
標題: 有沒有入讀聖保羅堂2008 K1 的 mami? [打印本頁]

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-4-3 16:29     標題: 有沒有入讀聖保羅堂2008 K1 的 mami?

Hello all the mami,

My daughter Sum Yee will attend the pm session in September.  How about your little one?

作者: tracylin2002hk    時間: 08-4-8 11:59

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-4-9 13:42

thank you for your reply.

Will your son take school bus?

原文章由 tracylin2002hk 於 08-4-8 11:59 發表
My son will be AM class..

作者: Candykwan    時間: 08-4-21 01:16     標題: 回覆 #2 tracylin2002hk 的文章

作者: AuntieAnnie    時間: 08-4-22 15:54     標題: 回覆 #4 Candykwan 的文章

My son will also take the AM session!  Our sons should be in the same class coz they just have one K1 AM class.  See you!
作者: tracylin2002hk    時間: 08-5-7 14:34

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: mandyngwaiman    時間: 08-5-13 14:11

My son will attend pm session.

作者: cjmama888    時間: 08-6-4 16:27


My son will be attending PM Class

[ 本文章最後由 cjmama888 於 08-6-4 16:30 編輯 ]
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-6-8 23:36

my son also study in PM class.
作者: AuntieAnnie    時間: 08-6-16 12:54

So all of you should have gone to registration and bought uniforms for your kids. My son will take a school bus. About the school programme, I heard that there are not much homework and yes the teachers are nice. These are what I have heard.

I know that there have computer lesson. Do you know whether K1 will start to have that lesson or later? Do you let your children play computers at home?
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-6-16 17:32     標題: 回覆 #10 AuntieAnnie 的文章

my daughter will also take the school bus, it takes 1 hour from home to school, and 20 minutes for return...
作者: AuntieAnnie    時間: 08-7-8 15:48     標題: 回覆 #11 Sumyeema1 的文章

Where do you live? How come the time to school and return home are so different?
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-7-9 15:10     標題: 回覆 #12 AuntieAnnie 的文章

i live in ap lei chau.  it will be 2nd location to pick up the kids from home to school, but will be the 1st place for the return trip.

now my daughter is very exciting about taking school bus...
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-7-10 16:00

oh most of ur take the school bus.....
as my son is quite sticker. i want to take him to school in the first few months... may be let him take the school bus later....
作者: 宇軒哥哥    時間: 08-7-28 16:47

HI!! 我個仔moses今年都會入讀spc o既k1下午班呀!! 同大家做同學仔, 希望各位小朋友返學都開心啦!!
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-8-2 02:58

作者: metroalan    時間: 08-8-25 22:43

my son will attend on PM class hope he will have a good grow in SPC
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-8-29 14:45

hello everyone,

did you attend the briefing session this morning?  i hope every kid will enjoy their school life in SPC.

my daugther will be in K1B.  anyone in the same class?
作者: ballfish    時間: 08-8-29 16:19

Hi sumyeema,

我囝囝都係下晝K1B, nice to meet you!
我囝囝會坐校車, 希望佢適應啦! 我老公好擔心呢!
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-8-29 22:36

Nice to meet you all

My son is in K1C pm. any mama will take her child by herself??
作者: metroalan    時間: 08-8-30 04:09

Hi All
my son is Ryan Tse who is on K1B and take school bus as well. see you and your kid on mon.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-1 10:14

i worry that my daughter will be very sleepy when she taking school bus.  the school bus will pick her up around 11:40am, that is her nap time.

do you think kids will sleep in the school bus?  

i live in south horizons, far away from SPC

原帖由 ballfish 於 08-8-29 16:19 發表
Hi sumyeema,

我囝囝都係下晝K1B, nice to meet you!
我囝囝會坐校車, 希望佢適應啦! 我老公好擔心呢!

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-1 10:18

my daugher suddendly refuses go to school this morning.  yesterday, she was so exciting with the new school bag, new shoes, new uniform.

she cried this morning and said she want to stay at home....

anyway, the helper will take her to school, and i will stay with her from 1:00-2:00pm.

how about your schedule?

原帖由 metroalan 於 08-8-30 04:09 發表
Hi All
my son is Ryan Tse who is on K1B and take school bus as well. see you and your kid on mon.

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-2 09:30

How is the first day?

My daugther was crying and refusing go inside the school.

Teacher asked me go inside first, then she followed me.  She was very happy for the hour.

How about your little one?
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-2 17:30

My son is also happy for the hour. However, i think he will cry in tomorrow. Hope he will be Ok
作者: metroalan    時間: 08-9-2 23:50

my wife take care ryan on the first day. they have 20mins late because the traffic. anyway he has a good time on the first day. he made his first K1 friend. i also very happy cos i got a day off tomorrow and will bring him to school  by school bus.
作者: metroalan    時間: 08-9-2 23:54

my son got 20mins late on the first day because traffic but he have a good time on the day cos he told me he made a first K1 classmate friend in the class.
作者: ShatinMaMa    時間: 08-9-2 23:56

Are the more boys than girls in the pm classes?
作者: metroalan    時間: 08-9-2 23:59

[quote]原帖由 ShatinMaMa 於 08-9-2 23:56 發表
Are the more boys than girls in the pm classes?

i think so. my wife told me there are only two girls in the class
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-3 16:40

in our session, 9 boys 2 girls.

原帖由 ShatinMaMa 於 08-9-2 23:56 發表
Are the more boys than girls in the pm classes?

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-4 14:07

my daughter cries everyday when she takes the school bus.  

her teacher called me this morning and told me my daughter enjoyed her school life very much.  this call release my worry.

does your kid cry before go to school?
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-4 17:41

my son cried when we start to seeing the enterance...
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-5 11:46

2nd day, even worse.  my daugther starts crying once she wake up.  saying" i don't want go to school, i don't want take school bus"

she also cried in the school yesterday.  she had no problem at all when we sent her to a KG for N1 near home.

is it because of school bus?  i feel heart broken when she crying....
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-5 16:42

i am even worse. Today he cried when he start to change the uniform.  children really need time to adapt to the new environment
作者: 宇軒哥哥    時間: 08-9-8 10:43

我個小宇軒都係聖保羅堂下午班o架!! 佢係K1A, 蜜蜂組O架...唔知哩度有冇同學仔呢?

宇軒SO FAR到而家都冇喊, 都好ENJOY返學, 成日返屋企都提住吳老師....佢要搭褓姆車...其實佢平時都差唔多一點先返到學校, 放學我又見搭車o既小朋友會早d走, 咁其實七除八扣佢地都冇乜時間咋喎....

我遞o左信申請出年轉上午班, 唔知有冇機會呢?
作者: kwkwong222    時間: 08-9-9 09:59


Nice to meet you all. My son is now at PM class K1C. He takes school bus every day and takes napping for a while on the bus. So far so good no crying and enjoys much. Yesterday he forgot to tell teacher to "we we" and got "wet" and teacher was nice to exchange clothing for him. The teacher told my wife yesterday that my son got "face snapping" by another boy when they were trying to pick the toys. Lucky him he just got a little scar few cm under his eye.
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-10 09:13

haha my son is also K1C pm
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-10 11:08

my daugther will bring her hellokitty lantern to school today.  i hope she will enjoy the party.

even she still crying but i have to say her teacher is really nice.  the teacher even call me on saturday and tell me in details of my daugther's school life.  now, we narrow down the reason, it is very much likely that my daugther afraid to the school bus.  so ms chow suggested i called the school bus company and asked them if they can arrange my dauther sit beside the nanny on the bus.

i hope your kids enjoy the party too..
作者: kwkwong222    時間: 08-9-10 16:21

Oh, a party today for mid-autumn? I didn't hear that ... otherwise my son can get the self-made lantern to share with others.
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-10 16:41


作者: feliciak    時間: 08-9-12 01:27

我想同返學有喊啲小朋友家長打氣ar,我仔仔上年返N1時由開學喊到9月28号 ,喊到我差D要同佢轉校,我都知係好心痛嘅見佢喊位住咁返學,但係佢地真係要時間去適應新環境,咁細個人仔,比多D時間和鼓勵佢地,千萬唔好心軟,努力加油啊!
我仔仔讀K1B下午班ga,佢今次返學冇喊啦!仲好似好enjoy 佢個K1 life tim。  

原帖由 mrs_snoopy 於 08-9-10 16:41 發表


作者: metroalan    時間: 08-9-16 18:04

原帖由 feliciak 於 08-9-12 01:27 發表
我想同返學有喊啲小朋友家長打氣ar,我仔仔上年返N1時由開學喊到9月28号 ,喊到我差D要同佢轉校,我都知係好心痛嘅見佢喊位住咁返學,但係佢地真係要時間去適應新環境,咁細個人仔,比多D時間和鼓勵佢地,千萬唔好心軟,努力加油啊 ...

My son also in K1B he told me he is no cry today and no classmate cry in the school. it shall be getting well.
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-16 18:42

any K1C classmates
作者: ShatinMaMa    時間: 08-9-16 21:51     標題: K1C

帖由 mrs_snoopy 於 08-9-16 18:42 發表
any K1C classmates [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 ShatinMaMa 於 08-9-17 22:44 編輯 ]
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-17 16:20     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

hi metroalan,

my daughter Sum Yee also in k1b, she is in the Cake group.  

she is afraid for the school bus, still crying everyday before school.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-17 16:26     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

since last week, my daughter would like to show me everything in her school bag.  last night, she took out the mandarin book and said "lao shi zao" in putonghua.....haha, very cute

how about your kids?
作者: metroalan    時間: 08-9-18 00:03

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 08-9-17 16:20 發表
hi metroalan,

my daughter Sum Yee also in k1b, she is in the Cake group.  

she is afraid for the school bus, still crying everyday before school.

hi sumyeema
my son Ryan is in cake group as well.  he told me two classmate he make since last week. one is ( MO CHIT ) the other one shall be your daughter (SUM YEE) because he told me  sum yee is not cry today .
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-18 11:55

thanks Ryan Ma for your inside information.  So I will not worry too much.

I will tell Sum Yee that Ryan said she's a good girl at school.

Will you go to the parent's briefing on Oct 4?

I will also attend the "9 character analysis" session.

原帖由 metroalan 於 08-9-18 00:03 發表

hi sumyeema
my son Ryan is in cake group as well.  he told me two classmate he make since last week. one is ( MO CHIT ) the other one shall be your daughter (SUM YEE) because he told me  sum yee is  ...

作者: ballfish    時間: 08-9-18 22:08

Hihi 各位, 我囝囝柏賢係K1B壽司組既, 唔知有無同組既同學係呢處呢?
作者: mandyngwaiman    時間: 08-9-20 15:04

I would like to know the school bus's fare??
How much per month?

Is it expensive???
作者: ballfish    時間: 08-9-20 21:33

呢個要睇地區喎, 我住薄扶林就$900/月
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-21 00:25

作者: 東媽    時間: 08-9-22 10:55

Hello!柏賢媽媽, 我係你囝囝同組坐對面的東東媽咪呀!!

原帖由 ballfish 於 08-9-18 22:08 發表
Hihi 各位, 我囝囝柏賢係K1B壽司組既, 唔知有無同組既同學係呢處呢?

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-22 14:23     標題: 2007-2008年度升讀小一結果統計

this year very good, special for boys.  no wonder my daughter's class only 4 girls.

1st:  英皇書院同學會第二小學 佔 13 %
2nd : 聖公會聖保羅書院小學 佔 10.5%
3rd: 聖公會基恩小學 佔 10.5%
4th: 高主教書院小學 佔 10.5%
5th : 聖類斯小學 佔 9 %
6th: 聖公會聖彼得小學 佔 8 %
7th: 聖公會聖保羅男女小學 佔 5 %
8th: 嘉諾撒聖心小學 佔 4 %
9th: 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學 佔 3 %
10th:聖士提反書院附屬小學 佔 3 %
作者: feliciak    時間: 08-9-22 21:32

我想問吓你小朋友放學幾點返到屋企ga? 我住跑馬地車費$700,不過我阿仔要5pm先返到嚟ga,成粒鐘

原帖由 ballfish 於 08-9-20 21:33 發表
呢個要睇地區喎, 我住薄扶林就$900/月

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-23 09:30

we live in Ap Lei Chau, the fee is HK$850 per month.  School bus pick up my daughter at 11:50am in the morning.  Coming back home around 4:30pm.

my daugther still afraid of the school bus.
作者: feliciak    時間: 08-9-23 12:12

Yes ar, my son said yr daughter always tell Ms. Chow that she don't want to take school bus.  Did you talk to the school bus driver?   And ask him if anythings happened on bus b4?

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 08-9-23 09:30 發表
we live in Ap Lei Chau, the fee is HK$850 per month.  School bus pick up my daughter at 11:50am in the morning.  Coming back home around 4:30pm.

my daugther still afraid of the school bus.

作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-9-23 16:54

i am living in Causeway bay. and i am still thinking arrange him to take the school bus. as my son is TOO STICKY........
i took him daily by myself and still crying now....

May be let me try try school bus next half year
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-24 10:35

my daughter told me she's afraid of ms chow and school bus.  what can i do?

can you ask your son is ms chow is nice?


原帖由 feliciak 於 08-9-23 12:12 發表
Yes ar, my son said yr daughter always tell Ms. Chow that she don't want to take school bus.  Did you talk to the school bus driver?   And ask him if anythings happened on bus b4?

作者: feliciak    時間: 08-9-24 12:24

my son describe Ms chow is 少少惡嘅,馬老師同黃老師就好好人wor: 。Did Ms Chow call and talk to you about yr daughter in school??  Ms Chow called me two times already.

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 08-9-24 10:35 發表
my daughter told me she's afraid of ms chow and school bus.  what can i do?

can you ask your son is ms chow is nice?


作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-9-25 10:40

Sumyee told me the school bus nanny also called ms chow, is it right?  She told me she's afraid the nanny.

Chow老師 is really helpful, she called me many times (almost everyday in the first two weeks) and we discussed Sumyee's school life.

It seems Sumyee is very happy in the school, but only hates to take school bus.  This morning, she requests to go back to her N1 KG near home.  She is still crying every morning.  Sigh....

原帖由 feliciak 於 08-9-24 12:24 發表
my son describe Ms chow is 少少惡嘅,馬同黃老師就好好人wor::" /> 。Did Ms Chow call and talk to you about yr daughter in school??  Ms Chow called me two times already.

作者: ballfish    時間: 08-9-30 23:43

Hello! 東東媽咪!柏賢返到屋企成日話同東東玩呀, 同我講東東係佢好朋友呢!!
原帖由 東媽 於 08-9-22 10:55 發表
Hello!柏賢媽媽, 我係你囝囝同組坐對面的東東媽咪呀!!

作者: ballfish    時間: 08-9-30 23:49

HI, Sumyee媽, 我諗我地可能同一架車, 我係薄扶林就12:30上車, 返屋企就遲, 要4:50先到,我個囝應該差唔多係最遲落車既.....


原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 08-9-23 09:30 發表
we live in Ap Lei Chau, the fee is HK$850 per month.  School bus pick up my daughter at 11:50am in the morning.  Coming back home around 4:30pm.

my daugther still afraid of the school bus.

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-10-2 11:02


how come your fee is more expensive?  I thought pokfulam is closer to school than apleichau.  no idea.

原帖由 ballfish 於 08-9-30 23:49 發表
HI, Sumyee媽, 我諗我地可能同一架車, 我係薄扶林就12:30上車, 返屋企就遲, 要4:50先到,我個囝應該差唔多係最遲落車既.....



作者: 東媽    時間: 08-10-2 14:56

Hi!柏賢媽咪!我會去4號家長會的, 到時見!:D

[quote]原帖由 ballfish 於 08-9-30 23:43 發表
Hello! 東東媽咪!柏賢返到屋企成日話同東東玩呀, 同我講東東係佢好朋友呢!!
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-10-6 09:27     標題: 家長會

it's good to see most of 家長 on Oct 4, although we do not know each other.

it's also good to know that we are able to access the online information of our kids' school life.

when I watching the "one day school life" video, cannot control myself to laugh very loud, special i saw my sum yee.

hope all of you enjoy.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-10-10 12:34     標題: 男 & 女

sumyee learnd 男 & 女 in the school, now she refuses to use 男 toilet.  haha...
作者: feliciak    時間: 08-10-11 23:34

So funny!  Now she stilll afraid of school bus or not ar?

原帖由 Sumyeema1 於 08-10-10 12:34 發表
sumyee learnd 男 & 女 in the school, now she refuses to use 男 toilet.  haha...

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-10-14 12:15

sum yee still compliant about school bus.  now she knows she has no choice, so she accept it.

原帖由 feliciak 於 08-10-11 23:34 發表
So funny!  Now she stilll afraid of school bus or not ar?

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-11-3 11:31     標題: winter uniform

hi all,

are you going to let your kids to wear Winter uniform today?  The weather is not that cold...
作者: wahwing    時間: 08-11-3 22:28

sumyeema, could you tell me where we can find the "one day school life" video? I've searched SPC website but still can't find it.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-11-4 10:15

sorry wahwing, i also have no idea about the "one day school life".  I just called SPC and there is no such video available.  

you can double check, tel: 2526 0546.

原帖由 wahwing 於 08-11-3 22:28 發表
sumyeema, could you tell me where we can find the "one day school life" video? I've searched SPC website but still can't find it.

作者: wahwing    時間: 08-11-4 10:25

sumyeema, I see. Thanks.
作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-11-6 18:32

any one will attend the talk on this sat?
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-11-7 10:38

what is the subject of the talk?  SPC will interview 2009K1 students this sat, all the teachers must be very busy.

原帖由 mrs_snoopy 於 08-11-6 18:32 發表
any one will attend the talk on this sat?

作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 08-11-8 02:39

actually it is hold by 牧民中心
作者: MuiPig    時間: 08-11-19 14:07

作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-11-20 10:06     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

i'm not living in KLN, below is the school bus service information for your reference:
作者: MuiPig    時間: 08-11-20 10:21


作者: Yonniewong    時間: 08-12-5 11:17

我囡囡將會入讀聖保羅堂, 請問每星期有幾多日會有外籍老師教英文?
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 08-12-20 00:37     標題: X'mas party

Any mami went to the X'mas party this year?

My daughter enjoyed it very much because she received a gift from Santa Claus.

I wish all the parents and kids will have a good holiday.
作者: Momombee    時間: 08-12-25 22:23

我個仔K1A,我都有去X'mas party. 氣氛吾錯,又可以同小朋友一齊玩。我個仔玩得好開心。
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 09-3-3 10:46     標題: school trip

Our family will join the school trip this Saturday.  My girl says we will go to "Dragon O" for the trip - actually it should be Yuen Long.  Dragon O should be Tseung Kwan O.  No idea why she say that...
作者: Momombee    時間: 09-3-8 10:37

作者: mrs_snoopy    時間: 09-3-8 15:11

A happy trip
作者: metroalan    時間: 09-3-8 23:05

We all have a good time and i saw my son Ryan he is really enjoy play with his classmates.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 09-3-9 10:38     標題: school trip

even we need to get up early, we did enjoy the trip.  Sum yee was so exciting to see all the classmates, teachers, her Mom and Dad join the trip.  

She asked me on Sunday: Did I go to schook yesterday?  I said no because it's Saturday.  She asked again: why I saw Miss Chow, Miss Ma, and Miss Wong?  I told her because we join the school trip...

Yeap, it's good to see all the kids and parents, specially those Sum yee always mentions the names at home, now I know them.
作者: AuntieAnnie    時間: 09-3-9 23:30

A very happy trip - we saw the rabbits and ostrich, we went to the bat cave, we rode the family bicycle, we fed the fish, we fished some goldfish, we met friends and parents, we had lunch together (although a bit messy), we played in the children's playground, we took photos... I enjoyed watching kids in their baby-blue uniforms running around the site. They were all very cute! Yes, it was really happy to know my son's classmates whom my son mentioned their names at home! The weather was not too cold and it was just raining lightly for a while. What a great day with God's blessing! Thanks for the principal and teachers' work - an extra work day for them!
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 09-3-16 09:49     標題: birthday party

thanks ms Lee for inviting K1B kids to attend her daughter's birthday party.

Sum Yee enjoy it very much, they play, then eat, then sing and dance.  we had fun for 2 hours.

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