
標題: 0910 - K1D AM [打印本頁]

作者: aachan    時間: 09-8-31 14:01     標題: 0910 - K1D AM

Hi 各位


今朝第一日返學有冇乜野得意野發生呢? 大家share下啦!
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-8-31 14:35

Hi, aachan, my son, Jason,  is also in K1D. Nice to see you here!

Both my husband and I have not taken leave today. We just don't want to make him feel nervous. I learned from our helper that Jason didn't cry when he got off from the school bus after class. But he cried very loudly when he found I was not there waiting for him.......I was a little regretful for not taking leave today....really want to know what happened in school.

May I know the name of your girl/boy?

[ 本帖最後由 wendyhong7777 於 09-8-31 14:37 編輯 ]
作者: aachan    時間: 09-8-31 14:50

Hi wendy

我囡囡叫Chloe 浩儀呀!

我今日都冇請假, 淨係送佢去搭校車.

我頭先打電話返屋企, Chloe話有同學仔喊喊, 問佢返學開唔開心, 佢就話開心, 咁我諗應該都OK既, 不過詳情都要放工返屋企再問工人先知!

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-8-31 14:35 發表
Hi, aachan, my son, Jason,  is also in K1D. Nice to see you here!

Both my husband and I have not taken leave today. We just don't want to make him feel nervous. I learned from our helper that Jason d ...

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-8-31 15:14

Chloe 好叻呀!

我都要等返到屋企先知道詳情。Let's keep communicating.
作者: aachan    時間: 09-8-31 21:47

我個女話今日佢地玩波波, 問佢仲有冇其他野玩就話冇, 都唔知係唔係.

今日好瘀, 竟然唔記得返學前探熱, 老師係本handbook大大隻字寫住欠量體溫, 阿女係我返到屋企時第一時間大大聲同我講: 媽媽, 你唔記得左幫我探熱呀! (老師都幾犀利, 唔知用乜野方法令小朋友記得提爸爸媽媽)

Btw, K1D係咪得26人呢?
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-1 10:04

Your daughter is really great! We also forgot to write down the body temperature yesterday﹐but Jason didn't mention it.... But he told me he didn't cry in school. That is good enough for me, since he is the younger kid (he will be 3-year old at the end of September). He also finished the snack we put in his box :)

I think there are around 30 kids in the class.
作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-1 13:38

Hi aachan and wendy,

My son, Arthur is in K1D.  Nice to meet you all here...!

Both Chloe and Jason did very good yesterday!

I have taken a leave yesterday and went to school with him.  He's really excited and happy.  He told me that he didn't cry but not mentioned what he did yesterday......

作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-1 17:30

Hello Arthur媽媽!

好開心又多一個同學仔媽媽上左黎呀! 如果再多D人就好喇!

我琴晚發現有幾個K1D媽媽原來之前已經o係"談幼稚園" "蒲頭", 我已經回覆話呢邊都開左個Thread,希望佢地會過黎一齊傾下計啦!  

原帖由 SHeiB 於 09-9-1 13:38 發表
Hi aachan and wendy,

My son, Arthur is in K1D.  Nice to meet you all here...!

Both Chloe and Jason did very good yesterday!

:excited: :excited:

I have taken a leave yesterday and went to school w ...

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-2 17:47

Hello, Arthur Mummy!

昨天問Jason, "是不是有一個同學仔叫 Chloe?" "是!" "是不是有一個同學仔叫Arthur?" "是!"  

我心中暗喜﹐但再問"是不是有一個同學仔叫Elvis (亂作的名)?" Jason又答 "是!" 再問"是不是有一個同學仔叫Marco?" 又答 "是!" :;pppp:
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-3 13:45

Jason is sooo cute!

I also asked my Chloe whether she has a classmate called Jason and Arthur, she just told me that she had no idea.

Dunno if our kids are still small and they dunno how to make friends / communicate with other kids.  

Btw, have other K1D parents ever received call from the teacher?  My friend whose son studying in another class received call from the teacher yesterday, updating the status of her kid.  So far I have received no call from KV. Quite disappointed.

On top, there's a notice received yesterday regarding the prevention of H1N1.  How come there is no details / instructions to parents but only pictures on the notice?  I thought the teacher has read / gone through this with the kids but when I asked my dau, she said she didn't know what it was.  Some of the pictures are self-explanatory but there're one or two which I hardly guess it's actually meaning.   I am so worry that's the way of communication between the school and parents.

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-2 17:47 發表
Hello, Arthur Mummy!

昨天問Jason, "是不是有一個同學仔叫 Chloe?" "是!" "是不是有一個同學仔叫Arthur?" "是!"  

我心中暗喜﹐但再問"是不是有一個同學仔叫Elvis (亂作的名)?" Jason又答 "是!" 再問"是不是有一個 ...

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-3 14:07     標題: 回覆 1# aachan 的文章

Hello Chloe Mummy and Jason Mummy,

Glad to see your reply....!

I have also asked my son the same question as yours... and the answer is "don't know ar".......:;pppp:

May be as Chloe Mummy said, they are still young and new to this school, it is still not easy for them to tell us what they did in school....wait and see!

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-3 15:47

I have not got any phone call from KV either. But I think there are so many kids in the class, and maybe the teachers just call some of the parents when they think necessary.

Jason goes to school by school bus everyday. I learned from another mommy that after class, they are not going back home directly from the Kent Road Campus. Every morning at 10:45 (11:45 after 11 Sep), all the kids in the Kent Road will get on a big bus which transfer them to the Dorset Road campus. They will get off there and then get on different school buses to different districts. This takes about 15 minutes.

Another problem worries me is that there is no safe belt on the school bus!
作者: KY    時間: 09-9-3 16:12

我囡囡童童都係1D 呀,希望以後可以大家分享下 !

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-4 00:22

Me too, no phone call from the teachers!  

Hello KY, nice to meet you here.

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-3 15:47 發表
I have not got any phone call from KV either. But I think there are so many kids in the class, and maybe the teachers just call some of the parents when they think necessary.

Jason goes to school by ...

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-4 10:22

童童媽咪﹐nice to see you here!

昨天聽Jason說﹐老師給他們看Hello Kitty 電視﹐又話學校有好多小魚 :)
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-4 17:02

Hi KY!  Glad to have you here!


Jason真係好乖, 會同你講佢係學校做過D乜。 Chloe開始唔耐煩我日日追問佢學校有乜玩, 依家佢索性話唔記得!
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-4 23:56

hi 大家好 我都係k1d同學仔 今晚終於可以夜d訓上黎 因為我係自己湊返同放學 今日我囡囡同我講佢地出咗去餵魚 仲好開心 上到黎見到你地d相 有幾個我都係班見到 到時如果見到你地 同你地say 個hi
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-5 00:05

唉 我都係..... 學校幫囡囡寫番體溫 仲要用紅筆寫......... 俾一次機會都得掛

原帖由 aachan 於 09-8-31 21:47 發表
我個女話今日佢地玩波波, 問佢仲有冇其他野玩就話冇, 都唔知係唔係.

今日好瘀, 竟然唔記得返學前探熱, 老師係本handbook大大隻字寫住欠量體溫, 阿女係我返到屋企時第一時間大大聲同我講: 媽媽, 你唔記得左幫我探熱 ...

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-7 01:03     標題: 回覆 2# 小靜姸 的文章

Thank you Jason & 小靜姸 update!

唉! 我囝囝每日都話佢係學校玩, 再問佢玩乜, 就答"玩具law"!! 冇氣....
作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-7 01:36

雖然囝囝只係話玩玩具, 但見佢拎住d貼紙好開心同我講:"老師送架!"..我都好開心!!

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-7 13:55

hi 唔知呢班有無小朋友係搭校車? 我今日第一次俾囡囡搭返學 但係發現原本2座位竟然係會安排坐3個小朋友 好迫 唔知你地個部車係咪都有同樣情況呢?
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-7 15:09

靜妍媽咪﹐Jason 搭的校車也有這種情況﹐我見過4個小朋友坐3個座位﹐而且沒有安全帶! 我擔心如果放學小朋友在車上睡覺﹐會碌落來!

我正尋找保姆車﹐看看是否情況好些。但保姆車不可以開到校門口﹐下雨會好麻煩﹐而且沒有老師跟車。而且我這區(將軍澳)暫時沒見到有保姆車到根德園。如果哪位媽媽有保姆車消息﹐麻煩通告一聲! Thanks!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-9-7 13:55 發表
hi 唔知呢班有無小朋友係搭校車? 我今日第一次俾囡囡搭返學 但係發現原本2座位竟然係會安排坐3個小朋友 好迫 唔知你地個部車係咪都有同樣情況呢?

[ 本帖最後由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-7 15:10 編輯 ]
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-7 22:18

我都係擔心緊放學坐車小朋友會訓覺既問題 (係一定會訓因為我係尾站) 所以我會自己去接放學.....
今日打個電話去問學校點解兩坐位會坐三個小朋友? 佢話係附合運輸署條例  我話但係個個係兩坐位 點坐3個人 佢話根據條例小朋友可以坐3個 大人就坐兩個 唉........ O甘都得  而安全蔕我問個人 話出年先立例   唉........ 我而家都搵緊D保母車  但係頭先見到出面有個TOPIC 講緊保母車有D都係會有迫埋一齊既情況  所以我地都係要問清楚同睇清楚好D

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-7 15:09 發表
靜妍媽咪﹐Jason 搭的校車也有這種情況﹐我見過4個小朋友坐3個座位﹐而且沒有安全帶! 我擔心如果放學小朋友在車上睡覺﹐會碌落來!

我正尋找保姆車﹐看看是否情況好些。但保姆車不可以開到校門口﹐下雨會好麻煩﹐而且沒有老師跟車 ...

作者: karen_dingding    時間: 09-9-8 13:00

Hello, all parents! I am the new comer.

My kid is studying K1D in Dorset Campus; his name is Gerald. Is your kid studying the same class?
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-8 13:35

HI 我地係根德道校舍 雖然大家唔同校舍 但係都好歡迎你入黎傾吓 做個朋友

原帖由 karen_dingding 於 09-9-8 13:00 發表
Hello, all parents! I am the new comer.

My kid is studying K1D in Dorset Campus; his name is Gerald. Is your kid studying the same class?

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-8 13:40     標題: 回覆 2# 小靜姸 的文章

Arthur 星期一開始坐保姆車喇! 但尋日佢話我知放學搭車時訓左覺.....!   

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-8 13:42

Welcome to join!

原帖由 karen_dingding 於 09-9-8 13:00 發表
Hello, all parents! I am the new comer.

My kid is studying K1D in Dorset Campus; his name is Gerald. Is your kid studying the same class?

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-8 14:54

各位媽咪﹐Miss Tse called me yesterday at around 9:00 PM , and updated me about Jason's progress in school. She sounded very nice, and told me Jason has been doing well in school. But she told me that Jason was a little bit slow in responding to her instructions sometimes. I explained that as I'm not speaking very fluent Cantoness, I usually communicate with Jason in English or Putonghua. Miss Tse also told me that she usually would not call parents if everything is ok. So, no call from school means your kids are doing very well!

[ 本帖最後由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-8 14:57 編輯 ]
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-8 17:42

Hi 各位媽媽:

我昨晚都收到Ms Cheng既電話, 基本上佢都係Update番小朋友o係頭一個星期既情況。跟Jason差不多, Ms Cheng都係話Chloe好乖好定。Thanks God!

褓姆車 vs 校車

Chloe依家都係搭校車, 不過我都想幫佢轉搭褓姆車,因為校車實在太早(7:30上車) 同埋車程太耐 (>1hr), 再加上校車沒有安全帶, 放學又要搭接駁車去Dorset校舍, 真係好令人擔心安全問題。

之前聯絡左個褓姆車 (由美孚去根德園), 時間同價錢都好過校車, 仲有安全帶添, 不過就未問詳情, 例如邊度上落車同埋有冇人帶等。不過睇完其他家長話褓姆車唔可以o係campus門口上落, 真係有D擔心! 再搞唔掂就寧願叫工人接送, 不過又驚逼地鐵對小朋友黎講有危險。 真係煩死人!
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-9 08:56

HI 今朝湊呀囡上校車返學 架車又無O甘迫 坐番兩個小朋友  真奇怪 ?
今朝諗住自己湊呀囡返學 點知佢話 "唔駛啦 我自己得啦"
原來佢有個朋友仔係同一齊搭車 仲一上車就傾計  唉  O甘都好起碼唔會訓覺 我都放心D  
尋晚老都有打電話俾我 講番呀囡係學校既情況 我都有問番佢野 老師都好詳細同有耐性同我傾 其實我諗呢間學校都唔會好似出面傳O甘軍校啫
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-9 09:52

其實總共有幾位老師呀? Miss Tse, Miss Cheng, 我記得之前學校的信上說有位Miss Chok, 不知對不對?
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-9 10:00

作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-9 14:23

So far I only know there're 2 teachers in K1D, one is Miss Tse and the other one is Miss Chong.   Sorry that I've typed Miss Tse in Miss Cheng earlier.

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-9 09:52 發表
其實總共有幾位老師呀? Miss Tse, Miss Cheng, 我記得之前學校的信上說有位Miss Chok, 不知對不對?

作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-9 14:27


Chloe told me that Jason cried in the class today.  Dunno if it's true or not.
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-10 09:55

Oh, let me ask him today...Chole 好叻呀﹐會留意其他小朋友發生的事.....Jason is still quite self-centered and seldom notices what happen to other kids.

原帖由 aachan 於 09-9-9 14:27 發表

Chloe told me that Jason cried in the class today.  Dunno if it's true or not.

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-11 12:47

Chloe 媽咪, Chloe is right. Jason told me he cried in school yesterday "because I miss mommy". But Miss Tse called me last night, and told me Jason cried because he tipped over his biscuit box, and all biscuits fell onto the floor.
作者: sunsoman    時間: 09-9-11 13:09     標題: hi

我個女都係讀K1D叫Natasha我唔知係咪有兩班呢因佢個班主任叫Miss Sung.我未有收個電話但個女擒日同我講話學咗個'大'字
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-11 15:31

Hi Natasha 媽媽:

我想你囡囡應該係返Dorset campus.  我地Ms Tse 同Ms Chong教既係Kent Road K1D.

Anyway, 我地都好歡迎你Join我地! 得閒多D上黎啦!

原帖由 sunsoman 於 09-9-11 13:09 發表
我個女都係讀K1D叫Natasha我唔知係咪有兩班呢因佢個班主任叫Miss Sung.我未有收個電話但個女擒日同我講話學咗個'大'字

作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-11 15:38

Hi Jason 媽,

That's very interesting!  

Actually, Chloe told me last night that Jason cried again in the class.  I asked her what had happened to Jason and she said Jason tipped over his snack box and all the "grapefruit" fell onto the ground.  (I wonder if Chloe knows what grapefruit is.  Now it's clear that she was wrong... it should be biscuit, not grapefruit)

But according to Chloe, the reason why Jason cried on Wednesday was that he missed his mom, that's you!  Seems Jason did tell you the truth!


原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-11 12:47 發表
Chloe 媽咪, Chloe is right. Jason told me he cried in school yesterday "because I miss mommy". But Miss Tse called me last night, and told me Jason cried because he tipped over his biscuit box, and al ...

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-11 18:00

唉......真係對校車無咩信心 本來見呀囡搭返學O甘開心 諗住下個禮拜俾佢搭埋放學 點知今日放學發現個書包超級DIRTY 係全個書包變咗黑色 接放學時無留意到 因為好大雨我好快速把囡囡書包放入我袋  返到屋企我發現  跟住問呀囡WHY 佢話跌咗落地  因為呀囡唔係好識表達 我問佢你係咪係校車跌 ? 佢話係 跟住我問佢你有無跌親? 佢話有呀 我問佢 你邊度痛? 佢又話"無噃"  唉都唔知佢有無跌親 D黑色DIRTY仲要用藍X寶都抺唔走 極有可能係落車跌咗  而家都諗緊打唔打返學校問?
作者: 開心嵐嵐    時間: 09-9-14 11:53


你們好, 我的囡囡 - 嵐嵐都是就讀根德園上午K1D(根德道), 我想跟你們一同分享囝囝囡囡在校內的情況!

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-14 13:02

各位媽咪﹐ Jason is sick today. He had a fever during the weekend and still a little bit cough today. So he didn't go to school....Take care!

Chloe Mummy,

You know what? Chloe is right!! Jason likes grapefruit very much and I put a little bit grapefruit in his snake box together with biscuit last Thursday. I think both the grapefruit and biscuit fell onto the the floor. It seems that we should really belive in our kids sometimes!

原帖由 aachan 於 09-9-11 15:38 發表
Hi Jason 媽,

That's very interesting!  

Actually, Chloe told me last night that Jason cried again in the class.  I asked her what had happened to Jason and she said Jason tipped over his snack box a ...

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-14 15:49

HI 你好 歡迎你

原帖由 開心嵐嵐 於 09-9-14 11:53 發表

你們好, 我的囡囡 - 嵐嵐都是就讀根德園上午K1D(根德道), 我想跟你們一同分享囝囝囡囡在校內的情況!

你們的囝囝囡囡返完頭兩週的適應期如何! ...

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-14 15:51

希望jason 快d 好番

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-14 13:02 發表
各位媽咪﹐ Jason is sick today. He had a fever during the weekend and still a little bit cough today. So he didn't go to school....Take care!

Chloe Mummy,

You know what? Chloe is right!! Jason likes g ...

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-14 15:59

hi 今日打風 都好差不唔多放學先掛3號  唔知聽朝會點呢? 今日巳經係正式上課時間 我今日問囡囡學咗什麼  佢學咗個一字   唔知你地小朋友都係咪o甘講呢?
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-14 22:59

hi 小靜妍、嵐嵐媽你地好呀! 以後多d上黎傾下啦!
Chloe今日話係學校學左個大字,佢仲做埋個動作出來 (將成個人擘大),我想是老師教的。另外今日多左個叫Ms man 既老師彈琴,不過再問唱左乜野歌,就話唔記得。

jason, 祝你早日康復!
作者: CheaChea    時間: 09-9-15 07:16

Hi to every mummy,

My daughter is QVI or Kiu Kiu. She has studied in K1D Kent Road.

Hope Jason get better later.

Thank you for your information about their school life.

She finished two -week school day but she still is not good motivated going to school.

I always ask to my daughter about her situation in school. She only said unknown. I cannot share her feeling from school. Your information can be stimulated to her memory.
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-17 14:57

各位媽媽﹐Jason已經好番﹐昨天已經開始返學。不過﹐Miss Tse 剛才打電話來﹐說Jason又在學校哭了﹐一路大聲說 "我要返屋企"。。。看來他尚未完全適應﹐讓我有點擔心。。。

Miss Tse 真是一位不錯的老師﹐及時跟進小朋友在學校的情況。再次收到她的電話﹐讓我有D感動。
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-17 15:01

其實﹐應該怎樣幫助小朋友適應學校生活呢? 聽到Jason 在學校哭﹐讓我有點不知所措。是不是大部份男仔相對晚熟﹐所以反而比女仔嗲D呢?
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-17 19:47

HI  JASON 媽  其實都唔駛太擔心  我之前聽我囡囡讀幼兒班個老師講 如果第一個月返學哭都唔駛太擔心  因為佢既經驗話 小朋友只會哭頭一個月左右  相反佢地會擔心 頭一個月無哭 係第二個月左右會開始哭個D 小朋友 因為佢地通常會一路狂哭 哭好多個月都唔會收聲  

可能JASON 呢幾日病好  可能嗲D 其實有D圖書都有描述小朋友返學既圖畫 同JASON一齊睇吓 解釋俾佢聽返學好好玩 放學佢返黎俾D 佢鍾意食既小食 話佢知今日佢 叻  睇吓會唔會好D

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-17 15:01 發表
其實﹐應該怎樣幫助小朋友適應學校4生活呢? 聽到Jason 在學校哭﹐讓我有點不知所措。是不是大部份男仔相對晚熟﹐所以反而比女仔嗲D呢?

作者: ommandy    時間: 09-9-17 20:16

因為本人bb 07年10月出世, 唔知收唔收?
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-22 10:45

小靜姸, Thanks a lot for your suggetion. That is a good idea and I think I'll try. Actually the book from the school is just on this topic and I can read it with Jason.

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-9-17 19:47 發表
HI  JASON 媽  其實都唔駛太擔心  我之前聽我囡囡讀幼兒班個老師講 如果第一個月返學哭都唔駛太擔心  因為佢既經驗話 小朋友只會哭頭一個月左右  相反佢地會擔心 頭一個月無哭 係第二個月左右會開始哭個D 小朋友 因 ...

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-22 10:46

Jason was born in Sep 2006.
原帖由 ommandy 於 09-9-17 20:16 發表
因為本人bb 07年10月出世, 唔知收唔收?

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-22 22:58

HI 各位 今日囡囡同我講話學咗一字,大字,同埋腳  英文都有教字 但係我問佢 佢諗咗好耐都諗唔到   淨係話老師有教英文字 唔知學咗咩字呢?
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-23 12:48

Chloe 同我講老師昨天教了他們唱Apple歌,後來老師打給我,說希望用Apple歌令他們記得A for apple.
另外,Chloe跟我說前兩天是Jason's birthday, 小朋友們一起唱生日歌,Chloe 話jason表現得好開心!
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-23 22:16

今日發現呀囡本書CUP咗"我學會了" 唔知聽日仲要唔要帶返學呢?
作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-23 22:40

ms tse 昨天告訴我吸左印既課本不用再帶返學校。她補充每一課本平均兩星期就完成。
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-24 11:06


原帖由 aachan 於 09-9-23 22:40 發表
ms tse 昨天告訴我吸左印既課本不用再帶返學校。她補充每一課本平均兩星期就完成。

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-24 13:58

Hello 各位, 因為公司好busy, 少左上o黎同大家分享!!

Yes, Arthur 都有話中文學咗"大"字, "腳"字 & "手"字! 英文學咗ABC!!


見他好開心講他學到的字&歌, 我都好開心!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-9-22 22:58 發表
HI 各位 今日囡囡同我講話學咗一字,大字,同埋腳  英文都有教字 但係我問佢 佢諗咗好耐都諗唔到   淨係話老師有教英文字 唔知學咗咩字呢?

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-24 14:03

Actually I haven't received any call from Miss Tse so far........!  

原帖由 aachan 於 09-9-23 12:48 發表
Chloe 同我講老師昨天教了他們唱Apple歌,後來老師打給我,說希望用Apple歌令他們記得A for apple.
另外,Chloe跟我說前兩天是Jason's birthday, 小朋友們一起唱生日歌,Chloe 話jason表現得好開心! ...

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-24 14:04

Hi Jason,  Happy Birthday!!

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-9-22 10:46 發表
Jason was born in Sep 2006.

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-9-25 11:47

好感動呀!!!原來小朋友一起為Jason 唱生日歌﹐對Jason來說一定好難忘。。。多謝各位小朋友﹐也多謝這裡各位媽咪的生日祝福!

是呀﹐Jason也提到學了ABC和 "腳"。

原帖由 aachan 於 09-9-23 12:48 發表
Chloe 同我講老師昨天教了他們唱Apple歌,後來老師打給我,說希望用Apple歌令他們記得A for apple.
另外,Chloe跟我說前兩天是Jason's birthday, 小朋友們一起唱生日歌,Chloe 話jason表現得好開心! ...

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-9-29 13:43


Yesterday收到K1Syllabus, 終於知道依家教左幾多......! 起碼問阿仔時, 都知道佢講的是真是假!! HAHA.....!

作者: aachan    時間: 09-9-29 16:54

佢地張Syllabus真係好簡潔...真係要家長諗一陣先明 (可能係我蠢).

原帖由 SHeiB 於 09-9-29 13:43 發表

Yesterday收到K1Syllabus, 終於知道依家教左幾多......! 起碼問阿仔時, 都知道佢講的是真是假!! HAHA.....!

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-9-30 23:24

佢地有唱歌仔 但係張紙都無歌詞 無得同囡囡一齊唱  問咗好耐three balls 點唱 佢先唱頭兩段  "the little ball the bigger ball"  跟住佢一路唱但係都唔知佢唱咩
作者: CheaChea    時間: 09-10-7 06:31


好彩佢話好鍾意Miss Tse,所以而家好鍾意番學。


你哋 17/10/09會唔會番學,我老公1015到學校會見。

作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-10-7 10:35

作者: aachan    時間: 09-10-7 11:48

我終於知道The 3 balls點唱喇:

A little ball, a bigger ball, a great big ball I see.  Now let's count the ball, 1,2,3. 啪啪啪!

其實我都唔係好sure歌詞係咪100%準確, 因為我都係聽我個女唱完之後估下估下。

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-9-30 23:24 發表
佢地有唱歌仔 但係張紙都無歌詞 無得同囡囡一齊唱  問咗好耐three balls 點唱 佢先唱頭兩段  "the little ball the bigger ball"  跟住佢一路唱但係都唔知佢唱咩 ...

作者: aachan    時間: 09-10-7 12:03

乜你地咁早既? 我要排到10月24日先可以見老師呀~~
原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-10-7 10:35 發表

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-10-8 12:48

呀囡最近有新歌 TO MARKET TO MARKET 跟住有係唔知佢唱咩 但係佢好開心一路唱 一路做動作(樓PAT PAT)好得意好攪笑) 仲要自己突然間唱 好開心  

家庭日我係10月24日 9.30AM
作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-10-9 13:39

Yes, my son sing this song and 扭pat pat...! 好好笑!He also sing - London Bridge and A little ball!!

I can't attend the Parent's Day (both 17th and 24th), very sad...!

After Parent's Day, 大家上來update吖!!

Thank you!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-10-8 12:48 發表
呀囡最近有新歌 TO MARKET TO MARKET 跟住有係唔知佢唱咩 但係佢好開心一路唱 一路做動作(樓PAT PAT)好得意好攪笑) 仲要自己突然間唱 好開心  

家庭日我係10月24日 9.30AM ...

作者: aachan    時間: 09-10-9 20:30

My daugther also told me she's learned a new song called 大腳板 yesterday:

大腳板, 蹦蹦跳
大腳板, 跑跑跑
大腳板, 走走走

This song is soooo cute~

原帖由 SHeiB 於 09-10-9 13:39 發表
Yes, my son sing this song and 扭pat pat...! 好好笑!He also sing - London Bridge and A little ball!!

I can't attend the Parent's Day (both 17th and 24th), very sad...!

After Parent's Day, 大家上來upda ...

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-10-10 12:23


請問有無人知道我地呢班邊個叫'馬浩林'? 我個囡尋日放學到而家不停O甘講住佢  話佢生日同好鍾意同佢玩  俾佢笑死
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-10-13 10:33

昨天聽Jason講Miss Tse病0左﹐沒返學校。Jason話好掛住Miss Tse. 希望Miss Tse早日康復!!
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-10-13 17:24

係呀  我囡囡都有話MISS TSE 病咗  但係佢話MISS TSE 今日有返學

今日呀囡係屋企話自己係 FARMER 仲彎低身收菜俾我食 應該係學校教既新動作
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-10-13 18:49

今日原來仲有學猜 '包 ' ' 剪'  ' 搥'
作者: CheaChea    時間: 09-10-14 06:22

Miss Tse return back. My daughter[Qvi] misses her so much.

Qvi enjoys to read Chinese book so that she is happy to get new book from teacher every times.

Qvi remembers Jason only in his classroom. They still do not know how to  make friends with classmate.
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-10-19 17:25

We talked with miss Tse last Sat. She updated us about Jason's performance in school, and explained how the school teachs kids. She also explained how we can cooperate with school in some aspects. I think it's useful for parents to know more about their kids in school.
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-11-9 23:39

HI 大家都好耐無上黎傾吓計了 因為我地班個標題巳經退後去到第三頁 今日靜姸腸胃炎  請咗病假 無返學 希望聽日好番啦 真擔心
作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-11-10 13:31

Oh poor girl...the weather is not good, Take care!

My son told me that he loves to play with 靜姸 and I know that they are the same group in the class.  

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-11-9 23:39 發表
HI 大家都好耐無上黎傾吓計了 因為我地班個標題巳經退後去到第三頁 今日靜姸腸胃炎  請咗病假 無返學 希望聽日好番啦 真擔心

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-11-10 13:49

HI, all K1D mami,

請問有冇媽咪知道上星期五係咪有通告? 因我見老師蓋左個印......??!

Thank you!!!
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-11-10 23:29

你個囝囝叫咩中文名 等我聽日同靜姸傾吓 相信佢都很喜歡同SHEI B 一齊學習   
今日囡囡返黎同我講老師請佢地食芝士波  佢好開心呀

原帖由 SHeiB 於 09-11-10 13:31 發表
Oh poor girl...the weather is not good, Take care!

My son told me that he loves to play with 靜姸 and I know that they are the same group in the class.  

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-11-12 16:40

今日囡囡話調咗位 我問囡囡坐係邊   佢話我大個女所以去咗士多啤梨組
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-11-13 16:06

最近有人問JASON名字,他就答 “我叫番茄!” 我估他目前是在番茄組
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-11-14 00:05

原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-11-13 16:06 發表
最近有人問JASON名字,他就答 “我叫番茄!” 我估他目前是在番茄組

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-11-18 17:08

hi 唔知道大家盆石竹有無長大到呢 我個盆今日好似高咗小小  之前仲擔心天氣太泠怕會涷死它
作者: wendyhong7777    時間: 09-11-23 13:41

作者: CheaChea    時間: 09-11-25 06:15

Dear all Mami,

Qvi always sing a song. "To market, to buy a fat

pig. To market, to buy a fat horse."

"Up and down, Up and down.....

Any person knows the end of this song.

作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-12-8 13:26

我囝囝叫"城希", 他都係士多啤梨組呀!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-11-10 23:29 發表
你個囝囝叫咩中文名 等我聽日同靜姸傾吓 相信佢都很喜歡同SHEI B 一齊學習   
今日囡囡返黎同我講老師請佢地食芝士波  佢好開心呀


作者: SHeiB    時間: 09-12-8 13:31

請問你地盆石竹有冇長高呀?  我換左一個大小小的花盆, 但好似冇用!


原帖由 wendyhong7777 於 09-11-23 13:41 發表

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-12-8 23:31

HI  我巳經係上星期六幫小石竹換咗盆 呢一個星期明顯地快高長大咗好多 但係見佢呢幾日好似好微弱  所以決定明天幫佢詩肥
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-12-17 16:32

HI O甘多位媽咪&同學仔 我同FACEBOOK 幾位都係K1D KENT RD 既媽咪準備攪一個聖誕聚會 大家一齊見吓面 交流吓 唔知大家有無興趣呢? THANKS
作者: 小靜姸    時間: 09-12-25 23:16

作者: SHeiB    時間: 10-1-5 13:30

Oh I missed your Christmas Party......!!!!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 09-12-17 16:32 發表
HI O甘多位媽咪&同學仔 我同FACEBOOK 幾位都係K1D KENT RD 既媽咪準備攪一個聖誕聚會 大家一齊見吓面 交流吓 唔知大家有無興趣呢? THANKS

作者: SHeiB    時間: 10-1-5 13:39     標題: 回覆 1# SHeiB 的文章

Wishing everyone Happy 2010!!

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 10-1-6 23:10

我地O黎緊17號係荃灣有聚會你有無興趣來? 因為聖誕節個次取消咗 今次都係我地第一次聚會 希望你和小朋友都可以一齊來

原帖由 SHeiB 於 10-1-5 13:30 發表
Oh I missed your Christmas Party......!!!!

作者: SHeiB    時間: 10-1-8 22:29

Thank you and I like to join!

原帖由 小靜姸 於 10-1-6 23:10 發表
我地O黎緊17號係荃灣有聚會你有無興趣來? 因為聖誕節個次取消咗 今次都係我地第一次聚會 希望你和小朋友都可以一齊來

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 10-1-8 22:58

OK 約實你 暫定1月17號 荃灣悅來酒店3:00-
5:00 tea buffet  其實我地係咪之前開學日係MTR交換電話個位媽咪? 如果係我地就電話保持聯絡啦:)
作者: SHeiB    時間: 10-1-12 14:53

Yes, please keep contact..!

thank you!   

原帖由 小靜姸 於 10-1-8 22:58 發表
OK 約實你 暫定1月17號 荃灣悅來酒店3:00-
5:00 tea buffet  其實我地係咪之前開學日係MTR交換電話個位媽咪? 如果係我地就電話保持聯絡啦:)

作者: 小靜姸    時間: 10-1-12 21:40

佢地轉咗  原來悅來(熊貓)酒店係1月已取消tea buffet, 只有lunch 和dinner buffet, 但lunch buffet很貴, 大人$178, 小童$158, 仲要加一. 之後再問左幾間, 只有旺角帝如酒店同屯門黃金海岸有tea buffet, 帝京3:30-5:30 大人$158, 小童$118另加一, 而且呢間酒店無野啱小朋友玩, 心諗食得果一陣要駛咁多錢, 而且小朋友食buffet, 簡直等如白俾, 所以建議去其中一位媽咪屋企會所function玩, 只須付房租$60/hr, 如要借音響則$90整個時段 我地自己買pizza, kfc, 飲品之類, 係果度我地可以玩遊戲, 例如music chair, London bridge is falling down等, 另外會所有indoor & outdoor playground 唔駛錢的, 小朋友應該會開心既, 你地覺得好唔好呢? 請盡快回覆, 因為要book呢!
(以上及下內容係轉自 FACEBOOK LAI FAI 媽咪)
我唔記得左講我住係邊添, 我住係荃灣翠豐臺, 要係荃灣港鐵站(D出口)搭一程專線小巴(95A)$(
2.50), 車程只須5分鐘.
1. 你地想每人負責一樣食物或飲品還是AA呢?
2. 大約Book幾點呢? 2-5點? 2-4點? 3-6點? 3-5點?
3. 我建議每個家庭準備7份小禮物(如餅或糖, 不要太貴重 而且差不多的 )俾7個小朋友, 等佢地開心吓, 好唔好呢?

你有無問題 如果可以我就幫你覆番LAI FAI 媽咪

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