
標題: 學之園PN interview [打印本頁]

作者: IwanMum    時間: 09-5-25 14:14     標題: 學之園PN interview

My son just have interview in last sat 23/5. After the interview, the school principal told us we all in the waiting list. As the new school term will start on 13/8 and my kid not reach 2 years old, so the school only accept the kids have meet the age. I feel a bit angry why the school still ask the kids go to interview and charge $30, the principal told last year only have 3 students give up the seat.

As I know, the school already have a long waiting list from the first round student, so why the school still ask us to go, only for $$$.

[ 本帖最後由 IwanMum 於 09-5-25 23:06 編輯 ]
作者: Tiggercat    時間: 09-5-25 14:25

then what will be sent on or before Jun 6 ? all are waiting list reply ?
作者: eggmama    時間: 09-5-25 14:31

My girl had interview too, she born in Nov 2007. I'm not angry as the 'line' 2 years old is determined by gov't, $30 for observing what & how a kinder organised and a chance to understand our kids is worth. You can think it is a rehersal for K1 interviews which nearly all held end of this year.
作者: IwanMum    時間: 09-5-25 14:32

from the principal, all seat already allocate to the kid meet 2 years old(when 13/8/09 the new school term start) my kid born in the end of Aug, few days different.

If the school reject my application as the line of 2 years old, it is okey! I think they should mention "the fact" in the interview letter and not after we paid and do the interview.

[ 本帖最後由 IwanMum 於 09-5-25 14:41 編輯 ]
作者: elmolly    時間: 09-5-25 15:57

原帖由 IwanMum 於 09-5-25 14:14 發表
My son just have interview in last sat 23/5. After the interview, the school principal told us we all in the waiting list. As the school will start on 13/8 and my kid not reach 2 years old, so the sch ...

i doubt if it's true that only 3 students gave up the seat last year, coz i know some small b just joined the class at the beginning of this year. they have also called me and asked if we want to 插班 after the 1st bath of interivew. so far as i know, at least 2 moms have already gaven up the seats
作者: bobo1314    時間: 09-5-25 16:45

hi, my daughter was born at the end of August, to my disappointment, she was treated as "small b", although the principal said there were 3 vacant seats only last year, I was not disappointed as I have called learning habitat before submitting application form, the staff told me that all kids born after 13 August should be allocated as waiting list ! So, I was prepared for the waiting list result,

but I still spent $30 for LH interview as an  K1 interview rehearsal. After 5 times interview experience, I found my daughter performed better ........$30 worth for reference !

Learning Habitat is not bad, another kinder in Tsing Yi is really bad! When I submitted application form, the staff asked for $30, and I expected an interview though might not be admitted !But, two weeks before, the staff called me that no interviews would be offered for my daughter because she was a small b, and asked if I would line up the "waiting list"! I was so angry and asked why they still charged me $30. She said, the fee is not for interview, but for handling application form only !

So, for me, learning habitat is OK la !!!!
作者: jaycee_mami    時間: 09-5-26 08:31

其實不只學之園係咁, 其他學校也有這問題.

我仔仔係12月出世, 幾個月前參加左某校的"細仔"面試 (大仔早在first round已收哂), 160人參加, 只收10個.  學校之前點都唔講收幾多個, 剩係叫你交40蚊報名費, 真係賺到笑.  

我自己有去過青衣學之園的open day, 老師ok, 但校舍好細好細, 而最大問題係, 青衣那間派位唔係咁好, 我見好多係去陳守仁, 蔡繼有.
作者: elmolly    時間: 09-5-26 09:12

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-5-26 08:31 發表
其實不只學之園係咁, 其他學校也有這問題.

我仔仔係12月出世, 幾個月前參加左某校的"細仔"面試 (大仔早在first round已收哂), 160人參加, 只收10個.  學校之前點都唔講收幾多個, 剩係叫你交40蚊報名費, 真係賺到笑. ...

嘩, 收成$40, 好貴

你誤會左, 陳守仁同蔡繼有分別係直資同私立, 係家長自行投考, 派位完全唔關學校事, 因為係跟住址既
作者: BBG1    時間: 09-5-26 16:51

作者: BeBeKan    時間: 09-5-27 10:17

陳守仁, 蔡繼有係好出名既直資小學,咁多入到係唔錯。

原帖由 jaycee_mami 於 09-5-26 08:31 發表
其實不只學之園係咁, 其他學校也有這問題.

我仔仔係12月出世, 幾個月前參加左某校的"細仔"面試 (大仔早在first round已收哂), 160人參加, 只收10個.  學校之前點都唔講收幾多個, 剩係叫你交40蚊報名費, 真係賺到笑. ...

作者: sara    時間: 09-5-27 11:54

我都覺得入到陳守仁&蔡繼有唔錯! 我想個仔入學之園都係因為佢地k3有16人考到st.margaret. 我個女在sm讀,我真係覺得好好,所以都好希望個仔可以跟著讀sm!
如果你要考傳統既名校,may be學之園唔係首選!

原帖由 BeBeKan 於 09-5-27 10:17 發表
陳守仁, 蔡繼有係好出名既直資小學,咁多入到係唔錯。

作者: kokching    時間: 09-5-27 15:03

i join this interview too(青衣學之園) ,
作者: samsam88    時間: 09-5-27 17:25


Do you know why the parents gave up the seats last year ?

原帖由 elmolly 於 09-5-25 15:57 發表

i doubt if it's true that only 3 students gave up the seat last year, coz i know some small b just joined the class at the beginning of this year. they have also called me and asked if we want to 插 ...

作者: 小百合    時間: 09-5-29 19:00

我個case仲離譜, 學之園打黎,話我個仔太細, 又無位, 直情唔會安排佢參加30/5既細仔interview. 錢又收, 野又無做.  你地都叫做有得面試, 我連interview都無就話唔收.  

如果係咁, 就唔好收我地既報名表同報名費啦!!!
作者: BBG1    時間: 09-5-31 10:05

原帖由 小百合 於 09-5-29 19:00 發表
我個case仲離譜, 學之園打黎,話我個仔太細, 又無位, 直情唔會安排佢參加30/5既細仔interview. 錢又收, 野又無做.  你地都叫做有得面試, 我連interview都無就話唔收.  

如果係咁, 就唔好收我地既報名表同報名費啦!!! ...

作者: elmolly    時間: 09-5-31 11:59

原帖由 samsam88 於 09-5-27 17:25 發表

Do you know why the parents gave up the seats last year ?

I don't know, but I guess some students may have better  offer after school starts and some parents may not let their kids going to n1 if they get sick too often.
作者: elizatyy    時間: 09-5-31 12:13

原帖由 sara 於 09-5-27 11:54 發表
我都覺得入到陳守仁&蔡繼有唔錯! 我想個仔入學之園都係因為佢地k3有16人考到st.margaret. 我個女在sm讀,我真係覺得好好,所以都好希望個仔可以跟著讀sm!
如果你要考傳統既名校,may be學之園唔係首選!


sara, I am also interested in SMC.  The school says they have around 20% students are non-chinese, is that true?  I am also interested in 蔡繼有.
作者: sara    時間: 09-6-5 22:47

我只知sm既p.1分做3組,我個女係第一組,班上面係10幾個外國人,有韓國人,美國人,菲律賓人,意大利人不等....但其他兩組就無咁多啦! 不過P.1 & P.2既英文就係NATIVE TEACHERS 教! 而且除左中文係用普通話教外,其他科都係英文教,所以普遍學生的英文水準都幾好,but中文真係有少少弱.....所以睇下你重視d咩啦!
我只係覺得,好多幼稚園係英語授課,中學又係EMI,點解小學要係中文授課呢? 所以我都幾BUY一條龍既英文中小學!
作者: BB_sam    時間: 09-6-6 01:11


原帖由 小百合 於 09-5-29 19:00 發表
我個case仲離譜, 學之園打黎,話我個仔太細, 又無位, 直情唔會安排佢參加30/5既細仔interview. 錢又收, 野又無做.  你地都叫做有得面試, 我連interview都無就話唔收.  

如果係咁, 就唔好收我地既報名表同報名費啦!!! ...

作者: Tiggercat    時間: 09-6-6 12:10

any result yet? Anyone confirmed the seat this round?
作者: racoy    時間: 09-6-6 14:46

作者: elizatyy    時間: 09-6-6 16:43

原帖由 sara 於 09-6-5 22:47 發表
我只知sm既p.1分做3組,我個女係第一組,班上面係10幾個外國人,有韓國人,美國人,菲律賓人,意大利人不等....但其他兩組就無咁多啦! 不過P.1 & P.2既英文就係NATIVE TEACHERS 教! 而且除左中文係用普通話教外, ...

Thanks.  Agree with you.
作者: oiluen    時間: 09-6-6 19:05

我今日收到信啦, 話暫時做後備生, 我諗都幾難入架啦~~
大家有無收到信呀? :time:
作者: TigerB    時間: 09-6-6 22:41

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: racoy    時間: 09-6-7 01:08

Tiger B,

你係邊間學之園?am class or pm class?
作者: TigerB    時間: 09-6-7 08:58

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 四隻貓    時間: 09-6-8 12:36

我今日都收到信, 凱帆收左我女pm 班.我女都係0709 bb, 十月先開學, 超開心.
作者: BB_sam    時間: 09-6-8 14:36

我係細仔..要waiting list!!!
作者: ammc    時間: 09-6-8 19:35

We also get the offer....but now struggling for which one to choose.

Think Kln Tong or Learning Habit at HL campus??
作者: racoy    時間: 09-6-8 22:26

點解青衣學之園會一個位都唔比5/23interveiw 既小朋友?真係好唔理解,係一個位都無.....
作者: Tiggercat    時間: 09-6-9 11:02

唔知有幾多waiting list 呢?
作者: 四隻貓    時間: 09-6-9 16:56

會唔會因為青衣太熱門? 都無人放棄學位.
凱帆比較少人報名, 所以好多位俾waiting list?

作者: oiluen    時間: 09-6-9 19:08

我昨天打電話問凱帆o個間, o個個職員 (?老師) 話暫時收到0710 o個d小朋友, 咁我個囝11月尾出世就要等真正開學之後有人放棄學籍先到我地d細仔呢!
作者: stanbb    時間: 09-6-10 16:54

TT 要搭車, 英普強
LT 行10分鐘, 唔知LT PN 可唔可以考到好嘅K, 如ST CAT, 根德園...
作者: elizatyy    時間: 09-6-10 22:35

Many LHK PN students are admitted to St. Cat. KG.

[ 本帖最後由 elizatyy 於 09-6-10 22:36 編輯 ]
作者: Janbaby    時間: 09-6-11 23:34

hi all

I would like to know if the interviews of Learning Habitat are all in english or not.
thank you for your sharing
作者: eggmama    時間: 09-6-12 08:40

story time --- Eng
individual interview --- Cantonese
原帖由 Janbaby 於 09-6-11 23:34 發表
hi all

I would like to know if the interviews of Learning Habitat are all in english or not.
thank you for your sharing

作者: bakusensei    時間: 09-6-12 09:06

原帖由 Janbaby 於 09-6-11 23:34 發表
hi all

I would like to know if the interviews of Learning Habitat are all in english or not.
thank you for your sharing

u can choose between eng / can. simply tell the reception u ve to ve the interview in eng. they will arrange it for u.
作者: superbeagle    時間: 09-6-12 11:06

如果平日同呀囡講野中英文都有, 姐姐就同佢英文, 咁揀Cantonese / English interview好D呢?
作者: Janbaby    時間: 09-6-12 15:12

原帖由 eggmama 於 09-6-12 08:40 發表
story time --- Eng
individual interview --- Cantonese

thanks eggmama, I'd like to clarify the interview content and the medium of instruction. Do you mean the interview has 2 parts and for the story time, i guess you mean that teacher will do the story-telling in english and ask them questions in english ? Do they require answers in english?

could you also share the interview contents?
作者: Janbaby    時間: 09-6-12 15:13

原帖由 bakusensei 於 09-6-12 09:06 發表

u can choose between eng / can. simply tell the reception u ve to ve the interview in eng. they will arrange it for u.

wow so good that we can opt! Just tell the reception before interview or i have to state that in the form before?
作者: elmolly    時間: 09-6-12 15:32

原帖由 Janbaby 於 09-6-12 15:12 發表

thanks eggmama, I'd like to clarify the interview content and the medium of instruction. Do you mean the interview has 2 parts and for the story time, i guess you mean that teacher will do the story ...

it was a story on counting when my girl interviewed, the teacher didn't really ask, just see if the kid has response to the story.
作者: bakusensei    時間: 09-6-13 07:34

原帖由 Janbaby 於 09-6-12 15:13 發表

wow so good that we can opt! Just tell the reception before interview or i have to state that in the form before?

i didn't recall stating that in the form as the form was sent in when my boy just got the birth certificate, probably i wouldn't be able to determine his lang. at that moment.

when i brought him to the interview, i simply told the reception that we would like to ve the interview in Eng. becoz we only communciate in Eng w/ the boy.

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