
標題: 不知所為的聖馬加利 [打印本頁]

作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-28 17:59     標題: 不知所為的聖馬加利

我個仔上次去這間學校interivew, 小朋友一Group一Group咁由1個老師帶佢地坐lift上去班房interview, 大人就係大堂坐底填問卷等小朋友。過咗大約半個小時,我group D 小朋友就 一個倆個咁係lift出來。見我個仔嗰group都應該走晒,我和我老公就係咁望實個lift門口,睇佢幾時落來,記住,我係行咗去lift前面望實嗰lift門架。終於,Lift門一開,見到我個仔,但係成個Lift裏面只係得我個仔一個人。 一個5歲都唔夠的細佬仔自己一個人坐lift, 我立刻同啊仔講點解無人陪你坐lift?佢重問我佢係唔係好叻呢?激死!係大堂有成班家長做証,20+家長都見到,D家長都你眼望我眼,都好奇怪!間學校都知所為的,如果困lift咁點吖??? 小朋友根本都唔可以處理啦!D小朋友咁細,連按警鍾都按唔到啦!
我為咗唔想影響嗰仔的interivew,就帶佢出左大門外問佢,你頭先係唔係走失咗啊?佢話無吖!我問點解你咁遲?我個仔就話要排隊,佢係最後一個! 我再問佢頭先有無人帶係去坐lift,佢話有!我問佢點解無大人陪你坐lift,佢話唔知吖!我問佢你係唔係係1樓落唻呢?佢話唔係1,係7樓,佢話係7字唻! 我真係好嬲!我上咗taxi,再同啊仔傾吓頭先老師問你D嘢識唔識,佢話好難,問我財神英文係乜嘢,因為老師問佢佢唔識答! xyz@#! 攪錯呀?財神英文都考,你話要考深的英文,考大空人、河馬都可以接受,考財神,我都唔識讀啦!成間學校都不知所為!

[ 本帖最後由 citipeggy 於 09-10-30 03:48 編輯 ]
作者: MaggieHei    時間: 09-10-28 18:07


我個囡 in 個日都好搞笑. 我同佢地講要 in, 佢地望一望我張 receipt 便給我填問卷, 又冇說什麼.我便以為要填完才有得 in, 份問卷仲係 好長. 要我填完才有得 in ? 夜晚都未有得 in 啦. 佢地又唔出聲. 在我交完份 '求其' 問卷之后. 很快便叫我個囡了. 我隔離個小朋友, 等左成粒幾鐘都未有得 in.


點解唔俾小朋友 in 左先, 我地慢慢填份問卷呢 ?

d 小朋友要 in 成粒鐘, 我地都填完啦.

原帖由 citipeggy 於 09-10-28 17:59 發表
我個仔上次去這間學校interivew, 小朋友一Group一Group咁由1個老師帶佢地坐lift上去班房interview, 大人就係大堂坐底填問卷等小朋友。過咗大約半個小時,我group D 小朋友就 一個倆個咁係lift出來。見我個仔嗰group都 ...

作者: good-boy    時間: 09-10-28 18:08

Absolutely shared your grievance.  Such a careless mistake may lead to a fatal accident.

But your kid is so brave to be in the lift alone.....

By the way, I think it may be the 'God of Fortune'.

[ 本帖最後由 good-boy 於 09-10-28 18:25 編輯 ]
作者: spiderlily    時間: 09-10-28 18:17

You should talk to the school office immediately.  If it is the case, it is an issue.
作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-28 20:02

我都覺得應該即刻同學校反映, 始終得一個小朋友乘電梯係好唔安全, 學校應該要注意.

相信學校都係expect小朋友答 "god"已經ok, 我諗係考小朋友反應同轉數je.  我囡囡果年老師比張"仙人掌"圖, 佢都唔識仙人掌點講, 結果佢答"plant", 老師都話good.
作者: goodboymama    時間: 09-10-28 20:41

作者: iwff    時間: 09-10-28 22:51

點解唔直接問小朋友"神"的英文, 要比個"財神"問呀? 小朋友可以看圖作答已經好好的了, 仲要考他們的轉數, 一時轉唔到就是否代表 not good 了。


原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-28 20:02 發表
我都覺得應該即刻同學校反映, 始終得一個小朋友乘電梯係好唔安全, 學校應該要注意.

相信學校都係expect小朋友答 "god"已經ok, 我諗係考小朋友反應同轉數je.  我囡囡果年老師比張"仙人掌"圖, 佢都唔識仙人掌點講, 結 ...

作者: hohoho2003    時間: 09-10-29 00:05

作者: mcheung1    時間: 09-10-29 00:26

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 02:12

作者: 一家三口    時間: 09-10-29 06:51

原帖由 hohoho2003 於 09-10-29 00:05 發表

據我所知, 培僑書院都在沿線火車站大賣廣告喎.....即係佢地都好多學位多出啦......
作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 09-10-29 07:39

原帖由 hohoho2003 於 09-10-29 00:05 發表

我覺得這校俾我的印象, 係名過於實,

教育局幫聖馬加利做的視學報告(http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_6313/st_margarets_co-edu_eng_s_p.pdf), 我發現了幾點值得注意:

1. 這校的中文和數學程度要加強 (言下之意, 即中數兩科麻麻地) (請看p.20)
2. 部份學生的自信及自我管理能力要改善 (請看p.20)
3. 多達兩成老師是新入行, 之前未教過書
4. 校長管理要改善
作者: spiderlily    時間: 09-10-29 07:44

I think this is a rare and individual case.  This should be reported to the school immediately that the school could figure out improving the process and find out the cause for this inccident - why the boy was left alone in the lift.

I think the school has absolute autonomy in deciding the content of the interview.  We, as applicants, can choose whether to go for or not.  In the time of my kid's P1 interview, a school put up pictures of various objects and asked the kids to write down either the Chinese or English names.  One asked for spelling of Dinosaur, aeroplane...  There are so many questions that we won't be able to predict or prepare.  But all those serve one purpose - to find out those most suitable for the school.  Hence, it is a fair game, applicants and school are given the rights to choose.

For your case, the school may just want to find out the reaction / interpretation / creativity of the kids when they encountered something they didn't know rather than looking for a so-called difficult answer and hence assess their respective intelligent level.  

I asked my kid the same question last night.  He didn't know the exact term but he described... "a man who..."
作者: Tiffannyc0211    時間: 09-10-29 08:20

THANKS your information!!!

原帖由 hohoho2003 於 09-10-29 00:05 發表

作者: 一家三口    時間: 09-10-29 08:31

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-10-29 07:39 發表

我覺得這校俾我的印象, 係名過於實,

教育局幫聖馬加利做的視學報告(http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_6313/st_margarets_co-edu_eng_s_p.pdf), 我發現了幾點值得注意:

1. 這校的中文和數學程度要 ...

無可否認這年/份的視學報告部份真係麻麻地, 而學校在這年/份的視學報告只開辦了4年, 只希望下一次的視學報告會有進步啦....

[ 本帖最後由 一家三口 於 09-10-29 10:55 編輯 ]
作者: ysnmama    時間: 09-10-29 08:36

我想也不算惡意批評. 就只是因為要收生. 便需要面試. 那麼家長才有機會親身面對或感受一些事及是考小一的高峰期. 才會有更多資訊流出及討論.

原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 02:12 發表

作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-29 09:46

G-ma, 你所為的"惡意批評",我唸你係唔係接受唔到現實囉! 我唔會咁無"liu"用大半個鍾作咁大段文章係度同大家分享係為咗講大話囉! 有成幾十個家長都見到,幾十對眼做証!


第一,當個lift門一開,我嗰仔行緊出來,我巳經好大咁講"點解得你一個人坐lift?無人陪你咩?" 我相信所有家長都聽到,就連填緊問卷的家長都抬起頭望吓發生セ嘢事。因為我見到有好多家同小朋友係到等緊interview,我唔想係到嘈影響到其他人。

當我見到我個仔出lift個刻,見到佢一個人,我真係好驚、又好嬲 ,當時成間房的氣氛巳經靜晒,個個都望住我地3個,睇吓我個仔講乜,但為咗唔想影響其他人interview,我就立刻帶我個仔移步咗幾步,到玻璃門外了解發生セ嘢事。當我聽完個仔講完成件事之後,我即刻個感覺係"不知所為,我一定唔會讀,浪費我的時間,唔想再留係到,即走!" 你同間學校講,證明你對間學校重有期望,但我就係失望到連講都唔想講嗰種。

講真,我個仔大大話話去咗6-7間學校interview, 間間都好大,間間都有好多lift,但係除咗聖瑪加利,全部都係帶小朋友行樓梯架!這些咪叫做正常的行証管理囉!懂得Risk Management囉!萬一有火警,都可以帶住小朋友逃生吖!

重有,這間聖瑪加利明明係佢的website到話,interview結果會在1個月內通知家長 http://www.smcesps.edu.hk/admission.php ,但我現在成個幾月都收唔到任何通知,我知實有家長話會唔會寄失咗、聽唔到電話....,但係除咗我,重有幾個Mami Friend重早過我in, 全部連信同電話都無收過,無收過任何通知,這些咪係行証混亂囉!mouth:" />

[ 本帖最後由 citipeggy 於 09-10-30 03:51 編輯 ]
作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 10:34


我所講既"惡意批評"並唔係話你講既事件, 睇完你既敘述我都認為學校係有疏忽, 唔應該比小朋友一個人坐電梯.  其實學校原意係唔想小朋友行7層樓梯先比佢地坐電梯, 但安排失當先會有咁既情況出現.  不過我相信每間學校都會有不完善既地方, 重要係學校面對錯誤既態度, smc比我地家長既感覺係好注重家長既意見, 我地提出有問題既地方, 學校真係有認真對待及改善, 所以我相信只要你當時即場有同佢地反映, 下次應該唔會再發生.

我之所以話"惡意批評"係指好多人只抽取視學報告某些較差既部份出嚟講, 但好既地方就唔會提, 其實呢份報告都係兩年前既事, 學校係新辦, 得幾年歷史, 要改進既地方當然一定會有, 呢份報告指出既內容, 例如中文及數學要加強, 其實我地家長呢兩年已經好明顯睇到學校係呢方面有下功夫.  至於話校長, 佢本身要兼顧中小學, 當然係會忙D, 但小學部本身有副校長, 基本上日日都可以見到佢係學校, 全心全意為小學部效力, 我相信好多家長都會感受到佢既熱誠同衝勁.

作為SMC家長, 我唔會認為SMC係一間超級無敵又完美既學校, 有人既地方總會有出錯既機會, 但我會重視學校對處理錯誤事件既態度.

原帖由 citipeggy 於 09-10-29 09:46 發表
G-ma, 你所為的"惡意批評",我唸你係唔係接受唔到現實囉! 我唔會咁無"liu"用大半個鍾作咁大段文章係度同大家分享係為咗講大話囉! 有成幾十個家長都見到,幾十對眼做証!

至於點解我唔同學校 ...

[ 本帖最後由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 10:48 編輯 ]
作者: spiderlily    時間: 09-10-29 10:45


You posted your "unhappy" experience with overwhelming comments after 個幾月, coming from 個幾月都收唔到任何通知.

You said "對間學校失望到連講都唔想講嗰種", "收我都一定唔讀,要即刻走,離開這間不知所為的學校", but you looked so concerned "無收過任何通知" after the 1st interview.

I am not offensive but just want to provide another view.  If this happened on me, I would talk to the school immediately - to understand the cause for the incident before jumping to the conclusion subjectively.  At least, help to avoid similar incident happening again, if it were the case.

I tend to think it is not the school practice to let the kids take the lift alone, i.e. without accompanying adult / senior grade students.  There may be something wrong happened in the chain.

P.S.  The school is very decisive in the admission process.  As learnt from the BK forum, many of the successful candidates are notified shortly for 2nd interview and acceptance.
作者: Chatter    時間: 09-10-29 10:49

I had a very unhappy event when my son attended the interview at 培僑書院 2 years ago, and share your feelings.... But know kids and their parents studying at 培僑書院 are happy with the school and their kids' progress. Hope you will get over it soon!

My son is currently studing at SMCE and so far I am happy with the school and my son's progress. I just read the Review Report from the Dept of Educations, and have extracted the following for current SMCE Primary parents as it is not a bad report and lots of good comments given to the Primary section, but of course there are areas the school needs attention and improvement:
Review Period9-11 & 14-17 May 2007

The review was of SMCE primary & secondary school as a whole:

Page 14:

The performance of primary students is more impressive than that of those at secondary level. They are confident, expressive, motivated and show greater initiative in responding to teachers’ questions. They are quick to initiate action when asked and eager to participate in learning activities. They can communicate fluently

and raise questions in English. They enjoy reading more than their secondary counterparts. In summary, they have good potential for further advancement....."

Page 20:

Students are pleasant, amiable, well-behaved and polite. They enjoy school life and articipate actively in a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities. Most students have a positive learning attitude. In particular, primary students are cheerful, active, responsive and demonstrate good communication skills.

Page 22:

Primary students perform much better in English than in Chinese and Mathematics. Their problem-solving and collaboration skills could be further developed in Mathematics and Chinese respectively.


For a through-train school with a short history of development, the school has many challenges ahead. Commendable efforts have been made on laying a good foundation for further development. As its vision and mission, the school is committed to providing

students with all-round development and a positive-thinking learning environment, and developing students’ competencies for life-long learning. The school-based curriculum is broad and balanced and is progressive in optimizing students’ development in a through-train school. It gives prominence to cultivating an English-rich learning environment for its multi-cultural students and teachers, and has achieved some success.The comprehensive life education programme and the rich components of art, dance and drama have become school features to cultivate students’ values and cater for their varied interests. Good efforts have been made to broaden students’ exposure with rich and diversified learning experience. The school values home-school cooperation and has established good relationships with the parents. A harmonious and caring school culture is created. Teachers are friendly, cooperative and are concerned about the well-being of the students. The attitude and behaviour of most students are good. They enjoy school life and get along well with their peers in a multi-cultural setting. On the whole, the school is delivering the quality of educational experience and student achievement commensurate with its vision and goals in securing DSS status.

The report did mention that Primary pupils' performance in Maths and Chinese is not as good as their English but it did not say this is in comparason to average school standard, but to pupils' English Standard.

作者: spiderlily    時間: 09-10-29 11:03


Absolutely correct.  When I compare the P2 this year Vs P2 last year, obviously, the course is more demanding with more projects.

The another thing we really appreciate is that the school would follow up parents' comments proactively.

Hence, I tend to believe the school would take immediate action if the staff / office is notified of citipeggy's case.  Besides, I still do not believe it is the school's intention / practice to have kids alone in the lift, from what I understand on the school.  

You know my boy was punished at the start of the school term for hiding himself in the classroom while the rest of the class was about to leave the classroom.  I was notified by the class teacher, illustrating degree of importance seen by the school.  You would feel that the teacher / school did care about the safety of the kids (alone in the classroom), not to say intentionally allowing them to take the lift alone.

原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 10:34 發表

我所講既"惡意批評"並唔係話你講既事件, 睇完你既敘述我都認為學校係有疏忽, 唔應該比小朋友一個人坐電梯.  其實學校原意係唔想小朋友行7層樓梯先比佢地坐電梯, 但安排失當先會有咁既情況出現.  不過我 ...

[ 本帖最後由 spiderlily 於 09-10-29 11:05 編輯 ]
作者: catcatmom    時間: 09-10-29 11:25

我有睇過視學報告, 佢話校長觀課不足, 後期學校請多了一位輔校長, 甘這間學校都不斷去改進. 但都有好評語架!
如學校裡裡外外都聽到學生講英文, 英語envoirnment

中文比其他差, 係英小通病. 數學科又比其他科差, 份報告有報告數學都好差咩!無留意喎.
我當年考完出來係老師隻手拖著亞女隻手,fing吓fing吓甘出來, 個老師仲不斷讚佢.
如果個小朋友係一個人搭lift,無工作人員陪, 我一定當時同學校反映.
作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 11:26

Hi spiderlily,

係呀, 呢兩年功課真係多左, 壓力都大左d, 不過坦白講相比其他官津smc仍然叫做唔算多功課.  學校想完全愉快教學都無辦法, 始終外間會介懷個視學報告, 如果學校唔加強, 人地又會覺得你有不足, 所以人在江湖, 唔多唔少都要入鄉隨俗.  

原帖由 spiderlily 於 09-10-29 11:03 發表

Absolutely correct.  When I compare the P2 this year Vs P2 last year, obviously, the course is more demanding with more projects.

The another thing we really appreciate is that the school woul ...

作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-29 11:27

我剛剛昨日同D Mami見面傾開D學校,咪再提St. Margaret囉,大家講開對這間學校的經歷,我越講越嬲,咪上唻同其他家長Share吓囉!


你話我Concern, 我當然concern啦!嗰個係我個仔,再加上BK有好多parent都好似我咁,想了解多D不同學校的資料。你身為學校收得家長的application fee, 又白字黑字寫明會同家長交代面試結果,身為學校寫得出唻就有責任要follow啦! 你接受D事情無始無終咩?

原帖由 spiderlily 於 09-10-29 10:45 發表

You posted your "unhappy" experience with overwhelming comments after 個幾月, coming from 個幾月都收唔到任何通知.

You said "對間學校失望到連講都唔想講嗰種", "收我都一定唔讀,要即刻走,離開 ...

[ 本帖最後由 citipeggy 於 09-10-30 03:39 編輯 ]
作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 09-10-29 11:44

原帖由 catcatmom 於 09-10-29 11:25 發表
我有睇過視學報告, 佢話校長觀課不足, 後期學校請多了一位輔校長, 甘這間學校都不斷去改進. 但都有好評語架!
如學校裡裡外外都聽到學生講英文, 英語envoirnment

中文比其他差, 係英小通病. 數學科又比其他 ...

份報告無講明數學科好差, 只係話中文和數學這兩科有待改善 (p.20第5點).
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 09-10-29 12:30

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 09-11-11 10:54 編輯 ]
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 09-10-29 12:35

by the way, is it possible to check this 視學報告of other school??!!
where can we get it?!

thanks a lot in advance!!
作者: ziyi    時間: 09-10-29 12:49

Yes, I want it

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 12:35 發表
by the way, is it possible to check this 視學報告of other school??!!
where can we get it?!

thanks a lot in advance!!

作者: shiuchen    時間: 09-10-29 12:55

"there are some little things that make all wrong with the application of smc for our son...."
Mind telling us what it is please?
原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 12:30 發表
i finally can't wait anymore and called smc...
after the admin lady find out my son's file, seems that my son didn't go through the 2nd round...
she said i will receive letter soon from school...
m ...

作者: iristam    時間: 09-10-29 13:18

作者: pop-rice    時間: 09-10-29 13:22

每間學校都有不足, 有時更令家長好勞氣, 但也不要抹殺校長, 老師和同學付出的努力喔. 總之有則改之, 無則嘉勉啦.
作者: diversity    時間: 09-10-29 13:57

That's why I won't risk my kid in going to those so-called 'new' style schools, which are new in terms of teaching experience, administration, track records.... The best example is the one on news everyday during the past few months....
作者: TKO2040    時間: 09-10-29 14:10

原帖由 iristam 於 09-10-29 13:18 發表
我一聽到聖瑪加利呢幾個字我就驚,有冇人可以話俾我知此聖瑪加利跟彼聖瑪加利是否有關連的,N年前我是就讀九龍城聖瑪加利女書院的,果時係津校來的,讀到中三尾聲時,突然有天告訴我們話九龍正校要結業喇,你地成校要去九 ...

校董, 校監及校長應該係同一班人.
作者: flostangraphy    時間: 09-10-29 14:34

[ 本帖最後由 flostangraphy 於 09-11-11 10:54 編輯 ]
作者: shiuchen    時間: 09-10-29 15:09

Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. I now undertsand why you have so many fans here.
Thank you!
My son's 1st interview is on 7 Sept, and I just received the rejection letter today(29 Oct, 2009).
I did call SMC, but they asked me to wait....
Well, anyway, as what you said, maybe my son and SMC is not a perfect match. :loveliness:

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 14:34 發表
i think mainly the cause is due to me and my wife did not presented as the model parents they are expecting...
1st of all, our son can converse in French (mother tongue), English (daily language) and ...

作者: rachncurtsmom    時間: 09-10-29 15:16

原帖由 shiuchen 於 09-10-29 15:09 發表
Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. I now undertsand why you have so many fans here.
Thank you!
My son's 1st interview is on 7 Sept, and I just received the rejection letter today(29  ...

Ha?  It took the school that long to process the application?  I guess it's a lot more difficult to process on-going applications and interviews like this.

My daughter's 1st interview was on Oct 7.  Maybe I will receive the rejection letter 1 month later.
作者: Sim    時間: 09-10-29 15:35


Mind me to say a word. SMC is not the only school that didn't send out interview result after 1 month from the 1st Interview lah! I haven't received any letter from my 1st interview school since 27th Aug till now. I didn't call them & I'm still waiting for the letter.
作者: shiuchen    時間: 09-10-29 15:39

Luckily I did not expect much since late September as I heard that accpeted case will be informed within 2 weeks.
Good Luck!
原帖由 rachncurtsmom 於 09-10-29 15:16 發表

Ha?  It took the school that long to process the application?  I guess it's a lot more difficult to process on-going applications and interviews like this.

My daughter's 1st interview was on Oct 7. ...

作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 15:54

其實每年都有過千既應考者, 要小心細閱資料, 分析, 挑選, 過程真係需要花好多時間.  而且smc只收80多位學生, 位真係比較少, 所以競爭比較大.

原帖由 Sim 於 09-10-29 15:35 發表

Mind me to say a word. SMC is not the only school that didn't send out interview result after 1 month from the 1st Interview lah! I haven't received any letter from my 1st interview school since ...

作者: Sim    時間: 09-10-29 16:07


My 1st interview school is not SMC ( a school in Shatin)
作者: shiuchen    時間: 09-10-29 16:15

我不可以comment SMC是好還是不好,因為我根本不是家長.她不考慮我的孩子,不等於不好.也不等於我的孩子差,就是不MATCH.
原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 15:54 發表
其實每年都有過千既應考者, 要小心細閱資料, 分析, 挑選, 過程真係需要花好多時間.  而且smc只收80多位學生, 位真係比較少, 所以競爭比較大.

作者: tinkerbell2004    時間: 09-10-29 17:01

I totally agree that the Parents of SMC are very helpful and willing to answer our questions.

I have tried to ask similar questions about one so-called famous school but their feedback are quite negative which really made me feel disappointed.

原帖由 shiuchen 於 09-10-29 16:15 發表
我不可以comment SMC是好還是不好,因為我根本不是家長.她不考慮我的孩子,不等於不好.也不等於我的孩子差,就是不MATCH.

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 09-10-29 17:10

  you are so welcome shiuchen!
by the way, i don't think i have any fans here, if i have no making enemies from time to time.....
i'll call it's lucky!!!
however, i'm a fans of many cultivate and instructive parents here!!!

原帖由 shiuchen 於 29/10/2009 15:09 發表
Thanks a lot for your detailed reply. I now undertsand why you have so many fans here.
Thank you!
My son's 1st interview is on 7 Sept, and I just received the rejection letter today(29  ...

作者: Mimi_Ma    時間: 09-10-29 17:14

原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 15:54 發表
其實每年都有過千既應考者, 要小心細閱資料, 分析, 挑選, 過程真係需要花好多時間.  而且smc只收80多位學生, 位真係比較少, 所以競爭比較大.

G-Ma :

你真係好熱心,  比著我就唔得,  學校收生人數少,  靠自己校內家長口碑都唔夠位.  所以係BK的抨擊有時我都唔願解釋.  而且這時是面試時期,  家長帶著小朋友周圍面試,一定會心煩氣燥, (版主都帶著小朋友考了很多間學校.)

而且校內的職員年年這時都做到唔停仲加班.  有時真係會掛萬漏一的.   但很少人會體諒這班幕後員工.
作者: ziyi    時間: 09-10-29 17:15

I'm like you say your kid is not prefect match with SMC. No complain,  that great.

Have any good news for 陳守仁? I hope your kid can study the prefect match school and enjoy the school life.

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 17:10 發表
  you are so welcome shiuchen!
by the way, i don't think i have any fans here, if i have no making enemies from time to time.....
i'll call it's lucky!!!
however, i'm a fans of many cult ...

[ 本帖最後由 ziyi 於 09-10-29 17:16 編輯 ]
作者: IOUbabe    時間: 09-10-29 17:31




事件本身有問題的是”帶位”的人, 而我相信那人一定不是學校的老師,校長或校監之類, 只是一位文職人員, 甚至是校工. 如果一個文職/校工犯錯, 學校就要背負”不知所謂”的污名,並完全抹殺整所學校教職員的貢獻,同’莫雖有”無分別. 

各位家長, 請問校lift平日學生可唔可以搭架?如可以, 又係咪可以自己搭呢?


原帖由 spiderlily 於 09-10-28 18:17 發表
You should talk to the school office immediately.  If it is the case, it is an issue.

作者: IOUbabe    時間: 09-10-29 17:39

it's not strange. My friends come back from Canada, his son speaks fluent English, French & Cantonese, also know a little bit Mandarin, he also didn't get a chance for 2nd interview.

Another friend is a Japanese, his daughter is now study in an int'l kindergarten, except Japanese, she also speaks fluent Eng.....no 2nd interview too.

Competition is really keen this year.

原帖由 flostangraphy 於 09-10-29 17:10 發表
  you are so welcome shiuchen!
by the way, i don't think i have any fans here, if i have no making enemies from time to time.....
i'll call it's lucky!!!
however, i'm a fans of many cult ...

作者: CHIULHJ    時間: 09-10-29 17:41

本人是今年小一新生的家長,由於家僱在10月初放大假回菲律賓兩週,我要求學校容許我期間遲些接囝囝放學(好讓我下班後才接他放學),很感謝學校體諒家長的需要,予以配合,安排他到七樓 library 做家課(由校工陪同搭 lift),每當我到一樓 school office 接他時,校工會陪同他搭 lift 落一樓找我,偶然校工 not available 時,他便自己行樓梯下來找我,期間未出現過一次是自己單獨搭 lift 的情況,因此,容許學生單獨搭 lift 絕對不是學校一貫的作風,相信樓主的事件是個別事件。
作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 18:17

hi mimi-ma,

唔好咁講, 我好記得幾年前係你好細心解答左我好多問題, 我先夠膽比囡囡入讀smc, 係呢幾年我囡囡有一個好開心又學到野既校園生活, 睇到佢健康快樂咁成長, 都係多得你既熱心及不嫌其煩, 令我覺得smc好似一個大家庭咁.  我只係出左小小力, 見到初小既家長都咁熱心, 我相信你呢個美德一定可以傳承落去.

學校仲新, 好多家長唔認識, 道聽途說好多誤解,亦有d有心人會用smc過往歷史大造文章, 好多時睇左真係覺得好好笑, 都n年前既事, 仲提嚟做咩.  所以唯有我地現任家長多d發表一下意見, 等大家了解下真實既學校情況, 總好過聽人亂講.

原帖由 Mimi_Ma 於 09-10-29 17:14 發表

G-Ma :

你真係好熱心,  比著我就唔得,  學校收生人數少,  靠自己校內家長口碑都唔夠位.  所以係BK的抨擊有時我都唔願解釋.  而且這時是面試時期,  家長帶著小朋友周圍面試,一定會心煩氣燥, (版主都帶著小朋友考 ...

作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 18:22


原帖由 IOUbabe 於 09-10-29 17:31 發表



事件本身有問題的是”帶位”的人, 而我相信那人一定不 ...

作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 18:26

其實學校位少, 競爭大係必然, 而且學校唔一定係揀最smart既學生(收左佢地最終都未必讀), 佢地都係想搵d最適合學校理念既學生而已(perfect match), 所以無取錄既學生唔一定係佢地表現或者能力差, 只係大家少左d緣份lor.

原帖由 shiuchen 於 09-10-29 16:15 發表
我不可以comment SMC是好還是不好,因為我根本不是家長.她不考慮我的孩子,不等於不好.也不等於我的孩子差,就是不MATCH.

作者: hohoho2003    時間: 09-10-29 20:42

作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-29 21:10

視學報告係中肯, 不過係應該全面咁睇, 唔係斷章取義淨係睇幾點閣下認為有問題既地方, 當中亦有好多讚揚SMC及學生既部份.

原帖由 hohoho2003 於 09-10-29 20:42 發表
惡意批評就是批視學報告嗎?教育局視學組是一隊人到達,不是單人匹馬,石而且是分幾次進行,非常專業不存在針對,學術水平問題這點大家更加楚!幾拾年學校經驗都不夠用嗎?報紙、天書廣告平嗎?政府視學平心而論中肯非常。 ...

作者: edea    時間: 09-10-29 23:40

原帖由 citipeggy 於 09-10-29 11:27 發表

你係唔係有病吖! 我鍾意幾時係BK講嘢都要你管。我剛剛昨日同D Mami見面傾開D學校,咪再提St. Margaret囉,大家講開對這間學校的經歷,我越講越嬲,咪上唻同其他家長Share吓囉! 係唔係要你批準拿approval啊?:ang ...


請保持對其他會員尊重和應有的禮貌, 多謝合作.

作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-29 23:53

你覺得我唔鐘意這所學校,我同意,我in完所學校之後,見到佢哋D安排咁精彩,真係好唔鐘意. 如果你覺得我考這所學校之前已經對這所學校有偏見,you know, 只限Office hour 親身交form apply,我要請假交Form,又要請假同小朋友去interview,地方又唔方便,出入都要坐Taxi,咁有誠意,專登請2日假+$400的士錢去申請學校,你覺得係玩咩

我就舉個例,某某醫院配錯藥比病人,base on 你的理論,錯不在醫院,應該唔關醫院事,更加唔關醫管局事,因為最終無食死人,所以無人需要付責,行証及管理無需反醒,反而應該表揚佢哋,表揚嗰D日日係醫院到做無停手的配藥員(無出糧比你咩,收得份量就要做好這份工),其管理層(做得management,預咗有責任要管好班下屬啦),院長(坐得這個位,一定要有領導的才能,要ensure每個職員都清楚自己的工作網位,當然末必事事都要親自落手落脚去做,但對成個機構的事無大少都當然要付責啦)。如果好似你哋咁講,係這個case D病人應該唔好周圍同人講,應該立刻call 個配藥員約佢出來傾吓計,教佢下次應該點做,醫院D Management 咁忙,唔好勞煩佢哋管理D下屬啦!怪就怪個D病人唔好彩囉,小事小事,係D人睇唔開,無需理會!係唔係咁樣先啱吖。

原帖由 IOUbabe 於 09-10-29 17:31 發表



事件本身有問題的是”帶位”的人, 而我相信那人一定不 ...

[ 本帖最後由 citipeggy 於 09-10-30 01:02 編輯 ]
作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-30 00:03



原帖由 edea 於 09-10-29 23:40 發表


請保持對其他會員尊重和應有的禮貌, 多謝合作.


[ 本帖最後由 citipeggy 於 09-10-30 03:44 編輯 ]
作者: Chincco    時間: 09-10-30 00:12

正所謂針唔"吉"到肉唔知痛 !
如果我囡囡遇到同樣啲情況, 我相信我都會好勞氣 !
作者: IOUbabe    時間: 09-10-30 00:33


原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 18:22 發表

作者: G-Ma    時間: 09-10-30 01:06


希望樓主明白只係個別事件, 唔洗咁勞氣, 學校係有疏忽, 呢點大家都無話唔係, 只不過唔會因為呢件事就判學校死罪JE.

至於交表係OFFICE HOUR及家長要請假INTERVIEW, 好多學校都係咁架啦, 考得私校同直資大家都預左係要花時間.  學校附近有兩個地鐵, 係要行一段路, 但都未至於無交通工具到, 不過個個家長INTERVIEW前都唔想小朋友事前太操勞, 大多都係揀坐TAXI, 純粹個人意願, 我諗呢D唔應該怪埋學校掛.

原帖由 IOUbabe 於 09-10-30 00:33 發表

[ 本帖最後由 G-Ma 於 09-10-30 01:16 編輯 ]
作者: citipeggy    時間: 09-10-30 01:26

我唔想再講咁多,let's end this topic!
作者: 中天英    時間: 09-10-30 01:55

嘩, 乜咁似 [ 曾生 ] 講野啊.

:;pppp: :;pppp: :;pppp:

原帖由 G-Ma 於 09-10-29 02:12 發表

作者: Mlock    時間: 09-10-30 08:52

I also had a bad experience about the interview!!That day we arrived 10 mins before and waited in front of the office.After I filled in the form and handed back to them, they told me to wait.Then  a lady came out and called a group of kids go up for the interview.(I found out that was the last group of the day finally)10 mins later I asked the staff, she did not even listen to my question finished and told me to wait, 25 mins later asked again and same answer told me to wait.After nearly 1 hour by the time we arrived, only few people left with only 2 kids (those were 2nd in)around.I thought it could not be a group interview and again asked the lady any 1st interview kids were waiting like us??She then screamed "FIRST INTERVIEW" and turned her head back to office and ask others some questions and a lady then came out and said she will bring my son up.I asked them did they missed out my son on the list, no appology and no explanation just said I will bring him up now.
15 mins later I saw that group of kids came down and my son came down 10 mins later.I was wondering whether the teacher realised the office staff made mistake or not because my son said the teacher asked why so late and still had candidate came up??
I was sooooo angry and really want to make a complain or comment to let the school know the office ladies were not very professional and well arranged.I could see all the applications and profolios lying around the corner of the reception.They should have a list clearly indicated the kids name of the each slot right???
作者: ccpwagon    時間: 10-10-20 16:29

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: ccpwagon    時間: 10-10-20 16:41

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: citipeggy    時間: 10-10-20 17:19


I am suprise to see your reply a year after, can't believe that the school didn't even improved after a year.

Anyway, good luck on your primary interview  

原帖由 ccpwagon 於 10-10-20 16:29 發表
Hi Citipeggy,

I have a bad experience as you during the 1st interview on Sept.  The school has called me to 2nd interview on Oct 08, after discussed with my husband we give-up the 2nd interview. The  ...

作者: wai406    時間: 10-10-20 18:04

阿仔今年IN St. Maragret , 我都很不開心, 因為覺得學校對小朋友關顧不週, 大家如有去過Interview, 都知道家長是在校務處前那陫長櫈等候小朋友, 待職員帶他回來, 過了三十分鐘後, 我上了厠所, 回來只見我兒子獨自一人在那陫長櫈, 我很吃驚, 問他為什麼得他一人, 他說老師 叫他在那兒等媽咪, 真的很Surprise,  去過超過十間學校Interview, 所有學校都會確定有家長接回, 才讓小朋友離開的, 為什麼St. Maragret 有這樣的安排呢? 為什麼沒有汲取上年的教訓呢?  感覺真是很不好!
作者: edwinho123    時間: 10-10-20 18:04


我覺得好怪囉...好唔make sense囉...考"財神"英文....咁唔知佢哋任教的Miss/阿sir是否個個識答....如果問我我都要諗一吓英文點講.....可況小朋友得5歲......簡直痴線!
作者: jeremyphlam    時間: 10-10-20 20:52

作者: myrchan    時間: 10-10-20 22:30

居然一年後都能夠產生共鳴, 一定有原因。

我係今年wait list的, 仲好想入呢間學校, 但好老實, interview果日又係miss左我個細路, 不過我無放過個counter既女仔, 直頭企係counter面前唔走等佢查, 追完一次又一次, 佢既回答態度係典型新一代果隻(個人問題, 唔關學校事), 佢終於真係check到我地將表比人拎左上去啦, 咁點解無人叫名呢個問題, 另一帶我地上去既人死都話佢答唔到。今時今日, 咁既服務態度, 有好大改善空間。

不過, 呢間學校的英語環境好, 又係事實, 學生愉快上學, 又好得我鍾意, 所以, 仲係有可欣賞之處既。

原帖由 jeremyphlam 於 10-10-20 20:52 發表

作者: fujitasze    時間: 10-10-20 22:53

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: jansenng    時間: 10-10-20 23:13

1.Left the kid lift alone
2.improper keeping of personal information
3.Let the kid stay alone before parent pick-up

It's unacceptable!!
作者: reneeleung    時間: 10-10-21 00:21

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作者: IANLEE    時間: 10-10-21 01:22



[ 本帖最後由 IANLEE 於 10-10-21 01:25 編輯 ]
作者: kanahose    時間: 10-10-21 07:44


[ 本帖最後由 kanahose 於 10-10-21 07:49 編輯 ]
作者: dk486    時間: 10-10-21 08:29

聽完個簡介會,已經大失所望 ( 聽咁多個,lee 個最獲益良多,利先生教你學英文;再本校長教你坐車去SMC...掂掂掂!!)

作者: kc_01k    時間: 10-10-21 13:59

原帖由 dk486 於 10-10-21 08:29 發表
聽完個簡介會,已經大失所望 ( 聽咁多個,lee 個最獲益良多,利先生教你學英文;再本校長教你坐車去SMC...掂掂掂!!)


我只知佢成個簡介會, 都教家長 phonics, 最不該係踩其他學校英文.
作者: sampapa    時間: 10-10-21 14:10     標題: 回覆 73# IANLEE 的文章

I am SMC parent's.
I never hear that "你家有没有车呀,你家有没有工人" from other SMC parent.
Most kid asked by interview "Who take care of your homework & who is reading the book with you?"
SMC is not famous or top DSS school.
Most SMC parent is not rich just a middle or lower.
Some parent lived in public estate.
I confirmed some staffs in general office bad and should be FIRE.
But teachers are good with love.
Provide happy school life to my kid.
I hope school improve clerical support ASAP.
作者: IANLEE    時間: 10-10-21 14:38     標題: 回覆 1# sampapa 的文章


[ 本帖最後由 IANLEE 於 10-10-21 14:40 編輯 ]
作者: yeemelody    時間: 10-10-21 14:42

totally agree.  Because of the briefing session, I dislike this school or the principal and the board.

原帖由 kc_01k 於 10-10-21 13:59 發表

我只知佢成個簡介會, 都教家長 phonics, 最不該係踩其他學校英文.

作者: 小品    時間: 10-10-21 14:52     標題: 回覆 1# citipeggy 的文章

My niece and my neighbor are in SMCE now.  In fact, I saw my neighbor was very happy there so I told my sister-in-law to apply it for my niece.  

Just my personal point of view, the introduction to the school conducted by Mr. Le (?)  was very bad because I was there last year but I believed that SMC is good with not too many homeworks and good English learning environment and caring teachers.  

By the way, my neighbor and my brother don't have cars ...and not rich as menioned, you can only say they belong to middle class and well  educated.
作者: jeremyphlam    時間: 10-10-21 15:07

作者: 小品    時間: 10-10-21 15:08



I was reading these post again and would you please tell me which kindergarden that your son went?  Do they have evidence because it is such inappropriate way of speaking.  

Some of the 樓主complaint about the improper way of the interview procedure or 學校行政處理面試文件, I think it is really fair to express personal views.  

But 學生在校被欺負和排斥,真的很嚴重指控!  What do you mean by 欺負 和排斥 ?
作者: hui3328    時間: 10-10-21 16:01

而家香港家長當正所有直資學校都係名校, 但係唔少係魚目混珠, 所以家長也要小心選擇.

原帖由 小品 於 10-10-21 15:08 發表

......................................... ...

作者: yeemelody    時間: 10-10-21 16:04


原帖由 hui3328 於 10-10-21 16:01 發表
而家香港家長當正所有直資學校都係名校, 但係唔少係魚目混珠, 所以家長也要小心選擇.

作者: jeremyphlam    時間: 10-10-21 16:11

原帖由 hui3328 於 10-10-21 16:01 發表
而家香港家長當正所有直資學校都係名校, 但係唔少係魚目混珠, 所以家長也要小心選擇.

作者: 一家三口    時間: 10-10-21 16:26

原帖由 hui3328 於 10-10-21 16:01 發表
而家香港家長當正所有直資學校都係名校, 但係唔少係魚目混珠, 所以家長也要小心選擇.

所以選校之前, 最好到學校睇清睇楚, 可以的話, 揾已經响到讀的小朋友家長傾傾, 從而了解多一點. 而每一間學校, 可能適合自己的小朋友, 又未必適合"你'的小朋友啊.

作者: ysnmama    時間: 10-10-21 16:30

雖然家長自己教好小朋友如何應付是一回事. 但學校是有責任好好將小朋友交回給家長的. 難怪家長生氣. 有時意外就是估計不來. 有時有些細節上的安排, 是可以改變觀感的.
作者: G-Ma    時間: 10-10-21 16:51

我都同意最好親身去多學校幾次觀察清楚, 親自同家長或學生了解一下係最好.  始終每位家長要求不同, 每間學校亦有不同風格, 有d人可能覺得free 既學校好, 有d人可能鐘意要嚴謹既, 無話邊種係最好, 最緊要適合自己小朋友.

我自己作為smc家長, 我囡囡當年 interview 學校從來無問過佢屋企有無車.  至於話利主席既presentation, 呢份稿佢年年都係咁讀, 我去果年都上左成個鐘英文課, 但我buy佢地係英文方面真係下左好多功夫.  我囡囡呢幾年係學校build up到既英文底子係令我好驚訝, 原來佢不知不覺間學左咁多英文字 (佢地英文功課一d都唔多, 大部份都係堂上做), 學校生活又愉快, 亦有機會參與不同活動同比賽.

作者: bobo_ling    時間: 10-10-21 18:31

我都忍唔住想講下我今日交表時既經歷, 去到校務處想交表, 見到柜台果個女職員整緊od文件, 咁我就企左一陣等佢, 之後佢見我等佢就"夫蜆"<--講句唔好意思....之後交完表經過小食亭, 我個仔話要睇有咩野食, 過去睇左個價目表見有燒賣就買比佢食, 叫果個ar姐2次先望下我問咩事, 我話要6粒燒賣....跟住就坐前面od長台食, 一打開....見od 燒賣皮好多都爛, 沒有豉油, 沒有叉, 點食ar......都算la....我個仔樽水arm arm無曬, 我見有個工友拖地,就上前問下水機係邊, 佢話===>"無ga...要上去, 地下e層無"....我唔信佢, 就向前四周看, 就見操場旁邊有幾個水機......
你地覺得點呢? 我絕對無老作, 唔好屈我唱衰佢, 真係讚唔落....
作者: IANLEE    時間: 10-10-21 18:42     標題: 回覆 7# 小品 的文章


[ 本帖最後由 IANLEE 於 10-10-21 18:50 編輯 ]
作者: IANLEE    時間: 10-10-21 18:57

作者: sampapa    時間: 10-10-21 19:10     標題: 回覆 78# IANLEE 的文章

If it is happened, the parent should be reported to school & Education Dept.
The manner, behavior and safty of kids are important.
One case is happened in Nov 2009 of P1. One classmate of my kid, his classmate is 欺负 by OTHER, parent reported to school. The master is treate as seriously and fast, interview with all witness and related party within ONE week. The "OTHER" is punished and marked in record.
I think the school is concerned the manner and behavior of students.
At the end, I hope the clerical staff to improve their work.
作者: cpcog    時間: 10-10-21 19:28

I believe no schools are perfect. Every school would have their strength and problems. At this moment, I regard SMC should be a good schools and keep on improving.
作者: 一家三口    時間: 10-10-21 19:37

原帖由 bobo_ling 於 10-10-21 18:31 發表
我都忍唔住想講下我今日交表時既經歷, 去到校務處想交表, 見到柜台果個女職員整緊od文件, 咁我就企左一陣等佢, 之後佢見我等佢就"夫蜆""無ga...要上去, 地下e層無"....我唔信佢, 就向前四周看, 就見操場旁邊有幾個水 ...

温韾提示 :

鼓油和义放在旁邊, 係要自己加鼓油(因為每個人的喜好不同)和自己取义用的.


[ 本帖最後由 一家三口 於 10-10-21 19:38 編輯 ]
作者: bobo_ling    時間: 10-10-21 19:46

原帖由 cpcog 於 10-10-21 19:28 發表
I believe no schools are perfect. Every school would have their strength and problems. At this moment, I regard SMC should be a good schools and keep on improving.

唔係雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 好認同樓主形容"不知所為" , 呢間學校發生既事可以用埋荒謬....可能或者佢地教學上成功, 但如果職員既工作態度咁差, 係會令人討厭的....
作者: bobo_ling    時間: 10-10-21 20:02

原帖由 一家三口 於 10-10-21 19:37 發表

温韾提示 :

鼓油和义放在旁邊, 係要自己加鼓油(因為每個人的喜好不同)和自己取义用的.


我都唔知佢乜都無比我, 一坐低打開包燒賣,粒粒既皮都係爛, 覺得好差, 仲要遇上一個叫我上幾層樓才飲到啖水既清潔ar 姐, 比我感覺想係e間學校生存, 要有好高既容忍度, 同好大既能耐law....
作者: cpcog    時間: 10-10-21 20:07

Everyone has the right to dislike SMC. There are a lot of good schools opening for all kids.
I believe that no one could be forced to choose studying in that school.

原帖由 bobo_ling 於 10-10-21 19:46 發表

唔係雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 好認同樓主形容"不知所為" , 呢間學校發生既事可以用埋荒謬....可能或者佢地教學上成功, 但如果職員既工作態度咁差, 係會令人討厭的.... ...

作者: cpcog    時間: 10-10-21 20:11

anyway, it is nice to see all those info and comments, no matter positive or negative. Then, all of us can know more about the schools and could make our own decision afterwards.
作者: bobo_ling    時間: 10-10-21 20:12

原帖由 cpcog 於 10-10-21 20:07 發表
Everyone has the right to dislike SMC. There are a lot of good schools opening for all kids.
I believe that no one could be forced to choose studying in that school.

e度就係一個分享既平台, 我地上黎咩野都會講無論好同唔好....
作者: ccpwagon    時間: 10-10-21 20:35

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