
標題: 想借學校測驗卷, 工作紙, 考試卷影印 [打印本頁]

作者: Vinyny    時間: 09-8-7 12:08     標題: 想借學校測驗卷, 工作紙, 考試卷影印


我覺得很困難, 想到頭都爆,又要作題,又要畫畫!

作者: MariaTsui    時間: 09-8-7 13:21

作者: abc...    時間: 09-8-7 15:42

作者: Auntie_Winnie    時間: 09-8-7 16:00

上年又係換卷, 搞到滿城風雨, 有人又話某人只係想收集人地 d 卷, 今年又黎呀 ?
作者: Vinyny    時間: 09-8-7 17:00

我無卷可換,只是借來 photocopy.
作者: 樂豬懶媽媽    時間: 09-8-7 18:43

呢個請求, 只是想給小朋友一些其他學校的試卷, 去看一看小朋友的水平, 又或就讀那間學校的水平, 會否偏高或偏低, 並沒有其他想法的

因為自已作試題, 很辛苦, 而且可能 tip 不對題
我試了 2年及一個測驗, 我就感覺到 tip 不對題
白費小朋友心機, 並且結果又吾好.


原帖由 Vinyny 於 09-8-7 17:00 發表
我無卷可換,只是借來 photocopy.

作者: 天瑜    時間: 09-8-8 09:28

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: brian61950    時間: 09-8-8 13:46



作者: Chole    時間: 09-8-13 20:45


我一直都係自己出卷,針對老師ge重點加自己小朋友ge弱點 (亞媽至知)。不過佢P3之後我都覺得唔駛出lu,等佢自己攪掂!
作者: littlekid    時間: 09-8-14 13:59

其實各學校所教的書本或知識是有所不同,例如有些私校是教高一級的,所以交換工作紙、 test paper 或 exam paper 是好難的。最好都係自己按照學校教的資料來出卷﹗
作者: brian61950    時間: 09-8-14 14:17


but only page 1
作者: Vinyny    時間: 09-8-14 15:28


原帖由 brian61950 於 09-8-14 14:17 發表

but only page 1

作者: jessc    時間: 09-8-18 18:26

原帖由 brian61950 於 09-8-14 14:17 發表

but only page 1

作者: beywat496    時間: 09-8-20 16:09

請問件事攪成點 ???  
我有見到 topic, 但無入去睇。

另外一單, bk 有位媽咪係在補習社做的, 佢將所有卷影印賣出來, 我去年仲睇到賣家閞 topic 駡人, 話買家臨時縮沙唔買佢的 copy !

件事如果會攪成咁, 我寧願在書局買 model paper 來做, 仲好過。

我同意交換或比卷人地睇, 但一定要刪去自己小朋友個姓名。

原帖由 Auntie_Winnie 於 09-8-7 16:00 發表
上年又係換卷, 搞到滿城風雨, 有人又話某人只係想收集人地 d 卷, 今年又黎呀 ?

作者: Carloscheung    時間: 09-12-31 11:05

To me, I will buy for my kid. How much?? Compare to the overall expenses of education, it is nothing. At least, I can share the view and standard of other school. This information certainly will comfort me a lot. I think $10 per paper is reasonable.
作者: 小豬嘜    時間: 09-12-31 12:10

我係自己作試題, 再同佢一齊溫,然後俾佢做的. 冇想過話買試題....
作者: cluk15hon    時間: 09-12-31 19:28

從未要買.  因每間小學的課程都有出入, 而且內容也不同.

原帖由 小豬嘜 於 09-12-31 12:10 發表
我係自己作試題, 再同佢一齊溫,然後俾佢做的. 冇想過話買試題....

作者: 一家的太陽    時間: 09-12-31 22:50

作者: Carloscheung    時間: 10-1-2 10:52

It's not difficult to draft a paper for my kid. However, the level might be higher or lower. For example, I have bought a few exercise books for english compehension. They looks too simple for me kid! My kid is P1. The books are for P2. I just don't get it. I think the publishers might be purely for business only. Papers from real primiary school might do better. Even though exercise books are available in the market, I don't think they are sufficient in quantity, don't mention the quality. I trust school teachers more than publishers.

PM me if you are willing to share the works with me.
作者: Carloscheung    時間: 10-1-2 10:58

Second thought. I think this is a good forum for us to share experience and resources for child education. I don't see any problem if we can help each other and share with each others. I know it might hurt the interest of some people, particularly the publishers. (I know they renew the exercise books with little effort every year and have sold a lot each year. It is a big business. I don't mind if they are reasonable in quality. I find that some of the answers are incorrect!!)

As long as the sharing is reasonable at no cost, I see no reason why we cannot share.
作者: aryee    時間: 10-1-4 14:41

原帖由 brian61950 於 09-8-14 14:17 發表

but only page 1

作者: loklok0104    時間: 10-1-9 13:06

我係用返工既時間出卷, 初初升小一時無出卷, 成績一搬, 後來自己係公司出卷, 再問上屆同校既試卷, 成績真係大有進步, 當然自己出卷都要有技巧, 一定要睇熟晒書既內容, 主旨係教咩.
作者: hhma    時間: 10-1-9 17:22

Do you know what is "intellectual property"?

原帖由 Carloscheung 於 10-1-2 10:58 發表
Second thought. I think this is a good forum for us to share experience and resources for child education. I don't see any problem if we can help each other and share with each others. I know it might ...

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