
標題: 有冇人覺得何文田維多利亞好嫁? [打印本頁]

作者: JensenMom    時間: 07-11-22 15:14     標題: 有冇人覺得何文田維多利亞好嫁?

作者: a1234    時間: 07-11-22 17:44

好.... 好一所牟利幼稚園
作者: Radiomama    時間: 07-11-23 13:26


小兒讀k1, 何文田維記so far 好好, 小兒係細仔, 超級癡身, 但老師對他付出適合的照顧和愛心, 令我好放心.
課程方面行ib, 所以與local幼稚園有分別, 但小朋友按步學習, 四個月下來, 理解和認知方面的發展令人滿意.
值得一讚是學校設施一流, 職員, 老師和校長都好用心, 與學生及家長都是互相認識, 並能隨時接觸傾談.
課室內真實的教師比例是3:27, 好理想. (1中1英是班主任, 1助教是下晝k3的班主任)
學費及校服的確較貴, 家長對此部份的開支要有預算.
如果你曾到維記面試, 可能都感受到部份情況.
作者: DiamondHill    時間: 07-11-25 22:01


我一直都有看妳對學校既評語, 因為我的女兒是己被victoria pre-accept 明年k1.  所以特別留意有關的評語.

我想知道學校對品行方面教育是否全面, 我知學校行IB, 其具體的 教學方法,可否分享一下?  是否有很多的課外活動? 校車的服務有改善嗎 ? 我現在15,16 會否會讀,希望能聽到妳的意見.

作者: Radiomama    時間: 07-11-26 11:51


維記行ib, 其實都幾抽像, 先睇吓網頁d官方介紹, 有咗個concept, 就會明白課堂上重探究, 重發問, 今年k1有四個單元, 上學期是: who i am 及know the world, 在這幾個月內上課活動就圍繞這兩主題.  老師會引導他們成為Inquirer, Risk Taker, Thinker等等, 這些概念其實不易明白, 因為整個ib課程由幼兒到高中是一個完整系統, 所以首3年只是片段.

課堂上, 英文中文及數學概念均會函蓋, 但不是好深那種課程.  學校選用的書本都好好, 老師在課堂教完就會讓小朋友將書帶回家, 四個月下來, 都讀過不少.  還有在家用的教學活動材料, 如果是全職媽媽, 就可以好好運用.

k1功課好少, 每星期一次認字活動, 每兩星期一次資料搜集, 每星期讀兩本書.

品行方面, 愛心, 分享, 公民意識等都是ib看重的, 同學在這方面好容易"學會". (做唔做到就另一回事)

課外活動指ECAs? 學校有好多活動讓家長為子女報讀, 但時間多在4:00pm後, 所以讀am class的學生較難參加!  聖誕暑假均有興趣班, 另外交學費.

校車服務視乎你住的區域, 如果係西九屋苑, 大致ok, 可致電校車公司問問. 平心而論, 校車設備及跟車均好好, 只是線路不就我!
作者: DiamondHill    時間: 07-11-27 19:26

Hi Radiomama,

Thanks for your sharing.

Yes, agreed with you that IB is so 抽象, but the topics you quoted below are quite similar to some topics in IS.  Can you help to tell in more details how to teach, for example "who I am?" & how is the material helps children/parents to enhance their knowledge at home.

I am quite interested in IB but children will have big chance to study aboard when they grow up.  So it is quite difficult to fix in this area.  Because only 10% chance to get in local universities if not follow the local ciriculum.

Want to know which primary are you looking for ?  Do you mind share also ?

Discipline is quite important for me as I want my kid to be reasonable & understanding people at least.   

Are the teachers stable of both NET & local ?  Are they communicate well of each others ?

Sorry for question again.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 07-11-28 12:32     標題: 回覆 #1 DiamondHill 的文章

Who I am主題是由身體部份開始認識, 再到自己, 家庭父母, 在家的角色, 我能做什麼事情, 我喜歡吃什麼, 做什麼等, 是一次自我發現的過程.教學上歡迎家長學生參與, 包括帶相片, 書籍和各種相關玩具, 也邀請家長到課堂介紹自己的工作(職業)等. 另有一part是在家的反思, 要求家長在家觀察小孩的成長及做紀錄.

ib是一個世界性發展, 如果有留意教育改革, 你會發現兩者理念相同, 只是教育局有點眼高手低!  ib的六個範疇著重孩子的自學精神, 文理並重, 孩子要有全面培養, 所以家長的付出要有很多.

升學方面, 我們的target是本地直資男校(因男女發展有別, 希望男校對他的建立會較佳), 中學就往外國去, 所以也不會太強求, 反而希望小朋友喜歡學習, 那麼自然會讀得好.

紀律問題不是國際與本地學校的分別, 紀律是家庭教育和親子關係的結合, 所以不要將這問題"學校化"!

維記的老師好穩定(both local & net), 好多都係工作多年的老師.  而且資歷非常理想.

[ 本文章最後由 Radiomama 於 07-11-28 12:40 編輯 ]
作者: fiancawong    時間: 07-11-28 12:42

原文章由 Radiomama 於 07-11-28 12:32 發表
Who I am主題是由身體部份開始認識, 再到自己, 家庭父母, 在家的角色, 我能做什麼事情, 我喜歡吃什麼, 做什麼等, 是一次自我發現的過程.教學上歡迎家長學生參與, 包括帶相片, 書籍和各種相關玩具, 也邀請家長到課堂 ...

作者: DiamondHill    時間: 07-11-28 20:05


唔該晒你的幫忙, 我對ib又多左了解.  老師這樣穩定,我都放心了.
至於紀律方面, 當然明白不可只靠學校的教導, 在學校,小朋友對小朋友的亙動比較多, 如果小朋友做錯事or不懂處理, 而得不到老師即時的解釋, 怕小朋友對事情會有誤解, 所以先有這個關注.  因為本人覺得朋輩的影響實在不容忽視, 始終都曾經歷過.

如果你都打算中學就送他出國, 彈性大. 和我的方向有所不同, 我希望女兒可以上大學先送她出國.  

作者: sstreet06    時間: 07-12-10 16:29

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作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 07-12-16 12:30

原文章由 sstreet06 於 07-12-10 16:29 發表
the vict in causeway bay is the best and some people mix up with the hk one and kowloon one. i gave up the k1 seat because i feel the location not near MTR station and there is no open area for childr ...

the vict in causeway bay is the best - I don't agree.  Because some CWB mums complained that the class size is too big this year (3 class teachers v 32 students)

My personal comment is South Horizon campus is very good (except school bus) and Belcher campus is not bad.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 07-12-17 12:54     標題: 回覆 #1 Yau_Cheung 的文章

每間維記都有自己特色, 銅鑼灣就有視學報告作參考, 同埋選校應該都要同居住地點配合嘅!

作者: cccyung    時間: 07-12-17 23:12

原文章由 JensenMom 於 07-11-22 15:14 發表

HMT Victoria's  local teachers are nice. NETs are
OK. 但我希望多些看到女女在校的作品。家長日,見完老師後,冇乜嘢睇(個人作品、手功),上學期評估都冇
作者: Radiomama    時間: 07-12-18 09:47     標題: 回覆 #1 cccyung 的文章


其實小朋友嘅作品多數張貼於課室門外嘅牆上, 有時放係一個file裏, 讓家長參閱, 過一輪才讓小朋友帶回家㗎!  下次有機會欣賞吓!
自我評估已完成, 記在手冊內, 其他評估我想要等到學期尾才有.
作者: maglo    時間: 08-2-27 05:49

如果要升讀local學校有冇問題? 我想囡囡讀大學先oversea.
Thank you.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 08-2-29 10:54

大部份維記的家長都選擇讓小朋友升讀本地小學㗎, 你不用擔心!  不過, 這幼稚園不會push寫字, 計數, 也不會有默書, 試行ib課程.

原文章由 maglo 於 08-2-27 05:49 發表
如果要升讀local學校有冇問題? 我想囡囡讀大學先oversea.
Thank you.

作者: 宏媽    時間: 08-3-1 22:52

我覺得何文田都能夠保留到港島維多利亞的優點,包括師資質素, 語言環境等
大仔讀完K2就考到國際學校(我係在職媽媽, 都冇乜時間教個仔的),


作者: 澔媽    時間: 08-3-9 09:13     標題: 君匯港維記

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 08-3-11 11:19

原文章由 宏媽 於 08-3-1 22:52 發表
我覺得何文田都能夠保留到港島維多利亞的優點,包括師資質素, 語言環境等
大仔讀完K2就考到國際學校(我係在職媽媽, 都冇乜時間教個仔的),
都 ...

can you share with me that do you speak mandarin to your son when he is taking eng. and mandarin class ??  I want to know if the kids can get used to very quickly if we dont speak mandarin at home.
作者: Momotat    時間: 08-3-11 18:16


Maybe I can also share my experience with you as my son is studying K1 Eng/PTH class at HMT Victoria.

I mainly communicate with my son in Cantonese, but will also spend some time with him in English and PTH at home. My PTH is not very fluent but I try my best to talk to him so that he's confident to speak up whenever he wants.

After this half year, I think his PTH is better than me! haha! He can communicate with his English and PTH class teacher very well. They have no Cantonese speaking teacher in class, so whenever they want to speak to teacher, they can only use English or PTH. This creates a very good environment for them to learn.

Don't worry, I can see his classmates get on very well with this language environment. Kids are smarter than we guess, they learn at a faster pace than we expect.
作者: 宏媽    時間: 08-3-12 13:17


Please check PM


Then my younger son should be in the same class as your son. Nice to meet you here!
作者: szesze0423    時間: 08-4-25 16:24

Hi Radiomama,

When you said," 學費及校服的確較貴, 家長對此部份的開支要有預算.", can share exactly how much you spend every month?  I know that the school fee is HKD38xx.  What about other expenses, like school bags, uniforms, tea, learning materials and any other mis.?  Also, what is the monthly charge for school bus?  Thanks.

原文章由 Radiomama 於 07-11-23 13:26 發表

小兒讀k1, 何文田維記so far 好好, 小兒係細仔, 超級癡身, 但老師對他付出適合的照顧和愛心, 令我好放心.
課程方面行ib, 所以與local幼稚園有分別, 但小朋友按步學習, 四個月下來, 理解和認知方面的發 ...

作者: Radiomama    時間: 08-4-28 17:53

作者: Maldives    時間: 08-5-18 21:18

我個女現家十六個月, 打算考維記, 有無人可以話我知點考呀??? 今年一月的時候, 我已經遞左form申請playgroup, 知唔知約莫要等幾耐? 如果playgroup唔收, 係咪好難先入到? please ....
作者: BJLover    時間: 08-10-9 19:01

my son is in ENG/CAN class, is it possible to change that to ENG/PTH? Please advice
作者: Radiomama    時間: 08-10-9 22:35


你仔仔讀緊pn定k1呢?  不少同學在升班時都可以轉班, ie ENG/CAN > ENG/PTH, 不過就會由上午轉到下午!
如果想即時轉, 就要找副校長傾傾!

原帖由 BJLover 於 08-10-9 19:01 發表
my son is in ENG/CAN class, is it possible to change that to ENG/PTH? Please advice

作者: BJLover    時間: 08-10-10 08:54

Hi Radiomama, my son is studying in PN pm class. maybe I should talk to school about this.

原帖由 Radiomama 於 08-10-9 22:35 發表

你仔仔讀緊pn定k1呢?  不少同學在升班時都可以轉班, ie ENG/CAN > ENG/PTH, 不過就會由上午轉到下午!
如果想即時轉, 就要找副校長傾傾!

作者: scarletbb    時間: 09-5-29 10:26

原帖由 Momotat 於 08-3-11 18:16 發表

Maybe I can also share my experience with you as my son is studying K1 Eng/PTH class at HMT Victoria.

I mainly communicate with my son in Cantonese, but will also spend some time with hi ...

Hi Momotat,

is your son studying full-day class? or half-day?  

作者: babyakambm    時間: 09-6-2 16:21

我都諗緊好唔好比囝囝入 victoria PN class.
本身自己住 Kln Tong, 想囝囝讀 Kentville or St catherine 的 k1.但佢地冇 N1 class,  所以想讀住 Victoria 先. Another point is 囝囝是細仔, 好似 Victoria PN 可直升到 K1, 起碼有得讀呀. 

Victoria PN class 好唔好 ga ???
作者: tobyli    時間: 09-6-3 10:55

my son is going to enter K1. Nice to meet u all!
作者: Ashleymum    時間: 09-6-15 13:05

我囡囡現在15個月大, 返緊VICTORIA(HMT) playgroup, 我都好希望佢下年可以入victoria的PN, 但老師話就算讀佢哋的playgroup, 都唔會guarantee可以入PN, 所以我都好擔心, 但我真係幾鍾意呢間學校, 唯有到時盡力一試啦.
作者: ILBC    時間: 09-7-4 01:40

I'm planning to apply for the PN class for my daughter.  
Some say children should study Eng/Can class if their mother language is Can to avoid being confused.  But usually, the time of speaking/teaching Eng is much more in the Eng/Man class.  Can these children from the Eng/Man class be promoted smoothly to local primary school?  How is their competence in Chinese language?
作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-7-4 22:20

何文田維記的英普班與英粵班最大的分別是--英普只有下晝班! 而英普班的小朋友在學習中文方面比英粵班"多"和"深"好多! 英文方面教學比例一樣,分別不會太大. 不過我不知道英普班的小朋友在表達方面會否跟用粵語表達一般順暢,相信是因人而異吧!

作者: ILBC    時間: 09-7-7 15:18

Thx, radiomama.  That's YOU made me think of this kindergarten!  Think, Creative, HKPS and Keenmind are my choices.  "英普班的小朋友在學習中文方面比英粵班"多"和"深"好多"... oh, I just thought the other way round!  How many mins for the Eng session each day?

Actually, my daughter is very active and I think the IB system is a good idea.
作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-7-7 22:06

以英粵班為例,英文班主任與中文班主任是同時在課室的,輪流帶主題和活動,然後分不同的工作區活動,再加上另一普通話老師協助. 所以英文時間可以話係課堂的一半.

原帖由 ILBC 於 09-7-7 15:18 發表
Thx, radiomama.  That's YOU made me think of this kindergarten!  Think, Creative, HKPS and Keenmind are my choices.  "英普班的小朋友在學習中文方面比英粵班"多"和"深"好多"... oh, I just thought the othe ...

作者: ILBC    時間: 09-7-8 12:11

Thx for your info, radiomama!
作者: ILBC    時間: 09-7-8 12:13

Thx for your info, radiomama!
作者: Ashleymum    時間: 09-7-9 10:37

As I know, it is very hard to get a space in PN class at Victoria even the kid is already studying in their playgroup.  Therefore, I will apply the below kindergartens (PN) for my daughter as well.

原帖由 ILBC 於 7/7/2009 15:18 發表
Thx, radiomama.  That's YOU made me think of this kindergarten!  Think, Creative, HKPS and Keenmind are my choices.  "英普班的小朋友在學習中文方面比英粵班"多"和"深"好多"... oh, I just thought the othe ...

作者: Auntie_Winnie    時間: 09-8-8 01:51

我想問如果無喺呢度讀 pre-nursery, 想入 k1 係咪好難 ?
作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-8-10 15:09

作者: happybilly    時間: 09-12-4 10:50

宏媽 , Momotat and Radiomama,

I'm so happy to find some parents from Victoria HMT...seems like not many parents of this kindergarten post on BK.

My girl just got accepted into K1 Eng/PTH class and I am still unsure if I should let her go to this school as she is a very active and independent (always prefer to do things herself and don't listen to instructions). I am most concerned about the emotional control and discipline aspects. Does the school pay much attention to these areas or mainly language skills?

Appreciate your sharing of experience!!

原帖由 Momotat 於 08-3-11 18:16 發表

Maybe I can also share my experience with you as my son is studying K1 Eng/PTH class at HMT Victoria.

I mainly communicate with my son in Cantonese, but will also spend some time with hi ...

作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-12-10 12:39


英普班對小朋友的語文訓練好好,不少英粵班的同學在k2 or k3 時都會轉入英普班。
最後請留意這是ib candidate school,考傳統名校的話要留心。

原帖由 happybilly 於 09-12-4 10:50 發表
宏媽 , Momotat and Radiomama,

I'm so happy to find some parents from Victoria HMT...seems like not many parents of this kindergarten post on BK.

My girl just got accepted into K1 Eng/PTH class and  ...

作者: ILBC    時間: 09-12-12 01:22

Hi Radiomama,
How do you think about Creative Primary's KG?  I'm comparing these two KGs.  They're running IB system and I think the teaching approach is more or less the same...
作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-12-12 15:08


~IB PYP課程(candidate)
~每班25-28位學生左右, 一中一英(全時間在課室的)班主任, 另有一位助教
~茶點有護士姐姐設定, 食用不錯

~校舍較大, 有outdoor, 但要上落樓梯及課室設備較舊
~活動教學, 但幼稚園不一定是PYP課程

當年我也有報啟思附幼, 但好快放棄了offer.  對不起, 我也許太偏幫維幼, 不過自己既然選了她, 當然是喜歡這學校多一點.

原帖由 ILBC 於 09-12-12 01:22 發表
Hi Radiomama,
How do you think about Creative Primary's KG?  I'm comparing these two KGs.  They're running IB system and I think the teaching approach is more or less the same...

作者: happybilly    時間: 09-12-14 09:41

Hi Radiomama,

Thanks for your sharing!

Can you tell us which primary schools your kid's classmates have gone to? Apart from VSA, which schools accepted most students from Victoria HMT? How about ESF?

:)  Thanks!!

原帖由 Radiomama 於 09-12-10 12:39 發表

英普班對小朋友的語文訓練好好,不少英粵班的同學在k2 or k3 時都會轉入英普班。
老師絕對會跟進&處理行為偏差的小朋友,會與小孩及 ...

作者: Radiomama    時間: 09-12-15 09:31


For the classmates of my boy, they are still in K3 and the primary school allocation has not yet completed, therefore no idea right now.

For the international school, there are 5 classmates changed to Shatin Junior, RC and Yew Chung for year one this year (including my son).  And some more students in other classes go to SIS and Beacon Hill etc.

原帖由 happybilly 於 09-12-14 09:41 發表
Hi Radiomama,

Thanks for your sharing!

Can you tell us which primary schools your kid's classmates have gone to? Apart from VSA, which schools accepted most students from Victoria HMT? How about ESF ...

作者: hihicathk    時間: 10-1-10 22:56

小女從前年十月開始在HG CAMPUS 上playgroup, 之後有幸入到pn...

老實講, 可能我對其他幼稚園了解不多, 特別是kt 0既幼稚園. 而我希望小女在幼稚園階段是快樂的時光, 並不希望每天要花很多時間在功課和測驗方面....

當初pn是考了lh 和victoria.  說實在, 當初覺得每個月要繳交差不多$4400學費, 是有點兒過高, 但是當你孩子上學後, 你發覺學校給孩子的資源和配套. 實在是可以說是物超所值.

首先, 每班有3個老師, 一個外語老師, 一個廣東話老師和一個助教.另外有多個嬸嬸照顧小朋友的所需.

他們會以每個小朋友的所需作出發點... 在初初的幾個月, 很多小朋友還沒介片, 可能其他學校會要求家長盡快介片, 或繼續用片... 但維記不會強迫介片與否... 因為他們認為小朋友要開始上學已經是一個大衝擊, 若果再加上要介片, 可能會對小朋友有打擊.

所以佢0地不會強迫介片, 只會根據每個小朋友的情況從序漸進, 全部都會以鼓勵形式進行.所以佢0的同學仔都會很快完成介片這使命.

每天上學時, 小囡在學校門口便會不顧一切地衝入學校, 連頭也不回, 所以我都好驚訝學校對女兒吸引力. 但發現基本上每個小朋友也是一樣...

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