
標題: KV收到am class的家長請入 [打印本頁]

作者: uarecheap    時間: 07-11-24 21:23     標題: KV收到am class的家長請入

是不是大部份的上午班收生, 年齡都是比較細個,
我覺得佢地會將細仔細女編am class,
大仔大女就安排下午班, 因為小朋友大個d唔需要訓下午覺,
作者: vicki852    時間: 07-11-24 21:30     標題: No

My son born in July.
I am choosing between York , KV and Soka. ANy comment?
作者: uarecheap    時間: 07-11-24 21:41

在interview果陣時, 老師問你們"如果上午班冇位會不會考慮下午班??" 你地果時點樣答呢?
我果時就係答左下午班都冇所謂, >_<
宜家收左下午班, 有少少:cry:
作者: bears    時間: 07-11-24 22:09

原文章由 uarecheap 於 07-11-24 21:41 硐表
在interview果陣時, 老師問你們"如果上午班冇位會不會考慮下午班??" 你地果時點樣答呢?
我果時就係答左下午班都冇所謂, >_<
宜家收左下午班, 有少少:cry: ...

The teacher asked me the same question and I said it's
fine to take PM class. And we got the accpetance of AM
作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-24 22:31

me too, 沒有唔開心,但就頭痛 d.

原文章由 uarecheap 於 07-11-24 21:41 硐表
在interview果陣時, 老師問你們"如果上午班冇位會不會考慮下午班??" 你地果時點樣答呢?
我果時就係答左下午班都冇所謂, >_<
宜家收左下午班, 有少少:cry: ...

作者: rainy0429    時間: 07-11-24 22:54

作者: uarecheap    時間: 07-11-24 23:00

我囝囝係3月出世, 都算係大仔~~
作者: uarecheap    時間: 07-11-24 23:00

原文章由 rainy0429 於 07-11-24 22:54 硐表

作者: 香香公子    時間: 07-11-24 23:06

作者: DarrenKennice    時間: 07-11-24 23:12

我個女係二月出世, 都收咗上午班, 我諗上午班冇分大細仔嘅, 但interview時佢問我會否考慮下午班, 若上午班冇位?
我當時答咗只會考慮, 最好就上午班啦 !
作者: rainy0429    時間: 07-11-24 23:13

中午先起身,家吓返nursery am班咪又係得~
如果好介意要返下午,咁kv同st cat都唔多啱你.....
你有冇其他心儀學校留左位呀? 有咪唔好揀kv囉~人揀你你揀人都得架嘛~~
作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-24 23:33

咁又係, 其實我仔仔而家返 nursery, 9點上堂, 幼兒園於屋企步行只需15分鐘, 但我仔仔都成日因遲起身而 absent.....佢晚上10點半訓, next day 多數8點鬆起身, 但有時會訓到8點45, 我都會好懶, 同佢 absent, 因為要梳洗換校服又要喂奶, 最小攪半小時先出得門口.....可能真係 pm class 對佢黎講都 ok.
作者: ahchungma    時間: 07-11-24 23:37

my daughter was born in July 05 and accepted to AM Dorset.
I replied the teacher that I'd prefer am but still accept PM offer lor.
作者: Mamusia    時間: 07-11-24 23:44

bb was born in oct 2005,
accepted to AM kent road

i told the teachers (during interview) that i prefer AM class,
and would only accept PM class if there's no choice
作者: james-mama    時間: 07-11-24 23:55

mine was born in Oct 2005, too.  Accepted to Doset AM class.  I am considering register or not?  

作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-24 23:56

因為有更好既 offer? why 唔交留位費既?

原文章由 james-mama 於 07-11-24 23:55 硐表
mine was born in Oct 2005, too.  Accepted to Doset AM class.  I am considering register or not?  


作者: james-mama    時間: 07-11-25 00:00

He attended interview today at Yau Yat Chuen School.  The campus is so good and the teachers thereat are very nice.  I prefer YYC indeed.
作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-25 00:02

oic 祝囡囡成功.
作者: BigBoyMaMa    時間: 07-11-25 00:22

Ms son is a big boy (born in Feb) and was accepted as am class
作者: fidellau    時間: 07-11-25 01:34

My son is big boy (Jan 05), he has been accepted AM at Dorset, my hubby is so happy!!
作者: jjhh    時間: 07-11-25 01:58     標題: 褓母車費用

kv收o左我個仔pm class, 另要交褓母車費用成$900(封信寫明first come first serve) , 你o地會唔會俾埋, 定淨俾留位費
因我想等埋SC, 培正及民生既result才作出最後決定...
作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-25 07:22

I also answered 'doesn't matter', then got am offer!
原文章由 uarecheap 於 07-11-24 21:41 硐表
在interview果陣時, 老師問你們"如果上午班冇位會不會考慮下午班??" 你地果時點樣答呢?
我果時就係答左下午班都冇所謂, >_<
宜家收左下午班, 有少少:cry: ...

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-25 07:23

Mine is big girl, got am class.
原文章由 uarecheap 於 07-11-24 21:23 硐表
是不是大部份的上午班收生, 年齡都是比較細個,
我覺得佢地會將細仔細女編am class,
大仔大女就安排下午班, 因為小朋友大個d唔需要訓下午覺,
唔知道係唔係呢?? ...

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-25 07:26

I'm also thinking whether to pay the school bus fee or not!

[ 本文章最後由 fatkk 於 07-11-25 07:28 編輯 ]
作者: pswong75    時間: 07-11-25 08:20

my daughter was born in august , she was also accepted in am Dorset, but interview time, the teacher didn;t ask me whether i prefer am or pm class.
作者: yyoo    時間: 07-11-25 09:16

My daughter only put in the waiting list. I think she did very well in the interview. She answered all of the questions. And also sing the whole song (ABC). But I said to the teacher that I will just consider the am class. I don't know is it related to her fail of interview. Anyone can tell me??
作者: yammielau    時間: 07-11-25 09:27     標題: 回覆 #4 bears 的文章

same as me la
作者: MandyChau    時間: 07-11-25 09:59

原文章由 jjhh 於 07-11-25 01:58 硐表
kv收o左我個仔pm class, 另要交褓母車費用成$900(封信寫明first come first serve) , 你o地會唔會俾埋, 定淨俾留位費
因我想等埋SC, 培正及民生既result才作出最後決定... ...

無得等架哦. o係SC同培正results未出之前, 留位KV就會過期啊.
作者: anniecwf    時間: 07-11-25 11:03     標題: 回覆 #6 fatkk 的文章

作者: jocola    時間: 07-11-25 11:37

Same to u ar....my son born in late of oct 05
they ask me...i said...ha? AM is better la..
then the teacher very inche and ask me....if no place le??  u ac ng acept ar?

i said...ha?  then......ok ge...-_-

finally still AM Kent...

原文章由 Mamusia 於 07-11-24 23:44 硐表
bb was born in oct 2005,
accepted to AM kent road

i told the teachers (during interview) that i prefer AM class,
and would only accept PM class if there's no choice

作者: huenhuenma    時間: 07-11-25 14:49

my daughter was born  in August,she was accepted in AM Dorset. When the teacher asked me, I said I perfer  AM Class.
作者: sabmar    時間: 07-11-25 15:11

my son is also on the waiting list.
i don't think he did very well in the interview as he did not answer all the questions, and he wasn't asked to sing any song....
the teacher did ask whether i am willing to take pm class if am is not a/v. i said i accept both.

原文章由 yyoo 於 07-11-25 09:16 硐表
My daughter only put in the waiting list. I think she did very well in the interview. She answered all of the questions. And also sing the whole song (ABC). But I said to the teacher that I will just  ...

作者: yimwmc    時間: 07-11-25 15:22

My son accepted in am class(Dorset )
作者: DarrenKennice    時間: 07-11-25 22:39     標題: 回覆 #26 yyoo 的文章

我諗未必關事,千萬唔好自責,因我都是如到下午班, 我只會考慮,最後都收咗我個女am class.
作者: TszWun    時間: 07-11-25 23:04

佢讀am班, 以後多多指教
作者: appleycma    時間: 07-11-25 23:11

原文章由 uarecheap 於 07-11-24 21:41 硐表
在interview果陣時, 老師問你們"如果上午班冇位會不會考慮下午班??" 你地果時點樣答呢?
我果時就係答左下午班都冇所謂, >_<
宜家收左下午班, 有少少:cry: ...

作者: fyl    時間: 07-11-25 23:20

好開心kv 收了囝囝,之前交了york 留位費:cry:
作者: mysy33    時間: 07-11-26 01:53

My son (born in May 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset). : . I live in HK side. Any suggestions to where I should move to for shorter travel time to school ?
作者: mysy33    時間: 07-11-26 01:54

During the interview, the teacher did not ask me about am/pm class, and got accepted in am class.
作者: littlemelody    時間: 07-11-26 02:38

原文章由 mysy33 於 07-11-26 01:53 硐表
My son (born in May 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset). : . I live in HK side. Any suggestions to where I should move to for shorter travel time to school ?

why did you choose KV if you live in HK side? many good
kindergarten in HK side. Is it worth to travel to KV?
作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 07:15

Depends on budget, working location of parents, grandparents (if they always visit u or u always visit them)........
Of course, if for the nearest location is within walking distance..............very expensive around there
Really lots of factors.
原文章由 mysy33 於 07-11-26 01:53 硐表
My son (born in May 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset). : . I live in HK side. Any suggestions to where I should move to for shorter travel time to school ?

作者: mackyfungng    時間: 07-11-26 09:49

my son (big boy) is accpted am class Kent Road
作者: 一休    時間: 07-11-26 10:12     標題: 回覆 #39 mysy33 的文章

My son (born in June 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset).
作者: 雙子媽媽    時間: 07-11-26 10:19

我個囝June 05出世, interview 時我話明只考慮上午班,唔會考慮下午. 最後accepted am class in Kent Road.
作者: georgeha    時間: 07-11-26 10:45

我都係答冇所謂,宜家收左pm class!! :cry:
作者: Appletree300    時間: 07-11-26 10:48

My son (Apr 05) has an offer to am class in Kent Road, we have stated not to consider pm class before.
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-11-26 11:08

I also replied as both 'am' or 'pm' are acceptable, my little boy got  'am' offer in Dorset Crescent now.

原文章由 georgeha 於 07-11-26 10:45 硐表
我都係答冇所謂,宜家收左pm class!! :cry:

作者: Chunma630    時間: 07-11-26 11:16

會不會有關住址問題??   又或是只收有錢或中產的家庭?  
作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-26 11:20

應該唔會既, 我唔係中產, 我仲要係 full time 媽, 即係家庭收入小左1個人搵錢, 又唔係住高尚住宅, 但收左仔仔讀 pm class only.
作者: audrisleung    時間: 07-11-26 11:24

不好意思, KV是否指根德國??
作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-26 11:31


作者: audrisleung    時間: 07-11-26 11:32

作者: Chunma630    時間: 07-11-26 12:59

請問收了你們仔女的家長, Interview 當日你們的仔女表現是否有90%以上是答對呀?  
作者: TszWun    時間: 07-11-26 13:00

細b要入到, 要好標青先得!
作者: isis_dad    時間: 07-11-26 13:16

I just call kv why my girl is on waiting list even she answer all questions correctly. She replied that one of my problem should be small girl.(12-Dec). Too bad...She also repied that they will prefer big BB because they will easy to go into good P1 school . Hopeless...
作者: Felicia726    時間: 07-11-26 13:49

Hello, isis_dad,
Don't be sad and don't cry.
I went through this before last year.
If you plan to apply DSS and private schools for primary education for your daughter, this 'small b' issue will come up again. Maybe KV is good to your daughter that they do not accept her for this year and accept her next year... of course, it really depends on how you feel about repeating K1. Does your daughter look like 'very baby' at interview? Not as big and strongly built as other applicants?
KV is more suitable for big B because they have drawing works in K1 and lots of homework in K2. If your child is a 'small b', it's a bit tough for her to pick up the drawing pencil to do the coloring and link the dotted lines when school starts next Sep.
Don't be unhappy. Cheer up.

原文章由 isis_dad 於 07-11-26 13:16 硐表
I just call kv why my girl is on waiting list even she answer all questions correctly. She replied that one of my problem should be small girl.(12-Dec). Too bad...She also repied that they will prefer ...

作者: cacatam    時間: 07-11-26 14:11

I think you better call KV coz both accept/reject letters should be sent on last Fri and Sat~

原文章由 audrisleung 於 07-11-26 11:32 硐表

作者: moonychan    時間: 07-11-26 14:48

係呀, 我覺得都9成答對, 係睇圖書果 part差小小, 所以安排了 pm class

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-26 12:59 硐表
請問收了你們仔女的家長, Interview 當日你們的仔女表現是否有90%以上是答對呀?  

作者: Edgar媽    時間: 07-11-26 14:52

my son was born in Aug and he is accepted in am class.  i still have hesitation to let him studying in KV although i will pay the registration fee first.  my worry is i live very far away thus the transportation time will be long.  i do not know whether my son can 忍 vee vee for such a long time as he's only 3 by then and he's still wearing pants now.

am i worrying too much?
作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 15:16

My girl answered all questions with singing 'ABC song', but need daddy 1 remind in puzzle.

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-26 12:59 硐表
請問收了你們仔女的家長, Interview 當日你們的仔女表現是否有90%以上是答對呀?  

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 15:17

If not receive after mail delivery today, I think u can call KV.
原文章由 audrisleung 於 07-11-26 11:32 硐表

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 15:21

Can't imagine --> they r so open to tell the reason!
u r on waiting, so still have chance. Try to write a letter to show ur eargerness.
gd luck!
quote]原文章由 isis_dad 於 07-11-26 13:16 硐表
I just call kv why my girl is on waiting list even she answer all questions correctly. She replied that one of my problem should be small girl.(12-Dec). Too bad...She also repied that they will prefer ... [/quote]
作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 15:28

After reading ur feedback, I think it's very resaonable for them to choose big kids as KV's syllabus is more demanding.
Just 1 thing, if they told people that they would choose big kids, they should set the requirement like Pui Ching -> only accept Sep 04 to Aug 05. But not in a way that not accept even with satisfactory performance during interview --> that really upset moms & that waste their time & spoil their hope.
原文章由 Felicia726 於 07-11-26 13:49 硐表
Hello, isis_dad,
Don't be sad and don't cry.
I went through this before last year.
If you plan to apply DSS and private schools for primary education for your daughter, this 'small b' issue will come  ...

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 15:29

where do u live?
is it possible to move to kln side?
原文章由 Edgar媽 於 07-11-26 14:52 硐表
my son was born in Aug and he is accepted in am class.  i still have hesitation to let him studying in KV although i will pay the registration fee first.  my worry is i live very far away thus the tra ...

作者: Chunma630    時間: 07-11-26 16:30

Hi Edgar,

where do you live??  In N.T?

原文章由 Edgar媽 於 07-11-26 14:52 硐表
my son was born in Aug and he is accepted in am class.  i still have hesitation to let him studying in KV although i will pay the registration fee first.  my worry is i live very far away thus the tra ...

作者: cocochiu    時間: 07-11-26 16:32

原文章由 Edgar媽 於 07-11-26 14:52 硐表
my son was born in Aug and he is accepted in am class.  i still have hesitation to let him studying in KV although i will pay the registration fee first.  my worry is i live very far away thus the tra ...

i think your worry is too much becoz u can train him up by now.

just like me, my son is now 2-1/2 yrs old and he has already started to go to the nursery on Aug. and now, he can only wear a underwear even all day out. he can tell if he wants to go wee wee .

for the tranportation from home to KV, it takes almost 45 mins even drive by myself, so i've planned that need him go to toilet before go to school and also prepare a plastic bottle for any emergency.

hope my opinions can help.
作者: Edgar媽    時間: 07-11-26 17:00

it's good that you can drive to bring him school but I have to rely on the school bus.  Do you think the helper will stop the bus for him to wee or help him wee by holding the bottle?  I know I can train him and I've started training him but there might be unexpected situation.

原文章由 cocochiu 於 07-11-26 16:32 硐表

i think your worry is too much becoz u can train him up by now.

just like me, my son is now 2-1/2 yrs old and he has already started to go to the nursery on Aug. and now, he can only wear a underwe ...

作者: fatkk    時間: 07-11-26 17:11

I think it's impossible to stop the bus just for wee. Can he use pull-up diaper at the beginning? or, go to wee every time before get on the bus. Maybe change from whole bottle of milk to some solid food in the early morning.....
原文章由 Edgar媽 於 07-11-26 17:00 硐表
it's good that you can drive to bring him school but I have to rely on the school bus.  Do you think the helper will stop the bus for him to wee or help him wee by holding the bottle?  I know I can tr ...

作者: 睿睿豬    時間: 07-11-26 17:47


I don't know if KV like big BB, cos my boy is a small bb (was born on end of October) only 1.5 months bigger than your girl, he still got accept to am class, he cried a lot before went in the room for interview, everyone looked at him , but did well during the interview and said byebye to every interviewer.

原文章由 isis_dad 於 07-11-26 13:16 硐表
I just call kv why my girl is on waiting list even she answer all questions correctly. She replied that one of my problem should be small girl.(12-Dec). Too bad...She also repied that they will prefer ...

作者: heichumom    時間: 07-11-26 22:52

Yes I got the acceptance letter for AM class.  My son answered all the questions correctly and sang a song at the end. He is not big or small B, just make coz he was born in end of Jul.
作者: heichumom    時間: 07-11-26 22:55

I also said I will consider pm class if am class has no seat and now my son was accpeted for am class. He is not big or small B, just make coz he was born in end of Jul.
作者: heichumom    時間: 07-11-26 22:58

I also said I will consider pm class if am class has no seat and now my son was accpeted for am class. He is not big or small B, just make coz he was born in end of Jul.
作者: 豬仔媽媽    時間: 07-11-26 23:07

My daughter (born in Jan 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset).
作者: mysy33    時間: 07-11-27 02:38     標題: 回覆 #41 fatkk 的文章

Thanks for your reply. I like KV very much. I am not rich and I guess I may move to a place near a schoolbus stop. My concern is that there are more famous primary schools for boys in HK side than in Kowloon side, I think. It will make me having headache if I have to move house again in K2/K3. There isn't any KG comparable to KV. This is my viewpoint only.
作者: Chunma630    時間: 07-11-27 12:10


你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my money.  Pls kindly provide your valuable comment. Thank you so much
作者: Suchoy    時間: 07-11-27 12:45

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-27 12:10 硐表

你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my mone ...

I haven't give my daughter read anything, only teach her at home.
She accept AM (Kent Road)
作者: stliu    時間: 07-11-27 13:01

真係唔需要讀面試班呀,其實最主要係小朋友多接觸人,同埋平時響屋企多同佢親子活動,睇書,傾偈已經好okay, 當然, 如果有返兩歲班都唔錯. 我仔仔都係收左am, kent rd.

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-27 12:10 硐表

你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my mone ...

作者: Carrie_Yip    時間: 07-11-27 13:24

我個囡是9月26日出世,我唸都算叫細B.面試當日其實我覺得表現一般,因為一開始老師比玩具佢玩,佢就玩得好鬼投入,問佢叫咩名又掛住玩,問咗幾次先肯開聲仲要我提埋水,答問題又唔望住老師.睇書答問題都好D,基本上都啱唒,但答得好細聲囉.(心唸今次一定唔掂).到唱歌仔佢又唔肯唱,咁唯有叫佢跳舞啦,好彩都肯跳,扭吓PAT PAT仔.後面原本INTERVIEW緊老師都笑咗出來,話佢好CUTE.可能係哩到加咗分.最後老師問我,如果上午班無位會唔會選下午班,我話無問題.(因為我個囡讀緊的學前班都是返下午.) 最後...收到信是AM SESSION AT KENT ROAD COMPUS.
作者: siumanmama    時間: 07-11-27 13:38

原文章由 mysy33 於 07-11-26 01:53 硐表
My son (born in May 05) got accepted to am class (Dorset). : . I live in HK side. Any suggestions to where I should move to for shorter travel time to school ?

U can consider One Beacon Hill.
作者: Phemie    時間: 07-11-27 13:56

原文章由 yyoo 於 07-11-25 09:16 硐表
My daughter only put in the waiting list. I think she did very well in the interview. She answered all of the questions. And also sing the whole song (ABC). But I said to the teacher that I will just  ...

My daughter born in July and I also just told the teacher that I only consider am only. The teacher wrote down "only" on top of am.
Finally, my daughter is accepted for am class in Kent Road.
作者: wasyinyin    時間: 07-11-27 13:59

我選A.M. 但老師有問我如果P.M考唔考慮. 我答都會考慮. 我囝囝最後收了A.M.
作者: bc8006    時間: 07-11-27 14:26

Chunma 630,

Actually interview class is good. but it's not neccessary/a must.  You can play with your kids, colours, puzzle, animals... like a game.  We attended an interview class for 2 lessons then stopped, coz too noisy.  Even not attending, we get offer.  Just one part my kid was not doing well, is wooden puzzle, he didn't know how to turn around and put them into the right place... after that, i bought him some paper puzzle, he enjoyed and can play very well.  if you are just preparing, u can prepare these kinds of games to your kids.

In my case, my son doesn't know how to sing.  I chose to sing a song with doing exercise.  Finally he didn't do exercise, just looked at me.  Instead, I was the one to do exercise.  The teacher asked me 算啦.  I think parent's involvement is important.  He didn't say Thank You when receiving a gift from the teachers, but... At the end, he went in front of each teacher and gave flying kisses to each teacher, with a SOUND. 個老師話: 有聲架. So lovely.  

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-27 12:10 硐表

你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my mone ...

[ 本文章最後由 bc8006 於 07-11-27 14:41 編輯 ]
作者: 雙子媽媽    時間: 07-11-27 14:34     標題: 回覆 #82 Phemie 的文章

作者: 雙子媽媽    時間: 07-11-27 14:41

個人覺得無需要. 返而見多幾間等佢熱吓身. 之後見的表現會越黎越好, at least 會stable d, 唔會週圍走and 週身move. 由於St. Cat, KV, 培正等多數都係11月見. 所以我有同佢報迦南同浸幼(呢2間都係10月就做interview). 初初見呢2間, 表現真係麻麻, 佢完全唔知發生咩事, 連坐定定都唔制. 後尾見st. cat已經好好多.
原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-27 12:10 硐表

你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my mone ...

作者: rainy0429    時間: 07-11-27 16:31


原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-27 12:10 硐表

你們的小朋友是否有讀什麼幼稚園面試班?? Do you think it is worth to attend or try??     有冇讀完也不收??  

I want to join a this kind of course But I worry it waste my mone ...

作者: HM3898    時間: 07-11-27 17:50

我都是收AM, 而我個女是26-aug-05,但都要給$660.00先,而校車就到時再決定.因要等民生.知不知如在TKO上車要幾點上車
作者: ahchungma    時間: 07-11-27 18:29

My daughter didn't answer the interviewer's questions at first and concentrated on playing with the toys. She could put back the toys into the box by the interviewer's instruction. But she needed to reply her name and age only with asking for a few times. And she even went out of the seat to see the ceiling decoration. She did the puzzle poorly and I needed to remind her to say thank you and goodbye and put back the chair in place. I thought she performed not very well but still got a place in Dorset AM luckily.
作者: 豬仔媽媽    時間: 07-11-27 23:21


我同囡囡in幼稚園, 都係話佢知去幼稚園玩玩具, 同老師傾吓計, 大人千其唔好比壓力小朋友, 雖然自己有d緊張(in KV or PC), 但唔會比囡囡睇到, 所以佢in咗4間, 佢都無喊又無話走, 好合作, 開心入去開心走, 都係一個幾好的親子活動.

原文章由 ahchungma 於 07-11-27 18:29 硐表
My daughter didn't answer the interviewer's questions at first and concentrated on playing with the toys. She could put back the toys into the box by the interviewer's instruction. But she needed to r ...

作者: stliu    時間: 07-11-27 23:33

係呀,我都係同仔仔講話我地去參觀學校,同老師傾偈,去得幾次,佢就知道有禮物同有玩具玩, 好鍾意去. 每次面試前我都會俾定包糖或者提子乾,話俾佢知,等佢同老師傾完偈,佢就可以食,佢每次又真係好乖,等見完老師先食架
原文章由 豬仔媽媽 於 07-11-27 23:21 硐表

我同囡囡in幼稚園, 都係話佢知去幼稚園玩玩具, 同老師傾吓計, 大人千其唔好比壓力小朋友, 雖然自己有d緊張(in KV or PC), 但唔會比囡囡睇到, 所以佢in咗4間, 佢都無喊又無話走, 好合 ...

作者: shuchingbobo    時間: 07-11-28 00:35

My daughter accepted in am class(Kent Rd)
作者: Ruby521    時間: 07-11-28 10:59

原文章由 rainy0429 於 07-11-27 16:31 發表

我的選擇同你一樣呀. York同KV 已經出左結果, 收唔收你呀? 如果3間都收你會選邊間?

YORK 同 KV都收左我, 我選KV呀. 不過KV 同ST. CAT呢, 就未決定. 未去過ST.CAT面試時, 我首選是佢, 不過面試之後, 覺得佢無咩吸引力呀. 你會點選呢?
作者: winnie2004    時間: 07-11-28 12:10


My daughter was accepted in AM class at Dorest St.  I am waiting results of SC and PC, but will register KV first.
作者: LC-Judith    時間: 07-11-28 12:31

My daughter was born in Jan. and she was also accepted by KV in am session at Kent Road  campus.  The teacher also asked me whether we considered pm session and I said "yes" too.
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-11-28 13:43

well, my baby boy did finish all the tasks and answer all the questions by himself, and he sang a song, too.

原文章由 Chunma630 於 07-11-26 12:59 發表
請問收了你們仔女的家長, Interview 當日你們的仔女表現是否有90%以上是答對呀?  

作者: June05_Mami    時間: 07-11-28 14:13     標題: 回覆 #96 cacatam 的文章

Hi all,
My son born on May, 05 and accepted by KV in am session. Do you know if KV has a lot of homework? I learn that KV is not focus on English as there is no foreign teacher and we must take "Vitamin E" (Learn English) separately. If go for AM session, my son normally need to take snap, how can we have time for Engligh lesson? Any comments?
作者: jjhh    時間: 07-11-28 14:19

校車費到時決定? 咁即係唔俾住呀?
我都諗緊俾唔俾埋... 成$1600呀total

原文章由 HM3898 於 07-11-27 17:50 發表
我都是收AM, 而我個女是26-aug-05,但都要給$660.00先,而校車就到時再決定.因要等民生.知不知如在TKO上車要幾點上車

作者: yimwmc    時間: 07-11-28 14:58

my boy will attend Am class in Dorset Rd. Still waiting result from SC, but my husband like KV more.
作者: cannie    時間: 07-11-28 15:30


my girl will attend am class in kent road,
i live in tko plaza, where are u live?
do u consider let your kid to study in tko?
my girl studies the nursey in Deborah now,
and i find it is quite good, the teacher is nice,
the classwork like k1 such as line drawing, learn
abc and recognise the chinese words, etc.
could we discuss by return.
作者: HM3898    時間: 07-11-28 17:40

i live in the metru city, my girl studies the pre-nursey in creative lam tin.my girl will attend am class in kent road
作者: Pianokc    時間: 07-11-29 01:32     標題: My end of Nov baby is accepted into KV

So far, I think my baby boy is the youngest to be accepted into KV Dorset AM next year ! He did answer every question, sang, said thank you, and pushed in his chair, and mine, and said bye, and "fly kiss" to the teacher, and the one who guards the door.. (That's the one that really determines get in or not..) the one who gives your child the candy/biscuit.... if your child says THANK YOU, and bye... your sheet goes in on one pile.... if no thank you, no bye, just take the candy and walk out, and just mommy said Thank you... it goes in to the other pile!

my older daughter is in K2 now.... they told me to wait one more year for my son at the very beginning of the interview, before we even sit down. Then I told the teacher, I think my son can do it... after the interview, she looked happy with my son's replies.

I know it will be hard next year, but we are trying and paid the deposit already.

[ 本文章最後由 Pianokc 於 07-11-29 01:35 編輯 ]

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