
標題: 收rejected 信是否要死心? [打印本頁]

作者: sumyiuma    時間: 09-11-27 16:58     標題: 收rejected 信是否要死心?

好失望,收到一間好心儀幼稚園的reject 信,連waiting 都無,係咪要死心?但我真係好想個b入,,仲有無其他辦法?
作者: bebelee    時間: 09-11-27 16:59

Write letter to the principal la - may be there will have chance.
作者: sumyiuma    時間: 09-11-27 17:09     標題: 回覆 2# bebelee 的文章

office 個姐姐話,有位都會比waiting ,rejected 嘅真係好渺茫,求位信我會寫,但我想問仲有咩方法表示誠意?
作者: bebelee    時間: 09-11-27 17:20

If possible, call up to the principal directly might help...but I know this would be difficult.
作者: DeckerCarmen    時間: 09-11-28 12:18

i wonder what reasons you will write in the 求位信?  t
hose on the waiting list also want a place for their son/daughter so much.
what makes the principal consider giving you a place after reading 求位信?
作者: DeckerCarmen    時間: 09-11-28 12:20

i have the same problem as you
just want to ask those who had written 求位信 before and finally got a place --
what did you write in the letter?
pls share

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