
標題: 收到信了 [打印本頁]

作者: nickedison    時間: 08-10-23 18:43     標題: 收到信了

只係waiting list, 請問有無機會呢? 有人話, 可以去求校長, 可以點做呢 可否教教我呢, 因為好想讀播道, 唔知今年幾多人報呢? 多唔多人waiting list呢
作者: ckl303a    時間: 08-10-23 18:50     標題: 播道書院收到信

我都係waiting, 真想入播道. 有冇辦法?

[ 本帖最後由 ckl303a 於 08-10-23 19:17 編輯 ]
作者: denden1486    時間: 08-10-23 18:54

作者: small_cc    時間: 08-10-23 18:57

今日收信的,好似都係waiting list
作者: denden1486    時間: 08-10-23 19:28

Me too... Waiting list....

作者: 說完就走    時間: 08-10-23 19:35

作者: nickedison    時間: 08-10-23 19:48

waiting list 都好渺茫呀, 好慘
原帖由 說完就走 於 08-10-23 19:35 發表

作者: Yonniewong    時間: 08-10-23 22:16

我仲係無信. 人都癲!
作者: freddielau    時間: 08-10-23 22:34

原帖由 nickedison 於 08-10-23 06:43 PM 發表

只係waiting list, 請問有無機會呢? 有人話, 可以去求校長, 可以點做呢 可否教教我呢, 因為好想讀播道, 唔知今年幾多人報呢? 多唔多人waiting list呢

more than 1,200 applicants
作者: tracyfo    時間: 08-10-23 23:34

原帖由 freddielau 於 08-10-23 22:34 發表

more than 1,200 applicants

freddielau, 我sent了pm給你, 你收到嗎
作者: kongnewyork    時間: 08-10-24 10:13

There are few parties already waiting with their profolio this morning when I walked my son to school.  Like each year. Believe me even you finally don't got in, is not a loss.  Start looking for other school as well.   There are a lot of great school out there too.  Good luck.
作者: chisum-ma    時間: 08-10-24 13:15

作者: kenica    時間: 08-10-30 20:41

我連waiting list 都冇, reject 左..
作者: PaPa    時間: 08-10-30 21:24

原帖由 kongnewyork 於 08-10-24 10:13 發表
Believe me even you finally don't got in, is not a loss.  Start looking for other school as well.   There are a lot of great school out there too.


作者: vivianmammy    時間: 08-10-30 23:58

原因好簡單, 香港唔係只有一間學校.
作者: kongnewyork    時間: 08-10-31 09:33

Yes, just like vivianmammy said there are not only one school in Hong Kong.  I mean there are always good & bad in every school.  EC also needs a lot improvement since it is new.  But of course this is a very loving school.  Principal & teachers are working very hard.  I say start looking for other school is wise to do because once you are not single focus, you will also see great school. like the one next to EC, TKO Methodist, did you even visit that school?.  Because it is so competative to get it.  Start looking for other school is good for yourself and your kid.  On the same time you could still pay your effort to wait list or do other things.  I hope I did answer your question.  All the best to you
作者: chisum-ma    時間: 08-10-31 13:59     標題: 沒有回信的日子...

唉....我都今日都無信,須然已經打咗電話叫佢比番封信我,但係到今時今日我仲未收到,我好失望囉.interview letter 已經比錯我,依家連reply letter 都無收到,真係黑仔......各位,我想問吓..我仲應唔應該再問多次學校,叫佢send 番比我?
作者: PaPa    時間: 08-10-31 21:30


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