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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 I feel frustrated....
樓主: msbeauty

I feel frustrated.... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-12-10 09:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 CindyMak 於 09-12-10 01:15 發表
我都無親戚朋友的小朋友在IS讀書,即使parents-in-law 哦左我2年,叫我同佢地轉local school。(大仔今年K2) 其實其他人的說話為自己做成的無聊壓力都幾大架!但我深信自己小朋友在IS至少會有一個快樂童年。講真,佢地之後讀 ...


Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-10 09:11 |只看該作者

When my kids were in a famous local kindy, their tutor lessons per month cost us $ 10 000.

Now, in IS, no more, just Mandarin lessons once to twice a week, MUCH better.

And, found my daughter much more independent in handling and doing her own homework, and studying. School trains her to pace herself, and to be responsible for her own tasks. Very clearly laid out to her, and ensures she understands what her weekly responsibilities are.

Not all IS are expensive, some local kindy are already $ 4000 a month, not far off from primary IS.... many are about $ 6000 a month, considering full day of school right? It's worth it!


原帖由 CindyMak 於 09-12-10 01:15 發表
我都無親戚朋友的小朋友在IS讀書,即使parents-in-law 哦左我2年,叫我同佢地轉local school。(大仔今年K2) 其實其他人的說話為自己做成的無聊壓力都幾大架!但我深信自己小朋友在IS至少會有一個快樂童年。講真,佢地之後讀 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-10 09:17 |只看該作者
That's why they are rich.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-10 11:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 msbeauty 於 09-12-9 15:13 發表
Actually I decide to plan my son to study IS, however after observing some of my friends (which is more richer than me, higher demanding towards their children and higher acedmic qualification), ALL o ...

When choosing a school, do not choose MERELY by your financial situation. See whether you like the type of school/curriculum and decide. I myself would even consider location, campus, religious and national background, etc.

People choose a school for various reasons. And people SAY whatever reasons they prefer to tell you.

I have friends or relatives that say quite mean comments about my kids' school and there are also some that would praise the school out of politeness. I am therefore never particularly upset if someone says things about my kids' school; and at the same time, I do not think I am particularly pleased either even if someone praise the school. Some people are always trying to be polite anyway.

What I believe is that, a parent should already have considered all the pros and cons of a school BEFORE making a deposit of school fees. You do not exactly need people to tell you whether a school is suitable.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-12-10 11:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 18:37 |只看該作者
why do we ask others for school enrollment of children? do we ask others if we choose the right career?the right wife? the right husband? the right house? the right investment and then get frustrated?

it is our own decision, ask ourselves and don't bother what others say.自己的事自己知。

原帖由 almom 於 09-12-10 11:31 發表

When choosing a school, do not choose MERELY by your financial situation. See whether you like the type of school/curriculum and decide. I myself would even consider location, campus, religious and  ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-10 22:26 |只看該作者

回覆 1# msbeauty 的文章

Understand your frustration msbeauty.

I used to face a lot of objections from my family and friends when i wanted to put my son in IS, including my husband. He  said it's too expensive. And, he (many other people as well) also said "I was educated in the local schools la, I was happy wor, I am very okay now wor, ".
My counteract was throwing back the question to him "ok! you will be in charge of his (our son) homework and tests and exams etc." Then he shut up.
I was very clear on my IS decision as both me and my husband were very busy at work, 9am till 8or 9pm and sometimes OT overnight and during weekends. I did not think we would have the time to follow his homework and exams. Also, I don't want to 'waste' all the weekends staying home doing homework or revising for tests/exams with my kid.
Now my son is already in Year 5 in IS. My husband is very happy and praises me for making this choice. My son's school fee is nearly 10k per month but my husband now says it very value for money! He would rather cut back other expenses to let him stay in IS. Even if we can get a place in a free famous band 1 local school, we won't consider.

Other mommies are all RIGHT. You should be clear and firm on YOUR own point of view and decision. Don't be affected by the others! Becos those are YOUR kids!

Good luck.


發表於 09-12-10 22:48 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-12-10 22:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 thankful 於 09-12-10 22:48 發表

Like you, I have 2 kids.  But unlike you, I will end up with 2 richer friends.   Guess who they are?  Yes, they are my kids.  It's because my wife has decided to give all my money to them.  ( ...

Your wife is more effective than MOPIKO in relieving itchy-body. all BK mummies should follow...

發表於 09-12-10 23:05 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-10 23:37 |只看該作者
我小朋友都讀緊3歲班, 我反而係擔心我自己d英文太屎, 而家佢d功課之類我都應付到, 但佢一去到小學, 我怕我頂唔住.

發表於 09-12-11 01:17 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-11 08:13 |只看該作者

回覆 2# 哈爾濱 的文章

Kids in IS are supposed to study and work independently. As parents, we should give financial, spiritual and emotional support. Even I can help my son with his homework, I would remind myself not to. Their teachers can tell if the kids are doing the homework by themselves or by their parents. And the teachers definitely don't appreciate the latter.
Teachers do not suppose us parents to teach the kids. My son has to study German, no way I can help him. This is also one of the good things of IS that I like.


Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-11 12:48 |只看該作者
It's actually a very personal decision.  It's not all about money, but I think it has to do with valuation more than money.  My personal experience was that I planned to send my kids to local DSS schools that has strong emphasis on English, however, after considering many factors, and a long time of thinking, I realize that IS suits my vision most, as most of the parents have said before, it's a big commitment, and you've to convince yourself a 100% what you are doing is right and is the best for your kid after you have done all you could to understand all the possible options.

I have gone through the same path, I dreamed about sending my kids to IS, but there is a fear inside me that if I could sustain their school fees throughout all the years, also, same to many parents, I also struggle whether I should use so much money for their education, if not, I could have lived a much better life, buying a better apartment, going on trips twice a year.... i even think, if i use the school fees to pay for a mortgage, by the time they grow up, they each could have an apartment paid off....but after all, I ask myself: "how much are you willing give to your kids? And if you could leave them an apartment, is it better having an apartment or is it better to help them find their dreams and earn the abilities to make money and to lead their desired life.  So, ended up, I realize it's a battle in your mind to find out the valuation of yours, and how determined you are to give what you think is "the best" to your kids.  You could ask opinion of others how they choose education for their kids, and so you could understand their rationale, but not to ask them what you ought to choose, this way, you would be able to make a more sensible choice and you will find that each of them choose a school base on very different reasons, including location, curriculum, religion......

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-11 19:59 |只看該作者
Below is an excerpt from a finance blog writer, 陸羽仁. I find it is worth to take a reference and may be relevant to those parents sending their kinds to IS.

  三地之中,以英國倫敦讀書最貴,一年要用40至50萬元,價升一成都加唔少錢,我有不少朋友有仔女在英國讀書,我同佢地講,一年用50萬,若由中三起就去倫敦讀書,讀到大學畢業要400萬,你諗佢畢業後做幾多年先至可以儲到400萬? 以大學畢業頭10年平均月薪2萬元計,佢交埋稅除埋使用,一個月儲到1萬元經已好叻,10年先至儲120萬,加埋人工,打工20年都未必儲到400萬,仲未計佢讀書唔成變成一條廢柴,所以花400萬供小朋友去英國讀書,可能唔夠用400萬買舊資產送俾佢咁實際。我講完呢番話,老友們通常面都黑埋,話我太市儈,話細路仔讀書係一世咁話。唉,我心諗,父母的苦心,個小朋友知唔知? 佢地可能求求其其讀完七八年,都唔知父母用盡自己錢供佢出國。我又聽到一個c個案,個仔讀完中七考到香港科大,本來唔錯,但因為佢friends全部在英國,所以唔肯返來,搞到阿爸爸阿媽要賣埋間屋至夠錢供佢在英國讀埋3年大學,只係因為「佢friends」,唉! 做父母就係咁,非理性,誰憐天下父母心! 到自己面對咁樣的問題時,都可能係咁非理性地唔計成本效益供細路仔出國讀書

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-11 23:12 |只看該作者
i heard a different story, first one went to england after finished hk elite primary school, second one went to GSIS after finished p5 hk elite primary schooland his mum said thank god, going to GSIS saves so much.

[ 本帖最後由 mattsmum 於 09-12-11 23:14 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-11 23:50 |只看該作者
I feel for the story above.  Here's mine to share:

My parents sent me to UK for beginning Yr 8 because I could not keep up with the chinese in the "famous" all girls convent local school which was already not great with chinese.  They had decided that there was no hope for me in the local system.  Let's just say, I wasn't exactly happy in the elite UK school and I eventually had to transfer back to the ESF system.  Then I decided that I hates the UK school system and went to uni in US, which was a lot of fun.

Did I appreciate what my parents did for me?  Honestly, no... until I have to make the decision for my little one now.  Can I repay my parents? Er.... not really, not at this moment.  The money is now being "invested" into their grandchild.  

BUT.... They probably saved me in may ways.  They allowed me to make choices and not become the typical "Kong lui".  AND... I had a lot of fun through learning in a creative, freer environment.  I would tell you... if you think IS is not competitive, you think wrong.  If you think IS would make your child a more sucessive person.. let's just say, it really depends on the child.. but IS system provides more channels to explore the child's potentials.  They would always "feel good" about their achievement.

With all that said... there's this comparison in the family. I went overseas/IS; my brother --- local school then overseas uni.  He is a very technical person and now an accountant in big 4.  Me? well... a healthcare professional.  Do any of us know how much our parents gave us for our education?  Not when we were young (I mean when we were at school)... my parents were middle class, both had steady jobs.  We drove nicer cars than my father when we were in the US.  Along the years after our graduation, we kind of noticed changes in their life... then we knew they gave up a lot.  My mother... quit her job as soon as I got my doctorate.  She said she can finally do things she likes and not having to worry about money.  My father retired from his original job and found another job to become a CEO somewhere and now tells us that he continues to work so the 2 of them have a comfortable retirement!

So here you go... we naughty kids would ONE DAY realize how much you are doing for us, no matter rich or poor.  We would be glad that you made a decision for us.  Would we be successful?  Probably not in the way that you imagine.  Can we repay you?  Maybe not.  But afterall, we ensure you whether local or IS, we know how much you love us!

發表於 09-12-12 01:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-12 05:50 |只看該作者
oooray, 多謝你的support。唉!佢地覺得我用佢個仔d錢。下年大同細都要轉學校(P1 & K1),唔知又會哦幾耐。

正如我parents-in-law的 concept。"唔洗去禁遠讀書,讀屋企樓下的學校(or within walkable distance),學費又平,放學返屋企又多d時間讀書/休息/玩。。。個細路咪又係 o禁 大!"

我唔敢話讀local school定係IS的小朋友,讀書能力,行為問題甚至係語文能力邊個好d。因為真係好視乎個小朋友自己+家長放幾多resources (心機&時間&錢)。

原帖由 oooray 於 09-12-10 09:11 發表


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 09:42 |只看該作者
thank you for your sharing. especially as a child went through all systems, as a mum and as a daughter.

原帖由 lottieclee 於 09-12-11 23:50 發表
I feel for the story above.  Here's mine to share:

My parents sent me to UK for beginning Yr 8 because I could not keep up with the chinese in the "famous" all girls convent local school which was al ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-12 11:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 CindyMak 於 09-12-12 05:50 發表
oooray, 多謝你的support。唉!佢地覺得我用佢個仔d錢。下年大同細都要轉學校(P1 & K1),唔知又會哦幾耐。

正如我parent ...

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