
標題: 請教培僑家長? [打印本頁]

作者: KKJ    時間: 07-10-27 01:53     標題: 請教培僑家長?

我仔仔巳在21/10面試,請問大概幾耐在收到通知,自行上綱check或是會收到信?? thankyou!!
作者: lam.mammy    時間: 07-10-27 02:07

按照去年的狀況, 上網CHECK 會快D知結果, 網上公佈後數日才會收到取錄信. 如果你心急, 可以隔天或每天上網CHECK.

原文章由 KKJ 於 07-10-27 01:53 硐表
我仔仔巳在21/10面試,請問大概幾耐在收到通知,自行上綱check或是會收到信?? thankyou!!  

作者: momomammy    時間: 07-11-8 12:40     標題: Second Interview PK


Hi ! 您有冇去second interview?

作者: KKJ    時間: 07-11-9 22:31

作者: mummom    時間: 07-11-12 17:53


原文章由 KKJ 於 07-11-9 22:31 硐表

作者: natelie    時間: 07-11-13 08:52

Hi, Do you know how many application received this year ?  My older son is in P1 now but the younger one will apply next year, a bit worry if they do not consider sibling.
作者: momomammy    時間: 07-11-13 12:49

作者: Win0501    時間: 07-11-13 17:43

有無人知中學收生係點, 我猜沒小學咁多人報?11/11 open day, 係咪中學部都有得參觀?
作者: Win0501    時間: 07-11-13 17:44

有無人知中學收生係點, 我猜沒小學咁多人報?11/11 open day, 係咪中學部都有得參觀?
作者: YY(芝芝媽咪)    時間: 07-11-14 09:27

hi KKJ:
作者: momomammy    時間: 07-11-14 13:43

原文章由 natelie 於 07-11-13 08:52 硐表
Hi, Do you know how many application received this year ?  My older son is in P1 now but the younger one will apply next year, a bit worry if they do not consider sibling.


Hi ! Pui Kiu accepted my daughter 08/09 G1, Can you tell more Pui Kiu College ?

作者: hjm    時間: 07-11-15 07:47

原文章由 mummom 於 07-11-12 17:53 硐表

In fact there is no extra points for siblings, right?
作者: iamgiuliano    時間: 07-11-15 09:25

原文章由 hjm 於 07-11-15 07:47 硐表

In fact there is no extra points for siblings, right?

Hard to tell. Some parents do have both kids in PKC. One PKC parent is having her second child in the waiting list. Good luck for her.
作者: johnsize    時間: 07-11-18 16:36

For siblings, I know the school with put them on the priority list. According to one of the head teacher(one of my friend), they 'll give some extra point to the applicants who has a brother or sister in Pui Kiu College.
作者: hjm    時間: 07-11-20 00:15

原文章由 johnsize 於 07-11-18 16:36 硐表
For siblings, I know the school with put them on the priority list. According to one of the head teacher(one of my friend), they 'll give some extra point to the applicants who has a brother or sister ...

Really...because there is no description of this policy and we have heard some brothers or sisters not getting into PKC even with their siblings already there at G3, etc.  So we are quite worried!  And because we gave up the central allotment for my 2nd son to get into PKC, my daughter will need to rely on herself to get into it then!:
作者: natelie    時間: 07-11-20 13:59

Me too.  I younger son now in K2 and need to apply P! next year. Heard some brothers or sisters not getting into PK this year, so, quite worry as you know sometimes it is "ability" + "luck" to get into the school.

Johnsize, is that their internal policy ?

原文章由 hjm 於 07-11-20 00:15 硐表

Really...because there is no description of this policy and we have heard some brothers or sisters not getting into PKC even with their siblings already there at G3, etc.  So we are quite worried!   ...

作者: chris_618    時間: 08-4-27 15:52


  本人希望小女能入讀培僑書院, 請幫忙解答以下問題:

1) 培僑小學是否中文科以普通話教授, 其餘一律以英語教授?
2) 培僑中學是否中文及中史科以普通話教授, 其餘一律以英語教授?
3) 培僑中學的理科(如化學, 生物, 物理等) 是用英文教科書還是中文教科書?
4) 聽說在北角的培僑中學入大學率很高, 不知兩間中學的程度是否差不多?


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