
標題: DBSPD interview schedule [打印本頁]

作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-15 22:43     標題: DBSPD interview schedule

Hi, shall there any parents receive letter/notice for 1st interview schedule fr DBSPD?

As I saw the info. from its website, it should despatch letters/ notices in mid Oct.   好心急呀
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-16 10:12

As the interview will be held on 26th & 27th October 2007 , I think we will receive the letter not later than the end of this week.  


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-15 22:43 硐表
Hi, shall there any parents receive letter/notice for 1st interview schedule fr DBSPD?

As I saw the info. from its website, it should despatch letters/ notices in mid Oct.   好心急呀 ...

作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-16 21:21

I just received an information from my friend, he got the letter from DPSPD today, the interview day will be 24 October 2007, anyone got the letter also?
作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-16 21:31

Not yet wor.......do u know your friend's application no? Mine is 00742.
原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-16 21:21 硐表
I just received an information from my friend, he got the letter from DPSPD today, the interview day will be 24 October 2007, anyone got the letter also?

作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-16 22:20

hi, 你朋友有無睇錯? 我個大仔讀緊DBSPD, 學校上星期至派circular話, 因為26/10 & 27/10要應付小一面試, 故26/10停課一天, 27/10就所有課外活動暫停, 所以無可能24/10面試, 除非...


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-16 21:21 硐表
I just received an information from my friend, he got the letter from DPSPD today, the interview day will be 24 October 2007, anyone got the letter also?

作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-16 22:23

I don't know what's his no.  Maybe I ask him tomorrow.  Hey, have u applied other schools for your son?  Share some experience / view ya~
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-16 22:28

Really?  I've just told by my friend.  Anyway, I'm still waiting for the letter.

Oh, it 's great that your elder son is studying in DBSPD.  Would you mind to share some interview experience w/ me?

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-16 22:20 硐表
hi, 你朋友有無睇錯? 我個大仔讀緊DBSPD, 學校上星期至派circular話, 因為26/10 & 27/10要應付小一面試, 故26/10停課一天, 27/10就所有課外活動暫停, 所以無可能24/10面試, 除非...



作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-17 12:58

原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-16 22:28 硐表
Really?  I've just told by my friend.  Anyway, I'm still waiting for the letter.

Oh, it 's great that your elder son is studying in DBSPD.  Would you mind to share some interview experience w/ me?:ad ...

Hi...I just got a letter from DBS and the interview is scheduled on 26/10 pm.  How abt the others?   

Yeah, could OhHo mind to share some interview experience with us?  Hey, your younger boy must be easiler accepted coz his brother is now studying DBS ma~  Oh, so good you are!
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-17 16:13

如果無記錯的話, 面試日情況大致如下:

先到cover playground登記, 等齊約10個小朋友就由大哥哥(高年級學生)帶上課室, 家長約一小時後到操場接回小朋友!

入到課室, 有玩具有圖書打發等候時間, 之後等叫入另一課室, 單對單面談, 內容有聆聽和故事排序等, 完成後會有vcd睇, 等齊10個小朋友完成就返回家長身邊!

今年會唔會都係咁, 就不得而知!
細佬唔一定有著數, 學校講明要憑個人實力!


原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-17 12:58 硐表

Hi...I just got a letter from DBS and the interview is scheduled on 26/10 pm.  How abt the others?   

Yeah, could OhHo mind to share some interview experience with us?  Hey, your younger boy must  ...

作者: FFMaMa    時間: 07-10-17 20:02

...I just got a letter from DBS and the interview is scheduled on 26/10 pm

I still have not received the letter yet !  Anybody same to me?

FF Ma Ma
作者: TL128    時間: 07-10-17 20:15

me too!:cry:  May be tomorrow
作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-17 21:16

me too, not yet received today.

原文章由 TL128 於 07-10-17 20:15 硐表
me too!:cry:  May be tomorrow

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-17 22:05

原文章由 FFMaMa 於 07-10-17 20:02 硐表

I still have not received the letter yet !  Anybody same to me?

FF Ma Ma

Me too......So exciting
作者: lindahmy    時間: 07-10-17 23:51

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-17 16:13 硐表
如果無記錯的話, 面試日情況大致如下:

先到cover playground登記, 等齊約10個小朋友就由大哥哥(高年級學生)帶上課室, 家長約一小時後到操場接回小朋友!

入到課室, 有玩具有圖書打發等候時間, 之後等叫入另一課室,  ...

Hi OnHo,

Thks for sharing. Just want to know are the questions very academic or difficult? Still not get the interview ltr.
作者: DarrenKennice    時間: 07-10-18 09:30

me too.:-|

原文章由 FFMaMa 於 07-10-17 20:02 硐表

I still have not received the letter yet !  Anybody same to me?

FF Ma Ma

作者: Uncle-DOS    時間: 07-10-18 11:05

作者: martie    時間: 07-10-18 11:19

Me too.

I have the feeling of “
;jJFgrjugprutprutpurtpewUTP[w-eutp-W49R0qur pujfapdujaOPSDhujodhuj空间方式;。。。。。。。”吃哦那肤色的!!!!

作者: d2343130    時間: 07-10-18 11:22

唔使太擔心而成日去睇信箱, 又或者怕寄失咗!

因學校要安排時間見成17xx個小朋友, 一下子都未必一次過全部寄出啦!! 有時, 有d地區都會遲人1日收信的雖然同日寄出!!

如果真係到咗23/10都收唔到信, 先再call 學校quote個receipt no. 問吓情況!

good luck!!

原文章由 Uncle-DOS 於 07-10-18 11:05 硐表

作者: gordon    時間: 07-10-18 12:05

17xx. 咁少? 面試班老師話每年at least 2000 以上.

原文章由 d2343130 於 07-10-18 11:22 硐表
唔使太擔心而成日去睇信箱, 又或者怕寄失咗!

因學校要安排時間見成17xx個小朋友, 一下子都未必一次過全部寄出啦!! 有時, 有d地區都會遲人1日收信的雖然同日寄出!!

如果真係到咗23/10都收唔到信, 先再call 學校quot ...

作者: ACYW    時間: 07-10-18 12:11

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-18 12:49

Thanks OnHo.

I want to know more abt the details and questions during 1st in. and 2nd in.  Would u mind to share more with us?

As told by my relative (whose boy attended 1st interview last year but NO chance for 2nd interview) that his boy together with other 8 -9 children to play together and then asked questions by teachers individually during 1st interview.   Did it same as the experiences of your elder boy?

For other parents who not yet received the letters, pls don't worry.  I think you all will receive it within this week or early next week.

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-17 16:13 硐表
如果無記錯的話, 面試日情況大致如下:

先到cover playground登記, 等齊約10個小朋友就由大哥哥(高年級學生)帶上課室, 家長約一小時後到操場接回小朋友!

入到課室, 有玩具有圖書打發等候時間, 之後等叫入另一課室,  ...

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-18 13:36

DBS announced in a newspaper that they received around 1,700 applicants this year.  I think it may be caused by the lower birth rate in 2002, so it affect the no. of applicants la~

But it seems rather good coz the competition is relatively lower ma~   heee....

原文章由 gordon 於 07-10-18 12:05 硐表
17xx. 咁少? 面試班老師話每年at least 2000 以上.

作者: Hinmummum    時間: 07-10-18 13:57

原文章由 Uncle-DOS 於 07-10-18 11:05 硐表

As told by my friend that she has just received the letter
and the interview time is on 26/10.
Hope we all will receive the letter soon!
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-18 16:30     標題: Admission Interview for Grade One 2008-2009

Dear all,

Please note the information from DBSPD!

The parents' letters specifying all details about the arrangement of the 1st round admission interview have been distributed by post on Wednesday, 17 October 2007.

Parents/Guardians are requested to call the School General Office at 31594200 if you cannot receive the letter by Monday, 22 October 2007.
作者: d2343130    時間: 07-10-18 17:11


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-18 16:30 硐表
Dear all,

Please note the information from DBSPD!

The parents' letters specifying all details about the arra ...

作者: Uncle-DOS    時間: 07-10-18 17:17


26號 下午2點 in, 我仔編號. #8xx.
作者: WilsonMiMi    時間: 07-10-18 17:55

yes, I have just received the letter & the appointment
date is on 26th Oct.  Did anyone know how they interview the children?
作者: FFMaMa    時間: 07-10-18 20:02

I've received the letter today.  The appt. is 26/10 at 11a.m.
Very competitive, but try la !!

作者: Tatama123    時間: 07-10-18 20:43     標題: I've received the letter today

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-18 20:57

I've received the letter too, interview at early morning 26 October, all together try our best! Hope our boys will be classmate and meet at DBS.

   :-D :-D :-D :-D
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-18 21:26

Yeah...I also got the letter la~  The time is early morning on 26/10.

Wish our boys try their best to get in 2nd interview la

Good lucks to all of us
作者: Tatama123    時間: 07-10-18 22:34     標題: Hope we all get a seat at DBSPD !

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-19 21:01

Wow....it seems so many applicants have scheduled on 26/10 for the 1st interview wor~

Then let us try our best la.

If there has any interesting thing during 1st interview, share w/ all of us la.

原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-10-18 22:34 硐表
Good Luck All of you, may be classmate next year !

作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-20 10:15

My son's interview time is same with you.
原文章由 Uncle-DOS 於 07-10-18 17:17 硐表

26號 下午2點 in, 我仔編號. #8xx.

作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-20 12:21

DBSPD分兩日就可以完成第一輪面試, 所以唔係10月26日就一定係10月27日見!  至於第二輪就暫定係11月中果兩個禮拜!

祝我細仔同大家既仔仔好運!  最緊要到時要身體健康, 精精神神, 有反應!


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-19 21:01 硐表
Wow....it seems so many applicants have scheduled on 26/10 for the 1st interview wor~

Then let us try our best la.

If there has any interesting thing during 1st interview, share w/ all of us la. ...

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-22 08:59

Gd morning everybody.

Tkx for OnHo's info.   The 1st in is approaching, so excited ya~  Any thing we shall do to well prepare for it?  Pls share w/ us if u have any ideas/ suggestions.

Good luck to all of us

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-20 12:21 硐表
DBSPD分兩日就可以完成第一輪面試, 所以唔係10月26日就一定係10月27日見!  至於第二輪就暫定係11月中果兩個禮拜!

祝我細仔同大家既仔仔好運!  最緊要到時要身體健康, 精精神神, 有反應!



作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-22 13:53

原文章由 Uncle-DOS 於 07-10-18 17:17 硐表

26號 下午2點 in, 我仔編號. #8xx.

Me too ar!!!
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-24 13:22

Hi all,

Just got info. that kids would be requested to play Lego with others during 1st interview.  Does it true?

If so, what can I do for my boy coz he doesn't like Lego.  He only like playing Thomas and the train sets.  wooo....any advice...pls help....

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-22 13:53 硐表

Me too ar!!!

作者: ACYW    時間: 07-10-24 13:40

My interview will be on 27 Oct.
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-24 23:09

Anyone knows whether 'Gifted children' will have the advantage in applying DBSPD?
作者: PatsyChiang    時間: 07-10-24 23:57

原文章由 DuncanMaMa 於 07-10-24 13:40 硐表
My interview will be on 27 Oct.


Can't believe i see u in here......
Duncan, good luck!! : :
作者: 010    時間: 07-10-25 00:06


1) 先係家長帶小朋友到學校大堂報到(都要排一輪隊嫁),


2) 先係一班小朋友入去一個房等候,

3) 一位略懂廣東話的外籍老師叫幾位小朋友名,

4)  面試時老師
  a) 比幾幅圖畫,要仔仔串連一個故事
  b) 比幾幅圖畫,要仔仔寫出係咩(Ch or Eng都得)
      c) 比左段野佢聽,問返佢一d問題

5)  面試結束,仔仔被帶到另一房間和小朋友一齊看VCD

6)  仔仔話好好玩,重問我幾時再來玩過喎



原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-24 13:22 硐表
Hi all,

Just got info. that kids would be requested to play Lego with others during 1st interview.  Does it true?

If so, what can I do for my boy coz he doesn't like Lego.  He only like playing Thom ...

[ 本文章最後由 010 於 07-10-25 00:33 編輯 ]
作者: andybebe    時間: 07-10-25 00:59

Hi 010,

祝各位媽咪好運! in完1st round記得上嚟分享吓啦!

原文章由 010 於 07-10-25 00:06 硐表

1) 先係家長帶小朋友到學校大堂報到(都要排一輪隊嫁),

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-25 13:18

Its rather details.  Thkx so much.:) :)

原文章由 010 於 07-10-25 00:06 硐表

1) 先係家長帶小朋友到學校大堂報到(都要排一輪隊嫁),

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-25 16:34

It's difficult to tell........
I know a boy with IQ over 150 studying in this school now. He was waitlisted when he applied G1 a few years ago.
I know 2 other boys with IQ over 135 who applied last year. They did not have chance for 2nd interview.
原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-24 23:09 硐表
Anyone knows whether 'Gifted children' will have the advantage in applying DBSPD?

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-25 18:12

原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-25 16:34 硐表
It's difficult to tell........
I know a boy with IQ over 150 studying in this school now. He was waitlisted when he applied G1 a few years ago.
I know 2 other boys with IQ over 135 who applied last ye ...

Thank you very much for your information.
作者: KKBoy    時間: 07-10-25 23:38


pls check PM.
作者: 丸媽媽    時間: 07-10-26 01:01

我個是囡囡,沒機會"見識"這校 不過囡囡表哥在這校讀緊P.4,他當年是第一屆直資收生,尤記得他要經過三輪文武比試後才被取錄,眼看小姑這幾年為兒子學業付出心血/金錢也不少,課程也一年比一年甘  表哥本身原是個戰鬥心強及成績唔錯孩子,但感覺孩子經歷這幾年戰況開始現疲態,也同時聽到頗高學歷的小姑表示開始有點無力招架 (課程方面)



[ 本文章最後由 丸媽媽 於 07-10-26 01:03 編輯 ]
作者: littlestar918    時間: 07-10-26 01:13

My son was arranged interview on 27/10 2pm. Unluckily, KTS's interview was also arranged on the same day and time. I must decide to give up one of them:cry:
作者: benben    時間: 07-10-26 15:15

I am working nearby DBSPD, today lunch hour, so many smart boys walking along street, with daddy and mom!!

個個都好醒目甘, 好得意!
好多 mini 小小超!!!! :loveliness:

& 好多 daddy mami 都著得斯斯文文甘. . . .!!
作者: Tatama123    時間: 07-10-26 20:16

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-26 20:37

係呀, 好多人呀.  我地當然都係其中一份子啦.  但校方安排都算OK.  我地眼見好多小朋友都好smart 同好守規距.  睇黎都好大competition.   不過都係個好好ge 體驗!

請問有無人知幾時會通知家長2nd in?  

希望明天1st in. ge 小朋友都順順利利啦  

原文章由 benben 於 07-10-26 15:15 硐表
I am working nearby DBSPD, today lunch hour, so many smart boys walking along street, with daddy and mom!!

個個都好醒目甘, 好得意!
好多 mini 小小超!!!! :loveliness:

& 好多 daddy mami 都著得斯 ...

作者: BabyYuiYui    時間: 07-10-26 22:55

My son attended the interview today and mentioned that there was a game like a Matrix. Any idea from anyone ???
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-27 11:52

Matrix???  I haven't heard my boy to mention that wor~  We have attended the 1st interview yesterday p.m.   It's so hot that made me and my boy sweaty wet when lining up outside to wait for the registration.

My boy told me little abt 1st in --- the teacher seems showing a story for applicant to listen and then asked questions.  Then the applicant went to another room to play Lego, to draw something and to read book.  So simple as my boy described.  But, I'm not sure if it's the whole picture of the interview.

Wish all of us could be selected for 2nd in la~

Right, I also want to know when the school will inform us the 2nd in schedule, if luckily get into...heeee  

原文章由 BabyYuiYui 於 07-10-26 22:55 硐表
My son attended the interview today and mentioned that there was a game like a Matrix. Any idea from anyone ???

作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-27 18:34

我個仔話老師播d聲音(廣東話), d 聲音有2句, 1."請將粒糖放在深綠色的格內", 2."請將粒糖放在G那格內"......5 知 ar 仔啱5啱la!

似乎今次interview主要係listening,玩放糖之前就播故事(廣東話),老師問咗3條問題,ar 仔只識一條。....今次都係陪跑多la. Good luck to you all.
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-27 11:52 硐表
Matrix???  I haven't heard my boy to mention that wor~  We have attended the 1st interview yesterday p.m.   It's so hot that made me and my boy sweaty wet when lining up outside to wait for the regist ...

作者: applemama    時間: 07-10-27 18:40

原文章由 makfr 於 07-10-27 18:34 硐表
我個仔話老師播d聲音(廣東話), d 聲音有2句, 1."請將粒糖放在深綠色的格內", 2."請將粒糖放在G那格內"......5 知 ar 仔啱5啱la!

似乎今次interview主要係listening,玩放糖之前就播故事(廣東話),老師問咗3條問題,ar 仔 ...

My son's interview was similar to makfr in Group A at 2pm on 26/10 - candy game and simple drawing. He kept the drawing to show me.  The son said he has no lego, no puzzule, no special game and just simple questions. Most of the time was spent in Video watching afterwards.
作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-27 18:44


My son was in Group B at 2pm, 26/10.  My son told me that their group do have lego, books & drawing and I son choose lego to play.
原文章由 applemama 於 07-10-27 18:40 硐表

My son's interview was similar to makfr in Group A at 2pm on 26/10 - candy game and simple drawing. He kept the drawing to show me.  The son said he has no lego, no puzzule, no special game and jus ...

作者: JLMCH    時間: 07-10-27 21:53

聽亞仔講番, 他與你的兒子所形容的差不多.

原文章由 makfr 於 07-10-27 18:34 硐表
我個仔話老師播d聲音(廣東話), d 聲音有2句, 1."請將粒糖放在深綠色的格內", 2."請將粒糖放在G那格內"......5 知 ar 仔啱5啱la!

似乎今次interview主要係listening,玩放糖之前就播故事(廣東話),老師問咗3條問題,ar 仔 ...

作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-27 21:55

...我個仔講番都同你地差唔多...都係聽tape 答問題; 之後就玩配對.  跟住又係聽tape 將 d 野放係個類似matric map 上.  之後就去睇 DVD...跟住就排隊出去等家長接.

聽落今次都幾另類同幾有新鮮感.  但唔知咁樣係想test d 小朋友乜野呢?  

點都好啦, 總算過左一關.  亦都俾到我個仔一個幾好ge 經驗..至少到而家佢都記得

原文章由 makfr 於 07-10-27 18:44 硐表

My son was in Group B at 2pm, 26/10.  My son told me that their group do have lego, books & drawing and I son choose lego to play.

作者: lemonred    時間: 07-10-27 22:35

據我個仔講面試分為3部份, 第一部份是玩, 第二部份是單對單問問題, 第三部份是睇video, 玩matrix 是在第二部份, 一邊座標是以英文字代表, 另一邊是以數目字代表, 前後放了4樣東西, 我個仔講得非常清楚, 可信性好高.

原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-27 21:55 硐表
...我個仔講番都同你地差唔多...都係聽tape 答問題; 之後就玩配對.  跟住又係聽tape 將 d 野放係個類似matric map 上.  之後就去睇 DVD...跟住就排隊出去等家長接.

聽落今次都幾另類同幾有新鮮感.  但唔知咁樣係 ...

作者: beibie    時間: 07-10-27 22:56

我姨甥仔係參加英文對答的INTERVIEW(星期五), 好似有少少唔同, 有冇人都係參加星期五的英文INTERVIEW的呢?
作者: Uncle-DOS    時間: 07-10-27 23:29

1.  有 lego, 畫畫, 同 pizza hut 模型玩具, 他選畫畫
2.  將顏色糖放在正確顏色的地方
3.  聽電腦播放的故仔 然後老師問問題
4.  老師用普通話問佢叫甚麼名
5.  之後看 Peter Pan video
作者: hooyot    時間: 07-10-27 23:52

仔仔話排隊入去一班人玩左一陣玩具, 跟住老師叫名叫編號入班房.
老師問佢今日星期幾, 佢話禮拜五..   (弊!)
跟住又問左一d問題, 又聽帶玩擺糖遊戲, 又比幅圖佢睇, 問佢有什麼錯處, 佢話d人响沙游水, 又有籃球網响度跳芭蕾舞..當佢想講有人騎牛之時, 老師就話夠鐘.  最後問佢今日同媽咪去邊, 佢就話返屋企玩.  跟住就返去玩玩具或睇書, 佢話d 人玩玩具好嘈, 所以去左睇動物書.  最後去另一間房睇video 等放學.

仔仔係好被動又文靜一類, 平時唔多講野, interview都係輸蝕d.  不過今次講得詳細又多野, 抵讚 !
作者: airay    時間: 07-10-28 00:39

How to choose to interview in English?

原文章由 beibie 於 07-10-27 22:56 硐表
我姨甥仔係參加英文對答的INTERVIEW(星期五), 好似有少少唔同, 有冇人都係參加星期五的英文INTERVIEW的呢?

作者: BabyYuiYui    時間: 07-10-28 09:26

原文章由 lemonred 於 07-10-27 22:35 硐表
據我個仔講面試分為3部份, 第一部份是玩, 第二部份是單對單問問題, 第三部份是睇video, 玩matrix 是在第二部份, 一邊座標是以英文字代表, 另一邊是以數目字代表, 前後放了4樣東西, 我個仔講得非常清楚, 可信性好高.

This is very consistent with what my son told me except that he was asked to use color rubber instead of color candy. At one point, he mentioned about the row numbering and at other point, he said there was no label in the row, not sure which version is more reliable. The instructions are pre-taped.  VERY VERY DIFFICULY Ah !

Anyone know when will the 2nd interview ?
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-28 09:41


My son was aslo asked to put the coloured erasers into the instructed position!  He said there was no numbering on the rows and columns!

The 2nd Interview will be held between 19.11.2007 to 30.11.2007!


原文章由 BabyYuiYui 於 07-10-28 09:26 硐表

This is very consistent with what my son told me except that he was asked to use color rubber instead of color candy. At one point, he mentioned about the row numbering and at other point, he said t ...

作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-28 17:33

Tkx OnHo.

睇黎大家1st in  ge 內容都好接近.  

我想請教2nd in, 係寄信通知定係telephone 通知家長架.  大約幾時通知?  如果唔入圍, 會唔會都發信通知架?

真係要做定心理準備至得.   唉...呢排真係搞到個人無覺好.   都唔明點解香港ge 教育制度搞到d 小孩同父母咁重心理負擔??!!

希望快d 有答案, 等大家可以安心兼放心啦

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-28 09:41 硐表

My son was aslo asked to put the coloured erasers into the instructed position!  He said there was no numbering on the rows and columns!

The 2nd Interview will be held between 19.11.2007 to 30. ...

作者: 010    時間: 07-10-28 18:06

不過會係係d2nd-in in完晒咁制先會收到唔入圍通知嫁.

始終>1700選300 2nd-in,唔係易事.


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-28 17:33 硐表
Tkx OnHo.

睇黎大家1st in  ge 內容都好接近.  

我想請教2nd in, 係寄信通知定係telephone 通知家長架.  大約幾時通知?  如果唔入圍, 會唔會都發信通知架?

真係要做定心理準備至得.   唉...呢排真係搞到個人無覺 ...

[ 本文章最後由 010 於 07-10-28 19:56 編輯 ]
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-28 18:18

正如010所講, 有份入選既考生, 會先收到通知信, 被邀請見校長, 校監, 校董等... ... 一直至完成所有面試程序, 大約聖誕前夕, 所有17XX考生就一定會收到最少一封信知道考試結果!


原文章由 010 於 07-10-28 18:06 硐表
不過會係係d2nd-in in完晒咁制先會收到唔入圍通知嫁.

始終>1700選300 2nd-in,唔係易 ...

作者: phchan    時間: 07-10-28 19:26

Hi, OnHo,

Thanks a lot

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-16 22:20 硐表
hi, 你朋友有無睇錯? 我個大仔讀緊DBSPD, 學校上星期至派circular話, 因為26/10 & 27/10要應付小一面試, 故26/10停課一天, 27/10就所有課外活動暫停, 所以無可能24/10面試, 除非...



作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-28 22:14

Thanks 010 and OnHo.

而家可以做ge, 就係等...是旦一封信....唉, 呢個心理關口真難捱...

Hey OnHo, 你之前 2nd in 時係點架?  聽講話會2 -3 個family一齊見校長, 校監...等.  是否好serious架?  使唔使全講Eng???  有時間同我地分享.  TQ

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-28 18:18 硐表
正如010所講, 有份入選既考生, 會先收到通知信, 被邀請見校長, 校監, 校董等... ... 一直至完成所有面試程序, 大約聖誕前夕, 所有17XX考生就一定會收到最少一封信知道考試結果!



作者: Kimman    時間: 07-10-29 10:32

My son's name slip has an orange sticker on it. Does anyone know the meaning?
作者: TL128    時間: 07-10-29 10:37     標題: 回覆 #72 Kimman 的文章

I think it shows the colour of the linterview lot as I saw it was as same colour as the interview letter
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-29 12:31

Sticker 既意思, 應該係代表該考生已進行了面試咁解, 所以應該係人人有份!


原文章由 Kimman 於 07-10-29 10:32 硐表
My son's name slip has an orange sticker on it. Does anyone know the meaning?

作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-29 12:46

有關2nd In., 除左係第一年係兩個家庭一齊見之外(這只是聽聞), 前年同舊年都已經係一個個family見!

先係waiting room等(即交 form果間房,RM101), 按號碼先後 (即細no.會見先)入隔離房見3人panel+1個老師/書記!

先由父母講2至3分鐘野, 之後父母要先出去, 留個仔仔係房, 單獨見個panel答問題&依指示做!約8-10分鐘便走得, 一直到X'mas前等收通知!  期間十五十六, 直至開信果刻個心至定落黎!

其實話, 未開果封信前, 如果摸落都幾厚既, 應該係"得左", 薄既就... ...

不過, 大家仔仔已經過左一關, 好叻架喇!  希望有多D BK既小朋友入圍2nd In.!  到時一定要分享!


原文章由 WD40 於 07-10-28 22:14 硐表
Thanks 010 and OnHo.

而家可以做ge, 就係等...是旦一封信....唉, 呢個心理關口真難捱...

Hey OnHo, 你之前 2nd in 時係點架?  聽講話會2 -3 個family一齊見校長, 校監...等.  是否好serious架?  使唔 ...

作者: ianmami    時間: 07-10-29 12:55

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 12:46 硐表
有關2nd In., 除左係第一年係兩個家庭一齊見之外(這只是聽聞), 前年同舊年都已經係一個個family見!

先係waiting room等(即交 form果間房,RM101), 按號碼先後 (即細no.會見先)入隔離房見3人panel+1個老師/書記!

先由 ...

OnHo, pls check pm
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-29 12:56

Thanks OnHo's sharing regarding 2nd in.

I just wonder if parent need to speak in Eng during the 2 - 3min briefing?  Any topic parent have to share w/ the panel??  What kind of questions the panel would ask the kid???

If we luckily get into 2nd in, then when we will receive the notice/letter????

Wow...forgive me for so many questions    Just replyme if you have time la~

Anyway, thanks so much

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 12:46 硐表
有關2nd In., 除左係第一年係兩個家庭一齊見之外(這只是聽聞), 前年同舊年都已經係一個個family見!

先係waiting room等(即交 form果間房,RM101), 按號碼先後 (即細no.會見先)入隔離房見3人panel+1個老師/書記!

先由 ...

作者: yy98    時間: 07-10-29 17:04

The 53rd Annual School Fete is scheduled for Sunday, 4 November 2007 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In view of a lack of parking spaces in DBS and the heavy traffic flow along the School Drive, it is decided that FREE shuttle bus services will be provided for parents, students and visitors on the day of School Fete.

I think you can go to DBS and enjoy the games that day, maybe you can try to feel the school's style.
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-29 18:13

係呀, 今個禮拜日, 大家都抽過時間黎玩下, 食下喇!  分別有小學部同中學部的不同遊戲攤位, 當然仲有好多紀念品買喇!  

免費穿梭巴士分別由Kln Tong KCR station同 太子MTR station前往校園!

我當日都有份幫手, 所以大家記得黎支持, 感受下呢個一年一度盛事!


原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-29 17:04 硐表
The 53rd Annual School Fete is scheduled for Sunday, 4 November 2007 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In view of a lack of parking spaces in DBS and the heavy traffic flow along the School Drive, it is de ...

作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-29 18:18

我用廣東話對話, 不外乎係介紹一下仔仔性格, 同點解咁想仔仔入dbspd讀書!  校方話唔計分, 志在大人陪個小朋友入場, 令佢會安心一d! (我都唔知係咪真係唔計分!)  事關一入房, 大人都有d俾個場面 "嚇"親架! "嘩"係我第一個感覺!


原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-29 12:56 硐表
Thanks OnHo's sharing regarding 2nd in.

I just wonder if parent need to speak in Eng during the 2 - 3min briefing?  Any topic parent have to share w/ the panel??  What kind of questions the panel wou ...

[ 本文章最後由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 18:23 編輯 ]
作者: yy98    時間: 07-10-29 22:05

[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 18:18 硐表
我用廣東話對話, 不外乎係介紹一下仔仔性格, 同點解咁想仔仔入dbspd讀書!  校方話唔計分, 志在大人陪個小朋友入場, 令佢會安心一d! (我都唔知係咪真係唔計分!)  事關一入房, 大人都有d俾個場面 "嚇"親架! "嘩"係我第 ...

我都是. 四年前,我想好的所有禮貌說話, 在走入房後全都不記得, 連"早晨"都冇講. 但仔仔表現得好過我地, 好定.
孩子的潛能是不能低估的, 可能我們都未必看得到, 但應該相信他們, 不要給他們太大壓力, 輕鬆上場才可能發揮得最好.
作者: WD40    時間: 07-10-29 22:14

Hi OnHo & yy98,

如果我都有幸被"嚇"親, 我諗我都會好開心 coz it imples my boy is selected for 2nd in ma~

Hey, 你地點教小朋友架?  我深信佢地入得DBS必有過人之處.  何否分享一下.     唔該晒

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-29 22:05 硐表
[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-29 18:18 硐表
我用廣東話對話, 不外乎係介紹一下仔仔性格, 同點解咁想仔仔入dbspd讀書!  校方話唔計分, 志在大人陪個小朋友 ...

作者: yy98    時間: 07-10-30 12:41

其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能補得到的, 開開心心輕輕鬆鬆是最好的選擇, 這就是我的經驗.

還有個小插曲, 第二次面試前幾天我還猶豫是否請假一起去, 因為覺得仔仔只是個普通的小朋友, 可想當時我們是多輕鬆. 而在收到通知後, 又猶豫了, 一個普通的小朋友是否適合讀這間學校呢? 怕他不適合最終還是轉校, 怕他心靈受到傷害, 多可憐的父母.

現在, 仔仔一天天在進步, 成績也能保持中上, 很開心,還學了幾門樂器, 當然我們也付出了很多去配合學校教育, 放鬆唔到. 有得有失, 每個孩子都有屬於自己的路,不是我們能計劃到的, 只能盡力給他們個愉快的童年.
作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-30 13:01

It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

[ 本文章最後由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:03 編輯 ]
作者: Junko    時間: 07-10-30 14:26

Old boys' sons and those boys who have brother studying in DBSPD or DBS will have 10% bonus marks.

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:01 硐表
It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

[ 本文章最後由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:32 編輯 ]
作者: Junko    時間: 07-10-30 14:30

Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 13:01 硐表
It's really hard to spend the coming few weeks ar....

Does anyone know whether old boys' child/those with elder brother studying in DBSPD or DBS/those have the same religeous has a higher chance?

作者: phchan    時間: 07-10-30 14:56

Hi, yy98


Thanks a lot

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-30 12:41 硐表
其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能 ...

作者: pelie    時間: 07-10-30 15:03

我想問,小朋友要否每月都要補習呢? 同埋除了學費外加埋課外活動,一個月大約要用幾多錢呢?

原文章由 yy98 於 07-10-30 12:41 硐表
其實是否資優, 是天生的, 該培養的在前5年也已做了, 入唔入到則不是家長同孩子能決定的, 所以家長能做的也就是讓孩子開開心心地正常生活. 有第二次機會也只當讓孩子再玩多次, 因為考試的內容冇範圍, 也不是幾十天能 ...

作者: acoggo    時間: 07-10-30 17:40

原文章由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:30 硐表
Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


That's means 'No Hope' for those 'simple applicant' like me..........wo wo wo ........
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-30 20:01

Hi, Junko,

Can you share where you get such information?  


原文章由 Junko 於 07-10-30 14:30 硐表
Last year, all old boys' sons and boys have brother studying in DBSPD/DBS will be arranged to have 2nd interview.

Finally, about 40+ old boys' sons were admitted.


作者: 肥爸    時間: 07-10-30 20:46

Dear all,
From our experience of last year you better prepare for 2nd interview right now. Last year we received the notice
only 10 days before the date of 2 nd in. It was the longest 10 days in our lives, we have prepared formal dressing, further training to my son, the one minute introduction of my son.......

It was a board interview. Parents was given one minute to talk about you son (the teacher will start the timer infront of you). Both parents have chance to get prepare cos the head teacher the one not speaking. Them parents were invited to leave the room.

Next round was about 10 minutes. The child has to interviewed by the board. He was asked to follow some instruction to do something (put certain no. of block to the box), to make up something with the colour blocks (my son has make up a zoo, just by imagination) and tell what you have made. He was also ask to look at a picture and tell
what will be happen in the next minute.

Remind your child DO NOT ROTATE the office chair during
interview. It cound be fatel.

FYI Good Luck
作者: alanchoi    時間: 07-10-30 20:50


the one minute introduction has to be presented in English?

原文章由 肥爸 於 07-10-30 20:46 硐表
Dear all,
From our experience of last year you better prepare for 2nd interview right now. Last year we received the notice
only 10 days before the date of 2 nd in. It was the longest 10 days in our l ...

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-31 08:45

Hey, don't be depressed at that moment.  Among those 150 students, around 40 would be with "old boy" is rather reasonable.  There're still around 100 places for our childern ma.

So wait and see la~

Good luck to all   

原文章由 acoggo 於 07-10-30 17:40 硐表

That's means 'No Hope' for those 'simple applicant' like me..........wo wo wo ........

作者: Junko    時間: 07-10-31 11:34

My boy is in G1 of DBSPD now. The info is from a parent whose husband is an old boy of my son's class.

I remember Phyllis Lo also said that there were about 30+ old boys's sons being admitted in previous year during the briefing session I attended last year.

It's not a significant no. as compared with SPCC that reserves 70% places for relevant groups!

Good Luck!


[quote]原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-30 20:01 硐表
Hi, Junko,

Can you share where you get such information?  

作者: Furbabies    時間: 07-10-31 11:48

Do you know when's the 2nd interview date and when will we be notified historically?

I just called up the school and they said they don't have any idea yet and will revert to us later.
作者: OnHo    時間: 07-10-31 19:48

如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!


原文章由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 11:48 硐表
Do you know when's the 2nd interview date and when will we be notified historically?

I just called up the school and they said they don't have any idea yet and will revert to us later.

作者: Furbabies    時間: 07-10-31 19:56

Thanks for your insider information!

I did look into the school calendar from the web but didn't seem to see any days blocked for 2nd interview.

I hope our kids will be all settled by Xmas and we can all enjoy our holiday.

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-31 19:48 硐表
如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!



[ 本文章最後由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 20:08 編輯 ]
作者: 肥爸    時間: 07-10-31 20:36     標題: More about 2nd In

About the second interview, it lasted from last week of November to first week if December last year. You can choose English or Chinese to introduce your son. Both parents should get prepared because the Headteacher will ask
another parent to continue.

You can submit more certificate directly to head teacher in 2nd interview. If you have achieved good result in open
competition/ exam after the 1st interview. Don't forget to bring these cert. or result slip. I found Certificate of
Speech Festival is quite useful because DBSPD particpate
in this competition every year. The Headteacher would
know your son's ability through its' certification.

The result of 2nd in will be announced before Christmax (a big Christmax gift to many family). If you receive a thick
envolope, congragulation!!!

作者: Furbabies    時間: 07-10-31 20:47

O great!  Then we can plan on our Xmas trip!  It's all in God's amazing hands! ::" />

原文章由 肥爸 於 07-10-31 20:36 硐表
About the second interview, it lasted from last week of November to first week if December last year. You can choose English or Chinese to introduce your son. Both parents should get prepared because  ...

[ 本文章最後由 Furbabies 於 07-10-31 20:49 編輯 ]
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-11-1 08:48

Hi OnHo,

Thanks for your info.  However, I couldn't find the info fr the website of DBS's calendar!!!

Anyway, if the 2nd interview take place from 19 Nov, that means we may receive the letter fr 9 Nov, right?

Wish all of us could have chance to get into 2nd interview la~   

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-10-31 19:48 硐表
如果根據現時校方既校曆表黎睇, 2nd round interview會係11月19日至11月30日期間舉行!  你係隨時可都以上網check 到架!

去年經驗, 大約10天前收到通知信可以有得進入2nd round interview!



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