
標題: 今日SFA交表 [打印本頁]

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-27 13:28     標題: 今日SFA交表


好彩今日唔係太曬, 又有d風。萬一有人中暑就死火....

仲有個check document果個老師, chop左少少佢個校印落我個仔張正本成績表...攪到我好唔開心

如果唔係promise個仔比佢入去行下, 真係唔會陪佢地癲呀
作者: youma    時間: 08-9-27 13:45

Why not allow parents to mail the applications and the school can check the original documents on the interview day?

The service is really not good enough.

The good improvement is to open the "play and read" area for kids (but for those kids already entering into hall only).

作者: ymama    時間: 08-9-27 14:15

其實幾乎間間都係親身交表, 因為可以直接CHECK家長是否交齊所需文件.我見過真有人交漏東西.

原帖由 youma 於 08-9-27 13:45 發表
Why not allow parents to mail the applications and the school can check the original documents on the interview day?

The service is really not good enough.

The good improvement is to open the "play  ...

作者: 羊咩囝    時間: 08-9-27 16:34

我一點三十五分到, 二點四十五分才離開, 人真的好多, 排到有D腳仔軟!
作者: youma    時間: 08-9-27 17:08

原帖由 羊咩囝 於 08-9-27 16:34 發表
我一點三十五分到, 二點四十五分才離開, 人真的好多, 排到有D腳仔軟!

May I know how many applications have been submitted?

作者: Venuscheng    時間: 08-9-27 17:20

原帖由 youma 於 08-9-27 17:08 發表

May I know how many applications have been submitted?


因為今天無人照顧個仔, 所以我要帶埋囝囝去, 排隊時, 我常常擔心如果阿仔突然話要去洗手間, 咁我會點做呢? 幸好只係我擔心姐. 我都排了接近個半小時, 其實佢地點解收FORM咁慢, 明明好簡單程序. 不過有個兒童PLAYING AREA, 都係意外驚喜. 咁細的AREA我個仔都玩到唔拾得走.
作者: gdmice    時間: 08-9-27 18:27

原帖由 Venuscheng 於 08-9-27 17:20 發表

因為今天無人照顧個仔, 所以我要帶埋囝囝去, 排隊時, 我常常擔心如果阿仔突然話要去洗手間, 咁我會點做呢? 幸好只係我擔心姐. 我都排了接近個半小時, 其實佢地點解收FORM咁慢, 明明好簡單程序. 不過有個兒童PLAYIN ...

哈, 我又係要帶埋亞囡去, 又係驚佢要去 toilet 時我都唔知點算, 好彩佢唔駛去住, 如果唔係就煩喇.
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-27 19:35


作者: bblaw    時間: 08-9-27 19:35

The arrangment is not good.
作者: 豆豆媽媽    時間: 08-9-27 20:16

幾孤寒!我前面個女人,想借toilet 都唔比,要佢去公!!
作者: TwinsMother    時間: 08-9-27 22:05

連小朋友話急要去廁所, 都話唔借得喎!  真係咁都得.  

原帖由 豆豆媽媽 於 08-9-27 20:16 發表
幾孤寒!我前面個女人,想借toilet 都唔比,要佢去公!! ...

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-27 22:30

原帖由 豆豆媽媽 於 08-9-27 20:16 發表
幾孤寒!我前面個女人,想借toilet 都唔比,要佢去公!! ...

咁衰架:;pppp: :;pppp:
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-27 22:35

原帖由 bblaw 於 08-9-27 19:35 發表
The arrangment is not good.


一個家長既小朋友佢學完野出黎, 應該係問佢媽咪做乜咁多人排隊, 佢呀媽大大聲咁講" 呀仔呀, 你學校好巴閉架, 唔係邊有咁多人黎排隊羅表呀?"

我排到學校入面但未入hall, 有一個警察公共關係科既人同miss講幾句野, 之後入左去。我地排緊隊既都冇家長問d乜, 點知個miss轉個頭就對住我地家長講"哎呀, 攪到警察都黎埋喎" , 說時笑笑口, 好似好proud of 呢樣野咁。我聽完之後, 即刻出聲問佢: 咁你覺唔覺得你地學校安排有問題呢? 做乜一定要一日交哂? 點解唔可以分幾日呢?
佢即刻面懵懵咁對我講:哦, 我同你反映下呀下...

作者: 子子家    時間: 08-9-27 22:41

may i know which school is SFA?鏖
原帖由 silvia_ng 於 08-9-27 22:35 發表


一個家長既小朋友佢學完野出黎, 應該係問佢媽咪做乜咁多人排隊, 佢呀媽大大聲咁講" 呀仔呀, 你學校好巴閉架, 唔係邊有咁多人黎排隊羅表 ...

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-27 22:43

原帖由 子子家 於 08-9-27 22:41 發表
may i know which school is SFA?鏖

作者: PY00    時間: 08-9-27 22:47

作者: eileenycm    時間: 08-9-27 23:38

我都係排咗個幾鐘, 臨走前想借洗手間, 點知個工友叫我去出面d公厠:;pppp: , 佢話今日個洗手間未開, 咁佢地點去?
作者: vickichan    時間: 08-9-28 00:21

我老公同個仔排左成2個鐘頭呀, 佢話前面個大肚婆話想去廁所, 職員話返來要再排過, 除非前後家長肯比佢排返, 咁前後面的家長當然無問題啦, 不過覺得學校賴巴閉, 不近人情
作者: potatoiris    時間: 08-9-28 00:23

Same here, I was very angry today as my son need to go to toilet when in queue, I was told by the staff twice (or teacher?) that toilets are not open today, we need to go out to public toilets, I emphasis that it is not me but the kid need to borrow toilet but still same answer, imagine I was in queue and need to go out to find toilet without knowing where have.  what a shameful if this is really the intention of the principal or only the staff who make such innocement arrangement; the teacher there was not polite at all too; This is the first and only one school that gave me so bad impression before any interview; and agree with most mama here why only allow for ONE day submission?

Indeed can any mama whose kids study here can share how's the situation of the school, are your kids happy and enjoy it? I am seriously consider to give up any interview with it, and though others should think about it too.
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-28 00:32

原帖由 potatoiris 於 08-9-28 00:23 發表
Same here, I was very angry today as my son need to go to toilet when in queue, I was told by the staff twice (or teacher?) that toilets are not open today, we need to go out to public toilets, I emph ...

只有成績好, 但小朋友不會成為一個considerate既人
作者: vickichan    時間: 08-9-28 00:37

所以我老公話, 除非無得選, 如果唔係唔好要呢間, 門高口大
作者: chan803    時間: 08-9-28 00:38

原帖由 potatoiris 於 08-9-28 00:23 發表
Same here, I was very angry today as my son need to go to toilet when in queue, I was told by the staff twice (or teacher?) that toilets are not open today, we need to go out to public toilets, I emph ...


外甥女讀 p.2, 讀得好開心.

p.1 入學時 有少少適應 問題, 學校都處理得好好.

通常 9 點前都可以做晒功課, 上床訓覺去也.
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-28 00:42

原帖由 chan803 於 08-9-28 00:38 發表


外甥女讀 p.2, 讀得好開心.

p.1 入學時 有少少適應 問題, 學校都處理得好好.

通常 9 點前都可以做晒功課, 上床訓覺去也.

8掛一問, 你外甥想當年interview是否要做paper?

我聽上年d人講, 要做成10頁paper...
作者: chan803    時間: 08-9-28 00:44

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 08-9-28 00:42 發表

8掛一問, 你外甥想當年interview是否要做paper?

我聽上年d人講, 要做成10頁paper...

paper only, 唔使 interview.
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-28 00:56

原帖由 chan803 於 08-9-28 00:44 發表

paper only, 唔使 interview.

其實咁細個小朋友, 短時間點可以做到成10頁呢? 我隻仔坐到一個鐘都話佢叻
作者: NatalieMaMa    時間: 08-9-28 01:44

知唔知點解只得1日收表? 因為佢要製造好多人爭住入嘅假象law! 反觀人地St Paul Co-edu & DGS呢d傳統名校, 都有幾日時間交表, 就係因為人地唔需要製造埋d gum嘅假象都大把人爭!
今日見到條龍真係唔想去排, 不過一場去到咪排law, 排咗個幾鐘, 好在有老公陪, 時間容易d過, 但我都覺得間學校arrangement好差, 如果DGS, Good Hope, 宣小是但一間得咗, 我都唔會考慮呢間!!
而且, Dramatic English(我女讀緊)個負責人話有幾個St Francis 嘅小朋友係佢地度上堂, d英文唔係想像中咁好, 話如果有好d嘅選擇都唔使去嗰度wor...
作者: estherking    時間: 08-9-28 07:07

Totally agree!!!Their arrangement was too bad and the staff was impolite!

原帖由 NatalieMaMa 於 08-9-28 01:44 發表
知唔知點解只得1日收表? 因為佢要製造好多人爭住入嘅假象law! 反觀人地St Paul Co-edu & DGS呢d傳統名校, 都有幾日時間交表, 就係因為人地唔需要製造埋d gum嘅假象都大把人爭!
今日見到條龍真係唔想去排, 不過一場去 ...

作者: jjbaby0307    時間: 08-9-28 09:06


我同亞女坐的士去到門口 (11.45am), 嘩, 條龍由學校門口排到轉埋彎上到半山

我個人都冇乜耐性, 何況帶埋個女..., 我心諗, 真係收我個女都唔會去讀, 我地冇嘗試去搵條龍尾就掉頭走了.....

作者: FungMm    時間: 08-9-28 09:32

Dear all,

我hb都係昨天交了表格, 可能是好早(他到達sfa都未到8:00am)所以都不是太多人, 差不多大約100人左右.

到了8:00am她們已開始收表及check正本, 他大約8:30am前已完成.  據他說一切都好smooth無問題wor.


good lucky to all.

原帖由 jjbaby0307 於 08-9-28 09:06 發表

我同亞女坐的士去到門口 (11.45am), 嘩, 條龍由學校門口排到轉埋彎上到半山

我個人都冇乜耐性, 何況帶埋個女..., 我心諗, 真係收我個女都唔會去讀, 我地冇嘗試去搵條龍尾就掉頭走了 ...

作者: potatoiris    時間: 08-9-28 12:36

anyone knows the school email? Can't find from the website, I wish to wirte an email to the principle but can't....
作者: chiizu    時間: 08-9-28 14:06

除左交表之外, 會唔會交埋d類似profile o既野俾學校架? 機會會唔會大d呢?
作者: vhunghk    時間: 08-9-28 17:51

The arrangement is not that bad.  I arrived at school almost 8a.m. and the queue was at the health centre next to SFA.  It took 30-45mins to complete the process.  

When I went to the hall, the teacher invited a child to go to the reading area and asked her to rest there.  The teacher was patient to talk to the child.  I also saw an old womon resting on the bench. Maybe they have some special arrangement for the people in need.

Unluckily I forgot to bring the original school report for verification.  I was told to go to the enquiry counter and talked to the school's supervisor.  The supervisor was very polite and asked me if I was able to get the original one by today.  She gave me a yellow slip and told me that I don't need to queue up again.

I satisfied with the situation of the application process.  I did not try to borrow the toilet at school so I did not have any bad feeling.
作者: ABCD5678    時間: 08-9-28 22:50

估唔到同去年完全一樣,這是SFA 的獨特經營手法,這樣偏偏每年吸引到1500人以上報考。我認識既家長大部份都係收佐最終都無安排囝囡入讀,就係怕老師有愛心極都有限。


原帖由 silvia_ng 於 08-9-27 22:35 發表


一個家長既小朋友佢學完野出黎, 應該係問佢媽咪做乜咁多人排隊, 佢呀媽大大聲咁講" 呀仔呀, 你學校好巴閉架, 唔係邊有咁多人黎排隊羅表 ...

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 08-9-29 10:49

原帖由 ABCD5678 於 08-9-28 22:50 發表
估唔到同去年完全一樣,這是SFA 的獨特經營手法,這樣偏偏每年吸引到1500人以上報考。我認識既家長大部份都係收佐最終都無安排囝囡入讀,就係怕老師有愛心極都有限。



睇黎我要同呀仔認真傾下, 唔去得唔得
作者: 羊咩囝    時間: 08-9-29 11:41

原帖由 chiizu 於 08-9-28 14:06 發表
除左交表之外, 會唔會交埋d類似profile o既野俾學校架? 機會會唔會大d呢?

我無交PROFILE! 只係交左申請表同相關文件而已!

其實SFA都好實際, 成績好先收!
我自覺佢哋唔係好睇, 只睇考生當日表現, PAPER得出來的分數而已!
作者: cwl004    時間: 08-9-29 11:56

唔通面試都是1-2小時排隊?  有冇人知呀?
25/10 一日內有約2000面試!
作者: 林嗅四    時間: 08-9-29 11:59


原帖由 chan803 於 08-9-28 00:44 發表

paper only, 唔使 interview.

作者: gdmice    時間: 08-9-29 12:38

I also have not borrowed the toilet so I don't know their bad response. Honestly, the teaching staff who checked my documents was a little bit impolite. However, those who take care the children to read books were nice and patient.

Any parents who know the interview procedure could you please advise?

作者: August07    時間: 08-9-29 12:53

其實check document & 交表可以同一個老師同一個counter 做晒, 我都唔明點解又要排隊check document 跟住又排隊交表, 多此一舉 ...

原帖由 gdmice 於 08-9-29 12:38 發表
I also have not borrowed the toilet so I don't know their bad response. Honestly, the teaching staff who checked my documents was a little bit impolite. However, those who take care the children to re ...

作者: jennytms    時間: 08-9-29 13:18

排到腳到軟. 其實學校應該仿效其他學校, 起碼都分兩日交表啦, 咁多人交表.  值得一讚是男拔小學交表的安排, 不用家長企响度等, 可以坐低等. 幾好!
作者: Era    時間: 08-9-29 13:30

原帖由 jennytms 於 08-9-29 13:18 發表
排到腳到軟. 其實學校應該仿效其他學校, 起碼都分兩日交表啦, 咁多人交表.  值得一讚是男拔小學交表的安排, 不用家長企响度等, 可以坐低等. 幾好!

作者: Coletteli    時間: 08-9-29 14:16

Any body know how many forms they had receive ?
作者: cwlwy    時間: 08-9-29 14:45

我是在中午12:30到達, 排一個半鐘先完成手續. 不過如有報讀九小的家長要注意, SFA與九小是在同一日面試(25/10), 我都未知如何分配時間? 真是"心苦"!
作者: eileenycm    時間: 08-9-29 23:29

交表時問個老師, 佢話要考PAPER(不過無話幾多), 仲要同老師傾計, 用廣東話, 英文, 普通話都要考.

睇嚟大家在交表時對呢間學校嘅感覺都唔係太好, 咁點解每年都有咁多人去申請? 真係好想知道原因, 同埋小朋友係唔係真係讀得開心?
作者: ansoncally    時間: 08-9-30 00:59




作者: AgnesHimMa    時間: 08-9-30 10:56

我都有問收表的老師, 佢話唔洗written test, only interview, 我仲worry 自己聽錯, 問咗佢兩次, 佢都係咁答喎 . 究竟要唔要架?
作者: gdmice    時間: 08-9-30 11:02

原帖由 AgnesHimMa 於 08-9-30 10:56 發表
我都有問收表的老師, 佢話唔洗written test, only interview, 我仲worry 自己聽錯, 問咗佢兩次, 佢都係咁答喎 . 究竟要唔要架?

Why some teachers said that written test is needed but some said not? It will make us very confused.
作者: eileenycm    時間: 08-9-30 11:21

其實我覺得係要考paper, 我相信以往有經驗嘅家長無需要講大話, 而佢地嘅小朋友真係做過paper.  至於點解有些老師話要考, 有些又話唔需要, 我諗係因為教育局好似唔比小學以筆試形試去考小朋友, 所以佢地個答案唔一致.  其實我覺得無需要講大話, 因為我們遲早都會知啦.
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 08-9-30 11:26

作者: wendyyy    時間: 08-9-30 12:03

我囡上年 interview 已不用筆試.
只是老師問, 小朋友答, 但旁邊有一老師寫. 但就 中, 英, 普通話都要作答.

原帖由 AgnesHimMa 於 08-9-30 10:56 發表
我都有問收表的老師, 佢話唔洗written test, only interview, 我仲worry 自己聽錯, 問咗佢兩次, 佢都係咁答喎 . 究竟要唔要架?

作者: gdmice    時間: 08-9-30 12:09

[quote]原帖由 wendyyy 於 08-9-30 12:03 發表
我囡上年 interview 已不用筆試.
只是老師問, 小朋友答, 但旁邊有一老師寫. 但就 中, 英, 普通話都要作答.
她今年已在此學校讀小一了. [quote]

Hi Wendy,

Could you please tell me how long is the interview about, and how long have you and your daughter queued to interview? Thank you!
作者: wendyyy    時間: 08-9-30 12:55

不用等的, 在指定的時間帶小朋友去到, 由高年班同學帶她們到面試的班房, 1小時後接回便可.

原帖由 gdmice 於 08-9-30 12:09 發表
Hi Wendy,

Could you please tell me how long is the interview about, and how long have you and your daughter queued to interview? Thank you!
我囡上年 interview 已不用筆試.
只是老師問, 小朋友答, 但旁邊有一老師寫. 但就 中, 英, 普通話都要作 ...

作者: gdmice    時間: 08-9-30 12:58

Thank you Wendy!
作者: SandyWu    時間: 08-9-30 13:12

原帖由 chan803 於 08-9-28 00:44 發表

paper only, 唔使 interview.

作者: gordon    時間: 08-9-30 13:23

same as wendyyy la. but my son didn't mentioned there is another teacher writting the answer and interviewed by the principal.  This year, our children are in the same class.

原帖由 wendyyy 於 08-9-30 12:03 發表
我囡上年 interview 已不用筆試.
只是老師問, 小朋友答, 但旁邊有一老師寫. 但就 中, 英, 普通話都要作答.

作者: wendyyy    時間: 08-9-30 14:59

Hi Gordon ma,
Nice to see you at this topic.


原帖由 gordon 於 08-9-30 13:23 發表
same as wendyyy la. but my son didn't mentioned there is another teacher writting the answer and interviewed by the principal.  This year, our children are in the same class.

作者: wendyyy    時間: 08-9-30 15:04

Hi Sandy,

I have sent PM to you weeks ago.
Which class your daughter allocate ?


原帖由 SandyWu 於 08-9-30 13:12 發表


作者: newcook    時間: 08-10-10 12:17

想問問以上兩位有小朋友讀緊既媽咪, 你地覺得你地既小朋友係咩原因學校會收佢地呢?

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