
標題: 我想問根德園幾時可以會收到面試結果?? [打印本頁]

作者: BERRYTOTO    時間: 08-11-19 09:43     標題: 我想問根德園幾時可以會收到面試結果??

我d個大蒙既mami唔知係咪佗住bb..咩都唔見哂同唔記得~~ 麻煩哂
作者: Carrie_Yip    時間: 08-11-19 09:51


2 weeks of interview就會收到信啦!

原帖由 BERRYTOTO 於 08-11-19 09:43 發表
我d個大蒙既mami唔知係咪佗住bb..咩都唔見哂同唔記得~~ 麻煩哂

作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 08-11-19 09:52

好似話Dec 1前會有results。

原帖由 BERRYTOTO 於 08-11-19 09:43 發表
我d個大蒙既mami唔知係咪佗住bb..咩都唔見哂同唔記得~~ 麻煩哂

作者: BERRYTOTO    時間: 08-11-19 10:35

作者: ericby    時間: 08-11-19 16:08

yes, my friend's son received letter today who interviewed on 8th
作者: wincyho56    時間: 08-11-19 16:15     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

Received the acceptance letter? My daughter interviewed on Nov 9.
作者: Luky624    時間: 08-11-19 16:17

So great......
I interviewed on 9 th, but still not received yet.
Look forward tomorrow!!!

原帖由 ericby 於 08-11-19 16:08 發表
yes, my friend's son received letter today who interviewed on 8th

作者: wincyho56    時間: 08-11-19 16:22     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

Just call KV yesterday but they said not yet send wow....
作者: Bebichhichi    時間: 08-11-19 16:40

咁佢收唔收呀?? 之前apply 時張memo 寫within 2 wk有通知架, 不過interview 既時候又話12月1日前知, 唔知邊樣先岩??

原帖由 ericby 於 08-11-19 16:08 發表
yes, my friend's son received letter today who interviewed on 8th

作者: ChinChinMammy    時間: 08-11-19 16:47

They may receive too many application forms than expected.  My daughter was interviewed on 15-Nov.

原帖由 Bebichhichi 於 08-11-19 16:40 發表
咁佢收唔收呀?? 之前apply 時張memo 寫within 2 wk有通知架, 不過interview 既時候又話12月1日前知, 唔知邊樣先岩??

作者: twins_daddy    時間: 08-11-19 17:10

原帖由 wincyho56 於 08-11-19 16:22 發表
Just call KV yesterday but they said not yet send wow....

better look at who wrote that comment ...............
作者: ericby    時間: 08-11-20 09:29

i do not ask her, i think he does not get accepted otherwise she is happy to tell
作者: yeungyeungma    時間: 08-11-20 10:19

pls update if anyone receive letter ! Thanks
作者: babyduo    時間: 08-11-20 13:56

i think good students will receive letter - result (accept) earlier than others .. BUT, my child inetrviewed on 8 Nov still not received
作者: rolandbb    時間: 08-11-20 16:36

原帖由 babyduo 於 08-11-20 13:56 發表
i think good students will receive letter - result (accept) earlier than others .. BUT, my child inetrviewed on 8 Nov still not received

面試時有張memo 俾家長寫12月1日出結果, 你地睇返呢張咪知囉.
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 08-11-20 19:43

memo寫"postmarked on or before dec 1",
唔知所有信會同一日發, 定係分批發出呢?

作者: Cardiff    時間: 08-11-20 22:43

I just called KV this afternoon (20/11 at 4:00pm), they said all the letters (acceptance or failure) will be sent on 1 Dec.  Lots of parents are longing for the letters......
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 08-11-20 23:39

will be sent on 1 dec??
that means we should receive the letter on 2 or 3 dec, still have to wait over 10 days!

原帖由 Cardiff 於 08-11-20 22:43 發表
I just called KV this afternoon (20/11 at 4:00pm), they said all the letters (acceptance or failure) will be sent on 1 Dec.  Lots of parents are longing for the letters......

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-21 01:15

cannot wait lar!  anxious to know the result!!!
作者: BERRYTOTO    時間: 08-11-21 11:28

作者: babie2    時間: 08-11-21 19:45

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: happyfamilybaby    時間: 08-11-24 12:40

都係平常心, 不係日子好難過.
作者: ArK    時間: 08-11-24 15:00

吓, 重以為lee個星期tim.
作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 08-11-24 16:46


原帖由 ArK 於 08-11-24 15:00 發表
吓, 重以為lee個星期tim.

作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 08-11-24 21:42

作者: homeandy    時間: 08-11-27 12:08

作者: candytosy    時間: 08-11-27 12:39

作者: KALOKMAMA    時間: 08-11-27 17:17

我都好心急,每日放工回家, 第一事件就去睇信箱有無信收到
作者: Oscarmom    時間: 08-11-27 18:40

I also keep checking the mailbox everyday, and i called kentville today and they said they will send out the letter next week...
作者: marcus526    時間: 08-11-27 22:05

me too! 本來仲想今日打去問,可惜打不通,原來下星期, 真係好心急!,我想真的1/12才寄出
作者: marcus526    時間: 08-11-27 22:10

u got the acceptance’s letter already。I also interview on Nov9,not recevie yet。。。
原帖由 wincyho56 於 08-11-19 16:15 發表
Received the acceptance letter? My daughter interviewed on Nov 9.

作者: marcus526    時間: 08-11-27 22:12

not received yet!
作者: candytosy    時間: 08-11-28 16:44

依個星期真係過得特別慢, 過得好辛苦呀!!!!!

原帖由 marcus526 於 08-11-27 22:05 發表
me too! 本來仲想今日打去問,可惜打不通,原來下星期, 真係好心急!,我想真的1/12才寄出

作者: muiskyie    時間: 08-11-28 23:19

作者: Oscarmom    時間: 08-11-29 09:52

I hope we can receive the letter today, really wait for so many days already and keep checking the mailbox this week
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 11:18

I received the letter from Kentville lar!!!!  So happy and finally no need to be worried about it!

My daughter is accepted to PM class!  Let's share the news!
作者: wttcly    時間: 08-11-29 11:25

本帖最後由 wttcly 於 12-6-7 12:36 編輯

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 11:28

Thank you so much, what a big relief!  Best of luck to you and all the anxious parents!

原帖由 wttcly 於 08-11-29 11:25 發表
恭喜你, 希望同你一樣有好消息.

作者: wttcly    時間: 08-11-29 11:37

本帖最後由 wttcly 於 12-6-7 12:34 編輯

作者: danielsh    時間: 08-11-29 12:17     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

恭喜晒呀...希望我今日都收到啦...想問吓你住邊區架, 我坐荃灣區, 有時覺得收信會耐d
作者: CandyChing    時間: 08-11-29 13:16

我都住荃灣, 今日收到信, 好開心.

原帖由 danielsh 於 08-11-29 12:17 發表
恭喜晒呀...希望我今日都收到啦...想問吓你住邊區架, 我坐荃灣區, 有時覺得收信會耐dmouth:" />

作者: vileung    時間: 08-11-29 15:06

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 1773    時間: 08-11-29 15:18

My son is accepted...p.m. class (I chose p.m.)...Kent Road.
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 16:59

We chose "either AM/PM" when the teacher asked.

Would prefer AM, but not sure because we said either AM/PM so assigned to PM.  I also suspect may be related to where we live.  All other KV students in my estate all go to KV PM!!!

原帖由 wttcly 於 08-11-29 11:37 發表
我想問下, 咁你選咗 AM 定 PM 呀?

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 17:00

Thank you!  We live in Tsing Yi.  May be really too many students so take more than 1 day to mail out.  Good luck!

原帖由 danielsh 於 08-11-29 12:17 發表
恭喜晒呀...希望我今日都收到啦...想問吓你住邊區架, 我坐荃灣區, 有時覺得收信會耐dmouth:" />

作者: yeungyeungma    時間: 08-11-29 17:25

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-11-29 17:00 發表
Thank you!  We live in Tsing Yi.  May be really too many students so take more than 1 day to mail out.  Good luck!

my son...waiting list Do you know whether all not-accepted childred would be on waiting list ? Anyone know by experience that the chance of entering into KV when childred on waiting list ?
作者: 以諾媽媽    時間: 08-11-29 17:25

我都收到信呀,好開心呀, 我仔仔將會讀 K1 PM (Kent Road)  
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 17:52

I think the "waiting list" realy means "waiting list", so there are still chances for your son to be admitted.

Based on their records, I am quite sure some of the waiting list kids will be accepted.  In reality, we all apply for so many kindergartens and KV cannot be first choice for everyone, even though it is indeed for many ppls.  But some places will be released.

Don't be too disappointed even hear no news in December, because I think many parents will play safe and pay the deposit first, and wait for some more results.  Good luck!

原帖由 yeungyeungma 於 08-11-29 17:25 發表

my son...waiting list Do you know whether all not-accepted childred would be on waiting list ? Anyone know by experience that the chance of entering into KV when childred on waiting list ?

作者: junejunewong    時間: 08-11-29 18:16

i also live in Tsuen Wan but still cannot receive the letter..... may be the chance is smaller la....
原帖由 CandyChing 於 08-11-29 13:16 發表
我都住荃灣, 今日收到信, 好開心.

作者: candytosy    時間: 08-11-29 18:46

剛剛收到信, 我女都係p.m. kent road ..... 超開心

原帖由 1773 於 08-11-29 15:18 發表
My son is accepted...p.m. class (I chose p.m.)...Kent Road.

作者: Jackiejones    時間: 08-11-30 21:48

I also live in Tsing Yi and my son was accepted in pm class at Kent Road.
原帖由 iantsang 於 08-11-29 17:00 發表
Thank you!  We live in Tsing Yi.  May be really too many students so take more than 1 day to mail out.  Good luck!

作者: sunphoto88    時間: 08-11-30 22:34

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: muiskyie    時間: 08-12-1 00:30

Neither "accept" nor "waiting list" has been received...until today...

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-1 00:44

Congratulations to you too!  So, may be our kids can be classmates!  Keep in touch.  Have you decided to let you son attend KV yet?

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-11-30 21:48 發表
I also live in Tsing Yi and my son was accepted in pm class at Kent Road.

作者: candytosy    時間: 08-12-1 11:29

hi jackiejones,

我都係住青衣架! 我囡囡又係pm class (Kent Road)keep in touch!

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-11-30 21:48 發表
I also live in Tsing Yi and my son was accepted in pm class at Kent Road.

作者: Jackiejones    時間: 08-12-1 14:19

I sent pm to you.  Please check.
原帖由 candytosy 於 08-12-1 11:29 發表
hi jackiejones,

我都係住青衣架! 我囡囡又係pm class (Kent Road)keep in touch!

作者: candytosy    時間: 08-12-1 14:43

hi jackiejones,

請問你SENT 咩俾我咩. 我收唔到喎.
請E-MAIL: [email protected]

Natalie Mami

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-12-1 14:19 發表
I sent pm to you.  Please check.

作者: 龍婆    時間: 08-12-1 14:44

收左亞女a.m - Kent Rd
作者: jennhui    時間: 08-12-1 15:04

My daughter was also accepted to study in pm class at kent road, but we wait for the result from Soka & Pui Ching.
作者: Jackiejones    時間: 08-12-1 16:24

Sent to your hotmail a/c.  Please check.
原帖由 candytosy 於 08-12-1 14:43 發表
hi jackiejones,

請問你SENT 咩俾我咩. 我收唔到喎.
請E-MAIL: [email protected]

Natalie Mami

作者: 希希mama    時間: 08-12-1 17:02     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

事關我只係見到收到acceptance letter上來post,都未見到有reject.
作者: JESSTIFF    時間: 08-12-1 17:33

don't worry, waiting list still has a chance of getting in.  if you are really serious of getting in, don't give up, keep writing letter to the school to show your sincerity.  i know friends who got accepted before school year starts.  

原帖由 yeungyeungma 於 08-11-29 17:25 發表

my son...waiting list Do you know whether all not-accepted childred would be on waiting list ? Anyone know by experience that the chance of entering into KV when childred on waiting list ?

作者: muiskyie    時間: 08-12-1 21:41

the interviewer did not test whether my bb knows about "color"...etc.

does that mean: reject ?
作者: marcus526    時間: 08-12-1 22:39

原帖由 龍婆 於 08-12-1 14:44 發表
收左亞女a.m - Kent Rd

作者: BERRYTOTO    時間: 08-12-1 22:56

我到收左啦! 係PM不過係我選擇,因為我仔返左幾個月上午朝朝都唔起身,朝朝喊死!真係一天光哂
作者: graceshumwy    時間: 08-12-2 01:02

My son also accepted in KV Dorest Crescent Road K1 AM.
作者: hyahome    時間: 08-12-2 01:19

I also choose PM class. I'm in Kent PM, how about you ?

原帖由 BERRYTOTO 於 08-12-1 22:56 發表
我到收左啦! 係PM不過係我選擇,因為我仔返左幾個月上午朝朝都唔起身,朝朝喊死!真係一天光哂

作者: homeandy    時間: 08-12-2 09:03

囡囡都收到Offer! Dorest Crescent Road AM. 好開心Aa!
作者: homeandy    時間: 08-12-2 09:07

作者: Oscarmom    時間: 08-12-2 09:57

I will register in person with my son.
作者: candytosy    時間: 08-12-2 10:49

我都會帶埋natalie 一齊去交留位費.

原帖由 Oscarmom 於 08-12-2 09:57 發表
I will register in person with my son.

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-2 11:55

Will bring Shannon with me to register in-person so she can check out the Kent road campus together with me.

原帖由 candytosy 於 08-12-2 10:49 發表
我都會帶埋natalie 一齊去交留位費.

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-2 11:59

Hi jackiejones & candytosy,

     Seems many of us in PM class are from Tsing Yi!  I think must pay the school bus deposit first otherwise may be not enough seats!

     Let's keep in touch!

原帖由 candytosy 於 08-12-1 11:29 發表
hi jackiejones,

我都係住青衣架! 我囡囡又係pm class (Kent Road)keep in touch!

作者: Jackiejones    時間: 08-12-2 14:55

When is the registration time? mine is at 9 am.  I will bring my son to Kent Road campus on 13 Dec.
原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-2 11:59 發表
Hi jackiejones & candytosy,

     Seems many of us in PM class are from Tsing Yi!  I think must pay the school bus deposit first otherwise may be not enough seats!

     Let's keep in touch!

作者: candytosy    時間: 08-12-2 15:06

mine is at 9:30a.m. (13 Dec)

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-12-2 14:55 發表
When is the registration time? mine is at 9 am.  I will bring my son to Kent Road campus on 13 Dec.

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-2 15:06

My registration time is 11:30am on Dec. 13.

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-12-2 14:55 發表
When is the registration time? mine is at 9 am.  I will bring my son to Kent Road campus on 13 Dec.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 08-12-3 16:21 編輯 ]
作者: wwcchester1088    時間: 08-12-2 15:26


請問你地有無叩門信既 sample可以pm or send e-mail: [email protected]俾我, 因我細仔收左waiting list, 好失望呀, 諗住哥哥係度讀緊會有幫助, 同埋佢個日表現不算太差, 可能因為佢係11月先出世掛,  而家唯有寫信去博吓啦!

作者: 希希mama    時間: 08-12-3 13:58     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

作者: marcus526    時間: 08-12-3 21:39

原帖由 wwcchester1088 於 08-12-2 15:26 發表

請問你地有無叩門信既 sample可以pm or send e-mail: [email protected]俾我, 因我細仔收左waiting list, 好失望呀, 諗住哥哥係度讀緊會有幫助, 同埋佢個日表現不算太差, 可能因為佢係11月先出世掛,   ...

作者: wincyho56    時間: 08-12-5 18:40

原帖由 wwcchester1088 於 08-12-2 15:26 發表

請問你地有無叩門信既 sample可以pm or send e-mail: [email protected]俾我, 因我細仔收左waiting list, 好失望呀, 諗住哥哥係度讀緊會有幫助, 同埋佢個日表現不算太差, 可能因為佢係11月先出世掛,   ...

想問吓為求位信要点樣?係咪成日要寄, 会唔会有人覆ga?
作者: marcus526    時間: 08-12-6 00:10

would u send it to me as well. [email protected]

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