
標題: 收到真光中學幼稚園接見証 [打印本頁]

作者: mancity    時間: 08-11-17 23:15     標題: 收到真光中學幼稚園接見証



作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-11-17 23:26

我的no.係10xx, 一早in. 有冇人知今年收到幾多份application?
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-17 23:58

My daughter's no. is 11XX, interview in the morning before lunch......

Will any of you bring your kids to the open day?  Same day as Pui Ching's interview...  Still not sure whether to attend the open day......
作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-11-18 23:39

BK好似好小人談論大坑真光? 你地有冇報聖瑪加利大? 你地認為真光同聖瑪應點取捨? 因我地的inv時間撞咗! 只可揀1間去見!
作者: peaceaa1122    時間: 08-11-19 08:59

如果你好鍾愛這兩間學校, 不如打去問下, 睇下邊間可以改期. 最好就兩間都得, 萬一......., 始終你選人, 人選你.

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 08-11-18 23:39 發表
BK好似好小人談論大坑真光? 你地有冇報聖瑪加利大? 你地認為真光同聖瑪應點取捨? 因我地的inv時間撞咗! 只可揀1間去見!

作者: superp7    時間: 08-11-19 11:02

我女女都收到啦, no.11xx
作者: sixlau    時間: 08-11-22 15:38

我13xx, 下午1:30

作者: 新手008    時間: 08-11-22 16:42

我都係11XX, 大約11點見, 今日去左開放日, 覺得D 老師真係唔錯, 個個都好好笑容同主動, 有個老師仲同我傾左好耐.
不過亞女就10問9唔應, IN 果陣係叼就死喇..

你地既小朋友幾月出世呀, 我個女10月尾, 佢唔多答陌生人野, 所以都抱住出年再黎既心態
作者: yvonyvon    時間: 08-11-22 18:40     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

我12xx, 下午12:00

我個朝仲要10:00見Lingnan.Maybe too rush & too busy to have 2 in the same morning.
作者: ashiralam    時間: 08-11-24 16:39

My no. is 10XX and have interview at 10am
hope she performs well!!!!
作者: windyli    時間: 08-11-29 00:47

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-11-29 17:16


     Yeah!  Very similar indeed.  My daughter will have the interview at 11:10am.  May be we will arrive when your son's interview finish.

原帖由 windyli 於 08-11-29 00:47 發表
hi hi,

你又有報真光呀? 好似我們報的學校都好相似播。
6/12 10:30 in. 呀!

作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-6 18:39

Hi, 咁多位in咗真光的mami,
你地囡囡今日in成點呀? 我個女就十問十唔答, 又唔跟住做動作. 應該都99%唔收啦!
作者: sixlau    時間: 08-12-6 18:58

作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-6 19:14

hi sixlau,
你in時,老師有冇問你問題呀?我係一條都冇問過! 唔知係咪老師諗住還掂都唔會收,所以都唔問呢? 不過, 我同阿囡in過幾間,我感覺真光啲老師好似最有愛心同耐性!感覺幾好!:D
作者: gyeung77    時間: 08-12-6 19:15

作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-6 19:17

同埋有冇mami知道, 之前睇video時,其實係唔係已經in緊?計唔計分?
作者: sixlau    時間: 08-12-6 21:29

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 08-12-6 19:14 發表
hi sixlau,
你in時,老師有冇問你問題呀?我係一條都冇問過! 唔知係咪老師諗住還掂都唔會收,所以都唔問呢? 不過, 我同阿囡in過幾間,我感覺真光啲老師好似最有愛心同耐性!感覺幾好!:D ...

作者: chu__chu    時間: 08-12-6 22:26

原帖由 sixlau 於 08-12-6 18:58 發表

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 08-12-6 18:39 發表
Hi, 咁多位in咗真光的mami,
你地囡囡今日in成點呀? 我個女就十問十唔答, 又唔跟住做動作. 應該都99%唔收啦!

same here. My daughter was having a bad mood this morning nd didn't answer any que at all. We just took it as a game only....

Anyway, my daughter would cry to death if she knows her hair has to cut like mushroom...

[ 本帖最後由 chu__chu 於 08-12-6 23:04 編輯 ]
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-6 22:28

same case with many of yours.  My daughter behaved so strangely today.

Originally I am taking her to interview with me but she insists to come back out and ask for her mother to go with her.

My wife was so angry leaving the interview because my daughter didn't answering anything correctly, and also didn't follow any actions requested by the teachers.

She went home and tell me she didn't like the kindergarten, to explain her mis-behavior.....

Good luck to everyone!
作者: chu__chu    時間: 08-12-6 23:00

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-6 22:28 發表
same case with many of yours.  My daughter behaved so strangely today.

Originally I am taking her to interview with me but she insists to come back out and ask for her mother to go with her.

My wife ...

Given many of our kids behaved in such an "abnormal" way, I am thinking is it because (i)the toys put on the table not attractive enough; or (ii) are they fed up with the interview? My daughter interviewed LLT (which adopt similar interview format as TL), she liked the "kitchen set" very much and had many interactions with the teacher. However, this time, she just didn't want to talk to teacher...Maybe she's fed up with interviews (today's the 6th time in one and half month)...

Anyway, hope she can perform better at SH and SPK...
作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-6 23:30

我個女今日int前,係公園仲玩得好開心,唱晒歌跳晒舞,入去睇video時都仲好地地,但一入課室即刻封嘴. 不單止唔肯答老師問題,還要全程背住老師,望都唔肯望老師一眼. in完一出課室,即刻回復原狀,唱住歌咁去搵daddy. 希望in聖心時唔好咁啦!
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-6 23:44


     As you said, I really just treat this particular interview as a visit to the TL campus since we didn't attend the open day.  Even though the playground looks good, but I don't like the design since there are too many little "steps" to walk up and down, which can be very dangerous to kids.  I cannot understand why they have such poor design for a kindergarten.  My daughter fell down and scratch her knee before the interview.

     Despite that, she was playing so happily running all around in the playground but I believe the waiting in the waiting room and the video bored the kids which kills their mood.

     Anyway, the key interviews will be SH and SPK next month!  Good luck to your daughter also and will meet in SH for sure since we are in same group!

原帖由 chu__chu 於 08-12-6 23:00 發表

Given many of our kids behaved in such an "abnormal" way, I am thinking is it because (i)the toys put on the table not attractive enough; or (ii) are they fed up with the interview? My daughter inte ...

作者: mancity    時間: 08-12-7 00:08

係單獨interview嗰part, 佢做到老師要求喔80%要求
肯同老師say hello, 肯講自己個名
老師坐埋嚟問我個女玩具上面D動物係乜? 狗仔、兔仔都答到

之後老師叫我個女去幾步遠嘅位置, 用紅色水杯斟水俾佢(嗰度有水壺+3個唔同顏色嘅水杯),我個女都做到

老師重趁我個女去斟水嘅時候問吓我問題, 例如小朋友邊個湊呀?

我個女答: 有! (我心唸: 邊有返過學呀!)
老師再問: "你响邊度返學呀?"
我個女答: "呢度囉!"(重用手指指吓班房)

但到集體體操, 佢只係做到一半到

要到19號先知結果, 有排等
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-7 00:25


     Did you bring your son to 真光 today?

原帖由 windyli 於 08-11-29 00:47 發表
hi hi,

你又有報真光呀? 好似我們報的學校都好相似播。
6/12 10:30 in. 呀!

作者: sixlau    時間: 08-12-7 03:06


作者: 新手008    時間: 08-12-7 16:26

你地知唔知係咪只計同老師傾計果PART咋, 因為我個女次次都特登唔答老師問題, 要我再問佢幾次, 佢至答左幾句, 仲要細聲到老師唔多聽到, 如果只計呢part就一定唔得囉
反而睇dvd同一齊玩既時候佢就超級合作, 播歌係咁拍手, 好似好鍾意睇咁, 真係比佢吹帳

不過宜家都唔知想佢收定唔收, 其實最想佢入到st paul 或者聖心, 如果果2間唔收, 呢間收都唔知讀唔讀, 本來我都幾鍾意呢間, 點知考完出黎撞到個friend, 佢係義工爸爸, 佢話呢到d英文真係差人地幾皮, 一定要出去補, 所以又覺得好似麻麻地....你地有咩意見呀
作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-7 20:32

係啦! 有冇人知睇video嗰part計唔計分? 否則, 有咩作用? 因為我覺得唔似只是等候的目的.
作者: chu__chu    時間: 08-12-8 09:39

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-6 23:44 發表
My daughter fell down and scratch her knee before the interview.

Poor little girl. My daughter also fell down right at the enterance as well. She lost all her mood then...
作者: hugub    時間: 08-12-8 10:48

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 08-12-6 19:17 發表
同埋有冇mami知道, 之前睇video時,其實係唔係已經in緊?計唔計分?

好似唔計分, 因為D 老師係分好左一個 mark 一位小朋友既, 有冇留意到D老師一路都冇計分只係將表現放在心中, 小朋友拿左禮物走後老師有2-3分鐘填am / pm , 正 / 備取 ... 我見老師話有D好識比反應又真係做到我要求,收... 喊既肯定唔收架

點解我知得咁清楚因為我果日係觀戰既 (家長義工) , 休息時老師講既

作者: chachalai    時間: 08-12-8 12:14

hi hugub


原帖由 hugub 於 08-12-8 10:48 發表

好似唔計分, 因為D 老師係分好左一個 mark 一位小朋友既, 有冇留意到D老師一路都冇計分只係將表現放在心中, 小朋友拿左禮物走後老師有2-3分鐘填am / pm , 正 / 備取 ... 我見老師話有D好識比反應又真係做到我要求, ...

作者: kkmoremore    時間: 08-12-8 13:08

Hi Hugub,

咁老師是否只根據當時小朋友的表現決定收/唔收呢? 會否考慮父母 or 其他呢?
作者: 新手008    時間: 08-12-8 13:30

咁圍圈玩果part計唔計分咖, in 我地果個老師做 host , 佢都唔知有無睇到我個女, 或者佢同我個女傾果陣已經覺得佢細得濟, 已經決定fail佢, 所以都唔使睇佢囉

原帖由 hugub 於 08-12-8 10:48 發表

好似唔計分, 因為D 老師係分好左一個 mark 一位小朋友既, 有冇留意到D老師一路都冇計分只係將表現放在心中, 小朋友拿左禮物走後老師有2-3分鐘填am / pm , 正 / 備取 ... 我見老師話有D好識比反應又真係做到我要求, ...

作者: hugub    時間: 08-12-8 15:11

Dear All:

我冇統計過有幾多人in, 因為我只係負責上午, 依我所見分開左 A,B,C及D section , 每個section 4-5個小朋友in,我諗都唔少law...

波板糖果part 有計分ga, 你咪以為老師唔企隔離好似唔計分, 你地有冇見到老師一定企你小朋友視線範圍內呢? eg: 對面.... 家長有冇陪佢指鼻哥and轉轉轉

當然睇小朋友interview表現決定收唔收la, 我唔明考慮父母 or 其它係指咩? 住得遠? 是否全職媽媽?

作者: hugub    時間: 08-12-8 15:37

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-6 23:44 發表

     As you said, I really just treat this particular interview as a visit to the TL campus since we didn't attend the open day.  Even though the playground looks good, but I don't like the des ...


我認得你個囡張相你 in B組既, 其實政府有渠務工程所以專程起左呢個門口出入, 你唔好怪學校個 design啦,學校就政府及大坑居民乍, 幼稚園個門口原本係平路黎ga(洗手盆右邊果個門口)

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-9 11:18

hihi hugub,

     Wow!  You have such good memory!  Yes, my daughter was in group B indeed!

     Well, I can understand there are some stairways that need to be put in to comply with the landscape in that area.  However, there are really some areas they could really just make it flat, but instead, they are made uneven which is very difficult to spot.  For an adult, it will be no problem but the little feet the children have, those could be dangerous.  May be I just think too much though.  :  Any issues with your children studying there?

     I keep worry my profile picture will make my daughter too easy to be recognized......  I think I need to consider removing the picture to help protect my daughter's chance in applying to kindergarten, so she won't be affected by my comments, haha!

原帖由 hugub 於 08-12-8 15:37 發表


我認得你個囡張相你 in B組既, 其實政府有渠務工程所以專程起左呢個門口出入, 你唔好怪學校個 design啦,學校就政府及大坑居民乍, 幼稚園個門口原本係平路黎ga(洗手盆右邊果個門口)

hugub ...

作者: windyli    時間: 08-12-9 20:42

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 之之媽    時間: 08-12-9 21:17

Hi hugub,
我都收到面試信, 但囡囡咁橋當日病咗依家安排咗Dec 11補interview, 咁你知唔知形式係唔係一樣呀?? 多唔多小朋友因事未能出席而安排補考呀??? 我本人都喜歡呢間幼稚園希望成功啦 ......, 努力吧!!

原帖由 hugub 於 08-12-8 15:11 發表
Dear All:

我冇統計過有幾多人in, 因為我只係負責上午, 依我所見分開左 A,B,C及D section , 每個section 4-5個小朋友in,我諗都唔少law...

波板糖果part 有計分ga, 你咪以為老師唔企隔離好似唔計分, 你地有冇見到老 ...

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-9 22:54


What a shame!  No wonder I was looking around searching for your son but couldn't find anyone who looks like him.

原帖由 windyli 於 08-12-9 20:42 發表

無呀! 最後都無去到。
一來諗下諗下, 真光都係女多男少, 唔想佢咁細個就感到有咁大的分別。
另外, 其他靈糧堂都收左佢, 所以若是唔讀YORK, 都會轉讀靈糧堂或者民生。


作者: 車莉    時間: 08-12-9 22:57

响bk 好多媽咪都喜歡聖心>真光, 除了比較方便之外, 其實學習程度上, 照教統局資料 (中學部), 好似真光好d喎, 大家可以比d意見嗎?

聖心 : http://ssp.proj.hkedcity.net/chi/detail_char.php?sch_id=1064

真光 :

st clare :

照以上睇, 好似應該真光>聖心> st clare.

原帖由 之之媽 於 08-12-9 21:17 發表
Hi hugub,
我都收到面試信, 但囡囡咁橋當日病咗依家安排咗Dec 11補interview, 咁你知唔知形式係唔係一樣呀?? 多唔多小朋友因事未能出席而安排補考呀??? 我本人都喜歡呢間幼稚園希望成功啦 ......, 努力吧!!


作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-11 00:12


Let me assume you want to compare the secondary school section and I hope I can give you some comments.

Sacred Heart is a traditional good secondary school.  It has been CONSISTENTLY good on academic results over a very very long time.

I believe you are making the comparison based on the academic result of a particular year of True Light.  It is also a good school, but over a long period of time, Sacred Heart is more consistent only.

My understanding is St. Clare's secondary section hasn't been able to maintain high standard on academic result in recent years.  But this may not be correct so anyone can feel free to correct me.
原帖由 車莉 於 08-12-9 22:57 發表
响bk 好多媽咪都喜歡聖心>真光, 除了比較方便之外, 其實學習程度上, 照教統局資料 (中學部), 好似真光好d喎, 大家可以比d意見嗎?

聖心 : http://ssp.proj.hkedcity.net/chi/detail_char.php?sch_id=1064

真光 :
h ...

作者: 車莉    時間: 08-12-11 13:32

thank you iantsang.

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-11 00:12 發表

Let me assume you want to compare the secondary school section and I hope I can give you some comments.

Sacred Heart is a traditional good secondary school.  It has been CONSISTENTLY good on aca ...

作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-11 13:54

You are welcome, I hope it helps!

原帖由 車莉 於 08-12-11 13:32 發表
thank you iantsang.

作者: peaceaa1122    時間: 08-12-12 03:17

唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時, 識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個跟一個慢慢行, 同沿路有很多老師睇住, 放心晒.  如果在工程期間, 由正門出入, 對面係地盤, 好多泥頭車駛出駛入, 仲危險.

到回到學校, 平時活動範圍多是班房and 操場(即遊戲場). 那裡只有一級, 所以唔會有其他樓梯級.  

另一方面, 學校教得小朋友的自理能力好好, 連上落樓梯上課時都會教到. 我囡雖然係細B, 但佢番左學之後(冇番過N1), 好識照顧自己, 會幫手做家務, 及好有禮貌,  '唔該', '唔洗客氣', '多謝喇, 我唔要喇' 等等, 常常會自己主動說出, 唔好講學術, 只是這方面, 我已經好安慰.

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-9 11:18 發表
hihi hugub,

     Wow!  You have such good memory!  Yes, my daughter was in group B indeed!

     Well, I can understand there are some stairways that need to be put in to comply with the landscape in ...

[ 本帖最後由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:19 編輯 ]
作者: iantsang    時間: 08-12-12 10:26

Thanks very much for the reply!  I admit that I am a bit concern so I just want to see if any TL parents can share some experience if those concerns are real concern.

Based on what you said, I think it should be ok.  Actually, I am not concern on the long stairs (門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯), because children can easily notice their existence.

However, on the playground (操場(即遊戲場), 那裡只有一級), that's where my concern is.  As I said before, the ground is somehow uneven.  Anyhow, as you are current parents and there are no concerns, I guess they are fine and I just worry too much!

Anyway, thank you very much!

原帖由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:17 發表
唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時,識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個跟一個慢慢行, 同沿路有很多老師睇住, 放心晒.  如果在工程期間, 由正門出入, 對面係地盤, 好多泥頭車駛出駛入, 仲危險.

到回到學校, 平時活動範圍多是班房and 操場(即遊戲場). 那裡只有一級, 所以唔會有其他樓梯級.  

另一方面, 學校教得小朋友的自理能力好好, 連上落樓梯上課時都會教到. 我囡雖然係細B, 但佢番左學之後(冇番過N1), 好識照顧自己,會幫手做家務, 及好有禮貌,  '唔該', '唔洗客氣', '多謝喇, 我唔要喇' 等等, 常常會自己主動說出, 唔好講學術, 只是這方面,我已經好安慰

作者: 新手008    時間: 08-12-12 23:08

你個係細B, 咁係幾月出世呀, 當日考試係咪答晒老師問題呢? 唉呢段等既時候都有D心急救
原帖由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:17 發表
唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時, 識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個 ...

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