
標題: 教署侷家長賭。應該請馬會主持賭局! [打印本頁]

作者: wen2wen    時間: 08-11-24 16:12     標題: 教署侷家長賭。應該請馬會主持賭局!

教署侷家長賭『小一選校』一鋪。如果公正,公平,公開,家長輸了都『份』。 教署偏要在自行收生時,要計兄姊分,計宗教分,父母的母校分。

兄姊分:兄姊同校可以照顧弟妹啊。不知能照幾年呢?兄姊現在小六。 弟妹明年入小一。剛好照不到啦。

宗教分:什麼大宗教只傳道給自己教友減少不同宗教的學童入讀及接觸學校宗教的機會,是否學校的本意? Jesus said, “Who need the doctor: the healthy or the sick?"

父母的母校分:十年人事幾翻新,母校的亞sir madam安在?潮起潮落,過客匆匆,有幾家百年老店?母校又安在?父母『母校被殺』的學童可否得到『母校被殺分』,以慰其雙親的弱小心靈呢?



[ 本帖最後由 wen2wen 於 08-11-24 23:22 編輯 ]
作者: BabyLincoln    時間: 08-11-24 16:18

作者: loy211    時間: 08-11-24 16:20

作者: Vinyny    時間: 08-11-24 16:29


原帖由 loy211 於 08-11-24 16:20 發表

作者: BBR    時間: 08-11-24 16:33

我淨係覺得可唔可以唔好攪咁耐,第一輪完後點解唔快D第2輪,要家長等咁耐唔知為咩,攪到樣樣唔方便,早D比小朋友同家長settle down唔得咩!!!!!
作者: dad1234    時間: 08-11-24 16:33

原帖由 wen2wen 於 08-11-24 16:12 發表

教署侷家長賭『小一選校』一鋪。如果公正,公平,公開,家長輸了都『份』。 教署偏要在自行收生時,要計兄姊分,計宗教分,父母的母校分。

兄姊分:兄姊同校可以照顧弟妹啊。不知能照幾年呢?兄姊現在小六。 弟妹明年入小一。剛好 ...

作者: LS+MCS    時間: 08-11-24 16:40

原帖由 wen2wen 於 08-11-24 16:12 發表

教署侷家長賭『小一選校』一鋪。如果公正,公平,公開,家長輸了都『份』。 教署偏要在自行收生時,要計兄姊分,計宗教分,父母的母校分。

兄姊分:兄姊同校可以照顧弟妹啊。不知能照幾年呢?兄姊現在小六。 弟妹明年入小一。剛好 ...

I dare not to say whether it's fair or not.

My son enjoyed the privileged marks and got into our wanted school in the 1st round.

My daughter had to wait for almost nine months before she could finally secure a seat in the 2nd round.

I just hope the time difference between the 1st and 2nd round be shortened. A lot of parents feel exhausted after the game.
作者: koe    時間: 08-11-24 16:51

仲要攪一大輪先到第二輪,真係個心弱D都未必頂得順~~唔得仲要叩門等面試(如果肯見你都話呀)攪到D 爸爸媽媽有排唔洗訓~~
作者: wen2wen    時間: 08-11-24 22:16

原帖由 dad1234 於 08-11-24 16:33 發表


作者: linglingkiki    時間: 08-11-24 22:21

作者: avbee    時間: 08-11-24 22:22

:( agree
作者: BBR    時間: 08-11-24 22:37

無野係公平,只希望個遊戲快D玩完,既然一月填表,點解唔可以2月中放榜 ,攪咁多個月做咩

原帖由 linglingkiki 於 08-11-24 22:21 發表
我都吾知個制度是否公平,我只係覺得傳統名校是世襲制...兄弟姐妹優先、父母在學校任職/校董優先、舊生優先、本來宗教分都可以幫下,但而家有同冇都沒有分別,想問:在咁多情況下咁多人可以優先,剩餘的學位給外人(只得15分或 ...

作者: LS+MCS    時間: 08-11-24 22:43

The whole process lasts too long and parents who failed in the 1st round have to wait for another seven months.
作者: youma    時間: 08-11-24 23:04

原帖由 wen2wen 於 08-11-24 16:12 發表

教署侷家長賭『小一選校』一鋪。如果公正,公平,公開,家長輸了都『份』。 教署偏要在自行收生時,要計兄姊分,計宗教分,父母的母校分。

兄姊分:兄姊同校可以照顧弟妹啊。不知能照幾年呢?兄姊現在小六。 弟妹明年入小一。剛好 ...

作者: popocat    時間: 08-11-24 23:16

我細個讀女校, 所以益唔到阿仔.  如果讀daddy 間小學, 仲要搬返新界!!
作者: vanessa924    時間: 08-11-24 23:37

agree:真係好嬲!!!!!!仲要等到明年,真係好慘..... :;pppp:
作者: bb1126    時間: 08-11-25 00:30

作者: ClareMa    時間: 08-11-25 01:20

作者: jojoliu    時間: 08-11-25 08:55

作者: okokdad    時間: 08-11-25 09:25

Totally agreed!!

原帖由 jojoliu 於 08-11-25 08:55 發表

作者: aknchan    時間: 08-11-25 10:31

I can understand your disappointment but sadly there are simply NO 'FAIR' system.

1. Lets look at what happen when we remove the whole "自行收生" ,ignore all the points and remove the district limitation.
What's left is one big lucky draw, which is 'FAIR' since everyone has equal chance.
The school wouldn't be too happy as they have zero control now.
The people who used to have point wouldn't be too happy as their advantage disappeared.
Parents with 2 kids wouldn't be too happy too because 1 might go to school in Chai Wan and the other goes to Tuen Mun.
The people with no points are not much better off as their chance of getting into 'hot' school is just as slim or even worse with a no limit lucky draw.

2. Lets try a full scale across HK Primary School Entrance Exam.
This system is also 'FAIR' since the 'best seat' goes to the best performer. Period.
Would parents like to prepare their 5 year old for an exam?
Would parent like this system?

3. Lets try the 'Pick a school within 1 KM + volunteer work' system.
Everyone knows where the few 'hot' schools are.
Everyone knows the price of owning/renting a house in these districts.
Everyone has heard of parents using fake address for the lucky draw.
If school choices are tied with where you leave, wouldn't people argue that this system favors the rich people because they are the one who can afford to live near the 'hot' schools?
This is indeed the same argument put forth by people nowadays regarding the distinct limitation.
How about doing volunteering work improves your kid's chance of getting into a school?
Wouldn't a working mom complains that a full time mom having a better chance because she has the free time to do volunteer work?

The sad truth is that besides the extreme cases (#1 100% luck and #2 0% luck), no matter how and where you draw the line, some people will tell you is unfair.

[ 本帖最後由 aknchan 於 08-11-25 10:39 編輯 ]
作者: jojoliu    時間: 08-11-25 10:40

作者: filleul    時間: 08-11-25 10:40










原帖由 wen2wen 於 08-11-24 16:12 發表

教署侷家長賭『小一選校』一鋪。如果公正,公平,公開,家長輸了都『份』。 教署偏要在自行收生時,要計兄姊分,計宗教分,父母的母校分。

兄姊分:兄姊同校可以照顧弟妹啊。不知能照幾年呢?兄姊現在小六。 弟妹明年入小一。剛好 ...

[ 本帖最後由 filleul 於 08-11-25 10:48 編輯 ]
作者: jojoliu    時間: 08-11-25 11:02

你真係好火滚喎 ,有咩辦法,我身邊宜家多左好多"教徒",都係因為政府

原帖由 filleul 於 08-11-25 10:40 發表


無錯,呢個機制原意係想平均分配學额,本應是好事,但實際上佢地唸出來嘅所謂公平機制,基本上係佢地一厢情願嘅唸法,根本都無考虑現實嘅情况,结果 ...

作者: joetsang    時間: 08-11-25 11:24

原帖由 BBR 於 08-11-24 16:33 發表
我淨係覺得可唔可以唔好攪咁耐,第一輪完後點解唔快D第2輪,要家長等咁耐唔知為咩,攪到樣樣唔方便,早D比小朋友同家長settle down唔得咩!!!!!

作者: linglingkiki    時間: 08-11-25 12:56

作者: Eunisven    時間: 08-11-25 17:12

絕對同意!! 好唔公平
作者: charwes    時間: 08-11-25 17:20

Can't agree with you more. No single system can satisfy the demands of ALL parents. People with vested interest would prefer the existing system while the others would think it's unfair. The point is, no matter how you change the system, there would be vested interest groups.

原帖由 aknchan 於 08-11-25 10:31 發表
I can understand your disappointment but sadly there are simply NO 'FAIR' system.

1. Lets look at what happen when we remove the whole "自行收生" ,ignore all the points and remove the district limita ...

作者: sharonman    時間: 08-11-25 18:02

原帖由 BBR 於 08-11-24 16:33 發表
我淨係覺得可唔可以唔好攪咁耐,第一輪完後點解唔快D第2輪,要家長等咁耐唔知為咩,攪到樣樣唔方便,早D比小朋友同家長settle down唔得咩!!!!!

作者: andrewpapa    時間: 08-11-25 18:14

in fact, is that all becoz of government official?  

Will there be responsibility of the "education organizations" too?  They build their school with the donation of their fellow church members, is that they reserve a right to count the religion points. "remember is count but not absolute advantage"

Why father and mothers or brother and sister can count? Why not? The old boys or old girls do contribute to build up the school reputation, no matter good or bad.

Look at the game from the school point of view,  who dare to formalize another system to pick student?  

By exam?  think about our DSS interview?     .

By donation? you will know what will our beloved "legislative councilor" next to move.

By big lucky draw? Will you really stop complaint if you can't get the school you like.  If I were facing this situation, i will say big lucky draw is not fair, coz i have no right to choose the school I like.

By distance? you will say government policy helps to build up uneven distribution of property price.

I fully agree that the system is not perfect. And the system cannot please us all.  But how?
Like the old time under british coloney, the parents line up at the school to apply and we take the entry exam? Nowadays, you will complain about they are to harsh to our kids.  

How can we make a perfect system?  This kind of compliants happen in Singapore, Canada, UK, The states too

I totally agree that the time is taking too long from phase 1 to phase 2. But this issue is not about fair or unfair. Is about timing only.  

Is that as a parent, we look at the name of the school too much.  And we look at our feeling and pride too much.

Or extremely speaking, we think that some schools are not up to standard that we should abandom them.  We should only keep the shcool we like and make 20 classes in one form.  Should we tell those not up to standard teachers how disappointed we are? No! No! They will say we are too harsh and not fair to them becoz they should not be the one who bear the full responsibility to our kids education.  parents and the students themselves should share too.

all i want to say - the situation now we face is the bad fruit that we seed before.  How to change? Stop complaint and teach the true value of education to our kids - 溫故知訢.

sorry for the 口水, you might not agree, pls don't yell at me
作者: newfather    時間: 08-11-25 18:14


試問咁勢利既家長, 佢地既下一代點會好 :;pppp:
作者: andrewpapa    時間: 08-11-25 18:25

sorry should be 溫故知新
作者: happypenguin    時間: 08-11-25 21:56

No doubt the first round of the system is extremely unfair. At least the game should limit the first round "hereditary seats" to a reasonable percentage, eg. 20-30% to make it a little bit fairer!

原帖由 andrewpapa 於 08-11-25 18:14 發表
in fact, is that all becoz of government official?  

Will there be responsibility of the "education organizations" too?  They build their school with the donation of their fellow church members, is t ...

作者: See    時間: 08-11-25 22:24

作者: wen2wen    時間: 08-11-25 23:27





(但大家都拖到last minute 至投注,又点好呢?哈哈!)

作者: mow-mow    時間: 08-11-26 09:08

Yours is not a bad idea.
All they have to do is to have a preliminary round for 必收生. Once these 必收生 numbers have been calculated & announced, then the rest can proceed the same way as now.

原帖由 wen2wen 於 08-11-25 23:27 發表



1)讓『必收生』先投注 ...

作者: sea    時間: 08-11-26 09:28

係呀! 我有個朋友係遞表前半年成日話跟我返教會, 但係都無聲氣, 點知遞表前一週問我可唔可以叫個牧師即刻幫佢個仔受浸, 我咪叫佢去城門河自己浸囉! 呵呵!


原帖由 See 於 08-11-25 22:24 發表

作者: super11mum    時間: 08-11-26 10:06

同意! 唔通香港的人多過頭,想嚇死哂D家長.........

原帖由 filleul 於 08-11-25 10:40 發表


無錯,呢個機制原意係想平均分配學额,本應是好事,但實際上佢地唸出來嘅所謂公平機制,基本上係佢地一厢情願嘅唸法,根本都無考虑現實嘅情况,结果 ...

作者: filleul    時間: 08-11-26 11:59

係!我绝對同意: "No single system can satify the demands of ALL parents"。正如我之前所講,世上當然没有绝對公平的事。

但問题是,按現行制度,教處選擇了去滿足少數有”vested interest“嘅一群,而犧牲其餘大多數没有哪些“巧立名目”的分數的一群!





原帖由 charwes 於 08-11-25 17:20 發表
Can't agree with you more. No single system can satisfy the demands of ALL parents. People with vested interest would prefer the existing system while the others would think it's unfair. The point is, ...

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