
標題: St. Clare's vs St. Paul Convent [打印本頁]

作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-16 20:51     標題: St. Clare's vs St. Paul Convent


作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-18 13:21

最新消息︰我已決定讀 St. Clare's
想請問各位 St. Clare's 家長一些問題,請各位賜教︰

作者: w_y    時間: 08-6-19 11:48

想請教下點解放棄 spc?

原文章由 mimikit 於 08-6-18 13:21 發表
最新消息︰我已決定讀 St. Clare's
想請問各位 St. Clare's 家長一些問題,請各位賜教︰
午膳…姐姐可唔可以帶野比小朋友食?咁樣可 ...

作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-19 14:19

其實,兩間小學我都好鍾意。兩間都直屬既中學。據我比較 sc 老師 nice D ,若小朋友成績差,會幫佢補習。兩間小學無論係學習情況、師資都相差不大。但一上到中學就未必一樣,spc 位置係 causeway 。我去觀察過會分兩批,一批係會渣本書讀(good),另一批放學會去 neways,始終係鬧市。有時見佢地 D Attitude 都好有問題。至於 sc 佢位於摩星嶺地區比較靜,所以課外活動都唔會咁夜。我亦睇過佢地,我發覺同學比較好D、乖D。
我覺得成績重要,品格亦要睇重。中學亦係青春期階段,學好學壞除了睇自己小朋友本身,學校亦是其中一個完素。我唔係話 spc 唔好,但以我個小朋友情況 sc 係最好的選擇﹗sc 本身是好低調,但受人敬仰﹗

原文章由 w_y 於 08-6-19 11:48 發表
想請教下點解放棄 spc?

作者: 瑄婷    時間: 08-6-19 17:06     標題: 回覆 #3 mimikit 的文章

答 :我知灣仔及西區(萬邦 tel28198079)都有得買,其實價錢同金龍差不多,所以你可自由選擇.
答 :無轉
答 : 要做
答 : 你可問問學校暑假作業名稱,自行在外買
答 : 準備一般文具即可,不須留字典在學校!
答 : 當然可以啦!我都係自己送午餐回校.
作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-19 17:33

多謝您﹗知道自己小朋友可以轉到 sc 真係好開心﹗佢考入學試時,佢話學校好靚﹗特別係洗手間,因為有冷氣(但佢除咗係考試間房外,就只有去過洗手間。)


作者: 瑄婷    時間: 08-6-19 22:40

作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-19 23:05


作者: leliawong    時間: 08-6-20 17:05     標題: 回覆 #1 mimikit 的文章

Hello mimikit,

For old girls, the registration is on 10/7 and the books sell is going to take place on 11/7. You can also visit the School’s website where you can read the appropriate notices regarding event dates or simply ring them up at 2547 2751 (if required) and ask. Here’s the link:

http://scps.school.hk/system/too ... s&parent_id=787

聖嘉勒小學 > 家長天地 > 學校通告 > 零八年六月

Hope to see you in the School sometimes later!

作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-20 17:25

Sorry, 冇 password 睇唔倒。anyway, thx so much.

原文章由 leliawong 於 08-6-20 17:05 發表
Hello mimikit,

For old girls, the registration is on 10/7 and the books sell is going to take place on 11/7. You can also visit the School’s website where you can read the appropriate notices regard ...

作者: leliawong    時間: 08-6-20 17:38     標題: 回覆 #1 mimikit 的文章

I see.

But I guess you can still view the notice without going throught the login procedure.

Just click on 家長天地 at the bottom of the screen and select 學校通告.

You may try again if you wish.

作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-20 20:52

原文章由 leliawong 於 08-6-20 17:38 發表
I see.

But I guess you can still view the notice without going throught the login procedure.

Just click on 家長天地 at the bottom of the screen and select 學校通告.

You may try again if you wish. ...

作者: sunpiano    時間: 08-6-23 11:10

原文章由 mimikit 於 08-6-19 14:19 發表
其實,兩間小學我都好鍾意。兩間都直屬既中學。據我比較 sc 老師 nice D ,若小朋友成績差,會幫佢補習。兩間小學無論係學習情況、師資都相差不大。但一上到中學就未必一樣,spc 位置係 causeway 。我去觀察過會分兩批,一批係 ...

Totally agreed.
作者: mimikit    時間: 08-6-23 11:36


作者: w_y    時間: 08-6-24 14:42


你真係一個好媽媽, 能夠實地去觀察學校才為女兒作決定. 謝謝你的回覆.
作者: 好書友    時間: 08-7-21 16:43

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: sharoncsw1910    時間: 08-7-21 23:19

作者: 好書友    時間: 08-7-22 23:26

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: sharoncsw1910    時間: 08-7-23 20:57

作者: 加油    時間: 08-9-24 07:59


你的選擇絶對係正確 !

原帖由 mimikit 於 08-6-19 14:19 發表
其實,兩間小學我都好鍾意。兩間都直屬既中學。據我比較 sc 老師 nice D ,若小朋友成績差,會幫佢補習。兩間小學無論係學習情況、師資都相差不大。但一上到中學就未必一樣,spc 位置係 causeway 。我去觀察過會分兩批,一批係 ...

作者: kiukiu338    時間: 08-9-25 13:38     標題: P1 09/10

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: leliawong    時間: 08-9-26 00:09

Dear kiukiu,

I recall that the school has a document for parents to sign on upon registration and submission of the deposit but I don't quite remember the content of the document. Anyway, for my daughter's case, we signed the paper but we still go through the "lucky draw" and the school did not withdraw my daughter's place, otherwise she won't be at St. Clare's studying. Besides, the principal of St. Clare's is an open-minded person and she reckons that parents have the right to pick the best school for the children and at the same time the school would select students who matched with the academic standard of the school. You could always call them up and enquire the Principal about your concern and she would be very pleased to answer any questions you may have. I did the same thing 3 years ago and everything went well, so don't worry.

作者: catherinehwm    時間: 08-10-7 06:53     標題: St. Clare's Primary School interview

請問有無人知St. Clare's 面試係小組定個別接見,父母使唔使一齊見,同埋知唔知面試會問d乜?
作者: leliawong    時間: 08-10-15 19:41

原帖由 catherinehwm 於 08-10-7 06:53 發表
請問有無人知St. Clare's 面試係小組定個別接見,父母使唔使一齊見,同埋知唔知面試會問d乜?

Hi Catherine,

The interview is on an individual basis and the school won't interview the parents.

The questions that they cover are more or less the same as other reputable schools. They have questions like personal info, simple Maths quiz like single digit addition and drawing. My daughter also mentioned that there's a kitchen model in the interview room and the teacher asked her to play there for a while. After finished playing, she packed up the bits and pieces of the kitchen set back to the oringinal place. Not sure if they now have similar games.

Don't worry! The interview is fairly simple and straight forward. Wish you good luck!

作者: CharlotteMa    時間: 09-3-18 00:08

你的選擇絶對係正確, my girl also study in K2 and it's a really good school...all techers are very nice and all student have good manner
作者: sabcheung    時間: 09-3-18 00:31

原帖由 CharlotteMa 於 09-3-18 00:08 發表
你的選擇絶對係正確, my girl also study in K2 and it's a really good school...all techers are very nice and all student have good manner

Dear CharlotteMa

May I know when to change to summer uniform?  my girl will study in K1 next month and please tell me what to bring to go to school every day (eg cups, table mat...)

作者: CharlotteMa    時間: 09-3-18 00:46

not sure when will change summer school uniform as still not yet have notice.  And for the school bag, she will bring 1 cup, 1 plate, 1 spoon and 1 soft table mat, 1 rain clothes and 2 english book (Monday also need to bring 1 Mandarin book) and starting from K2 need to bring pencil box + cayron (but K1 no need)
作者: sabcheung    時間: 09-3-18 09:48

原帖由 CharlotteMa 於 09-3-18 00:46 發表
not sure when will change summer school uniform as still not yet have notice.  And for the school bag, she will bring 1 cup, 1 plate, 1 spoon and 1 soft table mat, 1 rain clothes and 2 english book (M ...

Noted with thanks
作者: leliawong    時間: 09-3-21 00:53

原帖由 sabcheung 於 09-3-18 09:48 發表

Noted with thanks

Hi sabcheung,

They will be in the summer uniform in early May but there's a grace period for about 2 weeks in April.

作者: sabcheung    時間: 09-3-22 00:11

原帖由 leliawong 於 09-3-21 00:53 發表

Hi sabcheung,

They will be in the summer uniform in early May but there's a grace period for about 2 weeks in April.


Thanks for your reply.

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