
標題: 請分享:有無家長買咗迪x尼教材 [打印本頁]

作者: Kendis1    時間: 09-6-17 16:02     標題: 請分享:有無家長買咗迪x尼教材

請買咗迪x尼教材既家長一起分享一下,市价HK$59,800.00 有無用或有無好大的幫助呀?!

Thank you very much!
作者: rallki    時間: 09-6-20 10:55

作者: wanwanfubb    時間: 09-6-20 11:47

我自己買左English time..... 不過當我在now TV 訂左baby TV後,完全後悔~

其實大家只需要訂BABY TV, 咁佢地就真係學到英文....

我個仔而家4.5歲有陣時都睇baby TV, 不過大個左鍾意睇Ben 10, 佢d英文cool, awesome, 學到足晒....

所以, 大家唔好浪費錢, 個電視開著容易過你攞嘢出黎睇, 大家諗諗吧

仲有, 當小朋友大左返學時,又多左唔同既嘢學, 可能佢就無咁鍾意睇, 到時全套反而更浪費左, 其實to me 我係睇唔晒. 若真係買, 我覺得買最少少少量, 就OK.

二萬幾... 係好貴

我自己既English Time, 連埋書一套,我用左四萬幾.... 因為我諗住我有兩個, 無蝕....點知而家...只係有陣時攞出黎睇. 不過D書就有d用既 (但係駛鬼咁貴買呢d"十萬套為什麼"咩~)

[ 本帖最後由 wanwanfubb 於 09-6-20 12:00 編輯 ]
作者: Kendis1    時間: 09-6-20 12:07     標題: 回覆 1# wanwanfubb 的文章

其實唔係我要買,只不過我個朋友想幫佢9月大的囝囝同肚入面(未出世)既bb寶寶買,話晒2個,好似著數d. 不過,我係反對買的....因為實在太貴喇.......!
作者: stinkyrabbit111    時間: 09-6-21 08:08

i don't really agree using TV as the main channel of teaching/exposing your child to english....

although most of the 教材 are very expensive, they consist of other assessories such as books, cards etc...  not only can the child learn english (and other things) through interaction, develop their reading skill, patience as well.....

also this can be the 親子時間too....not just sit together and watch TV or even worse just turn on the tv for your kid and walk away!

原帖由 wanwanfubb 於 09-6-20 11:47 發表
我自己買左English time..... 不過當我在now TV 訂左baby TV後,完全後悔~

其實大家只需要訂BABY TV, 咁佢地就真係學到英文....

我個仔而家4.5歲有陣時都睇baby TV, 不過大個左鍾意睇Ben 10, 佢d英文cool, awesome ...

作者: jonahlee    時間: 09-6-21 11:14

Personally I think no need to buy.

I also struggled to buy or not when my daughter was less than 1 yr old.  Eventually I did not buy but teach her the English by myself (go to the park to teach her bird, tree, flower etc).  Also, during weekday on the ATV english channel there is a program named Baby First, really useful.

My daughter is now nearly 3 yrs old she knows quite a lot of English vocabulary and can speak simple english sentence cos we have 2 bun bun helpers (she can practice on a daily basis).

I would rather use the money to attend English playgroup as it is more interactive.
作者: cpcog    時間: 09-6-21 21:43

My daughter doesn't really like the VCDs.  The drawing is too old. Luckily we didn't buy them.
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-6-22 10:15     標題: 回覆 1# cpcog 的文章

My friend said it is useful.......so, I have just borrowed a few Disney's VCD from her, my daughter (3 years old) does not like it at all. I have watched it, I agree one mum's saying:  It is old.  My daughter prefers watching those baby VCDs that I bought one by one from the shops, i.e. not in a series (VCD around $50, DVD around $120).  I think buy separately can let your child expose to different things and save some $$$.
作者: Kendis1    時間: 09-6-22 11:51     標題: 回覆 1# Sorb 的文章

作者: OB-father    時間: 09-6-22 11:52

作者: Sorb    時間: 09-6-22 12:31

我相信用一定是有些用的,只是不值這價錢而已。及喜歡與否要看你小朋友性格。  I think if the child views the video since it is born, he/she will like it for sure as he/she grows up with them.

故若手頭頗鬆,一試也無妨。And I have seen a few video only, I have never tried the supplemented  教材, maybe those 教材 worth 呢? But I personally do not like the music of the Disney video, the music not that 悅耳。
作者: SAGO    時間: 09-6-22 12:42

作者: peggy8422    時間: 09-6-22 13:58

我囡囡細個幾個月時比佢睇過disney demo 碟,但係佢興趣不大,我之後noddy碟佢睇,佢就好開心, 所以我到最後就買咗noddy,講真呀!disney的公仔真係舊呀!如果真係要睇disney,去開pcxx公司的disney好過啦,我囡囡現在就pccw同noddy學英文
作者: Kendis1    時間: 09-6-22 16:03     標題: 回覆 2# SAGO 的文章

作者: ILBC    時間: 09-6-24 04:24

Agree!  It'll be boring to see the same series of VCD always.
原帖由 Sorb 於 22-6-2009 10:15 發表
My friend said it is useful.......so, I have just borrowed a few Disney's VCD from her, my daughter (3 years old) does not like it at all. I have watched it, I agree one mum's saying:  It is old.  My  ...

作者: bobbob    時間: 09-6-24 09:56

有人比左套我,不過我1個星期頂多播1次DVD,反而每朝餵早餐會播CD歌仔,有時會囉D play along玩具同讀卡機佢玩。。。可能我唔係成日播,我個仔就睇得好開心,1路睇1路做動作。。。又唔可以話完全無用既,至低限度我個仔而家15個月,都識聽唔少指令做動作(e.g. swing arms, shake hands, clap hands, yes/no, hello, bye bye..)同眼耳口鼻head, tummy。。。
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-6-24 11:24

But the fact is all those 指令做動作(e.g. swing arms, shake hands, clap hands, yes/no), the babies can learn from other much cheaper VCD/DVD in the market.  My baby also understood all those instructions at the age of 15 months without Disney DVD.
作者: wanwanfubb    時間: 09-6-24 14:41

yes, Sorb! 唔好浪費錢.... 同埋, 睇唔晒, 大把平嘢買...買平嘢啦
作者: bakusensei    時間: 09-6-24 15:22

If you are a full time mum, I think there's no need to buy these kind of programmes because you have already given your kid the best.

But if you are a working mum and you cannot provide weekday playgroup to your kid owing to logisitic arrangement, etc, and your kid is only taken care by a maid who is relatively not so fluent in English, you may consider buying these kind of programmes, e.g. DWE, ET, Noddy, etc.

For DWE (Husband picked DWE based on his research. We didn't tried ET, Noddy, etc. So, we don't ve first hand experience or comment on these and I personally believe should be similar and don't want to compare.), we found the programme good for family with maid because the maid can easily use the programme and implement the schedule to play the CDs and talk along cards during day time. We read the book w/ him in the evening and play DVD for him around three times a week.

I am not sure if it's the effect of DWE but both my son and three of his friends using DWE can speak fluent sentences with correct grammar and  accent before they are two. They all like reading v. much.

I think whether it's expensive or worth the money totally depend on the family's situation.
作者: Jolin    時間: 09-6-25 09:14

other then the disc, the toy machine is also educated.  My kids eaily learn from the repeat message with those interesting aids.
I believe it has its own advantage and function as this aid is developed by a professional Dr in the US.  
Our edu adviser, he is so good that has present a good demo of all the aids to us at the beginning therefore we are quite confident.

As now I can see my kids are improving day by day even I am a working mum
作者: isacc    時間: 09-6-25 09:26     標題: sell:flash card,story,phoneix

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作者: isacc    時間: 09-6-25 09:40     標題: sell 閃咭storybphoneix

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作者: fishmaruko    時間: 09-6-25 14:17

hi Stinkyrabbit111, totally agree with you,
should not use much TV to teach kids, their concentration on reading books or listening to teacher in class will be affected, they will lose their patience in slow but useful process like reading books...etc

會減低專注力!! and also not good to their eyes, bcos their eyes do not move during watching TV !

bcos TV is only one way , fast moving pictures and sharp color , no need to interact and think,

can give some TV say 15 mins per day, but not good if depend on TV or give too much TV to kid!

原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 09-6-21 08:08 發表
i don't really agree using TV as the main channel of teaching/exposing your child to english....

although most of the 教材 are very expensive, they consist of other assessories such as books, cards e ...

[ 本帖最後由 fishmaruko 於 09-6-25 14:18 編輯 ]

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