
標題: 有無人好似我咁KV及SC都係WAITING LIST? [打印本頁]

作者: icq123    時間: 07-12-3 00:34     標題: 有無人好似我咁KV及SC都係WAITING LIST?

我囡囡係大女,報KV及SC都係WAITING LIST,佢英文聽講絕無問題,已介尿片,識講好多野同表達自己.唔收唔知係咪我問題呢?
作者: labelle    時間: 07-12-3 01:14

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作者: MandyChau    時間: 07-12-3 04:27

應該同學歷無關, 佢都只係開小學同中學o者.
作者: huicat    時間: 07-12-3 06:00

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作者: Chunma630    時間: 07-12-3 09:29

你報地址是那一區? 面試時的表現如何? 是否全部答對問題?

原文章由 icq123 於 07-12-3 00:34 發表
我囡囡係大女,報KV及SC都係WAITING LIST,佢英文聽講絕無問題,已介尿片,識講好多野同表達自己.唔收唔知係咪我問題呢?
因為我地夫婦都係全職人仕(文職),家住普通私人屋苑,無任何宗教信仰,普通中學畢業.見BK好多家長既 ...

作者: pyma    時間: 07-12-3 09:44

Hi, Chunma630
KV accepted my kid (PM class).  Well, we only live at ordinary private estate.  But I can say, my kid was so smart during the interview (We were so surprise).  She can answer all the questions and can sing the song.  

However, I think it's really depend on what the interviewer feel (very subjective).  Sometimes when we feel our kid smart but may everyone are smarter than ours.  Really, don't know what their standard is.
作者: hosiuman610    時間: 07-12-3 10:04

i same as u both on waiting List
作者: chongtingmama    時間: 07-12-3 10:42

我個係大仔,報KV及SC都係WAITING LIST,介咗尿片及識講好多野同表達自己.我地夫婦都係全職人仕,家住普通私人屋苑,無任何宗教信仰,普通中學畢業.

仔仔kv 表現不好,比佢waiting list 已經比面, sc 表現很好老師問全部有答啱,但都要排waiting list!!!!!
作者: Chloeliumama    時間: 07-12-3 10:52

Same as you. Both on waiting list. Actually, my daughter didn't perform well in KV, so very surprised that she is on the waiting list. However, she performed very well in SC's interview, she answered all the questions in the English inteview session, but she cannot speak mandarin during the mandarin's interview session, so maybe the reason she cannot be accepted.
作者: steve666    時間: 07-12-3 11:02

原文章由 icq123 於 07-12-3 00:34 發表
我囡囡係大女,報KV及SC都係WAITING LIST,佢英文聽講絕無問題,已介尿片,識講好多野同表達自己.唔收唔知係咪我問題呢?
因為我地夫婦都係全職人仕(文職),家住普通私人屋苑,無任何宗教信仰,普通中學畢業.見BK好多家長既 ...

我仔仔係大仔...KV on waiting list, accepted by SC am class
我地夫婦都係全職(一般打工仔), 住私人屋苑,冇宗教信仰...係家姐在Happy Valley St. Paul 讀中學
最攪笑我個仔in SC時....先生問佢個ロ用嚟做乜...佢答用嚟擦牙
作者: bb123321    時間: 07-12-3 11:06

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作者: wong_mf89    時間: 07-12-3 14:11

me too, both on waiting list.  I feel quite upset but I will not give up.  I will write letter and "knock the door".

Poor me.  the day before the original interview date, my son got hurt at home and was sent to the hospital.  So, we attended both interviews one week after.  No high expectaton cos I think his performance will be affected after he got hurt.  Before he got hurt, his performance in other kiders are very good.  But for KV and St Cat, comparatively, not so outstanding.
作者: yee2005    時間: 07-12-3 15:40

Me too, both are on waiting..very depress. Since my daughter was sick on interview day, she did not answer anythings. :cry:
作者: fafapoodle    時間: 07-12-3 16:04

My daughter also in waiting list, but I don't like SC after the interview, the 'local' teachers are not so nice(just my feeling). Besides, there are so many students in one class, I'm not sure the teacher can know the each student deeply la! Anyway, my daughter was answered all of the questions correctly in the interview, but she hit the other kids in the group playing, so  bad la!
作者: 小松奈奈    時間: 07-12-3 19:12

我個仔2間都係waiting list,之前已經諗住讀聖若望,交埋留位費,不過收到kv&st.cat嘅信都有d失望
作者: karen55407    時間: 07-12-4 00:06

I don't think so.  My husband and me were not studied in famous school.
原文章由 bb123321 於 07-12-3 11:06 發表

點解SC要你寫家長小學同中學?? 而又冇問是否大學以上?! 就係因為佢地要知父母是否出自名校小學law..... 因若父母是出自名校小學的話, 佢个b機乎實99%入番果間小學ga la......咁SC佢个招牌咪靚d law!!

so若父母出 ...

作者: bb123321    時間: 07-12-4 00:22

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作者: corrinna_tsui    時間: 07-12-4 03:38

我2間都收咗,我為女兒報咗8間面試,巳經有7間收咗,只係協恩未通知,其中kv & sc ,面試當日2間表現得好好,我聽人講kv多數收大仔多,諗住試下啦~竟然面試這8間,表現得最好的一間!!!真係好感謝主,所以你唔好灰心~
作者: fafapoodle    時間: 07-12-4 11:31

St Cat will notice the parents job, my colleague is doctor and her son was accepted in AM class even he didn't spoke one word in his interview!
作者: bc8006    時間: 07-12-4 12:13

My son was accepted by KV, but on waiting list of SC.  It's not surprised coz he couldn't answer well in SC, he didn't understand the question, what is mouth used for?  Even he didn't understand, he tried, looked at the teacher, then pointed his mouth and said "big".

SC is my first choice.  But needed to accept the reality that interview cannot evaluate his overall performance.  But glad/proud of that he is smart, just couldn't catch the opportunity in interview.

I am wondering how a small bb can perform in an interview, some of them may not speak too much! Interview is Interview.

[ 本文章最後由 bc8006 於 07-12-4 12:24 編輯 ]
作者: yanho1010    時間: 07-12-5 00:33

我同你一樣,我非常失望之前in間間到收我個女(km,浸幼,sjc)我仲有返playgroup and n1
作者: yimwmc    時間: 07-12-5 11:39

原文章由 yanho1010 於 07-12-5 00:33 發表
我同你一樣,我非常失望之前in間間到收我個女(km,浸幼,sjc)我仲有返playgroup and n1

Don't .Many kids have been accepted by both Kv and SC this yr. So, still have chance for waiting list. For me, I will give up a place in Sc am class.
作者: fanny豬豬    時間: 07-12-6 13:20

我個囡淨係考kv........結果waiting list
作者: YNBB    時間: 07-12-6 15:23

我個囡都係兩間waiting list, 佢in KV 初時要warm up, 但都答到問題, 但最後無唱歌. in St cat 就答晒問題, 但我諗玩玩具果part唔得, 因為佢比其他小朋友搶玩具後唔知點算, 只係轉頭望著我, 但個老師又o弟唔到呢幕. 只係見到佢望住我唔玩玩具.

所以真係好講彩數. 唯有話呢種interview方式唔係好適合我個囡, 尤其一大班小朋友玩呢種interview, 佢比較靜, 唔夠take initiative

作者: jacquesau    時間: 07-12-6 16:19

我囡囡in st.cat同浸幼都係waiting list....完全係我既問題, 因為我表現唔好.....:(

不過算啦...呢兩間都唔係我心儀既學校, 現在將所有希望放咗係培正到!希望囡囡得啦!:loveliness:
作者: mimi666    時間: 07-12-6 17:14

囝囝都係sc & kv waiting list. kv waiting 有d失望因為囝囝表現唔差而miss都讚佢叻仔. sc就知多數唔得因為佢同小朋友爭玩具. 而家創價收左囝囝, 都會比佢去讀創價因為係我2nd choice(my 1st choice is kv)
作者: stliu    時間: 07-12-6 17:31

既然你的1st choice係KV,會唔會試下寫封信俾KV問下位呀?因為真係有些家長到最後會放棄個位架. 你係waiting即係仲有機會!

原文章由 mimi666 於 07-12-6 17:14 發表
囝囝都係sc & kv waiting list. kv waiting 有d失望因為囝囝表現唔差而miss都讚佢叻仔. sc就知多數唔得因為佢同小朋友爭玩具. 而家創價收左囝囝, 都會比佢去讀創價因為係我2nd choice(my 1st choice is kv) ...

作者: mimi666    時間: 07-12-6 18:47

原文章由 stliu 於 07-12-6 17:31 發表
既然你的1st choice係KV,會唔會試下寫封信俾KV問下位呀?因為真係有些家長到最後會放棄個位架. 你係waiting即係仲有機會!


我已經寄出求立信比 kv....
作者: ahkeunggor    時間: 07-12-8 00:22     標題: my girl accepted by both SC and KV

She did not speak well in SC and I spoke well in KV.....living in Mei Foo, HKU graduated. simple family wife works as a secretary only....strange....!!
作者: 大妹姐    時間: 07-12-8 11:51

Hi! Jacquesau,

浸幼有化怎麼好,請指點! Thanks!

原文章由 jacquesau 於 07-12-6 16:19 發表
我囡囡in st.cat同浸幼都係waiting list....完全係我既問題, 因為我表現唔好.....:(

不過算啦...呢兩間都唔係我心儀既學校, 現在將所有希望放咗係培正到!希望囡囡得啦!:loveliness: ...

作者: stliu    時間: 07-12-10 14:03

加油加油! 未到最後都唔好放棄, 而且起碼自己有盡過力啊!

原文章由 mimi666 於 07-12-6 18:47 發表


我已經寄出求立信比 kv....

作者: Ruby521    時間: 07-12-10 14:09

原文章由 mimi666 於 07-12-6 17:14 發表
囝囝都係sc & kv waiting list. kv waiting 有d失望因為囝囝表現唔差而miss都讚佢叻仔. sc就知多數唔得因為佢同小朋友爭玩具. 而家創價收左囝囝, 都會比佢去讀創價因為係我2nd choice(my 1st choice is kv) ...

點解你first chocie is kv? 我知好多人是sc 呀, 我都是, 不過我就是 waiting list 無法....

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