
標題: St paul convent /marymount [打印本頁]

作者: A9109494    時間: 09-9-23 16:31     標題: St paul convent /marymount

Which one is better in terms of academic performances, teacher standards, homework or test/exam loads and environment? 
作者: ziyi    時間: 09-9-23 16:59

you are asking is 99.93 compare with 99.931
I think this is meaningless question
for most of parent, if the child can got the offer from either one, they will happy
but St. Paul Convent is private school and Marymount is adied

原帖由 A9109494 於 09-9-23 16:31 發表
Which one is better in terms of academic performances, teacher standards, homework or test/exam loads and environment?  

作者: wunma    時間: 09-9-23 17:20

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作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 09-9-23 17:40

my niece is studying in Marymount Secondary School.  There were 1/3 of her primary school classmates were rejected when they promoted to Secondary school.

so there is a risk you need to take if you choose Marymount.  If your daughter is good all around, Marymount is free which is very attractive.

my 2%.
原帖由 A9109494 於 09-9-23 16:31 發表
Which one is better in terms of academic performances, teacher standards, homework or test/exam loads and environment?  

作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-23 19:02

Marymount :
- 津貼,六年唔駛交學費
- 校舍新又夠大,遠離鬧市,空氣好D
- 現任校長教學管理好,家長支持,傳統得嚟亦較開明
- 學生行精英制,只有約5-6成能直上中學
- 跟教署要減每班人數,近30學生一班
- 英語教學
- 整體校風較開朗(只是兩者比較上的差異)
- 多數要補習
- 道聽途說中學近年比較沒有聖保祿般好
- 功課、默書、測驗、考試煩重,家長要有準備
- 冬季校服件長褸jacket幾型

St Paul's Convent (Primary) :
- 私校,每月約$2500,六年要比約$150,000學費
- 校舍夠大,空氣一般,交通方便,放學可即刻行去補習社
- 多數要補習,附近兩間最hit補習社長期waiting list
- 絕對傳統修女式教學模式
- 英語教學,近年加深中文程度
- 整體校風較傳統(只是兩者比較上的差異)
- 約8-9成學生能直上中學
- 書單課本程度一般,但課堂上會派好多補充練習
- 大班教學,近40學生一班,老師好難睇得晒,學生要靠自己多D
- 中學教學名聲及成績維持極佳
- 功課、默書、測驗、考試煩重,家長要有準備
作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-9-23 21:42

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作者: kyliejet    時間: 09-9-24 09:51

如果經濟許可, 當然St. Paul Convent. 但一般家庭, 我會選Marymount. St. Paul Convent 中學小學都要俾錢, 慳返哩啲錢用黎補習及課外活動都好呀.
作者: OldSim    時間: 09-9-24 10:53

如果”錢”不是考慮因素,又不介意比較專制的學校政策(例如不準送飯/不鼓勵家長間多交流溝通/不準為學生送交漏帶的功課或課本/家校沒有特別交流溝通-i.e no news is good news).為確保升中無煩惱,宜選SPC.
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 09-9-24 11:40

原帖由 ziyi 於 09-9-23 04:59 PM 發表
you are asking is 99.93 compare with 99.931
I think this is meaningless question
for most of parent, if the child can got the offer from either one, they will happy
but St. Paul Convent is private sch ...

作者: A9109494    時間: 09-9-24 17:36     標題: 回覆 5# xxixixx 的文章

thanks for your information!
作者: avbee    時間: 09-9-24 23:51

i guess that spc is better....because i had 6 friends who gradu. from spc.....these girls are very smart and also aggressive (similar as DGS girls)..........

so depends what you want your girls would be in the future
作者: christineyan    時間: 09-9-25 00:05

Dear Axxxx and Old sim,

Besides school fees, all the points mentioned by old sim, I want to share with you about those points.  SPCS is training the students to be more confident, responsible, independent and care to others.  My girl is P2 now.  I am quite worried at earlier stage like they need to handover the form to office, change uniform by herself.......But they can make it within short time!!

I have the same questions with you Axxxxx, I finally chose SPCS because the learning atmosphere is not that stressful, more flexible. You don't find yourself being discriminating or ashamed if you are not doing well in subject.  You have room to improve. Of course you cannot fail.

With frequent changes of the education system(primary to sec), I don't want to take any risk or girl need to be a exam machine in order to stay in BAND 1......sort of problem that you always find in subsidy school.  You can PM me if you want more details!

Hope this can help!!
作者: KK07    時間: 09-9-25 13:22

"如果”錢”不是考慮因素,又不介意比較專制的學校政策(例如不準送飯/不鼓勵家長間多交流溝通/不準為學生送交漏帶的功課或課本/家校沒有特別交流溝通-i.e no news is good news).為確保升中無煩惱,宜選SPC."


你嘅description 都幾幽默, 不過我又覺得學校咁做都OK. 我女初初發覺帶漏書本都馬上要call 我送去學校, 後來知道要到校長office 取件, 她會先量值不值得才這樣做, 普通功課就算, 帶漏美術用品而上堂會被老師責駡兼冇得上美術堂, 她寧願扣conduct mark 也向我求救.  This is a training, train the kid to be more careful and independent, and be responsible to her own action. 校長也不是"不鼓勵家長間多交流溝通", 我記得她是不鼓勵家長透過其他家長去了解自己女兒在學校的情況.  唔准送飯無問題呀! 過千學生同時午飯, 地方and logistics都是問題.
作者: OldSim    時間: 09-9-25 14:34


原帖由 KK07 於 09-9-25 13:22 發表
"如果”錢”不是考慮因素,又不介意比較專制的學校政策(例如不準送飯/不鼓勵家長間多交流溝通/不準為學生送交漏帶的功課或課本/家校沒有特別交流溝通-i.e no news is good news).為確保升中無煩惱,宜選SPC."



作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-25 15:24



作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-9-25 15:29

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作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-25 15:51

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-9-25 15:29 發表

why 25pt only 70-80% and not 100%??
if that is the case the 20% should be 0...

作者: wootaitai    時間: 09-9-25 16:05

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作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-25 16:18

原帖由 wootaitai 於 09-9-25 16:05 發表
I know. But if 25pts is not 100% then 20 should have 0 chance.

20分不會是0 chance,不過肯定要抽籤。
作者: ziyi    時間: 09-9-25 16:24




原帖由 xxixixx 於 09-9-25 16:18 發表

20分不會是0 chance,不過肯定要抽籤。

作者: littlefaith    時間: 09-9-25 16:38

原帖由 ziyi 於 09-9-25 16:24 發表


定你說的是不同年度?因為我聽聞聖家等,有些年份15分有機會抽籤入,有些年份要20分 ...



作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-25 16:39

原帖由 ziyi 於 09-9-25 16:24 發表


定你說的是不同年度?因為我聽聞聖家等,有些年份15分有機會抽籤入,有些年份要20分 ...

作者: littlefaith    時間: 09-9-25 16:58

原帖由 xxixixx 於 09-9-25 16:39 發表


作者: rtam    時間: 09-9-25 22:41


原帖由 xxixixx 於 09-9-23 19:02 發表
Marymount :
- 津貼,六年唔駛交學費
- 校舍新又夠大,遠離鬧市,空氣好D
- 現任校長教學管理好,家長支持,傳統得嚟亦較開明
- 學生行精英制,只有約5-6成能直上中學
- 跟教署要減每班人數,近30學生一班
- 英語教學
- 整體校風較 ...

作者: rtam    時間: 09-9-25 22:48

Hi Christineyan,


原帖由 christineyan 於 09-9-25 00:05 發表
Dear Axxxx and Old sim,

Besides school fees, all the points mentioned by old sim, I want to share with you about those points.  SPCS is training the students to be more confident, responsible, indepe ...

作者: christineyan    時間: 09-9-26 11:22

THnks for your reply.

Your concern is really normal in many school.  They expect students to enchance their reading and get more other knowledge (not only from textbook).  E.g.  For P2 GS, you will find many unexpected questions from the test paper especially from Govt school.  They expect you to watch "NEWS".  Actually it was not that horrible, that is new phenomenon. However all those points are really subjective.  In fact, the syllabus of Chinese is more difficult but GS, Maths and English are in acceptable level in English primary school.  With their mutli assessment system, pass is not that difficult.  If they fail, I think her standard is really really far.  Don't worry!!
作者: rr    時間: 09-9-26 12:43

不用太擔心, 上中學的比率, 只要成績不是太差, 上MSS一定無問題, 如果小朋友的成績fall off, 勉強上MSS亦有一定的煩惱. 最緊要是保持小朋友在平均水平中(中等). 相信任何一間有直屬中學的學校都一樣唔想收小學最後部份的學生啦.   

MPS 是很好的英文小學, 又是津貼學校, 唔使交學費,家長可以將金錢資源絕對放在課外活動上. 功課又不緊迫, 孩子相當輕鬆, 真正愉快學習.
作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-28 13:44

原帖由 rtam 於 09-9-25 22:41 發表



[ 本帖最後由 xxixixx 於 09-9-28 14:02 編輯 ]
作者: xxixixx    時間: 09-9-28 14:01


http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: CFaHB    時間: 09-9-29 09:16

在暑假叩門, 有幸2間都收小女,
結果係 take mps

到收的時候, 時間不容, 再問下呀女, 唸下 d details 位
作者: rtam    時間: 09-9-29 10:22

多謝你的資料, 我猜SPC的学生給我的印象就是在那種讀書壓力變得cool, 有嚴格的訓練是會出高徒的, 問題是我們父母想自己的女兒在中小學階段被塑造成什麽模樣/個性, 倒轉想, 自己亦要想自己的女兒適合這種學校文化嗎?

原帖由 xxixixx 於 09-9-28 14:01 發表


作者: rtam    時間: 09-9-29 10:26


既然兩校相似, SP升中近全部, MMP則只有六成, 那什麽因素幫你決定?
原帖由 CFaHB 於 09-9-29 09:16 發表
在暑假叩門, 有幸2間都收小女,
結果係 take mps

到收的時候, 時間不容, 再問下呀女, 唸下 d details 位
發覺原來你心中一早就有答案 ...

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