
標題: Which secondary school將會開晒全英文班? [打印本頁]

作者: mabelho    時間: 09-12-16 18:04     標題: Which secondary school將會開晒全英文班?

The educational department announced that there are 36 colleges which will use English medium.  Which 36 colleges ?
作者: nicholasmom    時間: 09-12-16 20:06

原帖由 mabelho 於 09-12-16 18:04 發表
The educational department announced that there are 36 colleges which will use English medium.  Which 36 colleges ?

作者: Teresa    時間: 09-12-16 21:08

原帖由 nicholasmom 於 09-12-16 20:06 發表

但係呢個表係冇包括直資/私立.  以我所知, DBS, DGS, St. Paul Convent, St. Paul Boys', St. Paul Co-edu...呢D都係全英中.
作者: Leica-user    時間: 09-12-16 21:16

THe above list issued by Oriental News may be wrong. How about BPS in Eastern District. All 5 classes in next year Form 1 and Form 4 are taught in English.
作者: Leica-user    時間: 09-12-16 21:21

The same situation applies to Cheung Chuk Sang College in Eastern District as well
作者: WYmom    時間: 09-12-16 21:32

The 37 schools are 100% EMI which teach all subjects in English except Chinese, mandarin and Chinese history.  Other EMI schools having some subjects such as Art, PE, Music, Religion, Liberal Studies taught in Chinese are not included in the list on the news.
作者: 咪貓貓    時間: 09-12-16 21:49

How about St Joseph's College?  I suppose it is a pure EMI school...
作者: 咪貓貓    時間: 09-12-16 22:06

As far as I know the subject "Integrated Humanities" is taught in English in St. Joseph's College. The Chinese version of the Secondary School Profile is differ from its English version.

原帖由 WYmom 於 09-12-16 21:32 發表
The 37 schools are 100% EMI which teach all subjects in English except Chinese, mandarin and Chinese history.  Other EMI schools having some subjects such as Art, PE, Music, Religion, Liberal Studies  ...

作者: Leica-user    時間: 09-12-16 22:07

that's right! One more example is St Paul's Secondary School in Wanchai. By the way BPS is THE only gov't school which taught English Literature from S1 to S3

[ 本帖最後由 Leica-user 於 09-12-16 22:08 編輯 ]
作者: tweetyho    時間: 09-12-16 22:37

the table is ridiculous ......
BPS , Cheung Chak Shan and St Joseph are 100% EMI schools........
they teaches all subjects in Eng

however these schools teach moral education (life education, moral education) in chinese ( which must be ) it is not included in the list .......

and by the same definition , St Paul's Convent would not be 100% EMI
coz it offers a subject 茗藝 in chinese ( which must be) ......

so i think that this table can be ignored ....

All of these schools open 5 eng classes

[ 本帖最後由 tweetyho 於 09-12-16 23:10 編輯 ]
作者: nicholasmom    時間: 09-12-16 23:14

原帖由 tweetyho 於 09-12-16 22:37 發表
the table is ridiculous ......
BPS , Cheung Chak Shan and St Joseph are 100% EMI schools........
they teaches all subjects in Eng

however these schools teach moral education (life education, moral ...

According to the old EMI school definition, there should be  114 - 11 + 17 (18 eligible but 1 opted to stay in CMI) schools with all English classes.
作者: mattsmum    時間: 09-12-16 23:20

judy said in another topic that it is better to have liberal studies taught in chinese, maybe that is why that list is so short. my old school is on the list. in the old days we have fine art taught in chinese.
作者: mak-jenny    時間: 09-12-17 10:09

以上之36間全英資料不正確, 通識中文教也是全英????  查清楚才登出來吧!!!!!
作者: O~O    時間: 09-12-17 11:21     標題: 回覆 1# mak-jenny 的文章

1. 全用英文教
2. 除英文教以外, 主要科目(如:Maths, Geog., IS...), 全級都是用英文教, 即該沒有中文班

作者: ccspy    時間: 09-12-17 22:04

原帖由 O~O 於 09-12-17 11:21 發表
1. 全用英文教
2. 除英文教以外, 主要科目(如:Maths, Geog., IS...), 全級都是用英文教, 即該沒有中文班

所以要理清全英文班意思。 ...

It is meaningless to pursue the so-called Pure EMI schools. The most important thing is to consider whether the schools can teach your children well to attain good public examination results and good conduct.
作者: pp6113    時間: 09-12-18 07:32

其實如果只是其中一兩科閒科用中文教,如宗教,體育、音樂或藝術,我自己認為都係好少影嚮,因為呢D佔好少堂數,而且係比佢地 relax 下,最重要反而係搵一間適合小朋友的學校。
作者: Irene_BB    時間: 09-12-18 07:58

作者: mak-jenny    時間: 09-12-18 11:16

通識已經是主要科, 如英中不是用英文教, 何為全英中學呢???   如其他宗教.....不須考文憑試的可用中文語言, 是可接受的.  

原帖由 Irene_BB 於 09-12-18 07:58 發表
好多英中的通識用中文教﹐有些會有彈性班(只是這一科)﹐因為中文巳經係好難﹐何妨是英文教﹐所以我到現在還未決定叩哪一間﹐就因為這些原因 ...

作者: jean2003    時間: 09-12-18 11:27

原帖由 mak-jenny 於 09-12-18 11:16 發表
通識已經是主要科, 如英中不是用英文教, 何為全英中學呢???   如其他宗教.....不須考文憑試的可用中文語言, 是可接受的.  

作者: Irene_BB    時間: 09-12-18 11:42

通識這一科是教育署死要做主科的﹐現在反而要看大學收生是否有影响(即是中文或英文考) 這才是選校重點之一呀
作者: jean2003    時間: 09-12-18 12:02

原帖由 Irene_BB 於 09-12-18 11:42 發表
通識這一科是教育署死要做主科的﹐現在反而要看大學收生是否有影响(即是中文或英文考) 這才是選校重點之一呀

作者: samuel89    時間: 09-12-18 13:51

原帖由 mak-jenny 於 09-12-17 10:09 發表
以上之36間全英資料不正確, 通識中文教也是全英????  查清楚才登出來吧!!!!!

官塘區聖言,聖傑靈 呢2間都唔系全英 有無攪錯.....
作者: Marco-ma    時間: 09-12-18 13:51

原帖由 Irene_BB 於 09-12-18 11:42 發表
通識這一科是教育署死要做主科的﹐現在反而要看大學收生是否有影响(即是中文或英文考) 這才是選校重點之一呀

我都覺得各位升中家長, 選校要睇埋中學通識用咩語言教,
如果小朋友真係英文好, 要揀埋英文教通識嘅中學囉...

大學絕對唔會係呢個時候, 亦唔會去證實 :
" 係咪會揀通識考英文卷嘅學生先 "
作者: bakusensei    時間: 09-12-18 14:00

原帖由 mak-jenny 於 09-12-18 11:16 發表
通識已經是主要科, 如英中不是用英文教, 何為全英中學呢???   如其他宗教.....不須考文憑試的可用中文語言, 是可接受的.  

agree, I m glad to find that quite a no. of Christian "EMI" use Chinese (instead of English when they were the over 100 EMI) as MOI for Religious Studies as the subject is no longer a public exam subject.

and it's rather "ridiculuous" to ve PE in English. I still remembered that the two PE lessons were the only relaxing lessons of my days. Even my old school was a crazy exam mechine EMI, we could still ve PE in Cantonese. [at least we wouldn't say "pls pass the ball to me" in English].
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 09-12-18 14:02

原帖由 jean2003 於 09-12-18 11:27 發表



quality of life
government and I
political, economic and social conditions
understanding oneself
interpersaonl relationships


[ 本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-18 14:15 編輯 ]
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 09-12-18 14:13

原帖由 samuel89 於 09-12-18 13:51 發表

官塘區聖言,聖傑靈 呢2間都唔系全英 有無攪錯.....

中一 中三以中文為教學語言 : 中文、中史、體育、普通話、倫理及公民教育、美術、專題研習

中一以中文為教學語言 : 中國語文、中文傳意、中國歷史、普通話、宗教、美術、生命教育



[ 本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-18 14:35 編輯 ]
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 09-12-18 14:20

原帖由 bakusensei 於 09-12-18 14:00 發表

agree, I m glad to find that quite a no. of Christian "EMI" use Chinese (instead of English when they were the over 100 EMI) as MOI for Religious Studies as the subject is no longer a public exam subject.


作者: jean2003    時間: 09-12-18 17:51

原帖由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-18 14:20 發表


作者: jean2003    時間: 09-12-18 17:56

原帖由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-18 14:02 發表

quality of life
government and I
political, economic and social conditions
understanding oneself
interpersaonl relationships



"哥甩田 鱷乎 拉乎" .......仲搞鬼過宗教
作者: Tommy    時間: 09-12-18 21:45     標題: 回覆 24# bakusensei 的文章


Go, Goal, No....

Come, Jump, Run.........

Ball, More, Scored.............

作者: kermitan    時間: 09-12-18 23:11     標題: 報章自創「純英中」新term容易引起混淆

To Nicholasmom, Teresa, and All

太陽報/東方日報的報導,實在是扭曲了「英文中學」(EMI Schools – English as the Medium of Instruction Schools)的定義,
因為即使在未實施「教學語言微調方案」前,過去幾年傳統英文中學如聖嘉勒女書院反而在體育、視覺藝術及宗教科用中文教學,聖士提反女子中學則在宗教科用中文教學,請click下面的link看看(學校編號 107 113):



另外,政府就英文中學English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) schools的定義,是源於九七年前為了推行母語教育政策,規定如中學要沿用英語於初中(中一至中三)作為主要教育語言,必需由中學主動申請,然後透過教育局(當年是教育署)跟據該校收生Banding、公開試表現、及視學情況等判斷是否適合採用英文為初中的教學語言。
結果在申請的近400間中學中,共評定了120間為英文中學,即EMI schools。並規定了該等EMI學校在所有主要科目均需要以英語授課,然而在例如宗教、視覺藝術、家政及體育等術科上則容許彈性,在教育局同意下可以中文授課。
而在歷年的情況中約有一半EMI學校有使用此彈性用中文為部份術科的教學語言,由於這些術科成績一般不影響大學入學,因此並「不」代表用英文教就表示該中學較好。亦有些EMI中學部份年份用中文、後來又轉用英文教這些術科,例如我上述提及的St stephen girls st. clare便是一些好例子,所以是否用英文教這些術科,完全不能顯示該校的學業水平。


由此結論,除了通識科的教學語言選擇外,我個人認為大家無需再花時間研究太陽報/東方日報自創的「純英中」"Pure EMI"這些子虛烏有的名詞了,要「收料」就不如齊齊「八下」未知英文班數目的學校吧。

原帖由 nicholasmom 於 09-12-16 20:06 發表

作者: JP    時間: 09-12-19 00:11

原帖由 Irene_BB 於 09-12-18 07:58 發表
好多英中的通識用中文教﹐有些會有彈性班(只是這一科)﹐因為中文巳經係好難﹐何妨是英文教﹐所以我到現在還未決定叩哪一間﹐就因為這些原因 ...

According to EDB, EMI schools only have 4 years transitional period in which they can choose to use Chinese as the medium of instructions for Liberal Studies. That means only the existing F1-4  EMI students can take Liberal Studies exam in Chinese.

After the 4 years period--which means by the time the existing P6 students study F4, EMI schools have to switch to use English as medium of instructions for Liberal Studies.

P6 parents may need to take into account of this factor in choosing secondary schools.
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 09-12-19 16:26

原帖由 kermitan 於 09-12-18 23:11 發表
To Nicholasmom, Teresa, and All

太陽報/東方日報的報導,實在是扭曲了「英文中學」(EMI Schools – English as the Medium of Instruction Schools)的定義,


由此結論,除了通識科的教學語言選擇外,我個人認為大家無需再花時間研究太陽報/東方日報自創的「純英中」"ure EMI"這些子虛烏有的名詞了,要「收料」就不如齊齊「八下」未知英文班數目的學校吧。

1000% agree.


[ 本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-19 16:47 編輯 ]
作者: nicholasmom    時間: 09-12-19 17:06

原帖由 kermitan 於 09-12-18 23:11 發表
To Nicholasmom, Teresa, and All

太陽報/東方日報的報導,實在是扭曲了「英文中學」(EMI Schools – English as the Medium of Instruction Schools)的定義,
因為即使在未實施「教學語言微調方案」前,過去幾年傳統英文中 ...


請留意,這個新的分類並不是由太陽報/東方日報首創,而是出自Edb 孫公o我亦重來無表示過同意/不同意o我quote on.cc 的 chart 衹是回應樓主的問題o我亦已在 11# 指出以舊有英中分類今年應有的數量.
作者: Marco-ma    時間: 09-12-19 18:55

原帖由 ZZdaphne 於 09-12-18 14:02 發表


quality of life  >> (a)
government and I >> (b)
political, economic and social conditions >>(c)
globalisation  >> (d)
understanding oneself >> (e)
interpersaonl relationships >>(f)



梗係唔止咁少嘢啦, 你上面佔咗兩/三個 topic 左右啦 :


上面有哂 "新高中" 所有科目嘅課程內容,
簡單d貼果六個 topic 出嚟 :

單元一:個人成長與人際關係 >> (a,b,e,f)
單元二:今日香港 >> (b,c)
單元四:全球化 >>(d)

基本上你打開電視新聞或報章, 所有本港/中國/以至全球嘅新聞, 都會同以上六大單元有關囉....

想八掛問下, 你囡囡係咪第一年讀通識 ?
你話買書, 咁係買六本書, 定係一本書有呢幾個 topic ?
可唔可以講下係邊個出版社 ??
作者: Marco-ma    時間: 09-12-19 19:09

原帖由 JP 於 09-12-19 00:11 發表

According to EDB, EMI schools only have 4 years transitional period in which they can choose to use Chinese as the medium of instructions for Liberal Studies.

After the 4 years period--which means by the time the existing P6 students study F4, EMI schools have to switch to use English as medium of instructions for Liberal Studies.

咁即係一間英中學校, 就算係概覽到寫 2010年
中一/中四用 "中文" 教通識, 佢地都有可能係4年後,
(淨係依家嘅英中先得? 中中一定無份 ?)

咁佢會唔會由中文轉英文, 係咪又要問返校長至知呀 ??
又會唔會有D學校想調轉, 由英文轉考中文呀 ??

我地做家長, 究竟有幾多嘢要自己去問呀 !!
作者: kitmingg    時間: 09-12-20 14:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: aryee    時間: 10-1-5 11:26

作者: mak-jenny    時間: 10-1-5 15:54

即是除了PE, ART, RE不用考文憑試的可用中文教, 其他主科包括通識也要用英文教, 才可以是英中啦!  那麼真的不是很多間可以叫英中??????    是否真的???  有一些現英中, 中一通識是英文教, 但中四通識是中文教的, 那麼他們是英中 或其他呢??
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 10-1-5 18:06

原帖由 mak-jenny 於 10-1-5 15:54 發表
即是除了PE, ART, RE不用考文憑試的可用中文教, 其他主科包括通識也要用英文教, 才可以是英中啦!  那麼真的不是很多間可以叫英中??????    是否真的???  有一些現英中, 中一通識是英文教, 但中四通識是中文教的, 那 ...

即是除了PE, ART, RE不用考文憑試的可用中文教, 其他主科包括通識也要用英文教, 才可以是英中啦!  

那麼真的不是很多間可以叫英中??????    是否真的???  

有一些現英中, 中一通識是英文教, 但中四通識是中文教的, 那麼他們是英中 或其他呢??
主科中英數,其他科geo,history,phy, che, bio........etc

[ 本帖最後由 ZZdaphne 於 10-1-5 18:10 編輯 ]
作者: ZZdaphne    時間: 10-1-5 18:21

原帖由 aryee 於 10-1-5 11:26 發表


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