
標題: YORK家長請來 [打印本頁]

作者: 大板牙    時間: 07-11-28 23:26     標題: YORK家長請來


[ 本文章最後由 大板牙 於 07-11-28 23:34 編輯 ]
作者: bluesky999    時間: 07-11-29 00:42

原文章由 大板牙 於 07-11-28 23:26 發表

作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-11-29 16:43

原文章由 大板牙 於 07-11-28 23:26 發表

My kid is a pupil of York and has been accepted by PK colleage therefore I am very happy if you have any question, you can contact me for follow-up.  
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 17:28

My son is in U3 at York
He accepted by PK college, SFA, St. Louis,TSL, YW and 油蔴地天主教小學

P.S. 我有替兒子報讀校外的小一面試班

[ 本文章最後由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:33 編輯 ]
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-11-29 17:37

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:28 發表
My son is in U3 at York
He accepted by PK college, SFA, St. Louis,TSL, YW and 油蔴地天主教小學

My kid is in U3D2 at York . Can you tell me your kid is my son's classmate?
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 17:40

原文章由 Goldfishco 於 07-11-29 17:37 發表

My kid is in U3D2 at York . Can you tell me your kid is my son's classmate?

No, he is in class U3B
作者: Alanhoky    時間: 07-11-29 17:44     標題: 回覆 #5 Goldfishco 的文章

My daughter is now in U3B3
She's attempted only ICQM & GT and both accepted her.
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-11-29 17:46

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:40 發表

No, he is in class U3B

What kind of school will your kid enter such as PK or other choise ?
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-29 17:55

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:28 發表
My son is in U3 at York
He accepted by PK college, SFA, St. Louis,TSL, YW and 油蔴地天主教小學

P.S. 我有替兒子報讀校外的小一面試班

Waa....your boy is really smart! Have you applied for DBSPD?
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 17:57

原文章由 Goldfishco 於 07-11-29 17:46 發表

What kind of school will your kid enter such as PK or other choise ?

我會選擇英華, 因為這所學校的教育方向及態度很合適我的BB.
又加上一條龍中學(Band 1 English high school)
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 17:59

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-11-29 17:55 發表

Waa....your boy is really smart! Have you applied for DBSPD?

有,不過對這所"Blue Blood"學校沒有好感.
沒有去2nd IN
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-29 18:01

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:59 發表

有,不過對這所"Blue Blood"學校沒有好感.
沒有去2nd IN

有好多人恨都恨唔到有得2nd in , 你點解浪費咗個chance le???
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 18:04

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-11-29 18:01 發表

有好多人恨都恨唔到有得2nd in , 你點解浪費咗個chance le???

D 職員態度很差, 所以教出來的小朋友都........................:evil:
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-11-29 18:07

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 17:57 發表

我會選擇英華, 因為這所學校的教育方向及態度很合適我的BB.
又加上一條龍中學(Band 1 English high school)

Agreed. Therefore, my son will enter PK because PK is primary and secondary school.
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-29 18:09

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 18:04 發表

D 職員態度很差, 所以教出來的小朋友都........................:evil:

但你當初申請時我相信都係因為佢係名校(講真係人都想入),而D 職員態度同小朋友質素似乎冇關係喎,點解你會有咁大轉變??????
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 18:20

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-11-29 18:09 發表

但你當初申請時我相信都係因為佢係名校(講真係人都想入),而D 職員態度同小朋友質素似乎冇關係喎,點解你會有咁大轉變??????

作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 18:36

作者: ltk    時間: 07-11-29 18:44


我是第一次参加討論, 很生手, 整咗好耐先入到來. 真慚愧!

我女兒現讀U3.  之前只報了陳守仁, SFA 及DGS.  但第1,2 間
都唔收, 而DGS到21號才通知, 但機會都很微.  現在很徬徨.  因全
部私校及直資已截止報名.  請問現可做什麼??? 心情非常不安, 請

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-29 19:50

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 18:20 發表


你聲稱你冇去DBSPD 2nd in,我唸你係冇得2nd in rather than唔去 2nd in,因為我竟然意外地發現你响"DBS 2nd in" 個討論區都話你自己DB連2nd in 都冇,其實我哋都係分亨吓姐,你唔需要講d詆毀DB的說話,你個仔都好叻仔,咁多間好學校如YW,TSL,SFA.....都收佢,其實間間學校都有勁人,你個仔都一樣會好outstanding!:
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-29 22:24

原文章由 ltk 於 07-11-29 18:44 發表

我是第一次参加討論, 很生手, 整咗好耐先入到來. 真慚愧!

我女兒現讀U3.  之前只報了陳守仁, SFA 及DGS.  但第1,2 間
都唔收, 而DGS到21號才通知, 但機會都很微.  現在很徬徨.  因全
部私校及直資已截止報 ...

Don't worry la!
Just want to know is you've got the chance for 2nd in for TSL? If yes, are u waitlisted candidate?

How about the first rouund of lucky draw?
Maybe you have to plan for the 2nd round of lucky draw where we need to fill the form in early 2008.
Would u mind let me know which net are u belonging to?
Maybe we can give u some suggestion.
作者: ChunBBMa    時間: 07-11-29 22:54     標題: 回覆 #4 kerrie0201 的文章

唔好意思, 想問下油天不是津校嗎 ? 點解可以在第一round中考試既, 可能我既information唔update, 請指教 ! 謝謝.
作者: ltk    時間: 07-11-29 23:14

我囡囡在TSL有2nd IN.  但無WAITLIST. 大抽獎"瑪利諾修院"又

落空. 我是40綱.請給些竟見.

另外, 我在討論區看到有些人話現時已可到心儀的學校叩門, 甚至

津校, 不知真否?  真的很心急

作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 23:27

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-11-29 19:50 發表

你聲稱你冇去DBSPD 2nd in,我唸你係冇得2nd in rather than唔去 2nd in,因為我竟然意外地發現你响"DBS 2nd in" 個討論區都話你自己DB連2nd in 都冇,其實我哋都係分亨吓姐,你唔需要講d詆毀DB的說話,你個仔都好叻仔, ...

Sorry, after that day, i received the call from DXXXD for 2 nd interview . But i rather prefer YW than DXXXD. It is true.

另外, 我不是詆毁DXXXD, 而是把我個人感受說出來的!

[ 本文章最後由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 23:31 編輯 ]
作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 23:32

原文章由 ChunBBMa 於 07-11-29 22:54 發表
唔好意思, 想問下油天不是津校嗎 ? 點解可以在第一round中考試既, 可能我既information唔update, 請指教 ! 謝謝.

油天是津小, 1 ST round 是自行收生,, 沒有examination
作者: 亞水    時間: 07-11-29 23:50

我只係想提一提各位現屆york k3家長,多點注意小朋友中文水平,及早補課/鑊


作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-11-29 23:53

原文章由 亞水 於 07-11-29 23:50 發表
我只係想提一提各位現屆york k3家長,多點注意小朋友中文水平,及早補課/鑊


我小朋友入了喇沙。 ...

作者: bb123321    時間: 07-11-30 00:02

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-30 09:06

原文章由 kerrie0201 於 07-11-29 23:27 發表

Sorry, after that day, i received the call from DXXXD for 2 nd interview . But i rather prefer YW than DXXXD. It is true.

另外, 我不是詆毁DXXXD, 而是把我個人感受說出來的! ...

Just wonder the first day of DBSPD 2nd in is on 19.11.2007 and will be ended on 1.12.2007. Hence, the notification letters must received before 19.11.2007.  

You posted that you haven't got the chance for DB 2nd in on 23.11.2007.  

But after that, you stated you've received the call from DB????
作者: redhot    時間: 07-11-30 09:28

其實學校唔係話名氣越大越好,都要睇睇適合與否。舉例來說,我從用家朋友口中的資料分析過,知道db不單唔適合我亞仔,連教育方向都同我的方向唔同。我雖然照去2nd in,但已決定若有更好的選擇我會放棄db。試問滿足大人的虛榮重要?還是細路實際利益重要?
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-30 10:02

原文章由 bb123321 於 07-11-30 00:02 發表

中文唔得ar? 好差咩? 可否詳細講吓差到點?thanks  a lot!!!

因我契仔明年讀 york k.1 ar!!

I don’t think their Chinese Language proficiency is very low.

For the Chinese writing, they’ve learnt to write a lot of ‘complicated vocabulary’ like 重陽節、雞蛋.

For reading Chinese book, they are able to read 70-80% of Chinese characters of those books suitable for child aged 5-6.
Although they can only understand about 50-60% of the content, I think it is quite OK for them.

As I know, most of the P.1 students faced the difficulties in Chinese comprehension and essay writing except those have a very good habit in reading before.
But after some training and practices provided by the primary school, most of them can handle the task without great problems in the 2nd term of P.1 or in P.2.

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-11-30 23:01

原文章由 redhot 於 07-11-30 09:28 發表
其實學校唔係話名氣越大越好,都要睇睇適合與否。舉例來說,我從用家朋友口中的資料分析過,知道db不單唔適合我亞仔,連教育方向都同我的方向唔同。我雖然照去2nd in,但已決定若有更好的選擇 ...

which school do you think is better than DBSPD?
作者: 亞水    時間: 07-12-1 00:11


原文章由 acoggo 於 07-11-30 23:01 發表

which school do you think is better than DBSPD?

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-12-2 22:26

原文章由 亞水 於 07-12-1 00:11 發表

Yes, I agree that LS is also a famous and dream school for most parents.  But the competition is very keen so far.  

[ 本文章最後由 acoggo 於 07-12-2 22:29 編輯 ]
作者: charwes    時間: 07-12-2 23:09

LS 同 DB 可謂各有千秋, 入讀 DB 學生質素應該較佳, 因為校方可以自己挑戰, 但我比較喜歡 LS 有教無類的辦學理念。

原文章由 亞水 於 07-12-1 00:11 發表

作者: kimimi    時間: 07-12-3 13:25

今年我囡囡讀緊L2, 下年就到我選小學, 請問有冇朋友讀St. Mary or Maryknoll 呢 ?
2間都好好, 唔知選間好 ? 請比些意見 ?
作者: LamHimMaMa    時間: 07-12-3 14:46

請問有冇其他york 的家長可以share 吓york 的畢生可以靠自己的實力考到什麼小學呢?
作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-3 17:26

作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-3 17:33     標題: 回覆 #1 大板牙 的文章

My son is luckily got 3 schools accepted:
1. TSL
2. PK
3. 陳瑞祺(喇沙)

And I finally chose TSL as this is very close to my home. Also, I like TSL very much as I like her philosophy of 3M - Multi-cultural, multi-dimensional and multi-intelligent. I hope my son can study there happily. But still not sure if I made the right decision?
作者: jc735    時間: 07-12-3 23:54

作者: bebe1217    時間: 07-12-4 08:18

我都200%同意你既講法, 另外其實仲有普通話要多攪, 因為私校好多國語已經全普通話, 如果中文又差d, 普通話又差d, 真係有難度了.......

原文章由 亞水 於 07-11-29 23:50 發表
我只係想提一提各位現屆york k3家長,多點注意小朋友中文水平,及早補課/鑊


我小朋友入了喇沙。 ...

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-12-4 08:55

原文章由 jc735 於 07-12-3 23:54 發表

So...I think you'll choose MCS, right?
Would u mind let me know how many marks do u have cos my son's classmate got 20 marks but still failed to entry MCS.  She is very very very disappointed!!
作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 07-12-4 11:05

原文章由 亞水 於 07-12-1 00:11 發表


請問住又一村可唔可以 2nd round 抽LS ?

作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-4 11:11

原文章由 見習爸爸 於 07-12-4 11:05 發表


請問住又一村可唔可以 2nd round 抽LS ?


Sure,  you have three choise for other division excluded your address division.
作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 07-12-4 11:19

原文章由 Goldfishco 於 07-12-4 11:11 發表

Sure,  you have three choise for other division excluded your address division.

thanks Goldfishco. 2nd round also can choose other 3 div.
作者: jc735    時間: 07-12-5 00:53     標題: 回覆 #4 acoggo 的文章

作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-5 13:26     標題: 回覆 #6 bebe1217 的文章

I also think that the Mandarin level of York is not enough (though I understand that it can 't be perfect as the English of York is pretty good). Not sure if we can reflect the need on improving Chinese/Mandarin to the Principal and ask her to increase the # of Mandarin class per week e.g.? Any idea from the rest of parents??
作者: kimimi    時間: 07-12-6 13:44

同意, 我地應該講比校長聽聽,
作者: bebe1217    時間: 07-12-7 00:10

要, 因為大勢所趨....

原文章由 heidikl 於 07-12-5 13:26 發表
I also think that the Mandarin level of York is not enough (though I understand that it can 't be perfect as the English of York is pretty good). Not sure if we can reflect the need on improving Chine ...

作者: kerrie0201    時間: 07-12-7 00:14

原文章由 bebe1217 於 07-12-7 00:10 發表
要, 因為大勢所趨....

I know many other Kindergarten is already start to teach complete sentence of Chinese, but York still not yet
作者: 淇淇与翱瑜    時間: 07-12-7 12:07     標題: York 的 Chinese and Putonghua 眞的很差嗎?

請問York的家長,你們小朋友的Chinese and Putonghua,
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-7 12:49

原文章由 淇淇与翱瑜 於 07-12-7 12:07 發表
請問York的家長,你們小朋友的Chinese and Putonghua,

I feel that the chinese ability is no enough in York so I suggest that the parent of here need to request that point to principal.
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-12-7 13:04

原文章由 淇淇与翱瑜 於 07-12-7 12:07 發表
請問York的家長,你們小朋友的Chinese and Putonghua,

I don't worry too much on their Putonghua ability as the formal training on it should be start from "拼音" which is commonly teach at primary level.
作者: cclbaby    時間: 07-12-7 13:24


原文章由 kimimi 於 07-12-6 13:44 發表
同意, 我地應該講比校長聽聽,

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-12-7 13:56

原文章由 cclbaby 於 07-12-7 13:24 發表

So.......who will be the representative?? Any volunteer????
作者: ThomasMing    時間: 07-12-7 23:09     標題: 回覆 #4 Goldfishco 的文章

Agree that their Chinese is not good enough.  

But I think the problem is with the teaching methods.  Personally, I don't think students need to learn so many difficult words without giving them good foundations.

I feel so sad to see my son writing with almost wrong strokes for every word ...

[ 本文章最後由 ThomasMing 於 07-12-7 23:29 編輯 ]
作者: ThomasMing    時間: 07-12-7 23:12

One more note, my son'ts private Putonghua tutor says that it seems my son has not learned Putonhua before.  So, what has he learnt in his Putonghua lesson??
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-7 23:28

原文章由 ThomasMing 於 07-12-7 23:12 發表
One more note, my son'ts private Putonghua tutor says that it seems my son has not learned Putonhua before.  So, what has he learnt in his Putonghua lesson??

               My son will graduate in next year and he has succeeded confirming his favorite primary school but he underwent tour of interview technique so I hope the parent's of York can focus the above situation for all kid's development.:-|
作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-9 01:06     標題: 回覆 #2 ThomasMing 的文章

I suggest everyone, if you have chance to chat with the Principal Mrs Fung, let's raise the concern on the Mandarin and Chinese level of York and hope she can improve it. I think People is Power.
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-9 11:23

原文章由 heidikl 於 07-12-9 01:06 發表
I suggest everyone, if you have chance to chat with the Principal Mrs Fung, let's raise the concern on the Mandarin and Chinese level of York and hope she can improve it. I think People is Power.

I concur this comment because some admission of interview will be held by many primary school which Principal requests candidates who need the higher level of English and Mandarin so some parents do not accept this opinion. I want they can ease to apply the school successfully.
作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-9 23:52     標題: 回覆 #1 Goldfishco 的文章

Just would like to share more, though understood that some may not agree..
Due to my job relocation, my son and I lived in Beiing during 04-06 and so luckily my son's Mandarin is pretty good compared to HK normal kids.  However, I'm very regret that now his Mandarin deteriorate a lot after 1 yr staying in HK. I also have the feeling that in general the kids in York the Mandarin capability is a little bit:cry: (sorry if this irritate you)..
In China, normally the kids can read the "pin yin", i.e. bpmf, aeiou etc.. by P.1 so that they can read most of the words in the books (with pin yin) by themselves before P.3. I really regret that my Chinese is much much inferior than the Mainland colleagues (even though I got A in Chinese Sbj. in HKCEE).
I'm regret also that in HK, using Mandarin to teach Chinese is not common (due to lack of this kind of good teachers) and very frankly teaching Chinese using Cantonese is very inefficient as this is not what we speak and what we write.
So, my point is that I highly recommend the parents to have the kids to learn pin yin ASAP as the younger the kid learn, the better the language capability and we should try to find a school using Mandarin as the medium for teaching Chinese (though it's not easy to find). :idea:
作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-10 00:22

原文章由 heidikl 於 07-12-9 23:52 發表
Just would like to share more, though understood that some may not agree..
Due to my job relocation, my son and I lived in Beiing during 04-06 and so luckily my son's Mandarin is pretty good compared  ...

I have said the Mandarin skill in York is not enough so some parent can suggest this opinion to the principal of York. I never say that York has a rich Mandarin practise. Please clarify the above comment.
作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-10 15:28     標題: 回覆 #1 Goldfishco 的文章

we meant the same la..
作者: heidikl    時間: 07-12-10 15:29     標題: 回覆 #1 Goldfishco 的文章

we meant the same la..
作者: liv    時間: 07-12-10 20:17     標題: York 的普通話真的有待改善

作者: Goldfishco    時間: 07-12-10 20:37

原文章由 liv 於 07-12-10 20:17 發表

You can contact other parents for discussion. Later, you should pass your opinion to principal of York and hope to improve this serious problem
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-12-11 21:26

I think the main problem is that Mrs Fung still only fouces on English training which is a little out-date now.  She still not aware the importance of Chinese Language especially for Putonghua.

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