
標題: 蘇浙N1, 11月14號面試喇 ~ [打印本頁]

作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-10-16 09:06     標題: 蘇浙N1, 11月14號面試喇 ~

尋日收到信通知, 唔知會問咩呢....
作者: TinHay    時間: 09-10-16 12:21

不要擔心la。 Interview時孩子不2歲,學校不會问孩子任何問題。
他們將只觀察孩子。孩子是否活躍, 能移動 (active or not),溝通技巧是否okay。
我喜歡這所"老"學校, 因為 it is flexible。 Teachers are very nice & experiences.
Good Luck.
作者: winnie雲妮    時間: 09-10-16 13:34

28/11面試, 有小小擔心唔知會問咩~~
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-10-16 14:13

我呢, 就隨緣乍, 事實上個小朋友都未到兩歲, 距地嘅表現真係好視乎當日嘅心情...呢D唔係我地掌握得到...
作者: A9109494    時間: 09-10-16 15:46

yes, i also received letter, will interview on 14 Nov.  Is the N1 class also taught in english and mandarin only?  Then what is the difference with that of international class? no need to interview again for k1?
作者: AhBoMama    時間: 09-10-16 17:34

我都收到信喇,28/11 下午....
作者: wysze    時間: 09-10-17 00:06

11月28日上午interview, 有啲緊張添
作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-10-19 14:10

作者: Ksnoopy    時間: 09-10-19 14:42

我都收到信,28/11 上午interview
作者: sh_yip    時間: 09-10-23 01:16

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-10-16 09:06 發表
尋日收到信通知, 唔知會問咩呢....

Hi Twinboys08,

蘇浙的interview如何呀?  你仔仔幾大?  可否分享你的經驗.  Thanks in advance.
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-10-23 08:55

原帖由 sh_yip 於 09-10-23 01:16 發表

Hi Twinboys08,

蘇浙的interview如何呀?  你仔仔幾大?  可否分享你的經驗.  Thanks in advance.

sh_yip, 未去啊, 11月14先係...放心, 我一定同大家分享!!!
作者: cckay    時間: 09-10-23 10:37

我都收到信呀, 14號上午
作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-10-23 11:10

11月14日有好多interview, 當中有蘇浙...

作者: hernie    時間: 09-10-29 01:15

Hi ,
我地28/11 下午 interview, ....
SMAE AS YOU!!隨緣...小朋友都未到一歲半, 佢地嘅表現真係好視乎當日嘅心情...呢D唔係我地掌握得到...只要唔喊,乖乖坐,肯玩同笑已不錯....平日肯做的/知道問咩佢地當日都未必做呢....隨緣同攞經驗吧,等您分享!!!

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-10-16 14:13 發表
我呢, 就隨緣乍, 事實上個小朋友都未到兩歲, 距地嘅表現真係好視乎當日嘅心情...呢D唔係我地掌握得到...

作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-10-29 09:14

原帖由 hernie 於 09-10-29 01:15 發表
Hi ,
我地28/11 下午 interview, ....
SMAE AS YOU!!隨緣...小朋友都未到一歲半, 佢地嘅表現真係好視乎當日嘅心情...呢D唔係我地掌握得到...只要唔喊,乖乖坐,肯玩同笑已不錯....平日肯做的/知道問咩佢地當日都未必 ...

作者: denden18    時間: 09-10-30 11:00

我都有報蘇浙n1 呀, 其實我想問你地係咪會唸住比小朋友一直讀上去呢? 即n1, k1,2,3, then 小學?
定還是只讀n1, k1再考其他?
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-10-30 11:11     標題: 回覆 1# denden18 的文章

晌蘇浙讀n1都要再考上K1, 無得直升的...若可以, 我會俾距地讀埋幼稚園再轉其他小學....不過咁, 入到N1先再算啦 ~
作者: denden18    時間: 09-10-30 12:06

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-10-30 11:11 發表
晌蘇浙讀n1都要再考上K1, 無得直升的...若可以, 我會俾距地讀埋幼稚園再轉其他小學....不過咁, 入到N1先再算啦 ~

我就係唸緊, 如果真係入到k1,2,3, 之後通常直升上小學, 咁點轉其他小學?
作者: Quiana    時間: 09-10-30 16:18

我囡囡14/11 interview,但我囡囡仲未識講嘢點算?
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-10-30 16:59     標題: 回覆 1# Quiana 的文章

我個仔都未識講, 只講單字...放心, 有我陪你 !
作者: Quiana    時間: 09-10-30 17:36

作者: NT-1    時間: 09-11-1 00:43

原帖由 Quiana 於 09-10-30 17:36 發表

Ha, even though my boy can speak single word, he only whispers or remain silence to the stranger.  It makes no difference from your case.  Let's keep our fingers crossed :)
作者: 天賜小公主    時間: 09-11-1 13:14

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: musicien    時間: 09-11-4 09:56

May i know the difference between KCIS and KCS? ARe u interviewing for KCIS?
作者: NatalieBaby    時間: 09-11-4 10:05

kcis is the international stream, which use English as primary medium of teaching.  Some mandarin per day too.  There is no interview for entry of kcis, just submit application form to the school, and students are taken on first-come-first-serve basis.  However priority will be given to siblings.  Fee is expensive ($5,000 per month).

kcs is the local stream, which use mandarin as medium of teaching, plus some English per day.  Interview is needed for entry.  Cost is modest (a few hundreds dollars after deduction of govt reimbursement).

Hope this helps!
作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-11-6 12:50

作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-6 14:08     標題: 回覆 1# Snoopywy 的文章

哈哈 ~ 等如自己去見工咁緊張 !! 之前嗰晚記得早D瞓 !!
作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-11-6 14:37

我都會同囡囡去, 祝大家好運!
作者: mushroomn    時間: 09-11-9 12:09

作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-11-11 14:03

大家有時間的話, 不如睇睇蘇浙2009/10年度的幼兒園活動花絮 :


其實, 同playgroup比較, 我覺得好似有好多小朋友咁, 而且, 不是個個小朋友都留心上課啊...

作者: A9109494    時間: 09-11-11 16:25     標題: 回覆 17# Twinboys08 的文章

ayei, not directly promote from N1 to k1 ga??? then is the chance high?
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-11 17:55

不是個個小朋友都留心上課啊!  Come on......you expect all children of 2-3 years old to sit there and 留心上課 at the same time????  I will be scared if this school can train all the PN children like this : )

好似有好多小朋友咁! Yes but still within the ratio set by the government, which is 1 teacher to 15 students.  They have 3 teachers in the classroom at the same time.

原帖由 dada_mama 於 09-11-11 14:03 發表
大家有時間的話, 不如睇睇蘇浙2009/10年度的幼兒園活動花絮 :


其實, 同playgroup比較, 我覺得好似有好多小朋友咁, 而且, 不是個個小朋友都留心上課啊...

大家可以啤d ...

作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-11 17:57

Yes, you need to sit for the interview again, but the chance is higher based on my experience.

原帖由 A9109494 於 09-11-11 16:25 發表
ayei, not directly promote from N1 to k1 ga??? then is the chance high?

作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-11 18:01

面見 no need to pay 留位費.  Only if you accept the offer after interview that you need to pay 留位費.  Normal PN / KG around $600 留位費.

原帖由 mushroomn 於 09-11-9 12:09 發表

作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-11-13 11:00

sorb :
作者: panda_baby    時間: 09-11-13 11:05

我囝囝都係聽日interview, 請問係呼daddy or mami 其中一個入去架咋? thanks.

原帖由 Snoopywy 於 09-11-13 11:00 發表
sorb :

作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-13 11:18     標題: 回覆 1# panda_baby 的文章

我地都聽日面試...但我望完距地D生活相, 我覺得距地一斑好多小朋友....

另外, 有無人知道若爸爸媽媽是但一個係校友, 機會會唔會大D架??
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-13 12:47

若爸爸媽媽(also sister & brothers) 是但一個係校友, 機會的確比沒有的大。I think most PN and KG are like this.  Even the Hong Kong primary school allocation system is like this, alumni's child has additional mark mah.

For KCS PN and KG interview, both 爸爸媽媽 can attend the interview together with the child.

Last tips, if you don't have an offer, if you really like KCS PN, remember to write a letter (just simple is OK) to line up for the waiting list (but the waiting list is for PM class only).  If you have an PM offer and you want an AM offer, submit a letter to line up for AM asap.  As the waiting seats are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Lastly, if you fail to enter KCS PN, you can apply its KG again as KCS KG has much much more seats than KCS PN.

Relax and good luck to you all !!!

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-13 11:18 發表
我地都聽日面試...但我望完距地D生活相, 我覺得距地一斑好多小朋友....

另外, 有無人知道若爸爸媽媽是但一個係校友, 機會會唔會大D架??

作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-13 14:16     標題: 回覆 1# Sorb 的文章

Thank you so much, Sorb !!!
作者: panda_baby    時間: 09-11-13 14:29

Thank you, Sorb.
作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-11-13 14:45

作者: 天賜小公主    時間: 09-11-16 08:21

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 09:27

我都覺得無咩機會, 講真我覺得個面試形式對見PN黎講太誇張, 小朋友覺得個氣氛好緊張, 成間課室無其他小朋友咼, 我地IN時得我地, 同其他老師坐晌第度, 成個環境静英英咁....太formal, 我覺得個仔唔喊都算叻架喇, 先生叫距俾個蘋果媽咪, 距係咁俾隻蕉我, 叫距打開本書, 距就推番本書俾人, 好明顯距LIKE個先生啦 !!! 算啦, 當攞經驗嗟....
作者: 天賜小公主    時間: 09-11-16 10:09

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 10:12



作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 10:36     標題: 回覆 1# yy2009 的文章

嘩 ~ 問咁多問題嘅??? 都係嗰句, 見PN黎講太誇張喇....KG都可以接受...PN...野都未識講....
作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-11-16 10:45

我都好同意呀, 個interview好formal... 我作為家長都覺得有壓力.  我選以英文去interview, 個位外籍老師是位長輩級人馬, 很嚴肅的樣子... 我囡囡都好驚, 成場依偎住我地...
作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 11:11

We also choose to interview in english and the interviewer (foreigner) did not smile at all. Worry if she would be very strict in selecting the kids.

Also, I think the interview time is a bit short. She only tested my girl a few things. I think my girl did okay as she follow her instruction quite well.

Aiya, has to wait for two months for the result. Hardly wait........really wish if my girl can get a seat as I like this school.
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 11:11

你幾多點in?我哋11:15,個老師幾young嫁,近窗table #10,佢其實都ok,幾nice,我個囡差5多全部都答到,不過我覺得如果對一個5夠歲半小朋友黎講,似乎harsh左d。


原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-16 10:36 發表
嘩 ~ 問咁多問題嘅??? 都係嗰句, 見PN黎講太誇張喇....KG都可以接受...PN...野都未識講....

作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 11:11

dada_mama, 長輩級人馬? What do you mean ar?
作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-11-16 11:17

我講的長輩級人馬係位幾年長的人, 說話起來好似有點老牛聲囉!
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 11:33

我個仔都係見table 10呀! 我見10:15呀! 我同你問果d問題差不多, 比我想像中多野問呀! 對於歲半小朋友黎可能有d吃力, 仲要係幾分鐘內完全晒d野! (原來我老公留意到佢地每一group in既時間都有限制架, 有個timer count住架)

慶幸我個小朋友都答到9成以上(唔係扮野,我估係好彩個仔咁岩心情好),如果唔收都冇計架啦! 都盡左力!

[ 本帖最後由 kineey 於 09-11-16 11:36 編輯 ]
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 11:40

hi, kineey

原帖由 kineey 於 09-11-16 11:33 發表
我個仔都係見table 10呀! 我見10:15呀! 我同你問果d問題差不多, 比我想像中多野問呀! 對於歲半小朋友黎可能有d吃力, 仲要係幾分鐘內完全晒d野! (原來我老公留意到佢地每一group in既時間都有限制架,  ...

作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 11:41

Our interviewer is not old but also look so strict. She only asked a few questions to our girl like to read a book, to point an item in book, pass fruit to parents and herself, build block, to draw with craylons, to get a toy from another desk...etc

How about the others?
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 11:46

原帖由 yy2009 於 09-11-16 11:40 發表
hi, kineey


我個仔18個月就黎19個月啦! 你個女16個月都唔算細女啦! 佢都識答晒d問題好叻女架啦! 都係果句啦! 盡左力一切隨緣啦!  

ps: 講真如果識答晒都唔收,我都真係唔知佢收生準則啦! 可能收d有$$人(講笑)
作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 11:53

I think 16 mths can be considered as "small girl" as their application cut off is baby born on or before Aug 2008.

My girl also 16 months.

Did other interviewer asked parents questions? Our interviewer asked us questions.
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 12:03

如果計application cut off on AUG又真係算細女既, 我成日以為年尾個D先算細仔細女, 唔好意思添!


作者: cckay    時間: 09-11-16 12:10

我地interviewer無問女女圖書題+波波題呀, 可能我女女仲未識講野, 佢已經一早決定淘汰啦!
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 12:10


原帖由 kineey 於 09-11-16 12:03 發表
如果計application cut off on AUG又真係算細女既, 我成日以為年尾個D先算細仔細女, 唔好意思添!


BB鍾意玩D咩等等 ...

作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 12:12

Kineey, no problem la.
作者: mykate    時間: 09-11-16 12:42

原帖由 kineey 於 09-11-16 12:03 發表
如果計application cut off on AUG又真係算細女既, 我成日以為年尾個D先算細仔細女, 唔好意思添!


BB鍾意玩D咩等等 ...

我囡8月底出世, 14個幾月; 老師話佢係全場尾2細...
作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-11-16 12:45


作者: Snoopywy    時間: 09-11-16 12:45

原帖由 mykate 於 09-11-16 12:42 發表

我囡8月底出世, 14個幾月; 老師話佢係全場尾2細...

作者: jdhwangmom    時間: 09-11-16 12:46

我覺得老師充滿笑容又溫柔, 並不formal.
一坐下, 亞囝要去課室中間放滿玩具的地方玩, 我對老師說不好意思, 但老師好體諒地說:" 這是自然的反應, 不要緊." 老師跟隨他和問了一些問題, 囝囝都答對但好慢, 又叫囝囝拿隻碟給媽媽, 他亦做得到, 有水果和交通工具題.
最後, 老師請他選擇一種真的食物或貼紙,囝囝選了葡萄跟著放入口, 然後講多謝和再見.
我已經好滿意囝囝表現了, 希望他ok啦!
作者: mykate    時間: 09-11-16 12:57

另外, 你地有冇人都係full time mami?
個老師好 nice, focus on 我平時點教個囡; 又俾咗好多見議我, 你地有冇人都係咁~?

可能因為細女, 冇咩機會, 當幫下我卦^^
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 13:59

原帖由 mykate 於 09-11-16 12:57 發表
另外, 你地有冇人都係full time mami?
個老師好 nice, focus on 我平時點教個囡; 又俾咗好多見議我, 你地有冇人都係咁~?

可能因為細女, 冇咩機會, 當幫下我卦^^ ...

冇特別比其他意見呀! 好似幾趕咁呀! 考完仔仔一堆問題, 問下我野之後過去玩陣玩具, 之後出門口簡一樣食物之後送一張貼紙就同我地講BYE BYE LA!
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 14:14     標題: 回覆 18# yy2009 的文章

我地見9:15AM, 一個外籍老師...
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 14:23



原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-16 14:14 發表
我地見9:15AM, 一個外籍老師...

作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 15:01

我D英文都好屎呀! 所以我都係選擇左廣東話!
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 15:57     標題: 回覆 1# kineey 的文章

無辦法, 平日我地要返工, 賓賓幫手湊, 我99都有响度, 但因為我由細開始俾距地梯D教材以英文為住, 我有信心距地明英文多D, 同埋距地開始講單字都係講英文先...個外籍先生好COOL的, 笑得黎都好似好惡咁, 問下我平時小朋友晌屋企做咩啊咁囉...
作者: A9109494    時間: 09-11-16 16:03     標題: 回覆 61# mykate 的文章

my girl born in sept ga? then the smallest girl? My impression about the teacher not so friendly or nice.  Also asked a lot of questions, both to me and my daughter.  I also agree too harsh for prenursery la! I even not knew need to bring the orginal birth cert, need to hand in again today.... wait for 2 months really too long...

Also the campus not really that gd??a bit old... and the KG and primary students share the same campus???
作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-16 16:06

I thought they have a cut off for baby born on or before Aug 2008. How come your baby born in Sept has interviewed also?
作者: A9109494    時間: 09-11-16 16:08     標題: 回覆 72# wongshiulo 的文章

i dont know! but my baby born on 1 sept
作者: dada_mama    時間: 09-11-16 16:17

我都選英文, 以為會對囡囡容易些, 因為在家, 姐姐都只係講英文的... 誰不知, 那個外籍老師就嚇親囡囡啦.
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 16:29     標題: 回覆 4# A9109494 的文章

間學校叫番新過喇, 話晒有成50年啦. 算係咁, 我記得我讀嗰時仲舊咁...老師嘛, 我都唔知點講, 中國人嘅老師友善D, 可能太多人要見, 個個都有D緊張, 不過處理上我覺得幾有系統同效率, 見9:15就真係準時安排到...OK啦 ~

唔知距收幾多人呢? 同埋我都無機會問問題嘅, 我想問距地一斑有幾多個學生...
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 16:33

果個外籍老師好似坐係近門口? 我立一立都好似老老地幾cool咁, 我自己本人覺得唔知係唔係因為小朋友見到外籍人心理上會脅左小小, 始終周街都係中國人, 小朋友呢個年幾都好講安全惑, 如果感覺到果時既環境唔安全真係成個interview都影響晒。
作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-16 16:58

原帖由 dada_mama 於 09-11-16 10:45 發表
我都好同意呀, 個interview好formal... 我作為家長都覺得有壓力.  我選以英文去interview, 個位外籍老師是位長輩級人馬, 很嚴肅的樣子... 我囡囡都好驚, 成場依偎住我地... ...

除左英文,請問仲可以以咩language in??雖然平時我都有用英文教佢生字,認物件之類,但問題係我阿b見到外國人(個樣同我地吾同)會怕羞架!!國語又無同佢講過!!有無得用廣東話in?
作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-16 16:59

原帖由 wongshiulo 於 09-11-16 11:11 發表
We also choose to interview in english and the interviewer (foreigner) did not smile at all. Worry if she would be very strict in selecting the kids.

Also, I think the interview time is a bit short.  ...

作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-16 17:06

sorry, 請問係咪父母可以一齊入?

我地呢d廣東話為主既bb,吾知係咪會機會低d呢?因為而家係apply英普班......... :(
作者: kineey    時間: 09-11-16 17:15

原帖由 pingu_k 於 09-11-16 17:06 發表
sorry, 請問係咪父母可以一齊入?

我地呢d廣東話為主既bb,吾知係咪會機會低d呢?因為而家係apply英普班......... :(

父母都可以一切in架, 佢地咩收生準則真係唔知啦! 雖然係英普班姐, 用廣東話in冇影響掛, 我就係想仔仔學多幾種語言先選擇蘇浙既姐!
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-16 17:19     標題: 回覆 2# pingu_k 的文章

我都覺得用咩言語見唔係咩問題, 就係唔識先想讀距嘛 ~ 嘩, 要等2個月先有結果啊?? 真係出年先知囉 !
作者: yy2009    時間: 09-11-16 21:01

作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 09:34

Me too......just to share with you my information (離題, as the topic here is about 蘇浙) ....my girl has PN offers from蘇浙 & 衛理幼兒園 (also Victoria) last year.  I like 衛理  very much and I have even paid the Sept school fee.  However, I have finally chosen 蘇浙 for her after a series of struggle and after attended the orientation of 衛理 (so I know more about 衛理).  衛理幼兒園 is good in my opionion, I trust my kid will be happy studying there too, as the teachers are cheerful and caring in my eye (I think most Christians are nice), the school is quite organised administratively, however, it does not have English class in PN at all (KG has but not every day), which is what I emphasised a lot, so, 蘇浙 has outweigted it in this regard.

Besides, I cannot imagin how can more than 55 students learn together in a big big classroom (to be fair, with 6 teachers & 嬸嬸 in the classroom at the same time to take care of the children).  So, if one say  蘇浙 has many students in a class, 衛理幼兒園 has even more (not the case for 衛理 KG as the KG's classroom is much much smaller).

原帖由 yy2009 於 09-11-16 21:01 發表

作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-17 10:35     標題: 回覆 1# Sorb 的文章


So your daughter is studing at So chit at the end. Could you please share with us approximate how many students in one class? This is because when I browse their activity photos on the website, I found there're quite a lot of students in one class...Though I don't think my boys could get in because of their performance on the interview day, still would like to know whether I should apply for KG again next year.
作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-17 10:46

I think they still have interviews coming up on 21 & 28 of Nov.
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 10:54

There are about 33-35 students in my girl's PN class (attendance is normally 30 based on the photoes taken by the teachers as some maybe absence).  I didn't aware so many students until the 1st day of the school year.  On the first 3 days, one parent can go into the classroom with the child, so, more than 70 people crowded in the room and one of the air-conditioners was out of order.  You can imagin how it was like....horrible....it made me almost wanted to quit the school. But after the first 3 days, only the students were inside the classroom, the classrom suddenly looks very spacious woh.......so, my worry was over.  (Give you another example, for Victoria Habour View, maybe around 22 students in one class, but the area per student is lesser than KCS because the classroom of Victoria is much smaller).  

Now come to KG, 38 students in one classroom and the classroom is a little bit smaller than the PN classroom, so, a little bit less spacious.........

AM class competition in KCS is very very keen. If your kid's performance is not good, you may not get an AM offer, but I am pretty sure you can have a PM offer if you have selected PM class at the same time as I remember you/your husband is the alumni of KCS.  So, no worry.

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-17 10:35 發表

So your daughter is studing at So chit at the end. Could you please share with us approximate how many students in one class? This is because when I browse their activity photos on the website ...

作者: wongshiulo    時間: 09-11-17 11:12

Sorb, how many PN class ar?
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 11:47

I can't remember exactly, I think is 5 classes (3 AM classes + 2 PM), approximately 180 seats.

If you have time to tour around the campus, all the PN classes are situated on the G/F and it will have the label marked as N1A/N1B/N1C... outside the classroom.  You can peek into the classroom to observe how the class is conducted and if it is crowded or not.  KCS is quite Open Door in term of this, so, it is good for the full time mum as they can peek through the window of the door to see how their children behave in the class : )

原帖由 wongshiulo 於 09-11-17 11:12 發表
Sorb, how many PN class ar?

作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-17 14:08

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-11-17 10:54 發表
There are about 33-35 students in my girl's PN class (attendance is normally 30 based on the photoes taken by the teachers as some maybe absence).  I didn't aware so many students until the 1st day of ...

wow, sooooo many students in one class!!  Even hv enough teachers to take care of them, would the big class affect the concentration of learning?.......
作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-17 14:09

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-16 17:19 發表
我都覺得用咩言語見唔係咩問題, 就係唔識先想讀距嘛 ~ 嘩, 要等2個月先有結果啊?? 真係出年先知囉 !

tks Twinboys08 & kineey!!
作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-17 14:10

原帖由 wongshiulo 於 09-11-17 10:46 發表
I think they still have interviews coming up on 21 & 28 of Nov.

yes, I'll hv interview on 28/11!  but waiting for two mths to hv the result......will they hv interviews in Dec & Jan??
作者: Twinboys08    時間: 09-11-17 14:17     標題: 回覆 6# Sorb 的文章


Many thanks ah ! You're amazing that you could remember either me or my husband is alumni !!

Really need to think about it as didn't expect there're so many students in one class...with one teacher only ? How will they manage to focus on each student then ?
作者: jdhwangmom    時間: 09-11-17 14:45

1) english
2) 廣東話
3) 國語


[ 本帖最後由 jdhwangmom 於 09-11-17 14:46 編輯 ]
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 15:11

Additional information:  During the English session, the 3 Chinese teachers will stay inside together with the NET. So, for 1/3 of the time per day, the classroom has 4 teachers co-exist.  For PN class, they will divide the whole class into 3 groups with a Chinese teacher taking care of one group.

I have mentioned this information before, both my kid's PN and KG class, they have 3 teachers (and 1 嬸嬸) taking care of the children.  So, the teacher to student ratio is much better than the government requirement which is 1 to 15.

I think for many other PN and KG, they may have around 25-28 students per class with 2 teachers taking care of them.....

原帖由 Twinboys08 於 09-11-17 14:17 發表

Many thanks ah ! You're amazing that you could remember either me or my husband is alumni !!

Really need to think about it as didn't expect there're so many students in one class...with one t ...

[ 本帖最後由 Sorb 於 09-11-17 15:17 編輯 ]
作者: A9109494    時間: 09-11-17 16:32     標題: 回覆 86# Sorb 的文章

Hi Sorb,

May i ask what is the teaching language of PN class?  Is it mandarin and english only? then what is the ratio of mandarin : english??
All taught by native speakers?  BTW y didn't u choose victoria?  Thanks!
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 18:24

May i ask what is the teaching language of PN class? ENGLISH AND MANDARINE ONLY IN BOTH PN AND KG.  NO CANTONESE AT ALL.

What is the ratio of mandarin : english?? PN - 30 MINUTES ENGLISH OUT OF 3 HOUR CLASS.  KG - 45 MINUTES OUT OF 3 HOUR'S CLASS

All taught by native speakers? YES, ALL NET


原帖由 A9109494 於 09-11-17 16:32 發表
Hi Sorb,

May i ask what is the teaching language of PN class?  Is it mandarin and english only? then what is the ratio of mandarin : english??
All taught by native speakers?  BTW y didn't u choose vi ...

作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-17 19:02

A9109494, I don't want to mislead you to make a wrong choice.  Victoria is a good school also, if you emphasis English more, Victoria is supposed to be stronger than KCS as the former has 雙班主任制 at all times, i.e. a Chinese and a English teacher exist in the classroom together.  When compared to KCS, it is more 活動教學. I trust your child will be happy studying there too with less homework, no test, so, suppose less pressure. (I have 4 friends whose kid studied in Victoria PN but 3 of them now changed to other more famous KG in K1).  Actually, weather you like the school or not sometimes depends on if you are lucky to meet the good teachers of that school.   

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-11-17 18:24 發表
May i ask what is the teaching language of PN class? ENGLISH AND MANDARINE ONLY IN BOTH PN AND KG.  NO CANTONESE AT ALL.

What is the ratio of mandarin : english?? PN - 30 MINUTES ENGLISH OUT OF 3 HOU ...

作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-18 01:00

原帖由 Sorb 於 09-11-17 18:24 發表
May i ask what is the teaching language of PN class? ENGLISH AND MANDARINE ONLY IN BOTH PN AND KG.  NO CANTONESE AT ALL.

What is the ratio of mandarin : english?? PN - 30 MINUTES ENGLISH OUT OF 3 HOU ...

Dear Sorb,
may i know which Victoria's playgroup u were in?  I've also applied for Victoria's pg, though still waiting.......tks!
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-18 09:39

Victoria Habour View in Fortress Hill, I joined 2 years ago for one year.  One of my friends whose kid is attending the Victoria playgroup in South Horizon said this one is OK.  So, I think it depends on location and the teachers.  You just try to see if you like it.  At my time, pay monthly fee of around $1200 and can quit give one month's notice.  So, the investment is not huge.  But most of the parents in my playgroup did not quit though all feel not good as we think it may have a higher chance of entering Victoria if we join the playgroup (but I finally gave up Victoria, so, the investment is not worth, hahaha).  I think it is partyly true as long as you choose PM class also.  As far as I know, if you have no connection with Victoria (like Alumni) or the parents do not have very very strong backgroud, like graduate of St Paul Co-ed, it is almost impossible for you to get an AM offer.

原帖由 pingu_k 於 09-11-18 01:00 發表

Dear Sorb,
may i know which Victoria's playgroup u were in?  I've also applied for Victoria's pg, though still waiting.......tks!

作者: A9109494    時間: 09-11-18 12:05     標題: 回覆 96# Sorb 的文章

Hi Sorb,

Thanks for yr reply.  That means most of the time speaks in mandarin in KCS. If no cantonese at all, is there any difficulty in studying in chinese words, especially the pronunciation when go up to primary 1???

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