
標題: 請問有冇人知金巴倫學費和雜費?? [打印本頁]

作者: terri0029    時間: 08-10-23 15:04     標題: 請問有冇人知金巴倫學費和雜費??

作者: RLML    時間: 08-10-24 12:56

學費$2260, 茶點$300/month (optional)
作者: bbGbbGin    時間: 08-10-31 11:12


Thanks for your info.

BTW, do you know how much is the transportation charge?  Any additional activities that have to be attended? If yes, do you know roughly how much??
As I would like to estimate the overall cost per month so that I could make my decision.  

作者: RLML    時間: 08-10-31 16:20

transportation charge is depanded on your location.
other charge like uniform ~$800
school bag ~$250 (likely)
books ~$1400 (not remember, likely)
school trip ~$170 (optinal)
web for education ~$200/term (I think its useless)

I think...no missing la...

原帖由 bbGbbGin 於 08-10-31 11:12 發表

Thanks for your info.

BTW, do you know how much is the transportation charge?  Any additional activities that have to be attended? If yes, do you know roughly how much??
As I would like to  ...

作者: bbGbbGin    時間: 08-10-31 16:41


Thanks for your info, trust these are all initial costs (one off), are there any cost that require to pay monthly apart from school and snack fees?

原帖由 RLML 於 08-10-31 16:20 發表
transportation charge is depanded on your location.
other charge like uniform ~$800
school bag ~$250 (likely)
books ~$1400 (not remember, likely)
school trip ~$170 (optinal)
web for education ~$200/te ...

作者: hidingdong    時間: 08-11-3 10:32

原帖由 bbGbbGin 於 08-10-31 16:41 發表

Thanks for your info, trust these are all initial costs (one off), are there any cost that require to pay monthly apart from school and snack fees?

no other fees, my kids bring snack herself tim, so no need pay HK$ 300 snack fee, i only pay school fee.

[ 本帖最後由 hidingdong 於 08-11-3 10:33 編輯 ]
作者: bbGbbGin    時間: 08-11-3 17:45

Hi hidingdong,

Thanks, what year is your kid now studying at SN? and do you mind share more with us what do you think of this KG?? what do you think of their homework, as my daughter born in Dec, small bb, do you think is hard for them to catch up at school?

原帖由 hidingdong 於 08-11-3 10:32 發表

no other fees, my kids bring snack herself tim, so no need pay HK$ 300 snack fee, i only pay school fee.

作者: hidingdong    時間: 08-11-4 12:11

原帖由 bbGbbGin 於 08-11-3 17:45 發表
Hi hidingdong,

Thanks, what year is your kid now studying at SN? and do you mind share more with us what do you think of this KG?? what do you think of their homework, as my daughter born in Dec, sma ...

我個女今年U3, 佢都係細女, 我揀金巴倫係因為佢小班,每班只係16人, 有d幼稚園係30人一班, 老師有耐性, 會主動同家長講小朋友係學校的情況, 每日有外籍老師上英文, 普通話就一個星期兩三日咁. 金巴倫的校園生活好似一家人咁, 老師同嬸嬸都會記得小朋友的名同性格, 照顧得好好.
英文水平亦好好, 我好小好小同佢講英文, 但個女都可以講一般的英文.總括金巴倫都唔錯.
如有問題, pm 我吧
作者: bbGbbGin    時間: 08-11-4 13:08

Thanks for your detail info, I had PM you already, please check, thank you.

原帖由 hidingdong 於 08-11-4 12:11 發表

我個女今年U3, 佢都係細女, 我揀金巴倫係因為佢小班,每班只係16人, 有d幼稚園係30人一班, 老師有耐性, 會主動同家長講小朋友係學校的情況, 每日有外籍老師上英文, 普通話就一個星期兩三日咁. 金巴倫的校園生活好似 ...

作者: van_517    時間: 08-11-12 18:04

作者: kakajune    時間: 08-11-12 18:32

唔係太清楚, 因為我都無參加.
另外, 有個k2上嘅興趣班, 喺係下午上嘅
有一至五 $2100左右
二,四 $1100
一, 三, 五 $1600
k3(下午上課) 嘅興趣班喺係上午嘅

作者: van_517    時間: 08-11-12 18:35

原帖由 kakajune 於 08-11-12 18:32 發表
唔係太清楚, 因為我都無參加.
另外, 有個k2上嘅興趣班, 喺係下午上嘅
有一至五 $2100左右
二,四 $1100
一, 三, 五 $1600
k3(下午上課) 嘅興趣班喺係上午嘅

大約係咁~~ ...

作者: van_517    時間: 08-11-12 18:50

如果係普通話 OR phonics,上堂唔係有咩?點解仲要俾 上興趣班呢?

作者: Makmavis    時間: 08-11-12 20:25

Hi HI,

The below listed out extra course fee is per month or not?? Is result is good or not, please comment.


原帖由 kakajune 於 08-11-12 18:32 發表
唔係太清楚, 因為我都無參加.
另外, 有個k2上嘅興趣班, 喺係下午上嘅
有一至五 $2100左右
二,四 $1100
一, 三, 五 $1600
k3(下午上課) 嘅興趣班喺係上午嘅

大約係咁~~ ...

作者: kakajune    時間: 08-11-12 22:47

原帖由 Makmavis 於 08-11-12 20:25 發表
Hi HI,

The below listed out extra course fee is per month or not?? Is result is good or not, please comment.


作為家長嘅, 梗係想個小朋友, 比人學得多啲, 乜野都快人一步, 有啲學校好, 咪係學校學, 有啲外面好嘅, 咪喺外面學囉,   我都唔係樣樣都學架, 隨便的.放心吧!
你個baby咁細, 你都有野比佢學啦, 你話係咪
作者: Makmavis    時間: 08-11-13 15:23

Hi Hi,

I didn't join any palygroup for him at this moment due to he is in pre-nuresury at half day, let him to enjoy his life before get in in K1.

I agreed with you, but want more details about the extra course in ST., NICHOLAS, if comment is good, no need to find another for him by the weekend.

原帖由 kakajune 於 08-11-12 22:47 發表

作為家長嘅, 梗係想個小朋友, 比人學得多啲, 乜野都快人一步, 有啲學校好, 咪係學校學, 有啲外面好嘅, 咪喺外面學囉,   我都唔係樣樣都學架, 隨便的.放心吧!
你個baby咁細, 你都有野比佢學啦, 你話係咪:ex ...

作者: kakajune    時間: 08-11-13 15:58

原帖由 Makmavis 於 08-11-13 15:23 發表
Hi Hi,

I didn't join any palygroup for him at this moment due to he is in pre-nuresury at half day, let him to enjoy his life before get in in K1.

I agreed with you, but want more details about the ...

琴棋書畫就無係學校學嘅, 其他都樣樣試吓, 都幾好玩, 幾有趣.  三年好快過, 我都係趁喺幼稚園嘅時候, 比佢玩多啲, 我驚出年無咁多野玩, 可能連電視都無得睇:(
作者: van_517    時間: 08-11-13 20:58

原帖由 kakajune 於 08-11-13 15:58 發表

琴棋書畫就無係學校學嘅, 其他都樣樣試吓, 都幾好玩, 幾有趣.  三年好快過, 我都係趁喺幼稚園嘅時候, 比佢玩多啲, 我驚出年無咁多野玩, 可能連電視都無得睇:( ...

作者: Makmavis    時間: 08-12-16 11:41

Hi Hi,

If don't pay the snack fee, anyone will laugh no good for the kids??


原帖由 bbGbbGin 於 08-11-3 17:45 發表
Hi hidingdong,

Thanks, what year is your kid now studying at SN? and do you mind share more with us what do you think of this KG?? what do you think of their homework, as my daughter born in Dec, sma ...

作者: babykiss    時間: 08-12-16 12:20

原帖由 Makmavis 於 08-12-16 11:41 發表
Hi Hi,

If don't pay the snack fee, anyone will laugh no good for the kids??


我都打算自備小食, 起碼知個小朋友食咗 d 乜, 又可慳 d ~
作者: kakajune    時間: 08-12-16 12:40

自己帶小食, 無問題的 請放心吧,

反而係自己個小朋友會要求, 我又要食一樣嘅小食,
作者: BabyHilary    時間: 08-12-16 21:21

返3hrs, 茶點時間食下麵包餅乾就可以,
作者: Makmavis    時間: 08-12-17 11:44

Thanks a lot and i agreed to bring the snack for heathly.


原帖由 kakajune 於 08-12-16 12:40 發表
自己帶小食, 無問題的 請放心吧,

反而係自己個小朋友會要求, 我又要食一樣嘅小食,

作者: lpcjoe    時間: 09-8-31 18:41

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