
標題: 入讀SRL的考試模式 [打印本頁]

作者: kylie_mom    時間: 08-10-15 16:46     標題: 入讀SRL的考試模式


老師唔會因為遠近來選學生. 佢地係睇你個小朋友架咋. 考試考d咩呀, 上年佢只可以比1個家長陪伴入去, 但係陪個位家長唔可以同個小朋友一同坐, 你只可以坐係小朋友附近or後面, 大概2-3個身位
你唔會知老師問d. 你只可以睇到, 聽唔到. 睇到你個小朋友無有 "". 因為當時老師比咗份問卷比我地d家長填. 所以你基本上睇唔到幾多. 老師會比玩具比個小朋友, 問吓以d係咩. 日常常識. 不是好難. 我個女好怕羞都無問題.

我都唔係教徒, 所以唔一定係教徒先入到既, interview嗰日我好彩坐得好近, 偷聽到啲, 不過當時老師會比份問卷你填, 所以只聽到部分, 希望幫到你

interview場有4-6張枱, 每張枱有4-5個小朋友一齊坐, 每張有2個老師負責問問題, 家長坐最埋邊的長椅填問卷.

? / 今日點嚟學校ka?
3) 今朝食咗嘢未? / 今朝食咩早餐?

4) 依個係咪呀? (嗰時攞條魚比我囡囡睇)
? (枱上有2-4種顏色, 指住其中一個問)
可唔可以拎個橙比我呀? (有幾個生果係枱面

臨走嗰陣, 老師話"我請你食粒糖呀, 你攞一粒啦" (當時有一大包粒係囡囡面前), 我估老師想睇個小朋友識唔識講"唔該", 有冇禮貌

[ 本帖最後由 kylie_mom 於 08-10-16 00:46 編輯 ]
作者: junejunewong    時間: 08-10-16 00:25

oh, thank you, kylie_mom, really useful info!

u remind me that i cannot sit next to my girl, then really cannot remind her to do the things she already know... at least i think she will not actively say "thank you" after getting the candy

anyway, thx v v mcuh

原帖由 kylie_mom 於 08-10-15 16:46 發表

老師唔會因為遠近來選學生. 佢地係睇你個小朋友架咋. 考試考d咩呀, 上年佢只可以比1個家長陪伴入去, 但係陪個位家長唔可以同個小朋友一同坐, 你只可以坐係小朋友附近or後面, 大概2-3 ...

作者: kylie_mom    時間: 08-10-16 00:36

原帖由 junejunewong 於 16-10-2008 00:25 發表
oh, thank you, kylie_mom, really useful info!

u remind me that i cannot sit next to my girl, then really cannot remind her to do the things she already know... at least i think she will not actively ...

千其唔好咁做(remind), 老師會覺得小朋友咩都唔識, 如有心入SRL, 不妨每日都同囡囡講下入讀嘅好處, 遲d有open day, 可以希囡囡去參觀, 平日同教佢禮儀(如say morning, goodbye and thankyou......etc), 好多野聽得多就ok, 而且SRL係主重小朋友肯唔肯回應問題, 而且考嘅問題唔深, 所以小朋友一定要開聲講.
作者: rosactf9999    時間: 08-10-16 16:04

其實都唔使太擔心同太緊張, 因為srl 面試都唔係問d好深既野. 再加上, 佢係1月interview, 到時小朋友應該大左好多, 一定會比起之前in果d, 表現好.

哈哈, 我個女就係........10月去in仲係傻更更, in幾間都唔數. 反而到srl, 1 月in, 我覺得佢表現ok. 又收左.

不過我都覺得, 最緊要係開聲講野, 有問有答, 唔好扭計. 我見有d小朋友痴住媽咪, 或者喊. 咁可能個機會就相對細d喇.
作者: junejunewong    時間: 08-10-16 22:55

oh... thx kylie_mom and rosa, giving me so many useful points ^_^

i don't know the interview time is Jan, cos from the website, only know the application time is 1 Nov and 8 Nov 08 ....
Jan 09 is really good ar, my girl now studying N1 for 2 mths, then if 2 mths later, should be better... i can let her more practice about say morning etc to stranger  (though i know all the children also learn much during this 2 mths, but still better... )
about open day, when is it for last year? will the school advise us when make application?

作者: rosactf9999    時間: 08-10-19 14:31

JUNE, 一月in係好呀. 亞女真係大幾個月, 同埋心智各方面都成熟d, 表現自然好d.

加油, 祝你好運, 希望你亞女可以做到我地個女既 "小師妹"
作者: kylie_mom    時間: 08-10-19 17:45

原帖由 junejunewong 於 16-10-2008 22:55 發表
about open day, when is it for last year? will the school advise us when make application?

無記錯的話上年你12月2日, 任何人士都可以去
作者: rosactf9999    時間: 08-10-20 19:23


不過, 今年有冇話有open day? 只知係有籌款日.
作者: junejunewong    時間: 08-10-29 23:51

yesterday i have phoned the school that this year will not have open day....
also fm the KG's website, i know that the open day is for 六十周年, so not every year will have.... anyway, thx rosa and kylie's mom v much ^_^
原帖由 rosactf9999 於 08-10-20 19:23 發表

不過, 今年有冇話有open day? 只知係有籌款日.

作者: homuimui    時間: 08-11-25 10:48     標題: 想請問有關聖羅撒幼稚園的面試 ?

Dear all mom.,

Would you help provide the format and questions which will be asked during interview of St. Rose ?
Many many thanks.
作者: star2005    時間: 08-11-25 17:38

原帖由 homuimui 於 08-11-25 10:48 發表
Dear all mom.,

Would you help provide the format and questions which will be asked during interview of St. Rose ?
Many many thanks.

唔知老師問咩架. 因為家長帶左小朋友入hall, 家長就坐係大約20尺以外的地方. 最important 係臨走的時候, 老師比粒candy小朋友. 睇下小朋友的反應啦. 當然要講多謝啦.good luck.
作者: homuimui    時間: 08-11-25 22:41

Dear star2005 mom.,

Thanks for your advice.


原帖由 star2005 於 08-11-25 17:38 發表

唔知老師問咩架. 因為家長帶左小朋友入hall, 家長就坐係大約20尺以外的地方. 最important 係臨走的時候, 老師比粒candy小朋友. 睇下小朋友的反應啦. 當然要講多謝啦.good luck. ...

作者: Hayley04    時間: 08-11-28 13:32


Kylie_mum has the magic crystal ball. she can answer all your questions. However, most parents believe that this kindergarten is a bit simple. Do prepare yourself, not the children.

BTW, please also read the education burean report on SRL.

原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-29 23:51 發表
yesterday i have phoned the school that this year will not have open day....
also fm the KG's website, i know that the open day is for 六十周年, so not every year will have.... anyway, thx rosa and k ...

作者: kylie_mom    時間: 08-11-28 14:20

原帖由 Hayley04 於 28-11-2008 13:32 發表

Kylie_mum has the magic crystal ball. she can answer all your questions.  

作者: helencheng    時間: 08-12-4 17:03

作者: chloe1118    時間: 08-12-4 17:29

原帖由 helencheng 於 08-12-4 17:03 發表


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