
標題: 小朋友將入讀九龍塘基督教中心幼兒園家長 [打印本頁]

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-3-31 16:50     標題: 小朋友將入讀九龍塘基督教中心幼兒園家長


上星期六囡囡pre-nursery 面試咗, 交咗留位費, 請問有無家長可以交換一下動向 ?

會否在原校升讀nursery ?
或報其他幼園呢 ?
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-1 14:02

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-4-1 17:01

我小朋友都係 pm 班,你會唔會係當日同我小朋友玩果個呀 ?
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-4-1 17:01

我小朋友都係 pm 班,你會唔會係當日同我小朋友玩果個呀 ?
作者: Jos911    時間: 09-4-1 19:07

我小朋友都係 pm 班...
我鍾意佢地有outdoor playground.
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-4-1 21:10

咁你地有無諗過一直讀上去kg 定係會轉另一間讀呢 ?
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-1 23:36

作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-4-2 00:00

作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-2 12:36

例如:開唔開心呀! 學唔學到野咁

作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-3 11:28

作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-5 23:36

作者: coreylung2008    時間: 09-4-6 14:29

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-6 14:32

都話幾好 而且k1又有學劵
作者: coreylung2008    時間: 09-4-6 14:57

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-6 16:13

作者: coreylung2008    時間: 09-4-6 16:57

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-6 17:51

仲有書簿費呀, 校服等...
作者: tiger_baby    時間: 09-4-6 22:10     標題: interview pass

Hi ,

My baby girl also pass interview on last Sat. She also PM class.

I want to know more details about this school,  eg) teachers, saftey on school bus etc.

作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-7 14:16

下星期六要交660書簿費預繳, 書包60(好似)
買校服商 & 校車路線及價錢
作者: bbautumn    時間: 09-4-9 12:13

作者: NICOLE123    時間: 09-5-9 13:29

例如:課程深唔深, 有無英/普通話老師,多數會上咩小學....ETC
作者: yobi    時間: 09-6-8 18:18

我女女係0709 bb ar
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-6-17 14:10

"lai" vv & cc,如果d姨姨差,小朋友就受罪啦
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-6-17 14:13

我都會照報出面 kg - k1

過來人朋友話 : 小朋友返呢度好開心囉,佢仔仔完成 kg 後,就入讀宣小
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-6-17 14:16

18/8 你地會出席嗎 ?
24 & 25 /8 會唔會陪小朋友返呀 ?
我請咗假啦,但而家都仲未知他日事 lu....
唔知會唔會同你地小朋友一班呢 ?
你地準備晒野未? 書包 & 校服 ?
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-7-3 21:53



1,  ooho~囝囝
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-7-4 21:27

May I know how many kids per class?
作者: kacharles    時間: 09-7-6 00:03

我好開心BB可以在這間學校讀了半年N班, 因為真的照顧得小朋友好好, 當我看到咁多家長投訴學校照顧小朋友唔好時, 我就好慶幸選了這間, 當初都有些掙扎, 不過, 見到BB每天開心返學, 短短數個月, 又識禮貌, 講野又叻, 而且在家會成日唱住學校教的歌曲, 果日不用上學, 就成日問 X老師係邊呢 ? 至少BB返學都沒有病痛...........

我見到有些 "名校" 只為賺錢, 會做些事俾家長睇, 我覺得讀一間有 heart 的學校, 對 BB 來說可能更好.

BB讀下午班, 會分兩組來照顧, 每組都只是約10位小朋友, 由兩位老師照顧,  所以, 樣樣都可以照顧多一點, 我好明白在九龍塘區, 好多學校都會講名氣, 有時見到這間學校學生人數不是太多, 都有點可惜, 但至少, 有口碑, 我亦好放心 BB 有著好的學習環境.
作者: AbigaleH    時間: 09-7-6 14:25

我個女剛今年預備班(Nursery)畢業,佢係度讀左1年,好開心,D老師同D EE 都好nice,全校學生D名都識晒,我個女讀得好開心,D老師又會經常打電話俾家長交流學生係學校同屋企gar情況,我覺得係一間真係以學生為本的幼稚園。

我個女讀am class,分2班,一班約10-12人,每班有2位老師負責,班內再分組,每星期有外籍老師教授英文,又有國話課程。

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-6 15:11

暫時都係有讚無彈,我都好放心比囡囡讀,可惜佢無一條龍 !! 如果報出面果幾間心儀都唔收,會考慮繼續讀k1
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-7-7 13:01

原帖由 goofy_bb 於 09-7-6 15:11 發表
暫時都係有讚無彈,我都好放心比囡囡讀,可惜佢無一條龍 !! 如果報出面果幾間心儀都唔收,會考慮繼續讀k1

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-9 22:37

PM 呀 ,我今年2、3月先去報, 上午 full 咗啦 ~~你呢 ?
作者: mami07    時間: 09-7-10 00:00

My son also will study on this Aug. too.  in AM class ar.

Don't know what should I prepare for school.  What should bring with him and until now my
作者: mami07    時間: 09-7-10 00:03

(Sorry, don't know why I didn't finish then post out!!!!!)

My son also will study on this Aug. too.  in AM class ar.

Don't know what should I prepare for school.  What should bring with him and until now my son still wear diaper when go outside.  

Can he wear the diaper to school?
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-11 00:42

i think disaper is ok
my girl can ask and go vv but poopoo not yet (she must ask to wear disaper when she want poo poo)
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-7-11 16:07

I handed the application form this morning..... interview will be held next Monday morning.  Hope my son would become a classmate to all of your kids.
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-14 14:34

how many ppl's bb study on am / pm class here?

my gal / pm, but i sent the letter to request to change to am class, becoz i want let her learn more after school.
作者: Jos911    時間: 09-7-14 18:59

原帖由 2ling 於 09-7-11 16:07 發表
I handed the application form this morning..... interview will be held next Monday morning.  Hope my son would become a classmate to all of your kids.

Any news from your son? can he be a classmate of my girl??
作者: Jos911    時間: 09-7-14 19:01

原帖由 goofy_bb 於 09-7-14 14:34 發表
how many ppl's bb study on am / pm class here?

my gal / pm, but i sent the letter to request to change to am class, becoz i want let her learn more after school.

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-15 23:33

last week. but ..... it's impossible   after rec'd the call fm kg abt change the schedule on coming 22 aug.
i ask the lady abt my letter n she told me tht too many ppl still on waiting to change to am session n i didnt request to teacher after hold the seat.
how abt u all? keep stay on pm session? will u let yr kid to take the course b4 school?
will u all to attend tht day??
hope to see u all there tht day.
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-15 23:33

last week. but ..... it's impossible   after rec'd the call fm kg abt change the schedule on coming 22 aug.
i ask the lady abt my letter n she told me tht too many ppl still on waiting to change to am session n i didnt request to teacher after hold the seat.
how abt u all? keep stay on pm session? will u let yr kid to take the course b4 school?
will u all to attend tht day??
hope to see u all there tht day.
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-7-17 14:42

原帖由 goofy_bb 於 09-7-9 22:37 發表
PM 呀 ,我今年2、3月先去報, 上午 full 咗啦 ~~你呢 ?

我都係2,3月先報, 但我同佢講想排am, 佢之後打返比我話有位轉am, 你都試下啦
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-7-18 15:38

My son is accepted for PM class too (the teacher also told me that no need to queue up for AM class as the chance is slim... need to wait till someone give up a seat).  My helper is therefore training my son not to take a nap in the afternoon!!!!

My little one loves to cry... I hope he could adapt the new environment as soon as he can....
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-20 11:41

too bad my daughter start to cry when i out for work, normally she stays at gdma's hm and i'm afraid tht she'll cry while study alone !!!
but now, she can play alone in pg.
maybe she's now growing up n knows much.....
作者: Jos911    時間: 09-7-20 23:16

My girl also can change to AM class, we apply at April...
My girl have been train up these few weeks...no need naper in the day time...
作者: SNOWPUI    時間: 09-7-21 01:20

hi all,
有無人pm class 呀?     
我仔仔 9月 N1 pm class 呀~
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-21 16:54

my daughter is .....
i want change to am session becoz want let her join another course after school.
作者: SNOWPUI    時間: 09-7-21 19:05

大家有無睇過教育處份報告, 07-08n班pm class得幾個同學仔咋~
作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-25 11:19

有人話好喎, 起碼老師會集中喺果幾個小朋友度, 但係我好想比阿女校外學多D野, 所以想轉 AM, PM 唔好處只係上午好難揾到D課外班比佢學
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-7-25 17:15

On the interview day, I asked the teacher how many students have accepted for pm class so far.  She told me that there would be 30 kids and they will be divided into two groups (ie 15 each) and each group with 2 teachers.  I like this arrangement.

I phoned Yew Chung (my elder studied its nursery class few years ago and we actually live very close to its nursery campus) earlier and they told me that it would be 24 kids per class - it is the reason I didn't choose Yew Chung eventually.

My little one loves to cry and therefore I would very much prefer small size class.
作者: SNOWPUI    時間: 09-7-25 23:00

我也是喜歡小班才選這裡, 沒有選加南; 但如果一班真的只有數位小朋友, 那好像有一點孤清; 怕小朋友學不到群體生活>.<"

~ 我也想轉am class , 因為時間好d, 至少我可以凡親身接送到小朋友
作者: kacharles    時間: 09-7-26 01:15

我仔仔係12月出世的細仔, 在基督教中心讀N班PM.

PM 班好處係少人過AM班, 平均每組也是11-12人, 在照顧方面會更好, 最適合我個細仔. 而且, 我之前試過在早上跟仔仔返PLAYGROUP, 發覺可能太早起身, 在PLAYGROUP 後半段就已經支持唔住, 又或者不太投入.

反而, 返 N班PM, 仔仔會小睡一會才上學, 發覺他上堂的情況好好, 我就覺得返PM班 FOR N班, 就好過AM.

如果想仔仔早些適應上學, K2 OR K3 都未遲...... N班最緊要係讓孩子喜歡返學. 這是小小經驗分享.
作者: sadsam    時間: 09-7-29 14:15

請問學費幾多錢一個月,及要交幾多個月學費架 ?

作者: goofy_bb    時間: 09-7-29 15:11

請問各位係咪會比小朋友直升上 k1 ?? 定會另外報心儀學校?
作者: SNOWPUI    時間: 09-7-30 14:06

都未開學, 梗係未決定到~
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-8-2 21:18


My elder son just graduated from KV, I obviously want to let my little one try KV but the competition is really keen and don't have any confident given he's a September boy...

作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-8-9 17:25

好緊張呀, 就開學啦, 唔知我囝囝會唔會喊呢?我估有90%會囉
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-8-10 21:44

My boy will cry for sure too and I expect he will cry for at least a week.....

作者: 晉晉媽媽    時間: 09-8-11 16:01

你地住邊到呀... 洗唔洗坐校車呢?
今日收到校車個邊打來.. 但係宣導個邊的?  唔係基督教的?  重要咁早上車??? (7:15) 我住葵涌的?  點解頭上車?先再去基灣的?  唔係葵涌之後直出龍詳路咩?  好唔 LIKE 校車公司安排... 同之前的通告唔同的?
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-8-14 17:48

I live in Kowloon Tong and my maid will bring my boy to school by taxi.
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-8-14 17:48

I live in Kowloon Tong and my maid will bring my boy to school by taxi.
作者: SNOWPUI    時間: 09-8-15 02:43

I will take minibus to school & by taxi/minibus go home accompany by maid  / me
作者: 2ling    時間: 09-8-22 21:53

wrong post - deleted.

[ 本帖最後由 2ling 於 09-8-24 19:14 編輯 ]
作者: KPKmama    時間: 09-8-31 11:27

請問你地小朋友開學點呀???習唔習慣呢??老師OK唔OK呀?? 我囡黎緊會插班PM class,想知學校情況, 謝謝
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-9-2 23:25

原帖由 KPKmama 於 09-8-31 11:27 發表
請問你地小朋友開學點呀???習唔習慣呢??老師OK唔OK呀?? 我囡黎緊會插班PM class,想知學校情況, 謝謝

我囝囝讀am n1b, 我覺得d老師好有愛心呀, 校長又好好呀, 我地只可以第1-2日陪佢, 第3日開始佢地自己返, 我囝囝都有喊, 老師每日都打嚟講返d情況
作者: 晉晉媽媽    時間: 09-9-3 15:43     標題: 回覆 1# fanipwife 的文章

我小朋友讀 N1C 呀...  我認得你個囝囝呀... 我叫你幫手買套個媽咪呀... 你有冇 msn 呢?
我想問有關於幼稚園問題呀...  唔該你爸爸呀....
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-9-3 19:56

原帖由 晉晉媽媽 於 09-9-3 15:43 發表
我小朋友讀 N1C 呀...  我認得你個囝囝呀... 我叫你幫手買套個媽咪呀... 你有冇 msn 呢?
我想問有關於幼稚園問題呀...  唔該你爸爸呀....

又會咁岩哈哈, 你有冇msn呀我好交換下意見
[email protected]
作者: tokyobaby    時間: 09-9-21 08:51

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: fanipwife    時間: 09-9-21 23:06


原帖由 tokyobaby 於 09-9-21 08:51 發表
what's the eng name of this school ?

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