
標題: 陳守仁有無waiting list? [打印本頁]

作者: LapLapMa    時間: 07-11-26 11:41     標題: 陳守仁有無waiting list?

小兒陳守仁2nd in reject 左!
有無人是waiting list 的,如有, 豈不是我連waiting list 都無!很慘呀!!!!!到現在,我連一間都未有着落,1st round又衰左,点算!!
還有, 有無人收到DBS的reject信呀,我從來無收過DBS叫我2nd in, 或收到reject信,有無人跟我一樣,請赐教!感激!!!!
作者: rdc888    時間: 07-11-26 11:43

Yes.  they have waiting list gar.  My friend got in waiting list and the school will inform them on 28 Nov if there are places.
作者: tungtungma814    時間: 07-11-26 11:46

我是waiting list

不過我諗到時好多1st round得左既會give-up, 放心啦, 會有好多位出番黎架

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-26 11:41 硐表
小兒陳守仁2nd in reject 左!
有無人是waiting list 的,如有, 豈不是我連waiting list 都無!很慘呀!!!!!到現在,我連一間都未有着落,1st round又衰左,点算!!
還有, 有無人收到DBS的reject信呀,我從來無收過DBS叫我2nd ...

作者: LapLapMa    時間: 07-11-26 12:14

原文章由 tungtungma814 於 07-11-26 11:46 硐表
我是waiting list

不過我諗到時好多1st round得左既會give-up, 放心啦, 會有好多位出番黎架

多謝你安慰我, 但我連waiting list都無份!
作者: SandyWu    時間: 07-11-26 12:28

原文章由 tungtungma814 於 07-11-26 11:46 硐表
我是waiting list

不過我諗到時好多1st round得左既會give-up, 放心啦, 會有好多位出番黎架

我囡囡ok左,不過我會take sfa,所以唔會註冊既,妳小朋友會多個機會既
作者: carriechan    時間: 07-11-26 12:40

我同我老公都好鍾意呢間學校, 雖然sfa收我個仔, 我老公話如果tsl收, 就放棄sfa, 點知....... 神安排真係奇妙.......

sandy, 點解你揀sfa rather than tsl?

[ 本文章最後由 carriechan 於 07-11-26 15:52 編輯 ]
作者: little-pig    時間: 07-11-27 22:43


your husband holds the same view as my husband.  He likes TSL more than SFA as the pressure from SFA was too great..
I seems that plenty of parents will give up TSL placement.
you can try to 叩門 again...
作者: SandyWu    時間: 07-11-27 22:47

原文章由 carriechan 於 07-11-26 12:40 硐表
我同我老公都好鍾意呢間學校, 雖然sfa收我個仔, 我老公話如果tsl收, 就放棄sfa, 點知....... 神安排真係奇妙.......

sandy, 點解你揀sfa rather than tsl? ...


I take SFA because it is an English Primary School (the
same as TSL) and its academic level is very high.  Also, I
can take the lucky draw next year too   How about
you, will you register SFA on 1/12
作者: kpwong    時間: 07-11-28 17:30

據我所知DBS如果1st round唔得,係唔會有電話通知
作者: Pan媽媽    時間: 07-11-28 17:58

想問如果SFA 同TSL都註冊左, 最終係選擇SFA, 這樣可以嗎?

原文章由 SandyWu 於 07-11-27 22:47 發表


I take SFA because it is an English Primary School (the
same as TSL) and its academic level is very high.  Also, I
can take the lucky draw next year too   How about
you, will you regi ...

作者: SandyWu    時間: 07-11-28 18:11

原文章由 Pan媽媽 於 07-11-28 17:58 發表
想問如果SFA 同TSL都註冊左, 最終係選擇SFA, 這樣可以嗎?

點解唔得 但仲可唔可以LUCKY DRAW我就唔知,我就無去
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-11-28 18:33

As I know, dbs will send out letters to ALL applicants including 1) acceptance letters  2) waiting list letters and 3) rejection letters.

All letters will be despatch on 17 Dec.

Wish this info could help you la.

By the way, I really don't know why so many parents buy TSL.  Frankly, TSL has no TRACK RECORD proved the results of students.   The teahers are not NET, just abc, bbc and Chinese who have overseas studied.  It also has NO direct secondary school.  The only reason for considering TSL, maybe its LOWER SCHOOL FEE~

If I were you and buy "traditional teaching method" + "334 system", I think I perfer to SFA, KTS, YW...etc which have TRACK RECORDS on public exams and have long histroy.  

Anyway, it's only my own view points lor~

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-26 11:41 發表
小兒陳守仁2nd in reject 左!
有無人是waiting list 的,如有, 豈不是我連waiting list 都無!很慘呀!!!!!到現在,我連一間都未有着落,1st round又衰左,点算!!
還有, 有無人收到DBS的reject信呀,我從來無收過DBS叫我2nd ...

作者: Fatty    時間: 07-11-28 23:36

LOWER SCHOOL FEE, 咁係咪話讀TSL 的人 cheap?
作者: matthewdad    時間: 07-11-28 23:43

DBSPD is a brand new school and also do not have any track record. There is a permanent counter at the reception for donation !!! The  school is very desperate for $$$. Look a bit further, the acedemic result is social and those who are good in sport are not developed by the school. I prefer TSL when compare with DBSPD. I met a DBSPD boy ( P2) recently, he cannot read kindergarten english and he told me he is from KV.
作者: sally.cc    時間: 07-11-29 09:54

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: sally.cc    時間: 07-11-29 10:12

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: SandyWu    時間: 07-11-29 10:55

原文章由 sally.cc 於 07-11-29 10:12 發表


http: ...

估唔到sally.cc quote我既post既意思?係咪話我成日改變主意呢?

我之前無諗過囡囡會考到sfa,只係想試下參予下,所以只係hktl同tsl之間選擇,後來知道sfa得左,又問過校長同班主任意見,覺得佢都應該有能力,所以咪take sfa,不過都有concern過升中問題,所以而家係考慮sfa同hktl,將tsl同其他既私小學位release,其實好多媽咪都知一日未開學,都會有好多變數既啦
作者: gracechung    時間: 07-11-29 12:09

唔係下話?! DBSPD的程度與教學如何我就唔sure,始終我唔係用家。所以唔講人地。KV的畢業生有咩可能"cannot read kindergarten english"呀?如果呢個KV生咁弱,DBS都收的話,咁係DBS有眼無珠囉!



原文章由 matthewdad 於 07-11-28 23:43 發表
DBSPD is a brand new school and also do not have any track record. There is a permanent counter at the reception for donation !!! The  school is very desperate for $$$. Look a bit further, the acedemi ...

作者: CHTmami    時間: 07-11-29 12:15

I share the same view with you (the 1st part), mattewdad.

原文章由 matthewdad 於 07-11-28 23:43 發表
DBSPD is a brand new school and also do not have any track record. There is a permanent counter at the reception for donation !!! The  school is very desperate for $$$. Look a bit further, the acedemi ...

[ 本文章最後由 CHTmami 於 07-11-29 12:17 編輯 ]
作者: LapLapMa    時間: 07-11-29 15:34

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-11-28 18:33 發表
As I know, dbs will send out letters to ALL applicants including 1) acceptance letters  2) waiting list letters and 3) rejection letters.

All letters will be despatch on 17 Dec.

Wish this info could ...

I buy TSL because it can provide a good English environment to the kids even the teachers are abc or bbc whatever.
When a kid has a good chance to speak living English, they can speak English fluently and confidently.  I did try traditional schools such as DBS, Ying Wah and KTS, but unsuccessful (they don't buy my son).
My boy is a very smart boy, he has talent in mathermatics, but he is very active and talkative.  Maybe TSL is more suitable for him, I think.
作者: matthewdad    時間: 07-11-29 17:24

I have seen so many TSL boys and girls and they are very humble with a smiling face. I am sure they grow up in excellent environment. Frankly speaking, they are neither "top" school in acedemic or sport. FYI, they cannot got overall sport champion (previously called Omega Rose Bowl) in the last 20 years amongst school in HK although they try to offer scholarship for kids with execelleant achievement in sport.
作者: matthewdad    時間: 07-11-29 17:25

have seen so many TSL boys and girls and they are very humble with a smiling face. I am sure they grow up in excellent environment.
Frankly speaking, DBS is  neither "top" school in acedemic nor in sport. FYI, they cannot got overall sport champion (previously called Omega Rose Bowl) in the last 20 years amongst school in HK although they try to offer scholarship for kids with execelleant achievement in sport.
作者: PaPa    時間: 07-11-29 17:58

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-26 12:14 發表

多謝你安慰我, 但我連waiting list都無份!

作者: matthewdad    時間: 07-11-29 23:00

Is this the school we are looking for...DBS
作者: little-pig    時間: 07-11-29 23:59


不用擔心, if you really like tsl, you still have chance, when i registered in tsl on 28/11, i found some accepted child had not registered, I think there are still some seats..... and the security姐姐 said some parents had started to 叩門 on 27.11.07.....
you can try and hope you success
作者: fat-father    時間: 07-11-30 00:08     標題: 回覆 #24 matthewdad 的文章

Terrible !!

BTW, Who is 陳廷佳 ???
作者: matthewdad    時間: 07-11-30 08:04

he is a teacher
原文章由 fat-father 於 07-11-30 00:08 發表
Terrible !!

BTW, Who is 陳廷佳 ???

作者: LapLapMa    時間: 07-11-30 15:20

原文章由 PaPa 於 07-11-29 17:58 發表


我會到TSL and KTS 叩門 & 等大抽獎.
我現在什麼信心都沒有了, 所以可能會把第二心儀學校放第一志願算! 你認為呢?
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-12-1 11:13

Hey LapLap Ma,

Don't be depressed at that moment.  I just raise my own views and didn't want to "hurt" you.

If you really buy TSL, try to "knock door".  As some parents said it may have 2nd round admission on Jan 2008.  So try it.

Although I have 2nd in chance from both dbs and cky, but up to now, I still have NO school registered coz I only applied 2 schools for my son. So, I'm now only waiting ..waiting and waiting..for the result.

More or less, we are the same.  So, don't give up.

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-29 15:34 發表

I buy TSL because it can provide a good English environment to the kids even the teachers are abc or bbc whatever.
When a kid has a good chance to speak living English, they can speak English fluen ...

作者: Benbenmum    時間: 07-12-2 09:48

Hi LapLap Ma,

Don't be upset. TSL will have 2nd round recruitment
on Jun08. Pls check their website on Jan/Feb 08.
Last year, my son was also failed on the 1st round
but he was admitted on the 2nd round.

There is still chance, cheer up !!
作者: motk    時間: 07-12-2 11:39

Don't worry, try the 2nd round and knock the door in June again if you like the school.

My son is in the first grade and the school kids are not top level smart kids (at this stage, not necessarily in later stages) when compared with DBS. They focused on reading and writing and space for the kids to develop their potential. I went up to the classroom sometimes and observed that the kids are pretty smart and mentally healthy and also good in their achievement in academic areas. They are responsive and focused in learning. For my son, he was very initiative to read books, both Chinese and English and love maths with his own initiation. He is also learning French as his third language, very cute for small kids to learn French. Their creative writing training for the children is very good. I put much emphasis of learning focus on "holistic" view, like training in sports (Rugby, music - violin and languages - reading stories he like and newspapers etc..He may have time to get along with his good friends in hiking during holidays.)

I am not worry on the academic result at P6 as this is a long way to go for the child's development. The child's personality and values are shaped by the school and parents. If we only focused on training the child with supplementary exercises or excellency, the child may perceive that values from us.

I think quite a lot of parents at TSL share with my point of views on how to raise a kid at this developmental stage.

Good luck. You need to match your child's personality, your own view of child rasing philosophy to match with the school's philosophy.

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-30 15:20 發表

我會到TSL and KTS 叩門 & 等大抽獎.
我現在什麼信心都沒有了, 所以可能會把第二心儀學校放第一志願算! 你認為呢?

作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 07-12-2 11:46

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-11-30 15:20 發表

我會到TSL and KTS 叩門 & 等大抽獎.
我現在什麼信心都沒有了, 所以可能會把第二心儀學校放第一志願算! 你認為呢?

加油! DBSPD & APS 放榜後,kts tsl sfa 會有唔少位放出!
作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 07-12-2 11:51

i know TSL in the mid. of dec, there will had 2nd phase interview for kits who interests TSL. best wish to your kit.   
作者: LapLapMa    時間: 07-12-2 22:43

原文章由 見習爸爸 於 07-12-2 11:46 發表

加油! DBSPD & APS 放榜後,kts tsl sfa 會有唔少位放出!

Thanks to 見習爸爸, CheCheMan, Benbenmum & motk.
I will keep an eye on the 2nd round of TSL.  You all are so kind to me.  Good luck to everybody.
作者: gusgus    時間: 07-12-2 23:59

I think TSL will open for 2nd round P1 application early next year. My daughter's classmate couldn't make it, her mom  called TSL and the staff there told her so.
作者: lalasweetie    時間: 07-12-5 15:36     標題: 回覆 #5 motk 的文章

I saw the wed site , looks like international school , I want to try apply too.
is it a push school? learning french as third language is very interesting.
作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 08-1-13 09:09     標題: TSL (Second Phase) 2008-2009 INTERVIEW

原文章由 LapLapMa 於 07-12-2 22:43 發表

Thanks to 見習爸爸, CheCheMan, Benbenmum & motk.
I will keep an eye on the 2nd round of TSL.  You all are so kind to me.  Good luck to everybody.

Schedule of P.1 Admission (Second Phase) 2008-2009
Application Period: 10:00 a.m. on 7 June to 2:00 p.m. on 10 June 2008
Application Form Submission:
1. Fill in the application form ONLINE; or
2. Come to our school IN PERSON; or
For enquires, please send emails to [email protected]
1. An entrance test will be arranged for each applicant on 14 June 2008. Details of which
will be uploaded to our school website www.plkctslps.edu.hk after 2 p.m. on 11 June 2008.
All applicants will be notified by post.
2. Parents of applicants should call our School if they do not receive the written notification
by 13 June 2008.
3. Application by post or late applications will NOT be considered.
4. We will shortlist some applicants to attend an interview after 20 June 2008. Further
details will be announced on our school website in early June 2008.

[ 本文章最後由 見習爸爸 於 08-1-13 09:13 編輯 ]
作者: kkdkkj    時間: 08-1-13 12:40

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-1 11:13 發表
Hey LapLap Ma,

Don't be depressed at that moment.  I just raise my own views and didn't want to "hurt" you.

If you really buy TSL, try to "knock door".  As some parents said it may have 2nd round ad ...

As you mentioned before, your son is accepted by DBS. Why your son is waiting for school?
作者: appleycma    時間: 08-1-13 23:31

原文章由 見習爸爸 於 07-12-2 11:46 發表

加油! DBSPD & APS 放榜後,kts tsl sfa 會有唔少位放出!


作者: 見習爸爸    時間: 08-1-14 11:35

原文章由 appleycma 於 08-1-13 23:31 發表



又打錯左!sorry not APS is DGS.
作者: appleycma    時間: 08-1-14 11:40

作者: mom2twins    時間: 08-1-21 09:50

What language is the interview conducted in? Does the school have an open day?
作者: ssdiana    時間: 08-1-21 21:57     標題: Is it a pushy school

原文章由 lalasweetie 於 07-12-5 15:36 發表
I saw the wed site , looks like international school , I want to try apply too.
is it a push school? learning french as third language is very interesting.

My son is now at P1, for P1, it is not too pushy if the child can follow the learning progress in the class. The English curriculum is very good and my son loves reading very much.

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