
標題: 有冇人學緊低音大提琴, 可否分享一下...... [打印本頁]

作者: penguin    時間: 08-8-4 10:04     標題: 有冇人學緊低音大提琴, 可否分享一下......

小兒今年升P1, 上星期六選樂器, 被選中低音大提琴, 我和先生都不是太想小兒學習此樂器, 因為(1)家中地方有限, 實不想再放件超級大樂器在家; (2)我們對樂器認識不多, 但總是覺得低音大提琴在樂團中只是一樣只是一個陪襯, 不能成為主音, 實在不想小兒一開始就做陪襯角色, 我們呢個諗法啱唔啱呢?

我們想替小兒轉學大提琴, 但是否現在已經太多人學此樂器呢? 小兒將會撘校車上學, 如果要他每星期都自攜大提琴上學, 會否很吃力呢(因為低音大提琴只需要帶支弓回校, 不需要帶樂器的)?
雖然校長話低意大提琴少人學, 比較吃香, 對升中有幫助, 實際上這是否正確呢?

由於學習一件樂器需要花的時間及金錢都不少, 所以我們希望認真考慮, 不想為他選錯, 請各位媽咪可否給予意見......
作者: twosonspa    時間: 08-8-5 23:31

1) It's big and sometimes inconvenience to carry it for competition
2) It is quite expensive. A good 3/4 size double bass will cost you $30K or above (anyway it is cheap to other western instruments)
2) Double bass is essential in orchestra playing, other sections are quite rely on the rhythm of double bass section. I recall an adjudicator giving a very good comment on our double bass section when we won the school competition. DBS, DGS, 黃芴南, Heep Yan (not 100% sure) double bass section leaders are from our school. Headmistress is right.
3) Less chance to have complaints from neighbours during practice in night time
4) A double bass player is easy to learn cello well, but it is not easy for a cellist to learn double bass
5) I think your son is chosen most likely because his body and figure skeleton suit for this instrument learning
6) Double bass sound beautiful

Hope my comments can help your decision.

Music learning is expensive but it is worth!

原文章由 penguin 於 08-8-4 10:04 發表
小兒今年升P1, 上星期六選樂器, 被選中低音大提琴, 我和先生都不是太想小兒學習此樂器, 因為(1)家中地方有限, 實不想再放件超級大樂器在家; (2)我們對樂器認識不多, 但總是覺得低音大提琴在樂團中只是一樣只是一個陪 ...

作者: twosonspa    時間: 08-8-5 23:32

It is not cheap for other western instruments....

原文章由 twosonspa 於 08-8-5 23:31 發表
1) It's big and sometimes inconvenience to carry it for competition
2) It is quite expensive. A good 3/4 size double bass will cost you $30K or above (anyway it is cheap to other western instruments)

作者: penguin    時間: 08-8-7 15:45


thank you for your useful information.  I think my son has been chosen for this instrument mainly because of his height - he is 13x cm tall...

原文章由 twosonspa 於 08-8-5 23:31 發表
1) It's big and sometimes inconvenience to carry it for competition
2) It is quite expensive. A good 3/4 size double bass will cost you $30K or above (anyway it is cheap to other western instruments)

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