
標題: 學之園凱帆校的英普班 vs 金巴倫 [打印本頁]

作者: dulldull    時間: 09-12-4 15:46     標題: 學之園凱帆校的英普班 vs 金巴倫


請問學之園凱帆校的英普班及金巴倫, 你地會點選呢? 可否比D意見, thanks
作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 09-12-4 16:38

兩間都好, both are good, 但我自己會prefer金巴倫, 因為:

1. 學費平好多, 金巴倫$2460X11, 大約$27000, 學之園over 4萬一年, 分12期.  

2. 我唔係太鐘意普英班, 因為我覺得講好母語最重要, 而且小學面試都係以粵/英進行.  

3. 至於派位, 兩者很難比較, 視乎你的需要.  我見金巴倫大部份係政府派位, 而學之園凱帆校則相反, 讀直資的比津校多.  我自己target係津小, 到時會考2-3間直資/私校作back up, 所以我唔會選間咁貴.  

4. 金巴倫係小班教學, 每班唔超過20人, 如果係細仔的話, 選小班的學校較好.
作者: eggmama    時間: 09-12-5 05:33

Will you bring you bb to some PTH playgroup or PTH activities afterschool? If yes, why don't let bb study in PE class? $$$ would be almost the same but the result would be better (Mon-Fri PTH teacher).

If not, that means you don't think PTH is important at early stage, choose the one with lower fee is resonable.
作者: bakusensei    時間: 09-12-5 23:39

agree that both are good school but

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-12-4 16:38 發表
至於派位, 兩者很難比較, 視乎你的需要.  我見金巴倫大部份係政府派位, 而學之園凱帆校則相反, 讀直資的比津校多.  我自己target係津小, 到時會考2-3間直資/私校作back up, 所以我唔會選間咁貴

please kindly note that 政府派位 is not related to which kindergarten the kids study but the background of the kids (i.e. whether parent is alumni of the primary school & religion of the kid (in the first round) and the location of the home of the kid [not the location of the kindergarten] in the second round.)

One can actually estimate the chance for the kid to enter his/her target gov't/subsided school even at this juncture when he/she is choosing the kindergarten. Thus, if the chance is not high, then it would be better to find out how different kindergarten prepare/train up kids for interview of DSS and private primary schools and check which one will offer a greater chance.

作者: dulldull    時間: 09-12-6 10:40

多謝各位意見, 咁如果想入陳守仁,蔡繼有,聖瑪加利男女英文中小學, 咁係唔係入學之園會好D, 定係金巴倫都一樣機會大呢?

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