
標題: 金巴倫 vs 根德園 [打印本頁]

作者: Jackdude    時間: 08-12-3 10:58     標題: 金巴倫 vs 根德園

小女有幸金巴倫&根德園兩間都收左 (其實仲等緊 St Cat.)

1. 小班教學
2. 面試時老師給家長很正面的感覺
3. 英文程度不差
1. 好似無聽到有學生係waiting list 或 rejected
2. 今年小學派位好似無往年好

1. 學術程度高, 功課多(辛苦父母)
2. 傳統教學
1. 英文程度相對較差
2. 太多學生
3. 小朋友可能會有D"死讀書"

講真, 根德園多少係名牌效應... 咁多人想入, 相信一定有D原因既... 但係金巴倫好似活潑D

作者: lailaicalvin    時間: 08-12-3 15:30


原帖由 Jackdude 於 08-12-3 10:58 發表
小女有幸金巴倫&根德園兩間都收左 (其實仲等緊 St Cat.)

1. 小班教學
2. 面試時老師給家長很正面的感覺
3. 英文程度不差
1. 好似無聽到有學生係waiting list 或 rejected
2. 今年小學派位好似無 ...

作者: vivicicimimi    時間: 08-12-3 21:37

i sure choice KV!
Because SN Miss Fung interview to my son is too bad. simple English cannot right speaking. Red she said rat, one bird in picture she said birds very horrible!!

[ 本帖最後由 vivicicimimi 於 08-12-3 21:38 編輯 ]
作者: mark2006    時間: 08-12-4 10:14

pls loot at their primary schools placement results ....you may get more ideas...KV.......Can 4xx graduates all go to famous schools? Please think the answer to this question ......
作者: w2b    時間: 08-12-4 10:38

其實最緊要睇下你自己想小朋點成長同埋你要D muc囉. 我就係St Nic 收左阿仔之後即刻決定唔去interview KV. 我明KV 名氣大 but 對於我黎講無意義. 我只想我個仔開心同埋係friendly environment 長大.St Nic 兩文三語& 小班教學 . 呢D野KV完全 比唔到我地.所以完全唔唸去in.

我老公係外國人, 果日interview Ms Fung 同我地 mainly 講英文, 完全無問題溝通到, 唔係vivicicimimi 講果種 "so horrible" wor.  

Vivicicimimi, 你聽錯係米呀?
作者: Jackdude    時間: 08-12-4 11:51

Thank you very much for the replies everyone.
Decision made.

St. Catherine will be my choice.
Just received the admission letter yesterday, i am so glad.

As w2b said, I wish my daughter to grow up in a happy/casual environment, and that's one of the reason why i hesitate in enrolling into KV.

St. Cat tend to have a more relaxing environment, even though it got so many students, but i still wish to give it a try.

being fair, I still think SN is a school with quality, the overall impression given to me during the interview was the BEST out of all kindergarten that i had interviewed, and Ms. Fung is great too.

Thank you for your perusal, and all the best everyone.
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 08-12-4 12:00


accepted by both kv & sc......
so difficult for this year.

原帖由 Jackdude 於 08-12-4 11:51 發表
Thank you very much for the replies everyone.
Decision made.

St. Catherine will be my choice.
Just received the admission letter yesterday, i am so glad.

As w2b said, I wish my daughter to grow up  ...

作者: Jackdude    時間: 08-12-4 12:07

Thanks BabyHilary

I am so surprised as my daughter didn't do well in SC's interview.. anyway, so glad, as the searching process finally come to the end.... (for the kindergarten stage)

作者: hinhinboy    時間: 08-12-4 13:59

Agree with you!
St. Nicholas is also a good school especially after we attend the interview.
But I would give up the seat, cause my boy is accepted by St. Cat. also.

原帖由 Jackdude 於 08-12-4 11:51 發表
Thank you very much for the replies everyone.
Decision made.

St. Catherine will be my choice.
Just received the admission letter yesterday, i am so glad.

As w2b said, I wish my daughter to grow up  ...

作者: kschow    時間: 08-12-4 23:12

Agree with Jackdude

St Nic also gave me very good impression not only interview rundown and also its small-size class.  They also emphasized their English standard.  There's no doubt of its standard because of good placement result.:joy
作者: CodyMother    時間: 08-12-6 12:20

原帖由 Jackdude 於 08-12-3 10:58 發表
小女有幸金巴倫&根德園兩間都收左 (其實仲等緊 St Cat.)

1. 小班教學
2. 面試時老師給家長很正面的感覺
3. 英文程度不差
1. 好似無聽到有學生係waiting list 或 rejected
2. 今年小學派位好似無 ...




作者: LITTLESPICY    時間: 09-4-6 23:35

點解咁多媽咪的小朋友可以同時考到咁好的學校, st. cat. KV. York. St. Nic.......
仲有得選....真羨慕! 我現在傷腦筋個仔可以考到邊間!
作者: tty    時間: 09-4-25 16:36

咁你個仔當時讀得開心嗎? 佢的英文程度好嗎? 上咗小學後讀書有無困難呀?

原帖由 CodyMother 於 08-12-6 12:20 發表




作者: mickeywinnie3    時間: 09-4-26 11:13

我仔亦是畢業於st. nic , 現小二, 佢在st. nic 讀得好開心, 底子打得不錯, 其他畢業同學成績亦更優秀!!

原帖由 tty 於 09-4-25 16:36 發表
咁你個仔當時讀得開心嗎? 佢的英文程度好嗎? 上咗小學後讀書有無困難呀?

作者: Pertra    時間: 09-5-26 00:36

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