學位,同時好可能會加學費
作者: hoishun    時間: 10-4-28 11:33

My big daughter K2 afternoon class. We live in Tsing Yi.
作者: Mqchris    時間: 10-4-28 18:50

我想問下大家,收到有關學校交學費、家長會、其他... 的信未呀?? 係咪4月會收到架... 我仲未收到呀。

仲有,無聊地問一問,德望對小朋友的髮型有無規定架? 我怕好像有d傳統的女校幼稚園,一家要小朋友係冬姑頭。 .....

我住上水,原本諗住搬,但有點阻滯...開學時仍都未搬得.. 唔知點算。同埋我已經把心一橫,放棄晒其他的k2學位啦.... 希望到時開學順利啦... 十分期待....

[ 本帖最後由 Mqchris 於 10-4-28 18:53 編輯 ]
作者: icbb1230    時間: 10-4-29 00:13





[ 本帖最後由 icbb1230 於 10-4-29 13:58 編輯 ]
作者: Valenie918    時間: 10-4-29 15:43




我見k1 o個邊forum好似話6月頭去會訂校服同參觀學校...我都好期待呀~~
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-4-29 16:42

Hi K2 parants ,

I called the GH Kinder office and they said that the letter will send out on Mid of May, the letter will mention about the arrangement for school bus, uniform and autopay etc...
作者: Mqchris    時間: 10-4-29 18:13

HI.. Valenie918
我都唔知呀... 希望學校有指定校巴可以到.. 如果無,唉.. 都唔知點。你住錦繡,起碼係同一條路出,如果有多D新界北的,就多機會有校巴。

成6月先有家長會講課程... 好像好遲..

原帖由於 10-4-29 15:43 發表



我見k1 o個邊forum好似話6月頭去會訂校服同參觀學校...我都好期待呀~~ ...

作者: share123    時間: 10-4-30 09:19

原帖由 Mqchris 於 10-4-29 18:13 發表
HI.. Valenie918
我都唔知呀... 希望學校有指定校巴可以到.. 如果無,唉.. 都唔知點。你住錦繡,起碼係同一條路出,如果有多D新界北的,就多機會有校巴。

成6月先有家長會講課程... 好像好遲..

課程系8月先講, 5月中收信會提到6月到學校聽校車安排同埋同埋校服等
作者: CattyMeow    時間: 10-5-12 17:05

Just got the letter today and need to go to school on 02/06 to fix the school fee bank account, school bus, school uniform (confirm that is different from primary one)...etc.  Also called to confirm that better to go with your child since the tailor will do the uniform measurement.  Then, there is a meeting for parents on 21/08.  Children will attend school on 07th Sep.
作者: DearDaniel    時間: 10-5-12 20:54


I also received the letter today!!
作者: GHcat    時間: 10-5-16 21:07

原帖由 icbb1230 於 10-4-10 17:57 發表
Hi all,

My daughter is also accepted am K2 , she is now studying at SC, I'm still struggling to switch her to GH or not.  My concern is I still know nothing about its kidergarten section, I was tryin ...

I can understand the dilemma of conscientious mama. However, I hope you consider the following points :

[ 本帖最後由 GHcat 於 10-5-16 21:14 編輯 ]
作者: share123    時間: 10-5-17 09:08

Hi icbb1230,


作者: gloriahung    時間: 10-5-17 23:06

Hi all GH K2 mama

I need to submit a withdraw letter to existing kinder for my daughter.  Do you have any sample letter?
作者: icbb1230    時間: 10-5-18 13:26

Hi share123,

GH, coz don't want to fight again for P1.


原帖由 share123 於 10-5-17 09:08 發表
Hi icbb1230,



作者: HebeMama630    時間: 10-5-18 14:20


原帖由 gloriahung 於 10-5-17 23:06 發表
Hi all GH K2 mama

I need to submit a withdraw letter to existing kinder for my daughter.  Do you have any sample letter?

作者: share123    時間: 10-5-18 15:15

原帖由 icbb1230 於 10-5-18 13:26 發表
Hi share123,
GH, coz don't want to fight again for P1.


[ 本帖最後由 share123 於 10-5-18 15:17 編輯 ]

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