
標題: 英華出左2nd in 啦~ [打印本頁]

作者: hkcindy    時間: 09-10-20 22:17     標題: 英華出左2nd in 啦~


唉.. 冇我份~
作者: felicityn    時間: 09-10-20 22:24

Thanks for your post,
我個仔都無 ,嘻嘻嘻!
作者: mmmmm    時間: 09-10-20 22:33

原帖由 hkcindy 於 09-10-20 22:17 發表

唉.. 冇我份~

Thank God,

He got it this time!!(but he failed KTS)

Hope he can make it!!!
作者: fooky-hk    時間: 09-10-20 22:38

無份....6間失敗了2間, 開始有點不安了
作者: chantessa    時間: 09-10-20 22:39

哈哈, 我個囝都無份, 但係自己已經預左無, 所以唔"驚"喜 !!!
作者: dong-dong    時間: 09-10-20 22:51

仔仔有份second in﹐但無份kts and st paul boys.
作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-20 23:17

我都冇我份,12月细仔,G丅,kTS also out
may be need repeat!
作者: 嗅BB    時間: 09-10-20 23:21

我個細仔都係無份呀 我都好驚呀
作者: KaHeiBaBa    時間: 09-10-20 23:22

原帖由 mmmmm 於 09-10-20 22:33 發表

Thank God,

He got it this time!!(but he failed KTS)

Hope he can make it!!!

恭喜哂 !!

預祝你囝囝勇闖第二關,成功考入 英華,加油呀 !!
作者: Oscarmom    時間: 09-10-20 23:31

Ha Ha very happy my son got it too...
作者: Woodyryan    時間: 09-10-20 23:32

作者: heiheimum    時間: 09-10-20 23:38

Yes. 了左件心事, 其實一早預左陪跑.

原帖由 Woodyryan 於 09-10-20 23:32 發表

作者: Zoe-Mummy    時間: 09-10-20 23:47

阿仔入唔到st paul boys, 入到英華2nd round好緊張, 要加陪努力, 希望佢得啦!

大家入唔到唔好灰心呀, 比心機in其他學校.

add oil!!
作者: twinnie    時間: 09-10-21 00:08

唉.....又衰左多一間.....睇黎之後果幾間都冇行啦, 都係打定輸數.....就算鐘意英華都冇用....
作者: LWY    時間: 09-10-21 00:13

作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-21 00:20

add oil
作者: nb7002    時間: 09-10-21 00:28

作者: 猴子爸    時間: 09-10-21 00:44

落选了。唯有寄望TSL & DBSPD,虽然机会比较渺茫。。。
作者: jamesbond007    時間: 09-10-21 00:46

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: twinnie    時間: 09-10-21 00:49

作者: mamay    時間: 09-10-21 01:14

原帖由 Zoe-Mummy 於 09-10-20 23:47 發表
阿仔入唔到st paul boys, 入到英華2nd round好緊張, 要加陪努力, 希望佢得啦!

大家入唔到唔好灰心呀, 比心機in其他學校.

add oil!!

same as you.  My son is unable to enter the 2nd interview of ST Paul Boy but able to make it this time.
I still remembered I was so depressed when receiving the reject letter from St. Paul Boy.  
I guess different school like different types of kids.

大家入唔到唔好灰心呀, 比心機in其他學校.  

[ 本帖最後由 mamay 於 09-10-21 01:16 編輯 ]
作者: Nancy'BB    時間: 09-10-21 01:32

作者: meowmeow    時間: 09-10-21 01:54

:;pppp: :;pppp:  又唔得tim~~~
作者: im_cyt    時間: 09-10-21 08:43

入咗2nd in


請問2nd int問小朋友/家長咩問題?
作者: JT2008    時間: 09-10-21 09:03

我個仔都無入圍..不過有優才accepted.同ktsps 入左second in..心情並不太有影響....
作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 09:21

me 2

原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-20 23:17 發表
我都冇我份,12月细仔,G丅,kTS also out
may be need repeat!

作者: cheukcheukma    時間: 09-10-21 09:23

我今晚先对到号码啊! 不过, 好紧张, 好怕再次失望!  
我帮個仔共报了5间学校, 已经收到两间的reject letters...!
作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 09:23

又話 23/10 先公佈既
作者: ritaman    時間: 09-10-21 09:24

How come there would be two applicants in a single timeslot?  Can any parents advise us on the interview format?
作者: alextamfl    時間: 09-10-21 09:28

作者: Queenie_0012    時間: 09-10-21 09:33

原帖由 dodo214 於 09-10-21 09:23 發表
又話 23/10 先公佈既

係啦!! 又話23號公佈o既?!
我無no. 係身呀~~~

作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 09:37

我記得no. ah, 不過冇我份, 已經俾人 reject 咗幾次, 唔通我個小朋友真係咁差?

原帖由 Queenie_0012 於 09-10-21 09:33 發表

係啦!! 又話23號公佈o既?!
我無no. 係身呀~~~


作者: poheimama    時間: 09-10-21 09:44

原帖由 dodo214 於 09-10-21 09:37 發表
我記得no. ah, 不過冇我份, 已經俾人 reject 咗幾次, 唔通我個小朋友真係咁差?

作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 09:46


原帖由 poheimama 於 09-10-21 09:44 發表


作者: a1093carol    時間: 09-10-21 09:53

我個boy 都failed 咗,不過英華唔係我首選,寄望首選入到啦!
作者: Happyfather2007    時間: 09-10-21 09:56

我個仔都入唔到second in.  好似好多家長一樣, 英華係我地唯一一間好想佢考入既小學.  失望就一定架啦喇!  不過我地都相信小孩子亦已經很盡力.  其實, 小朋友對成功失敗, 感覺可能無咁強烈, 反而父母既挫敗感就真係會好強!  我諗呢幾個月好多父母每日都只係圍繞住小一入學既事情而煩惱.  係好無奈架, 制度係咁, 遊戲規則係咁, 係無辦法!  我地做父母嘅只係可以keep住高既EQ!

相信您地既孩子啦! 我地唔好好似要將孩子既一生, 濃縮哂係幾個月入面! 每個孩子都有佢既能力!  好似英華林校長咁講: 家庭係小孩子第一間最重要既學校!  我相信呢度每一位家長都係盡全力培養自己既小朋友!  各位家長, 大家已經做得好好架喇!

作者: TKTL    時間: 09-10-21 10:00

Oh no! My case is that my elder twin son gets the 2nd interview chance but not for my little twin son.

Does any parent know whether I can request the school to give the chance to my little son?
作者: poheimama    時間: 09-10-21 10:06

原帖由 a1093carol 於 09-10-21 09:53 發表
我個boy 都failed 咗,不過英華唔係我首選,寄望首選入到啦!

首選係邊間呀? 會唔會跟我一樣呢!
作者: a1093carol    時間: 09-10-21 10:08

原帖由 poheimama 於 09-10-21 10:06 發表

首選係邊間呀? 會唔會跟我一樣呢!

作者: poheimama    時間: 09-10-21 10:12

好想知, 有份2nd in的, 會唔會多數是大仔呢?
作者: Virginialum    時間: 09-10-21 10:16

I don't have the no. with me! Just called my maid and asked her to help me check it out. Found it la. But not being admitted.

Hope the other ones are OK.
作者: 嗅BB    時間: 09-10-21 10:25

作者: 猴子爸    時間: 09-10-21 10:37


原帖由 jamesbond007 於 09-10-21 00:46 發表
[quote]原帖由 猴子爸 於 09-10-21 00:44 發表
落选了。唯有寄望TSL & DBSPD,虽然机会比较渺茫。。。
继续加油!努力! [/quote

Goodluck. ...

作者: Daisy媽咪    時間: 09-10-21 10:37

原帖由 嗅BB 於 09-10-21 10:25 發表

Fail again, No choice on hand yet !
作者: 猴子爸    時間: 09-10-21 10:40

haha! very funny!


原帖由 嗅BB 於 09-10-21 10:25 發表

作者: yymeme    時間: 09-10-21 10:52

今日係我嘅生日, 大少送咗份份好好嘅禮物俾媽咪!! 呢份禮物真係好過d手袋鑽石呀.
作者: easybring    時間: 09-10-21 10:59     標題: 回覆 1# yymeme 的文章


Congrats!!! Happy Birthday to you.

Helia mammy
作者: 百厭星    時間: 09-10-21 11:11

作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-21 11:16

落選唔好失望,我朋友都落選kts,ying wa但男拔今日有信second in la, add oil everyone!
作者: easybring    時間: 09-10-21 11:25


原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-21 11:16 發表
落選唔好失望,我朋友都落選kts,ying wa但男拔今日有信second in la, add oil everyone!

作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 11:30

good luck are not belongs to me.

原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-21 11:16 發表
落選唔好失望,我朋友都落選kts,ying wa但男拔今日有信second in la, add oil everyone!

作者: ming88    時間: 09-10-21 11:35

Hi goodboyg,

May I ask why your friend received DBS letter so quick as I called to DBS this morning and they still said the 2nd interview letters have not been sent yet?  If so, is it possible to let us know when will be his son's 2nd interview date?
作者: hellojoyce    時間: 09-10-21 11:35


原帖由 Happyfather2007 於 09-10-21 09:56 發表
我個仔都入唔到second in.  好似好多家長一樣, 英華係我地唯一一間好想佢考入既小學.  失望就一定架啦喇!  不過我地都相信小孩子亦已經很盡力.  其實, 小朋友對成功失敗, 感覺可能無咁強烈, 反而父母既挫敗感就真係 ...

作者: childrenfirst    時間: 09-10-21 11:42

DBS sent out the 2nd in letter? wow,  very nervous tim!
作者: 嗅BB    時間: 09-10-21 11:50

間間都冇份, 好像世界末日

[ 本帖最後由 嗅BB 於 09-10-21 12:27 編輯 ]
作者: ritalovebaby    時間: 09-10-21 12:16

You have got DBSPS interview letter!! when ?

原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-21 11:16 發表
落選唔好失望,我朋友都落選kts,ying wa但男拔今日有信second in la, add oil everyone!

作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 12:23

咪住先, 張面見証明明寫住 23/10 公佈, 29/10 interview , 但點解個 second in list 29/10 interview date
作者: childrenfirst    時間: 09-10-21 12:25

i think they re-scheduled it, right...maybe 29.10 is a bit too rush and that's why the pushed it later..
作者: Hinbabyma    時間: 09-10-21 12:29


me too! 首選係培僑, 但面試當日, 阿仔有少少唔舒服,所以無信心可入圍......  

原帖由 a1093carol 於 09-10-21 10:08 發表


作者: dodo214    時間: 09-10-21 12:29


原帖由 嗅BB 於 09-10-21 11:50 發表
間間都冇份, 好像世界末日

作者: 嗅BB    時間: 09-10-21 12:35

作者: Primary001    時間: 09-10-21 12:46

原帖由 嗅BB 於 09-10-21 12:35 發表

作者: twinnie    時間: 09-10-21 13:04

我今朝同我個仔講無得入讀英華, 我問佢會唔會唔開心, 佢竟然同我講話冇唔開心, 下次再努力. 依句說話令我覺得原來人仔細細都已經識得諗, 不過我個仔好似鐘意聖若瑟多d, 而我就最鐘意英華小學.
作者: Primary001    時間: 09-10-21 13:07

原帖由 twinnie 於 09-10-21 13:04 發表
我今朝同我個仔講無得入讀英華, 我問佢會唔會唔開心, 佢竟然同我講話冇唔開心, 下次再努力. 依句說話令我覺得原來人仔細細都已經識得諗, 不過我個仔好似鐘意聖若瑟多d, 而我就最鐘意英華小學. ...

作者: Queenie_0012    時間: 09-10-21 13:45

原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-21 11:16 發表
落選唔好失望,我朋友都落選kts,ying wa但男拔今日有信second in la, add oil everyone!

dbs 出左喇咩?? 咁快?? 好驚~~

返緊工, 又無得返屋企睇下有無信~~

作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-21 14:13

原帖由 ming88 於 09-10-21 11:35 發表
Hi goodboyg,

May I ask why your friend received DBS letter so quick as I called to DBS this morning and they still said the 2nd interview letters have not been sent yet?  If so, is it possible to let ...

作者: Primary001    時間: 09-10-21 14:19

原帖由 goodboyg 於 09-10-21 14:13 發表


作者: 猴子爸    時間: 09-10-21 14:22


原帖由 Primary001 於 09-10-21 14:19 發表

作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-21 14:23

原帖由 ritalovebaby 於 09-10-21 12:16 發表
You have got DBSPS interview letter!! when ?

Not me , is my friend, interview at mid nov,  received letter this morning, but I am still waiting ,no letter at all!!
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 09-10-21 14:25

作者: Zoe-Mummy    時間: 09-10-21 14:28

db咁快有信? 好緊...張....呀....唔知有無奇蹟呢??

作者: goodboyg    時間: 09-10-21 14:29

原帖由 Primary001 於 09-10-21 14:19 發表

I think only "staff" can not know about the truly details, If just a cold call phone. Maybe not answer the true. I think the confirmation letter is send by teacher.
作者: lindatai    時間: 09-10-21 16:54

有無發現, 在英華的首輪面試名單中, 最後一個編號是2222, 但次輪面試名單竟然有 2223, 好奇怪! 難道他不用出席首輪面試?
作者: kakaheihei    時間: 09-10-21 17:10

我今早一睇個結果時都發現呢個問題, 明明1st Interview出的編號只是去到2222, 因為太特別, 所以我好記得呢個號碼, 但2nd Interview竟然多咗個2223出嚟, 唔知點解呢?
作者: im_cyt    時間: 09-10-21 17:12

I kind of heard Mrs Lam said in the briefing session that "children of the members in Ying Wa old boys association will be given 2nd interview" (...without first interview?? this part not remember so well).  

So, is it the child of member in the old boys association?  But it will not be quite possible that just one child of one old boy apply for Ying Wa P1........may be the other old boys are not qualified becos' they didn't join the old boys' association well before this year?

原帖由 lindatai 於 09-10-21 16:54 發表
有無發現, 在英華的首輪面試名單中, 最後一個編號是2222, 但次輪面試名單竟然有 2223, 好奇怪! 難道他不用出席首輪面試?

作者: Oscarmom    時間: 09-10-21 19:00

There was a briefing session during the children interview and the staff had mentioned that they received 2223 applicants this year.
作者: candyb    時間: 09-10-21 19:35     標題: 9 old boys failed to enter 2nd round

I have just checked with the name list. And I found that there are 9 old boys applicant not succeed to enter 300.
So tight this year!
Old boys have no guarantee!

原帖由 im_cyt 於 09-10-21 17:12 發表
I kind of heard Mrs Lam said in the briefing session that "children of the members in Ying Wa old boys association will be given 2nd interview" (...without first interview?? this part not remember so  ...

作者: fsforth    時間: 09-10-21 20:19

原帖由 candyb 於 09-10-21 19:35 發表
I have just checked with the name list. And I found that there are 9 old boys applicant not succeed to enter 300.
So tight this year!
Old boys have no guarantee!

How can u know they are old boys?
作者: paulmak818    時間: 09-10-21 20:40

my son ,,, not yet rec'd any dbs;;;;
作者: Unclejt    時間: 09-10-21 21:09

原帖由 im_cyt 於 09-10-21 17:12 發表
I kind of heard Mrs Lam said in the briefing session that "children of the members in Ying Wa old boys association will be given 2nd interview" (...without first interview?? this part not remember so  ...
Just a reminder, in case you talk to the principal in the second interview, do not call her Mrs Lam, she is Ms Lam...

[ 本帖最後由 Unclejt 於 09-10-21 21:11 編輯 ]
作者: candyb    時間: 09-10-21 21:26

Cos' according to the name list last time, there are 27 applicants re-ordering again after 2222. All those behind 2222 are old boys application.

原帖由 fsforth 於 09-10-21 20:19 發表

How can u know they are old boys?

作者: chubby2688    時間: 09-10-21 21:56

嗰 27 applicants 會唔會係病咗再補考吖??

原帖由 candyb 於 09-10-21 21:26 發表
Cos' according to the name list last time, there are 27 applicants re-ordering again after 2222. All those behind 2222 are old boys application.

作者: mamay    時間: 09-10-21 22:34

I notice that the interview schedule is not according to the application no.....i.e. start with the smallest no.
There are 3 groups with 1 from Oct 24 from 0027 to 2223.  Then Oct 31 from 0010 to 2150.  Then the normal on efrom 0002 to 2216.  I guess the 1st and 2nd group are old boys or with brother studying in YW.
作者: ping10    時間: 09-10-21 22:35

My son not on the list!! Although 預唔咗陪跑, but still have 一点点失望!!
作者: felicityn    時間: 09-10-21 22:48     標題: 回覆 42# 嗅BB 的文章

復活戰係for parents.
作者: chubby2688    時間: 09-10-21 23:09

I think so, both Oct-24 & Oct-31 are for related applicants.

原帖由 mamay 於 09-10-21 22:34 發表
I notice that the interview schedule is not according to the application no.....i.e. start with the smallest no.
There are 3 groups with 1 from Oct 24 from 0027 to 2223.  Then Oct 31 from 0010 to 215 ...

作者: whywhywhywhy    時間: 09-10-21 23:39

作者: whywhywhywhy    時間: 09-10-21 23:41

作者: whywhywhywhy    時間: 09-10-21 23:45     標題: 無所謂

我個仔都無份,無所謂啦。呢間唔得咪下一間,一定有書讀的!反而而家輕鬆左,過埋周日港同面試就暫時玩完呢個遊戲啦! 可以去玩啦!
作者: whywhywhywhy    時間: 09-10-21 23:46     標題: 無所謂

我個仔都無份,無所謂啦。呢間唔得咪下一間,一定有書讀的!反而而家輕鬆左,過埋周日港同面試就暫時玩完呢個遊戲啦! 可以去玩啦!
作者: heison    時間: 09-10-21 23:53

我個都無份,各位家長唔緊要, 希望在人間
作者: heison    時間: 09-10-21 23:59     標題: 回覆 10# Oscarmom 的文章

作者: heison    時間: 09-10-22 00:10     標題: 回覆 32# dodo214 的文章

放心,唔係你個仔差,只係競爭太大,可憐 D 小朋友同家長!!
作者: heison    時間: 09-10-22 00:17     標題: 回覆 42# 嗅BB 的文章

吓? 你估超級巨星咩?我諗都幾難, 如果有我第一個去排隊
作者: foster_ma    時間: 09-10-22 00:30

我個仔都冇得 second-in,自己有些失望又驚阿仔失望。今日先同佢講,點知佢話:「點解呀?點解唔比我讀呀?不過唔緊要啦!仲有××和××嘛。」咁我話如果嗰兩間都唔收呢?佢答:「咁咪讀××(自行的津校,得15分)囉。」我話如果呢間都入唔到呢?佢話:「咁咪再搵過其他學校,我會出更多力的。」

作者: winnieok    時間: 09-10-22 01:13     標題: 英華 second in

Luckily my son had second in at 英華...
And St paul Boy's (because dad is old boy).
作者: annaymlee    時間: 09-10-22 13:07

作者: pppp41    時間: 09-10-22 13:34

pop-up windows....可能你個ie disable左.
作者: a-lee    時間: 09-10-22 14:01     標題: YING WAH

我個囝都係衰咗. 請問可以再INTERVIEW的小朋友是幾月出世? 係咪大仔會大機會D?
作者: annienorman    時間: 09-10-22 14:07

Believe our kids, they all did very well in the interview!!! They are GREAT!!! Don't giveup ah!!!!

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