
標題: 請教平日用英文同小孩溝通的媽媽 [打印本頁]

作者: puib    時間: 08-3-29 01:22     標題: 請教平日用英文同小孩溝通的媽媽


1. 如果平日爸爸媽媽與小孩之間都用英文溝通,但爸爸媽媽之間卻用廣東話溝通,小孩會感到confused嗎?如果係咁,你地有咩對策,使小孩分得開兩語?

2. 其實我BB由出世到早前都係grandma湊,grandma一路都用廣東話(帶鄉音)同佢溝通,現在我全職湊返BB,佢現在10mths如果我現在起先同佢用全英文溝通,佢會否感到confused?佢聽得明我同佢講乜嗎?


作者: Joshua0318    時間: 08-3-29 02:26

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作者: miumiu809    時間: 08-3-29 18:49

我都覺得是可以的! 有些孩子可能會遲一點才開口說話,不過好處也遠超過遲說話好啊~
作者: cat_house    時間: 08-3-31 20:42

1. 不會的。不過你最好能control你和/或爸爸和bb說話時一定是用英語。
2. 要是你由bb出生至你自己湊時都是跟bb說廣東話﹐那起初轉語言bb會有點confuse。不過10個月轉語言還是可以的。

原文章由 puib 於 08-3-29 01:22 發表

1. 如果平日爸爸媽媽與小孩之間都用英文溝通,但爸爸媽媽之間卻用廣東話溝通,小孩會感到confused嗎?如果係咁,你地有咩對策,使小孩分得開兩語?

2. 其實我BB由出世到早前都係grandma湊,g ...

作者: awah112    時間: 08-4-5 00:57

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作者: puib    時間: 08-4-6 23:45

作者: leelilili    時間: 08-4-7 23:06

let me share my case.
My hubby and myself have been speaking English to our little one since she was born. But we speak to each other in Cantonese.
Now, my daughter is almost 3 years old. She could differ between English, Cantonese and PTH clearly and her first language is English. She can understand and speak English very well. She can understand Cantonese and PTH (Cantonese is learnt via the environment in Hong Kong and some cantonese playgroups, PTH was learnt via her school).However, I know she could not speak Cantonese and PTH as fluent as English as she does not has enough vocabulary.
If I have the chance to go back and decide the language to my daughter again, I'll still remain my decision of speaking to her in English and Cantonese with my hubby. She can understand Cantonese very very well and sometimes be the translator (Cantonese to English), hahaha,...when we ask her to do so, very funny.
One gentle reminder, both my hubby and myself speak proper English and we insist to do it with correct grammars.  Pls note the kids learn from us and pick up our assents and grammars.  So, once you decided to get your kid to be  a billingual kid, you need to be "well-equiped".  And, yes, be prepared that billingual kids start speaking late compare to single-language kids.

Good luck.

原文章由 puib 於 08-4-6 23:45 發表

作者: Reiki    時間: 08-4-22 23:29

leelilili ,
When did your daughter speak the first word?
作者: leelilili    時間: 08-4-24 14:12

haha,...I forgot,...I really could not recall.

原文章由 Reiki 於 08-4-22 23:29 發表
leelilili ,
When did your daughter speak the first word?

作者: mosesdaddy    時間: 08-4-24 18:53

Generally I agree with the parents above.  In our case, our toddler can differentiate among English, Cantonese and Putonghua and he can converse in the language you speak to him.  For instance, when I arrived home yesterday and greeted my son, he told me "banana boat".  I was confused then but soon were hinted by my wife that the music being played was 香蕉船.  The reason why my boy translated it is because I spoke to him in English in the greeting.  Conversely when I speak PTH, my boy will answer back in PTH and similarly for Cantonese.

Another instance is that when my wife read a story with our son yesterday night, she spoke "wind it up" but due to a slip of tongue she pronounced "wind" as "win+d" but that was immediately corrected by our son as "wain+d"....  it's so funny.

One thing is for sure, be it English or PTH or Cantonese, it is important to put an effort in our pronunciation, or else our kid will pick up the wrong accent from us.  We don't need to be native or near native, but as least I guess it shouldn't be too far from it.

原文章由 puib 於 08-3-29 01:22 發表

1. 如果平日爸爸媽媽與小孩之間都用英文溝通,但爸爸媽媽之間卻用廣東話溝通,小孩會感到confused嗎?如果係咁,你地有咩對策,使小孩分得開兩語?

2. 其實我BB由出世到早前都係grandma湊,g ...

[ 本文章最後由 mosesdaddy 於 08-4-24 18:54 編輯 ]
作者: hoeve    時間: 08-4-24 22:32


原文章由 mosesdaddy 於 08-4-24 18:53 發表
Generally I agree with the parents above.  In our case, our toddler can differentiate among English, Cantonese and Putonghua and he can converse in the language you speak to him.  For instance, when I ...

作者: hoyinma    時間: 08-9-4 10:00

My son is also speaking two languages English and Cantonese.
As we live overseas, I also speak Cantonese with him at home, he listens to English when he is at preschool.
He is 4 now and he speaks very good English and quite good Cantonese.
However, he knows a lot more English words than Cantonese so sometimes he uses English words in a Cantonese sentence.
We are working hard to encourage him speaking more Cantonese.
My little girl is 1.5yr and she only speaks a few Cantonese words.
However, she can understand both Cantonese and English very well as I speak Cantonese only with her but big brother speaks English only (he always speak English with other kids).
I think everything is possible at this age and you just need to be persistent.
作者: pino    時間: 08-9-4 12:49




大家可以俾意見我嗎??many tks!!
作者: pino    時間: 08-9-8 14:22

原帖由 pino 於 08-9-4 12:49 發表

我係全職媽媽,爸爸放工番黎好多時都好累,吾太多時間同bb講野!!如果係咁,我平日同bb一段時間講全廣東 ...

作者: Aryan    時間: 08-9-17 16:06

i have the same situation as you. i also want to know if this is workable. (my bb is now 8 months) any mama with older child has similar experience to share? thanks very much.

原帖由 pino 於 08-9-4 12:49 發表

我係全職媽媽,爸爸放工番黎好多時都好累,吾太多時間同bb講野!!如果係咁,我平日同bb一段時間講全廣東 ...

作者: awah112    時間: 08-9-17 16:31

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作者: cytheiawongsiny    時間: 08-9-28 23:09

I speak to my child in English and My hubby speaks in Chinese or vice versa. I don't see any problem. My child can speak both languages fluently
作者: mark2006    時間: 08-10-26 12:56

My spoke English is not fluent. I cannot master the usage of many vocabs for daily use. I just use simple English to speak with them. But they seem not willing to speak English. How can I train my kids to speak more fluent and more willing to speak in English ?   Please help.

[ 本帖最後由 mark2006 於 08-10-26 13:11 編輯 ]
作者: 0002    時間: 08-11-7 12:31     標題: Reading news or english stories every day

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作者: 0002    時間: 08-11-7 12:47     標題: Many English Stories Book -Longman sales at SOGO

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作者: anthony010103    時間: 08-11-10 22:08

The headache problem is that my wife cant speak English well and seldom speak English...How can I solve the situation ? I really want my kids speak fluent English for their generation. Sad....
作者: cocoBee    時間: 08-11-11 16:41

My baby girl is 2 years and 2 months old now and she can only speak words by words in English.  
I usually watch Animal Planet with my daughter because I love animal so much and I will discuss with coco about it (haha.. actually mostly I was the one who talk talk talk in English.. and now I can realize that my daughter also love animal so much.. may be she is influenced by me)  I can see she love to play with the Bird, Horse puzzle and picture cards every time we go to the Montessori playgroup.
作者: chingching3    時間: 08-11-12 12:34

我d 英文唔係咁好, 但都盡量同個女講多d英文, 因為平時佢公公婆婆湊佢, 已經講好多中文, 我想佢可以接觸多d英文, 所以會約d公司同事 (鬼婆)同佢個仔 出去赤柱郊遊, 不過唔知點解鬼仔真係曳d,佢呀媽又由得佢~

原帖由 cocoBee 於 08-11-11 16:41 發表
My baby girl is 2 years and 2 months old now and she can only speak words by words in English.  
I usually watch Animal Planet with my daughter because I love animal so much and I will discuss with co ...

作者: IaMMoYY    時間: 08-12-8 11:01

Don't worried.  OK la.
作者: elbb    時間: 08-12-9 00:51     標題: English

Dear 0002,

I am totally agree with you, practise make prefect. My bb is now 16 months, when do you think I can start let him to see DVD and English cartoon?  Is that not good to let him see tv so early?  But I heard from some mum saying that their son also learn English conversation easily from tv and cartoon.  Just half hour each day is enough or not?

I like very much your suggestion of daily practice simple sentence conversation.  But I can find all these common use sentence from story books??

原帖由 0002 於 08-11-7 12:47 發表
e.g daily pratice.-  simple sentence.

How are you today?
What did you do at school  today?
Who classmates are good or dont like you?
Why are you upset?
Tell me more above your feeling.
You see....t ...

作者: 小仙女Mummy    時間: 08-12-9 11:43

i'm a full-time mami too. i speak both English & Chinese to my girl now she is 2yr and 2months old, she can handle these two lanuages, and as she goes to a tri-lingual school, she's ready to learn one more lanuage..
I think if u wanna ur baby handle one more lanuage, the best way is point the object and say it in English & Chinese or Japanese whatever . ... they can did it..

原帖由 Aryan 於 08-9-17 16:06 發表
i have the same situation as you. i also want to know if this is workable. (my bb is now 8 months) any mama with older child has similar experience to share? thanks very much.

作者: 0002    時間: 08-12-9 19:12     標題: Now TV Disney english channel

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作者: critic    時間: 08-12-10 14:11

I have enough experience to share.  My son is 6.5 and my baby is 2.  We speak in English when he was baby and he learned Cantonese from school.  We have relocated to Shanghai when he was 2, and now he can speak 3 languages and understand some Shanghainese.  He speaks perfect English and does not have the 'typical' Cantonese accent.  Mandarin has became his mother tongue, but we have to get used to speak English at home.   He watches a lot of DVDs, and he likes to repeat the same movie over and over, he does pick-up some American accent from DVDs.

For the 2-year old baby, she is taking care by Mandarin speaking nanny, she also does not have any problem in 2 languages, but she does not speak any Cantonese.

I don't agree that kids will speak slow if they learn 2-3 languages at the same time. My kids both started to talk before 1-year old, we can fully communcate before age 2.
作者: 可愛小鞋子    時間: 08-12-10 22:12


昨天, 我跟爸爸一起去圖書館, 一個我很想去的地方, 因為可以跟爸爸一起看圖書.  可惜, 一踏進圖書館, 爸爸又用嚴厲的言詞, 跟我說, english only.

我只好低頭說 yes.

選了圖書後, 爸爸用英文跟我說故事的內容, 我一點都不明白, 只是看了書中的圖畫.  我用中文問爸爸, 爸爸, 我不明白, 可以再講給我聽.

爸爸再用嚴厲的語氣同我講, no chinese please.  之後, 又用中文狠狠的跟我說, 我已經講左一次俾你知啦, 你做咩頭先唔留心聽呀, 你根本就無留心聽我講個故事你知.

我只好用英文, 請爸爸再說一次給我聽.  但我都是不明白.  之後, 我唔敢再問了.

我不明白的是, 爸爸要求我用英文, 但我日常生活, 都不多用英文的, 在家, 我見爸爸都是用中文多.  其實, 我是不是中國人呀, 爸爸又是不是中國人呢, 為什麼大家都是中國人, 卻要用大家都不大懂的英文溝通.  我很迷茫, 亦很痛苦, 因為我不能用英文, 就常常給爸爸責罵.

其實, 去圖書館, 我只希望跟爸爸有一個快樂的時刻, 我不捨得不跟爸爸一起, 但是好像痛苦比快樂的多.
作者: 小仙女Mummy    時間: 08-12-11 19:37

我覺得這個故事隻能說明佢爸爸沒有比佢足夠的英文時間,及溝通的方法問題, 同是不是中國人沒有絲毫關聯性.. 而且一個6歲的孩子佢應該漸漸明白爸母的用心,都是期待佢都多掌握一門語言,使今后人生道路的更順暢.. 佢自己應該更努力去自學習呢門語言..

原帖由 可愛小鞋子 於 08-12-10 22:12 發表

昨天, 我跟爸爸一起去圖書館, 一個我很想去的地方, 因為可以跟爸爸一起看圖書.  可惜, 一踏進圖書館, 爸爸又用嚴厲的言詞, 跟我說, english only.

我只好低頭說 yes.

選了圖書後, 爸 ...

作者: 可愛小鞋子    時間: 08-12-14 08:48

首先, 我很認同, 若孩子能多學幾種不同的語言, 對他/她日後, 一定會是優勢的.

只是, 作為家長, 好像我一樣, 不是native speaker, 硬要跟孩子以英語作為溝通的橋樑, 效果, 未必如在之前發表的家長一樣 (我想你們的英語能力, 是很好的), 得到理想的成果.  反而做成父母與孩子的矛盾, 我們不是要帶給孩子快樂的童年嗎?

我的用心, 不是要各位否定以英語作為與孩子溝通的橋樑, 好讓他/她們早一點, 適應在英語環境下生活.  我只希望用另一個角度, 以一個6歲孩子的心聲, 讓家長們聽一聽他們的感受.

用什麼方式的教學方法, 仍然抉擇在我們家長的手裡, 只是, 我們應該怎樣抉擇, 而我們又是否真的跟我們的孩子配合呢.  6歲孩子, 又是否真的能明瞭父母的用心?
作者: mamimeowmeow    時間: 09-1-5 11:05

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作者: mark2006    時間: 09-1-10 09:41

原帖由 mamimeowmeow 於 09-1-5 11:05 發表
I use only English at home, but will use one or two Cantonese words when it's really funnny.

In the past I wasn't sure adn truly dare if my English is good, but after attending an English Course For  ...

can you kindly share  where you studied this English Course for parents ? I'm interested to have a look on it .Thanks!!!!
作者: mamimeowmeow    時間: 09-1-13 11:56

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作者: cemily    時間: 09-1-22 00:18

My husband is always on business trip, so I speak English and PTH to my son on alternate days, ie Mon, Wed, Fri, Sunday PTH and the rest in English. By 3 yo, he mastered both languages rather well. I reverted to Cantonese when he was 4.5 yo in preparation for his P1 interviews. His Cantonese became v fluent in 3 months time.
作者: RiceBear    時間: 09-4-15 17:59

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